62,716 research outputs found

    Reactions to ingroup and outgroup deviants: an experimental group paradigm for Black Sheep Effect

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    In the classic black sheep effect (BSE) an ingroup deviant member is usually evaluated more negatively than the corresponding outgroup deviant. This effect is usually obtained by using scenarios and asking people to imagine the situation as vividly as possible. The present study proposes a new method to investigate the BSE by considering the behavioral and physiological reactions to unfair behavior (aggressive game behavior) in a realistic experimental group-setting. The study involved 52 university students in a minimal group setting who performed a modified version of the competitive reaction time (CRT) task adapted to be played in groups of four people. The classic BSE was replicated for evaluation but not for the behavioral reactions (retaliate to aggression) to deviants. More interestingly, a negative relationship emerged in the ingroup deviant condition between the level of behavioral derogation and the systolic blood pressure level

    Lost Toy? Monsters Under the Bed? Contributions of Temperament and Family Factors to Early Internalizing Problems in Boys and Girls

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    This study was designed to examine the contribution of multiple risk factors to early internalizing problems and to investigate whether family and ecological context moderated the association between child temperament and internalizing outcomes. A sample of 1,202 mothers of 2- and 3-year-old children completed a survey of child social-emotional functioning, family environment, and violence exposure. Child temperament, maternal affective symptoms, and family expressiveness were associated with child anxiety and depression problems. Violence exposure was related only to child anxiety. When maternal affective symptoms were elevated, inhibited girls but not boys were rated as more anxious and youngsters with heightened negative emotionality were rated as more depressed. Family expressiveness moderated the association between inhibited temperament and anxiety symptoms

    Linking democratic preferences and political participation: evidence from Germany

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    An extensive body of literature discusses the disaffection of citizens with representative democracy and highlights increasing citizens’ preferences for political decision-makers beyond elected politicians. But so far, little research has been conducted to analyse the relations between citizens’ respective preferences and their political behaviour. To address this void in the literature, our article investigates the extent to which citizens’ preferences for certain political decision-makers (politicians, citizens or expert) have an impact on their retrospective and prospective political participation. Our analysis draws on data from a survey conducted in autumn of 2014 on a probability representative sample in Germany. Results indicate that respondents favouring politicians as decision-makers focus mainly on voting. Those who favour citizens as decision-makers are more willing to get involved in participatory procedures, while those inclined towards expert decision-making show mixed participation

    The relation between normative rituals/routines and obsessive-compulsive symptoms at a young age:A systematic review

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    Objective One of the most challenging issues in the pediatric obsessive–compulsive (OC) disorder field is to differentiate pathological OC symptoms from the phenotypically similar normative rituals/routines that characterize normal childhood development. Given their similarities, it can be questioned whether both constructs reflect two qualitatively distinct behavioral expressions of different etiological factors or rather reflect two diverse manifestations of one single continuum (cfr. the continuity hypothesis). Method This paper aims to improve our understanding of the relation between normative childhood rituals/routines and OC symptoms in two ways. First, the continuity hypothesis was investigated by systematically reviewing current evidence on this association, using various databases (Web of Science Core Collection, MEDLINE/PubMed, and SciELO Citation Index) from 1950 until February 1, 2019 (registration number: CRD42019121293). Second, based on this systematic review, an integrative conceptual model was developed describing this relation from different perspectives on sources of influence. Results The literature search initially revealed 2122 hits, with 114 full-texts being assessed for eligibility. After applying several selection criteria, 18 studies were included in the review. The results generally support the continuity hypothesis and reveal important etiological factors at different levels of behavioral analysis, including the phenotypic (anxiety), neurobiological and genetic level. Also age and the presence of other disorders appeared to be important factors in evaluating the level of normality. Conclusion We provide a conceptual framework to inform future research aimed at improving the understanding of the relationship between normative rituals/routines and pathological OC symptoms. Conceptual implications are discussed and clinical recommendations are given to improve early identification and differentiation

    On the Nature and Importance of Cultural Tightness-Looseness

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    Cross-cultural research is dominated by the use of values despite their mixed empirical support and their limited theoretical scope. This article expands the dominant paradigm in crosscultural research by developing a theory of cultural tightness-looseness, the strength of social norms and degree of sanctioning within societies, and advancing a multilevel research agenda for future research. Through an exploration of the top-down, bottom-up, and moderating impact that societal tightness-looseness has on individuals and organizations, as well as on variability across levels of analysis, the theory provides a new and complementary perspective to the values approach

    Development of a novel observational measure for anxiety in young children: The Anxiety Dimensional Observation Scale

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    Background Identifying anxiety disorders in preschool-age children represents an important clinical challenge. Observation is essential to clinical assessment and can help differentiate normative variation from clinically significant anxiety. Yet, most anxiety assessment methods for young children rely on parent-reports. The goal of this article is to present and preliminarily test the reliability and validity of a novel observational paradigm for assessing a range of fearful and anxious behaviors in young children, the Anxiety Dimensional Observation Schedule (Anx-DOS). Methods A diverse sample of 403 children, aged 3 to 6 years, and their mothers was studied. Reliability and validity in relation to parent reports (Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment) and known risk factors, including indicators of behavioral inhibition (latency to touch novel objects) and attention bias to threat (in the dot-probe task) were investigated. Results The Anx-DOS demonstrated good inter-rater reliability and internal consistency. Evidence for convergent validity was demonstrated relative to mother-reported separation anxiety, social anxiety, phobic avoidance, trauma symptoms, and past service use. Finally, fearfulness was associated with observed latency and attention bias toward threat. Conclusions Findings support the Anx-DOS as a method for capturing early manifestations of fearfulness and anxiety in young children. Multimethod assessments incorporating standardized methods for assessing discrete, observable manifestations of anxiety may be beneficial for early identification and clinical intervention efforts

    Hyperincursive Cogitata and Incursive Cogitantes: Scholarly Discourse as a Strongly Anticipatory System

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    Strongly anticipatory systems-that is, systems which use models of themselves for their further development-and which additionally may be able to run hyperincursive routines-that is, develop only with reference to their future states-cannot exist in res extensa, but can only be envisaged in res cogitans. One needs incursive routines in cogitantes to instantiate these systems. Unlike historical systems (with recursion), these hyper-incursive routines generate redundancies by opening horizons of other possible states. Thus, intentional systems can enrich our perceptions of the cases that have happened to occur. The perspective of hindsight codified at the above-individual level enables us furthermore to intervene technologically. The theory and computation of anticipatory systems have made these loops between supra-individual hyper-incursion, individual incursion (in instantiation), and historical recursion accessible for modeling and empirical investigation.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1011.324

    Personality Assessment, Forced-Choice.

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    Instead of responding to questionnaire items one at a time, respondents may be forced to make a choice between two or more items measuring the same or different traits. The forced-choice format eliminates uniform response biases, although the research on its effectiveness in reducing the effects of impression management is inconclusive. Until recently, forced-choice questionnaires were scaled in relation to person means (ipsative data), providing information for intra-individual assessments only. Item response modeling enabled proper scaling of forced-choice data, so that inter-individual comparisons may be made. New forced-choice applications in personality assessment and directions for future research are discussed
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