79 research outputs found

    Targeted Computational Approaches for Mining Functional Elements in Metagenomes

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Informatics, 2012Metagenomics enables the genomic study of uncultured microorganisms by directly extracting the genetic material from microbial communities for sequencing. Fueled by the rapid development of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, metagenomics research has been revolutionizing the field of microbiology, revealing the taxonomic and functional composition of many microbial communities and their impacts on almost every aspect of life on Earth. Analyzing metagenomes (a metagenome is the collection of genomic sequences of an entire microbial community) is challenging: metagenomic sequences are often extremely short and therefore lack genomic contexts needed for annotating functional elements, while whole-metagenome assemblies are often poor because a metagenomic dataset contains reads from many different species. Novel computational approaches are still needed to get the most out of the metagenomes. In this dissertation, I first developed a binning algorithm (AbundanceBin) for clustering metagenomic sequences into groups, each containing sequences from species of similar abundances. AbundanceBin provides accurate estimations of the abundances of the species in a microbial community and their genome sizes. Application of AbundanceBin prior to assembly results in better assemblies of metagenomes--an outcome crucial to downstream analyses of metagenomic datasets. In addition, I designed three targeted computational approaches for assembling and annotating protein coding genes and other functional elements from metagenomic sequences. GeneStitch is an approach for gene assembly by connecting gene fragments scattered in different contigs into longer genes with the guidance of reference genes. I also developed two specialized assembly methods: the targeted-assembly method for assembling CRISPRs (Clustered Regularly Interspersed Short Palindromic Repeats), and the constrained-assembly method for retrieving chromosomal integrons. Applications of these methods to the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) datasets show that human microbiomes are extremely dynamic, reflecting the interactions between community members (including bacteria and viruses)

    MetaCluster 4.0: A novel binning algorithm for NGS reads and huge number of species

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    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies allow the sequencing of microbial communities directly from the environment without prior culturing. The output of environmental DNA sequencing consists of many reads from genomes of different unknown species, making the clustering together reads from the same (or similar) species (also known as binning) a crucial step. The difficulties of the binning problem are due to the following four factors: (1) the lack of reference genomes; (2) uneven abundance ratio of species; (3) short NGS reads; and (4) a large number of species (can be more than a hundred). None of the existing binning tools can handle all four factors. No tools, including both AbundanceBin and MetaCluster 3.0, have demonstrated reasonable performance on a sample with more than 20 species. In this article, we introduce MetaCluster 4.0, an unsupervised binning algorithm that can accurately (with about 80% precision and sensitivity in all cases and at least 90% in some cases) and efficiently bin short reads with varying abundance ratios and is able to handle datasets with 100 species. The novelty of MetaCluster 4.0 stems from solving a few important problems: how to divide reads into groups by a probabilistic approach, how to estimate the 4-mer distribution of each group, how to estimate the number of species, and how to modify MetaCluster 3.0 to handle a large number of species. We show that Meta Cluster 4.0 is effective for both simulated and real datasets. Supplementary Material is available at www.liebertonline.com/cmb. © 2012 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.published_or_final_versio

    MetaProb: Accurate metagenomic reads binning based on probabilistic sequence signatures

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    Abstract Motivation Sequencing technologies allow the sequencing of microbial communities directly from the environment without prior culturing. Taxonomic analysis of microbial communities, a process referred to as binning, is one of the most challenging tasks when analyzing metagenomic reads data. The major problems are the lack of taxonomically related genomes in existing reference databases, the uneven abundance ratio of species and the limitations due to short read lengths and sequencing errors. Results MetaProb is a novel assembly-assisted tool for unsupervised metagenomic binning. The novelty of MetaProb derives from solving a few important problems: how to divide reads into groups of independent reads, so that k-mer frequencies are not overestimated; how to convert k-mer counts into probabilistic sequence signatures, that will correct for variable distribution of k-mers, and for unbalanced groups of reads, in order to produce better estimates of the underlying genome statistic; how to estimate the number of species in a dataset. We show that MetaProb is more accurate and efficient than other state-of-the-art tools in binning both short reads datasets (F-measure 0.87) and long reads datasets (F-measure 0.97) for various abundance ratios. Also, the estimation of the number of species is more accurate than MetaCluster. On a real human stool dataset MetaProb identifies the most predominant species, in line with previous human gut studies. Availability and Implementation https://bitbucket.org/samu661/metaprob Contacts [email protected] or [email protected] Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. </jats:sec

    MetaCluster-TA: taxonomic annotation for metagenomic data based on assembly-assisted binning

