146,805 research outputs found

    Detecting Activations over Graphs using Spanning Tree Wavelet Bases

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    We consider the detection of activations over graphs under Gaussian noise, where signals are piece-wise constant over the graph. Despite the wide applicability of such a detection algorithm, there has been little success in the development of computationally feasible methods with proveable theoretical guarantees for general graph topologies. We cast this as a hypothesis testing problem, and first provide a universal necessary condition for asymptotic distinguishability of the null and alternative hypotheses. We then introduce the spanning tree wavelet basis over graphs, a localized basis that reflects the topology of the graph, and prove that for any spanning tree, this approach can distinguish null from alternative in a low signal-to-noise regime. Lastly, we improve on this result and show that using the uniform spanning tree in the basis construction yields a randomized test with stronger theoretical guarantees that in many cases matches our necessary conditions. Specifically, we obtain near-optimal performance in edge transitive graphs, kk-nearest neighbor graphs, and ϵ\epsilon-graphs

    FLORA: a novel method to predict protein function from structure in diverse superfamilies

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    Predicting protein function from structure remains an active area of interest, particularly for the structural genomics initiatives where a substantial number of structures are initially solved with little or no functional characterisation. Although global structure comparison methods can be used to transfer functional annotations, the relationship between fold and function is complex, particularly in functionally diverse superfamilies that have evolved through different secondary structure embellishments to a common structural core. The majority of prediction algorithms employ local templates built on known or predicted functional residues. Here, we present a novel method (FLORA) that automatically generates structural motifs associated with different functional sub-families (FSGs) within functionally diverse domain superfamilies. Templates are created purely on the basis of their specificity for a given FSG, and the method makes no prior prediction of functional sites, nor assumes specific physico-chemical properties of residues. FLORA is able to accurately discriminate between homologous domains with different functions and substantially outperforms (a 2–3 fold increase in coverage at low error rates) popular structure comparison methods and a leading function prediction method. We benchmark FLORA on a large data set of enzyme superfamilies from all three major protein classes (α, β, αβ) and demonstrate the functional relevance of the motifs it identifies. We also provide novel predictions of enzymatic activity for a large number of structures solved by the Protein Structure Initiative. Overall, we show that FLORA is able to effectively detect functionally similar protein domain structures by purely using patterns of structural conservation of all residues

    HMMER cut-off threshold tool (HMMERCTTER): Supervised classification of superfamily protein sequences with a reliable cut-off threshold

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    Background: Protein superfamilies can be divided into subfamilies of proteins with different functional characteristics. Their sequences can be classified hierarchically, which is part of sequence function assignation. Typically, there are no clear subfamily hallmarks that would allow pattern-based function assignation by which this task is mostly achieved based on the similarity principle. This is hampered by the lack of a score cut-off that is both sensitive and specific. Results: HMMER Cut-off Threshold Tool (HMMERCTTER) adds a reliable cut-off threshold to the popular HMMER. Using a high quality superfamily phylogeny, it clusters a set of training sequences such that the cluster-specific HMMER profiles show cluster or subfamily member detection with 100% precision and recall (P&R), thereby generating a specific threshold as inclusion cut-off. Profiles and thresholds are then used as classifiers to screen a target dataset. Iterative inclusion of novel sequences to groups and the corresponding HMMER profiles results in high sensitivity while specificity is maintained by imposing 100% P&R self detection. In three presented case studies of protein superfamilies, classification of large datasets with 100% precision was achieved with over 95% recall. Limits and caveats are presented and explained. Conclusions: HMMERCTTER is a promising protein superfamily sequence classifier provided high quality training datasets are used. It provides a decision support system that aids in the difficult task of sequence function assignation in the twilight zone of sequence similarity. All relevant data and source codes are available from the Github repository at the following.Fil: Pagnuco, Inti Anabela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas en Electrónica. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas en Electrónica; ArgentinaFil: Revuelta, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Bondino, Hernán Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Brun, Marcel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas en Electrónica. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas en Electrónica; ArgentinaFil: Ten Have, Arjen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; Argentin

    Size distributions of shocks and static avalanches from the Functional Renormalization Group

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    Interfaces pinned by quenched disorder are often used to model jerky self-organized critical motion. We study static avalanches, or shocks, defined here as jumps between distinct global minima upon changing an external field. We show how the full statistics of these jumps is encoded in the functional-renormalization-group fixed-point functions. This allows us to obtain the size distribution P(S) of static avalanches in an expansion in the internal dimension d of the interface. Near and above d=4 this yields the mean-field distribution P(S) ~ S^(-3/2) exp(-S/[4 S_m]) where S_m is a large-scale cutoff, in some cases calculable. Resumming all 1-loop contributions, we find P(S) ~ S^(-tau) exp(C (S/S_m)^(1/2) -B/4 (S/S_m)^delta) where B, C, delta, tau are obtained to first order in epsilon=4-d. Our result is consistent to O(epsilon) with the relation tau = 2-2/(d+zeta), where zeta is the static roughness exponent, often conjectured to hold at depinning. Our calculation applies to all static universality classes, including random-bond, random-field and random-periodic disorder. Extended to long-range elastic systems, it yields a different size distribution for the case of contact-line elasticity, with an exponent compatible with tau=2-1/(d+zeta) to O(epsilon=2-d). We discuss consequences for avalanches at depinning and for sandpile models, relations to Burgers turbulence and the possibility that the above relations for tau be violated to higher loop order. Finally, we show that the avalanche-size distribution on a hyper-plane of co-dimension one is in mean-field (valid close to and above d=4) given by P(S) ~ K_{1/3}(S)/S, where K is the Bessel-K function, thus tau=4/3 for the hyper plane.Comment: 34 pages, 30 figure

    Topological transitions and freezing in XY models and Coulomb gases with quenched disorder: renormalization via traveling waves

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    We study the two dimensional XY model with quenched random phases and its Coulomb gas formulation. A novel renormalization group (RG) method is developed which allows to study perturbatively the glassy low temperature XY phase and the transition at which frozen topological defects (vortices) proliferate. This RG approach is constructed both from the replicated Coulomb gas and, equivalently without the use of replicas, using the probability distribution of the local disorder (random defect core energy). By taking into account the fusion of environments (i.e charge fusion in the replicated Coulomb gas) this distribution is shown to obey a Kolmogorov's type (KPP) non linear RG equation which admits travelling wave solutions and exhibits a freezing phenomenon analogous to glassy freezing in Derrida's random energy models. The resulting physical picture is that the distribution of local disorder becomes broad below a freezing temperature and that the transition is controlled by rare favorable regions for the defects, the density of which can be used as the new perturbative parameter. The determination of marginal directions at the disorder induced transition is shown to be related to the well studied front velocity selection problem in the KPP equation and the universality of the novel critical behaviour obtained here to the known universality of the corrections to the front velocity. Applications to other two dimensional problems are mentionned at the end.Comment: 86 pages, 15 eps files include

    Universal noise and Efimov physics

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    Probability distributions for correlation functions of particles interacting via random-valued fields are discussed as a novel tool for determining the spectrum of a theory. In particular, this method is used to determine the energies of universal N-body clusters tied to Efimov trimers, for even N, by investigating the distribution of a correlation function of two particles at unitarity. Using numerical evidence that this distribution is log-normal, an analytical prediction for the N-dependence of the N-body binding energies is made.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Invited contribution to the 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB21
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