957 research outputs found

    Towards offering more useful data reliably to mobile cloudfrom wireless sensor network

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    The integration of ubiquitous wireless sensor network (WSN) and powerful mobile cloud computing (MCC) is a research topic that is attracting growing interest in both academia and industry. In this new paradigm, WSN provides data to the cloud, and mobile users request data from the cloud. To support applications involving WSN-MCC integration, which need to reliably offer data that are more useful to the mobile users from WSN to cloud, this paper first identifies the critical issues that affect the usefulness of sensory data and the reliability of WSN, then proposes a novel WSN-MCC integration scheme named TPSS, which consists of two main parts: 1) TPSDT (Time and Priority based Selective Data Transmission) for WSN gateway to selectively transmit sensory data that are more useful to the cloud, considering the time and priority features of the data requested by the mobile user; 2) PSS (Priority-based Sleep Scheduling) algorithm for WSN to save energy consumption so that it can gather and transmit data in a more reliable way. Analytical and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of TPSS in improving usefulness of sensory data and reliability of WSN for WSN-MCC integration

    DropIn: Making Reservoir Computing Neural Networks Robust to Missing Inputs by Dropout

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    The paper presents a novel, principled approach to train recurrent neural networks from the Reservoir Computing family that are robust to missing part of the input features at prediction time. By building on the ensembling properties of Dropout regularization, we propose a methodology, named DropIn, which efficiently trains a neural model as a committee machine of subnetworks, each capable of predicting with a subset of the original input features. We discuss the application of the DropIn methodology in the context of Reservoir Computing models and targeting applications characterized by input sources that are unreliable or prone to be disconnected, such as in pervasive wireless sensor networks and ambient intelligence. We provide an experimental assessment using real-world data from such application domains, showing how the Dropin methodology allows to maintain predictive performances comparable to those of a model without missing features, even when 20\%-50\% of the inputs are not available

    Energy efficient secured cluster based distributed fault diagnosis protocol for IoT

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    The rapid growth of internet and internet services provision offers wide scope to the industries to couple the various network models to design a flexible and simplified communication infrastructure. A significant attention paid towards Internet of things (IoT), from both academics and industries. Connecting and organizing of communication over wireless IoT network models are vulnerable to various security threats, due to the lack of inappropriate security deployment models. In addition to this, these models have not only security issues; they also have many performance issues. This research work deals with an IoT security over WSN model to overcome the security and performance issues by designing a Energy efficient secured cluster based distributed fault diagnosis protocol (EESCFD) Model which combines the self-fault diagnosis routing model using cluster based approach and block cipher to organize a secured data communication and to identify security fault and communication faults to improve communication efficiency. In addition we achieve an energy efficiency by employing concise block cipher which identifies the ideal size of block, size of key, number of rounds to perform the key operations in the cipher

    Distributed Fault-Tolerant Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a set of tiny autonomous and interconnected devices. These nodes are scattered in a region of interest to collect information about the surrounding environment depending on the intended application. In many applications, the network is deployed in harsh environments such as battlefield where the nodes are susceptible to damage. In addition, nodes may fail due to energy depletion and breakdown in the onboard electronics. The failure of nodes may leave some areas uncovered and degrade the fidelity of the collected data. Therefore, establish a fault-tolerant mechanism is very crucial. Given the resource-constrained setup, this mechanism should impose the least overhead and performance impact. This paper focuses on recovery process after a fault detection phase in WSNs. We present an algorithm to recover faulty node called Distributed Fault-Tolerant Algorithm (DFTA).The performance evaluation is tested through simulation to evaluate some factors such as: Packet delivery ratio, control overhead, memory overhead and fault recovery delay. We compared our results with referenced algorithm: Fault Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks (FDWSN), and found that our DFTA performance outperforms that of FDWSN

    SurvSec: A New Security Architecture for Reliable Network Recovery from Base Station Failure of Surveillance WSN

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    AbstractSecuring surveillance wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in hostile environments such as borders, perimeters and battlefields during Base Station (BS) failure is challenging. Surveillance WSNs are highly vulnerable to BS failure. The attackers can render the network useless by only destroying the BS as the needed efforts to destroy the BS is much less than that is needed to destroy the network. This attack scenario will give the attackers the best chance to compromise many legitimate nodes. Previous works have tackled BS failure by deploying a mobile BS or by using multiple BSs. Despite the best electronic countermeasures, intrusion tolerance and anti-traffic analysis strategies to protect the BSs, an adversary still can destroy them. This paper proposes a novel security architecture called Surveillance Security (SurvSec) for reliable network recovery from single BS failure of surveillance WSN with single BS. SurvSec relies on a set of sensor nodes serve as Security Managers for management and storage of the security related data of all sensor nodes. SurvSec security architecture provides methodologies for choosing and changing the security managers of the surveillance WSN. SurvSec has three components: (1) Sensor nodes serve as Security Managers, (2) Data Storage System, (3) Data Recovery System. Furthermore, both the frame format of the stored data is carefully built and the security threats are encoded to allow minimum overheads for SurvSec security architecture. In this paper, we provide detailed specifications of SurvSec security architecture. We evaluate our designed security architecture for reliable network recovery from BS failure. Our evaluation shows that the proposed new security architecture can meet all the desired specifications and our analysis shows that the provided Security Managers are capable of network recovery from BS failure

    Opportunities of IoT in Fog Computing for High Fault Tolerance and Sustainable Energy Optimization

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    Today, the importance of enhanced quality of service and energy optimization has promoted research into sensor applications such as pervasive health monitoring, distributed computing, etc. In general, the resulting sensor data are stored on the cloud server for future processing. For this purpose, recently, the use of fog computing from a real-world perspective has emerged, utilizing end-user nodes and neighboring edge devices to perform computation and communication. This paper aims to develop a quality-of-service-based energy optimization (QoS-EO) scheme for the wireless sensor environments deployed in fog computing. The fog nodes deployed in specific geographical areas cover the sensor activity performed in those areas. The logical situation of the entire system is informed by the fog nodes, as portrayed. The implemented techniques enable services in a fog-collaborated WSN environment. Thus, the proposed scheme performs quality-of-service placement and optimizes the network energy. The results show a maximum turnaround time of 8 ms, a minimum turnaround time of 1 ms, and an average turnaround time of 3 ms. The costs that were calculated indicate that as the number of iterations increases, the path cost value decreases, demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed technique. The CPU execution delay was reduced to a minimum of 0.06 s. In comparison, the proposed QoS-EO scheme has a lower network usage of 611,643.3 and a lower execution cost of 83,142.2. Thus, the results show the best cost estimation, reliability, and performance of data transfer in a short time, showing a high level of network availability, throughput, and performance guarantee

    A framework for energy based performability models for wireless sensor networks

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    A novel idea of alternating node operations between Active and Sleep modes in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has successfully been used to save node power consumption. The idea which started off as a simple implementation of a timer in most protocols has been improved over the years to dynamically change with traffic conditions and the nature of application area. Recently, use of a second low power radio transceiver to triggered Active/Sleep modes has also been made. Active/Sleep operation modes have also been used to separately model and evaluate performance and availability of WSNs. The advancement in technology and continuous improvements of the existing protocols and application implementation demands continue to pose great challenges to the existing performance and availability models. In this study the need for integrating performance and availability studies of WSNs in the presence of both channel and node failures and repairs is investigated. A framework that outlines and characterizes key models required for integration of performance and availability of WSN is in turn outlined. Possible solution techniques for such models are also highlighted. Finally it is shown that the resulting models may be used to comparatively evaluate energy consumption of the existing motes and WSNs as well as deriving required performance measures
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