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    This article is part of the supplement: Selected articles from the Twelfth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2014): GenomicsBackground Taxonomic annotation of reads is an important problem in metagenomic analysis. Existing annotation tools, which rely on the approach of aligning each read to the taxonomic structure, are unable to annotate many reads efficiently and accurately as reads (100 bp) are short and most of them come from unknown genomes. Previous work has suggested assembling the reads to make longer contigs before annotation. More reads/contigs can be annotated as a longer contig (in Kbp) can be aligned to a taxon even if it is from an unknown species as long as it contains a conserved region of that taxon. Unfortunately existing metagenomic assembly tools are not mature enough to produce long enough contigs. Binning tries to group reads/contigs of similar species together. Intuitively, reads in the same group (cluster) should be annotated to the same taxon and these reads altogether should cover a significant portion of the genome alleviating the problem of short contigs if the quality of binning is high. However, no existing work has tried to use binning results to help solve the annotation problem. This work explores this direction. Results In this paper, we describe MetaCluster-TA, an assembly-assisted binning-based annotation tool which relies on an innovative idea of annotating binned reads instead of aligning each read or contig to the taxonomic structure separately. We propose the novel concept of the 'virtual contig' (which can be up to 10 Kb in length) to represent a set of reads and then represent each cluster as a set of 'virtual contigs' (which together can be total up to 1 Mb in length) for annotation. MetaCluster-TA can outperform widely-used MEGAN4 and can annotate (1) more reads since the virtual contigs are much longer; (2) more accurately since each cluster of long virtual contigs contains global information of the sampled genome which tends to be more accurate than short reads or assembled contigs which contain only local information of the genome; and (3) more efficiently since there are much fewer long virtual contigs to align than short reads. MetaCluster-TA outperforms MetaCluster 5.0 as a binning tool since binning itself can be more sensitive and precise given long virtual contigs and the binning results can be improved using the reference taxonomic database. Conclusions MetaCluster-TA can outperform widely-used MEGAN4 and can annotate more reads with higher accuracy and higher efficiency. It also outperforms MetaCluster 5.0 as a binning tool.published_or_final_versio

    MetaBAT, an efficient tool for accurately reconstructing single genomes from complex microbial communities

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    Grouping large genomic fragments assembled from shotgun metagenomic sequences to deconvolute complex microbial communities, or metagenome binning, enables the study of individual organisms and their interactions. Because of the complex nature of these communities, existing metagenome binning methods often miss a large number of microbial species. In addition, most of the tools are not scalable to large datasets. Here we introduce automated software called MetaBAT that integrates empirical probabilistic distances of genome abundance and tetranucleotide frequency for accurate metagenome binning. MetaBAT outperforms alternative methods in accuracy and computational efficiency on both synthetic and real metagenome datasets. It automatically forms hundreds of high quality genome bins on a very large assembly consisting millions of contigs in a matter of hours on a single node. MetaBAT is open source software and available at https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/metabat

    A robust and accurate binning algorithm for metagenomic sequences with arbitrary species abundance ratio

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    Motivation: With the rapid development of next-generation sequencing techniques, metagenomics, also known as environmental genomics, has emerged as an exciting research area that enables us to analyze the microbial environment in which we live. An important step for metagenomic data analysis is the identification and taxonomic characterization of DNA fragments (reads or contigs) resulting from sequencing a sample of mixed species. This step is referred to as 'binning'. Binning algorithms that are based on sequence similarity and sequence composition markers rely heavily on the reference genomes of known microorganisms or phylogenetic markers. Due to the limited availability of reference genomes and the bias and low availability of markers, these algorithms may not be applicable in all cases. Unsupervised binning algorithms which can handle fragments from unknown species provide an alternative approach. However, existing unsupervised binning algorithms only work on datasets either with balanced species abundance ratios or rather different abundance ratios, but not both. Results: In this article, we present MetaCluster 3.0, an integrated binning method based on the unsupervised top-down separation and bottom-up merging strategy, which can bin metagenomic fragments of species with very balanced abundance ratios (say 1:1) to very different abundance ratios (e.g. 1:24) with consistently higher accuracy than existing methods. © The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.postprin

    MetaCluster 5.0: a two-round binning approach for metagenomic data for low-abundance species in a noisy sample

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    All proceedings papers are available as open access at: OUP Bioinformatics (http://www.eccb12.org/proceedings-talks)MOTIVATION: Metagenomic binning remains an important topic in metagenomic analysis. Existing unsupervised binning methods for next-generation sequencing (NGS) reads do not perform well on (i) samples with low-abundance species or (ii) samples (even with high abundance) when there are many extremely low-abundance species. These two problems are common for real metagenomic datasets. Binning methods that can solve these problems are desirable. RESULTS: We proposed a two-round binning method (MetaCluster 5.0) that aims at identifying both low-abundance and high-abundance species in the presence of a large amount of noise due to many extremely low-abundance species. In summary, MetaCluster 5.0 uses a filtering strategy to remove noise from the extremely low-abundance species. It separate reads of high-abundance species from those of low-abundance species in two different rounds. To overcome the issue of low coverage for low-abundance species, multiple w values are used to group reads with overlapping w-mers, whereas reads from high-abundance species are grouped with high confidence based on a large w and then binning expands to low-abundance species using a relaxed (shorter) w. Compared to the recent tools, TOSS and MetaCluster 4.0, MetaCluster 5.0 can find more species (especially those with low abundance of say 6x to 10x) and can achieve better sensitivity and specificity using less memory and running time. AVAILABILITY: http://i.cs.hku.hk/alse/MetaCluster/ CONTACT: [email protected]_or_final_versionThe 11th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB'12), Basel, Switzerland, 9-12 September 2012. In Bioinformatics, 2012, v. 28 n. 18, p. i356-i36