212 research outputs found

    The walking robot project

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    A walking robot was designed, analyzed, and tested as an intelligent, mobile, and a terrain adaptive system. The robot's design was an application of existing technologies. The design of the six legs modified and combines well understood mechanisms and was optimized for performance, flexibility, and simplicity. The body design incorporated two tripods for walking stability and ease of turning. The electrical hardware design used modularity and distributed processing to drive the motors. The software design used feedback to coordinate the system and simple keystrokes to give commands. The walking machine can be easily adapted to hostile environments such as high radiation zones and alien terrain. The primary goal of the leg design was to create a leg capable of supporting a robot's body and electrical hardware while walking or performing desired tasks, namely those required for planetary exploration. The leg designers intent was to study the maximum amount of flexibility and maneuverability achievable by the simplest and lightest leg design. The main constraints for the leg design were leg kinematics, ease of assembly, degrees of freedom, number of motors, overall size, and weight

    Adaptive high-performance velocity evaluation based on a high resolution time-to-digital converter

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    In this paper, an improved method is presented to derive the velocity information in a pulse-number measurement/time-duration-type digital tachometer by processing its pulse train. The method incorporates encoder pulse counting and very accurate time measurement. The velocity sampling interval is not constant but is continuously modified. An adaptive algorithm provides a wide-range velocity evaluation with very good accuracy. The adaptation of the next sampling period, according to the instant velocity, results in better response times at low speeds and a very high accuracy at medium and high speeds. Compared to currently known methods, the time measurement resolution and, consequently, the velocity accuracy is improved by using the proposed method due to the inclusion of high-resolution time-to-digital converters in the design. The proposed configuration can be implemented in specific hardware by using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), thus saving the computational power of the digital signal processor that supervises the system for higher level control tasks

    FPGA based time-to-digital converters

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    Time-to-digital converters are a key component in many photonics systems, ranging from LiDAR, quantum key distribution, quantum optics experiments and time correlated single photon counting applications. A novel efficient timeto- digital converter non-linearity calibration technique has been developed and demonstrated on a Spartan 6 LX150 field programmable gate array (FPGA). Most FPGA based time-to-digital converters either use post processing or have calibration techniques which do not focus on minimizing resource utilization. With the move towards imaging with arrays of single photon detectors, scalable timing instrumentation is required. The calibration system demonstrated minimizes block memory utilization, using the same memory for probability density function measurement and cumulative distribution function generation, creating a look up table which can be used to calibrate the sub-clock timing module of the time-to-digital converter. The system developed contains 16 time-to-digital converters and demonstrates an average accuracy of 21ps RMS (14.85ps single channel) with a resolution of 1.86ps

    A CMOS Imager for Time-of-Flight and Photon Counting Based on Single Photon Avalanche Diodes and In-Pixel Time-to-Digital Converters

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    The design of a CMOS image sensor based on single-photon avalanche-diode (SPAD) array with in-pixel time-to-digital converter (TDC) is presented. The architecture of the imager is thoroughly described with emphasis on the characterization of the TDCs array. It is targeted for 3D image reconstruction. Several techniques as fast quenching/recharge circuit with tunable dead-time and time gated-operation are applied to reduce the noise and the power consumption. The chip was fabricated in a 0.18 m standard CMOS process and implements a double functionality: time-of-flight (ToF) estimation and photon counting. The imager features a programmable time resolution of the array of TDCs down to 145 ps. The measured accuracy of the minimum time bin is lower than 1LSB DNL and 1.7 LSB INL. The TDC jitter over the full dynamic range is less than 1 LSB.Peer reviewe

    A CMOS Imager for Time-of-Flight and Photon Counting Based on Single Photon Avalanche Diodes and In-Pixel Time-to-Digital Converters

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    The design of a CMOS image sensor based on single-photon avalanche-diode (SPAD) array with in-pixel time-to-digital converter (TDC) is presented. The architecture of the imager is thoroughly described with emphasis on the characterization of the TDCs array. It is targeted for 3D image reconstruction. Several techniques as fast quenching/recharge circuit with tunable dead-time and time gated-operation are applied to reduce the noise and the power consumption. The chip was fabricated in a 0.18 m standard CMOS process and implements a double functionality: time-of-flight (ToF) estimation and photon counting. The imager features a programmable time resolution of the array of TDCs down to 145 ps. The measured accuracy of the minimum time bin is lower than 1LSB DNL and 1.7 LSB INL. The TDC jitter over the full dynamic range is less than 1 LSB.Office of Naval Research (USA) N000141410355Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-38921- C02, IPT-2011-1625-430000, IPC- 20111009 CDTIJunta de Andalucía TIC 2012-233

    Strategies towards high performance (high-resolution/linearity) time-to-digital converters on field-programmable gate arrays

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    Time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) technology has become popular in scientific research and industrial applications, such as high-energy physics, bio-sensing, non-invasion health monitoring, and 3D imaging. Because of the increasing demand for high-precision time measurements, time-to-digital converters (TDCs) have attracted attention since the 1970s. As a fully digital solution, TDCs are portable and have great potential for multichannel applications compared to bulky and expensive time-to-amplitude converters (TACs). A TDC can be implemented in ASIC and FPGA devices. Due to the low cost, flexibility, and short development cycle, FPGA-TDCs have become promising. Starting with a literature review, three original FPGA-TDCs with outstanding performance are introduced. The first design is the first efficient wave union (WU) based TDC implemented in Xilinx UltraScale (20 nm) FPGAs with a bubble-free sub-TDL structure. Combining with other existing methods, the resolution is further enhanced to 1.23 ps. The second TDC has been designed for LiDAR applications, especially in driver-less vehicles. Using the proposed new calibration method, the resolution is adjustable (50, 80, and 100 ps), and the linearity is exceptionally high (INL pk-pk and INL pk-pk are lower than 0.05 LSB). Meanwhile, a software tool has been open-sourced with a graphic user interface (GUI) to predict TDCs’ performance. In the third TDC, an onboard automatic calibration (AC) function has been realized by exploiting Xilinx ZYNQ SoC architectures. The test results show the robustness of the proposed method. Without the manual calibration, the AC function enables FPGA-TDCs to be applied in commercial products where mass production is required.Time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) technology has become popular in scientific research and industrial applications, such as high-energy physics, bio-sensing, non-invasion health monitoring, and 3D imaging. Because of the increasing demand for high-precision time measurements, time-to-digital converters (TDCs) have attracted attention since the 1970s. As a fully digital solution, TDCs are portable and have great potential for multichannel applications compared to bulky and expensive time-to-amplitude converters (TACs). A TDC can be implemented in ASIC and FPGA devices. Due to the low cost, flexibility, and short development cycle, FPGA-TDCs have become promising. Starting with a literature review, three original FPGA-TDCs with outstanding performance are introduced. The first design is the first efficient wave union (WU) based TDC implemented in Xilinx UltraScale (20 nm) FPGAs with a bubble-free sub-TDL structure. Combining with other existing methods, the resolution is further enhanced to 1.23 ps. The second TDC has been designed for LiDAR applications, especially in driver-less vehicles. Using the proposed new calibration method, the resolution is adjustable (50, 80, and 100 ps), and the linearity is exceptionally high (INL pk-pk and INL pk-pk are lower than 0.05 LSB). Meanwhile, a software tool has been open-sourced with a graphic user interface (GUI) to predict TDCs’ performance. In the third TDC, an onboard automatic calibration (AC) function has been realized by exploiting Xilinx ZYNQ SoC architectures. The test results show the robustness of the proposed method. Without the manual calibration, the AC function enables FPGA-TDCs to be applied in commercial products where mass production is required

    The Efficient Design of Time-to-Digital Converters

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    Front-ends para LiDAR baseados em ADC e TDC

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    Autonomous vehicles are a promising technology to save over a million lives each year that are lost in road accidents. However, bringing safe autonomous vehicles to market requires massive development, starting with vision sensors. LiDAR is a fundamental vision sensor for autonomous vehicles, as it enables high resolution 3D vision. However, automotive LiDAR is not yet a mature technology, and, also requires massive development in many aspects. This thesis aims to contribute to the maturity of LiDAR, focusing on sampling architectures for LiDAR front-ends. Two architectures were developed. The first is based on a pipelined ADC, available from an AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ board. The ADC is synchronized with the emitted pulse and able to sample at 1 Gsample/s. The second architecture is based on a TDC that is directly implemented in an FPGA. It relies on a tapped delay line topology comprising 45 delay elements and on a mux-based decoder, resulting in a resolution of 50 ps. Preliminary test results show that both implementations operate correctly, and are both suitable for sampling short pulses typically used by LiDARs. When comparing both architectures, we conclude that an ADC consumes a significant amount of power, and uses many FPGA resources. However, it samples the LiDAR waveform without any loss of information, therefore enabling maximum range and precision. The TDC is just the opposite: it consumes little power, and uses less FPGA resources. However, it only captures one sample per pulse.Os veículos autónomos são uma tecnologia promissora para salvar mais de um milhão de vidas por ano, colhidas por acidentes rodoviários. Contudo, colocar veículos autónomos seguros no mercado requer inúmeros desenvolvimentos, a começar por sensores de visão. O LiDAR é um sensor de visão fundamental para veículos autónomos, pois permite uma visão 3D de alta resolução. Contudo, o LiDAR automotivo não é uma tecnologia madura, e portanto requer também desenvolvimento em vários aspectos. Esta dissertação visa contribuir para a maturidade do LiDAR, com foco em arquiteturas de amostragem para front-ends de LiDAR. Foram desenvolvidas duas arquiteturas. A primeira assenta numa ADC pipelined, por sua vez implementada numa placa de teste AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ. A ADC opera em sincronismo com o pulso emitido, e permite capturar amostras a 1 Gsample/s. A segunda arquitetura assenta num TDC implementado diretamente numa FPGA. O TDC baseia-se numa topologia tapped delay line com 45 linhas de atraso, e num descodificador à base de multiplexers, permitindo uma resolução temporal de 50 ps. Resultados preliminares mostram que ambas as implementações operam corretamente, e são adequadas para amostrar pulsos curtos tipicamente associados a LiDAR. Em termos comparativos, a arquitectura com base numa ADC tem um consumo de potência considerável e requer uma quantidade significativa de recursos da FPGA. Contudo, esta permite amostrar a forma de onda de LiDAR sem nenhuma perda de informação, permitindo assim alcance e precisão máximos. A arquitectura com base num TDC é exatamente o oposto: tem um baixo consumo de potência e requer poucos recursos da FPGA. Contudo, permite capturar apenas uma amostra por pulso.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    The BrightEyes-TTM: an open-source time-tagging module for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy applications

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    The aim of this Ph.D. work is to reason and show how an open-source multi-channel and standalone time-tagging device was developed, validated and used in combination with a new generation of single-photon array detectors to pursue super-resolved time-resolved fluorescence lifetime imaging measurements. Within the compound of time-resolved fluorescence laser scanning microscopy (LSM) techniques, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) plays a relevant role in the life-sciences field, thanks to its ability of detecting functional changes within the cellular micro-environment. The recent advancements in photon detection technologies, such as the introduction of asynchronous read-out single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array detectors, allow to image a fluorescent sample with spatial resolution below the diffraction limit, at the same time, yield the possibility of accessing the single-photon information content allowing for time-resolved FLIM measurements. Thus, super-resolved FLIM experiments can be accomplished using SPAD array detectors in combination with pulsed laser sources and special data acquisition systems (DAQs), capable of handling a multiplicity of inputs and dealing with the single-photons readouts generated by SPAD array detectors. Nowadays, the commercial market lacks a true standalone, multi-channel, single-board, time-tagging and affordable DAQ device specifically designed for super-resolved FLIM experiments. Moreover, in the scientific community, no-efforts have been placed yet in building a device that can compensate such absence. That is why, within this Ph.D. project, an open-source and low-cost device, the so-called BrightEyes-TTM (time tagging module), was developed and validated both for fluorescence lifetime and time-resolved measurements in general. The BrightEyes-TTM belongs to a niche of DAQ devices called time-to-digital converters (TDCs). The field-gate programmable array (FPGA) technology was chosen for implementing the BrightEyes-TTM thanks to its reprogrammability and low cost features. The literature reports several different FPGA-based TDC architectures. Particularly, the differential delay-line TDC architecture turned out to be the most suitable for this Ph.D. project as it offers an optimal trade-off between temporal precision, temporal range, temporal resolution, dead-time, linearity, and FPGA resources, which are all crucial characteristics for a TDC device. The goal of the project of pursuing a cost-effective and further-upgradable open-source time-tagging device was achieved as the BrigthEyes-TTM was developed and assembled using low-cost commercially available electronic development kits, thus allowing for the architecture to be easily reproduced. BrightEyes-TTM was deployed on a FPGA development board which was equipped with a USB 3.0 chip for communicating with a host-processing unit and a multi-input/output custom-built interface card for interconnecting the TTM with the outside world. Licence-free softwares were used for acquiring, reconstructing and analyzing the BrightEyes-TTM time-resolved data. In order to characterize the BrightEyes-TTM performances and, at the same time, validate the developed multi-channel TDC architecture, the TTM was firstly tested on a bench and then integrated into a fluorescent LSM system. Yielding a 30 ps single-shot precision and linearity performances that allows to be employed for actual FLIM measurements, the BrightEyes-TTM, which also proved to acquire data from many channels in parallel, was ultimately used with a SPAD array detector to perform fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy on biological systems. As output of the Ph.D. work, the BrightEyes-TTM was released on GitHub as a fully open-source project with two aims. The principal aim is to give to any microscopy and life science laboratory the possibility to implement and further develop single-photon-based time-resolved microscopy techniques. The second aim is to trigger the interest of the microscopy community, and establish the BrigthEyes-TTM as a new standard for single-photon FLSM and FLIM experiments

    Multi-COBS: A Novel Algorithm for Byte Stuffing at High Throughput

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    Framing methods are used to break a data stream into packets in most digital communications. The use of a reserved symbol to denote the frame boundaries is a popular practice. This end-of-frame (EOF) marker should be removed from the packet content in a reversible manner. Many strategies, such as the bit and byte stuffing processes employed by high-level data link control (HDLC) and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), or the Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS), have been devised to perform this goal. These bit and byte stuffing algorithms remove the reserved EOF marker from the packet payload and replace it with some extra information that can be used to undo the action later. The amount of data added is called overhead and is a figure-of-merit of such algorithms, together with the encoding and decoding speed. Multi-COBS, a new byte stuffing algorithm, is presented in this paper. Multi-COBS provides concurrent encoding and decoding, resulting in a performance improvement of factor four or eight in common word-based digital architectures while delivering an average and worst-case overhead equivalent to the state-of-the-art. On the reference 28-nanometer field programmable gate array (FPGA) (Artix-7), Multi-COBS achieves a throughput of 6.6 Gbps, instead of 1.7 Gbps of COBS. Thanks to its parallel elaboration capability, Multi-COBS is ideal for digital systems built in programmable logic as well as modern computers