4,352 research outputs found

    Quantifier elimination in C*-algebras

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    The only C*-algebras that admit elimination of quantifiers in continuous logic are C,C2\mathbb{C}, \mathbb{C}^2, C(C(Cantor space)) and M2(C)M_2(\mathbb{C}). We also prove that the theory of C*-algebras does not have model companion and show that the theory of Mn(On+1)M_n(\mathcal {O_{n+1}}) is not \forall\exists-axiomatizable for any n2n\geq 2.Comment: More improvements and bug fixes. To appear in IMR

    General Properties of Noncommutative Field Theories

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    In this paper we study general properties of noncommutative field theories obtained from the Seiberg-Witten limit of string theories in the presence of an external B-field. We analyze the extension of the Wightman axioms to this context and explore their consequences, in particular we present a proof of the CPT theorem for theories with space-space noncommutativity. We analyze as well questions associated to the spin-statistics connections, and show that noncommutative N=4, U(1) gauge theory can be softly broken to N=0 satisfying the axioms and providing an example where the Wilsonian low energy effective action can be constructed without UV/IR problems, after a judicious choice of soft breaking parameters is made. We also assess the phenomenological prospects of such a theory, which are in fact rather negative.Comment: 39 pages. LaTeX. 4 figures. Typos corrected. Comments and references added. To appear in Nuclear Physics

    Supersymmetric QCD and noncommutative geometry

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    We derive supersymmetric quantum chromodynamics from a noncommutative manifold, using the spectral action principle of Chamseddine and Connes. After a review of the Einstein-Yang-Mills system in noncommutative geometry, we establish in full detail that it possesses supersymmetry. This noncommutative model is then extended to give a theory of quarks, squarks, gluons and gluinos by constructing a suitable noncommutative spin manifold (i.e. a spectral triple). The particles are found at their natural place in a spectral triple: the quarks and gluinos as fermions in the Hilbert space, the gluons and squarks as bosons as the inner fluctuations of a (generalized) Dirac operator by the algebra of matrix-valued functions on a manifold. The spectral action principle applied to this spectral triple gives the Lagrangian of supersymmetric QCD, including soft supersymmetry breaking mass terms for the squarks. We find that these results are in good agreement with the physics literature

    Lie Groupoids and Lie algebroids in physics and noncommutative geometry

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    The aim of this review paper is to explain the relevance of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids to both physicists and noncommutative geometers. Groupoids generalize groups, spaces, group actions, and equivalence relations. This last aspect dominates in noncommutative geometry, where groupoids provide the basic tool to desingularize pathological quotient spaces. In physics, however, the main role of groupoids is to provide a unified description of internal and external symmetries. What is shared by noncommutative geometry and physics is the importance of Connes's idea of associating a C*-algebra C*(G) to a Lie groupoid G: in noncommutative geometry C*(G) replaces a given singular quotient space by an appropriate noncommutative space, whereas in physics it gives the algebra of observables of a quantum system whose symmetries are encoded by G. Moreover, Connes's map G -> C*(G) has a classical analogue G -> A*(G) in symplectic geometry due to Weinstein, which defines the Poisson manifold of the corresponding classical system as the dual of the so-called Lie algebroid A(G) of the Lie groupoid G, an object generalizing both Lie algebras and tangent bundles. This will also lead into symplectic groupoids and the conjectural functoriality of quantization.Comment: 39 pages; to appear in special issue of J. Geom. Phy

    Zero Modes and the Atiyah-Singer Index in Noncommutative Instantons

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    We study the bosonic and fermionic zero modes in noncommutative instanton backgrounds based on the ADHM construction. In k instanton background in U(N) gauge theory, we show how to explicitly construct 4Nk (2Nk) bosonic (fermionic) zero modes in the adjoint representation and 2k (k) bosonic (fermionic) zero modes in the fundamental representation from the ADHM construction. The number of fermionic zero modes is also shown to be exactly equal to the Atiyah-Singer index of the Dirac operator in the noncommutative instanton background. We point out that (super)conformal zero modes in non-BPS instantons are affected by the noncommutativity. The role of Lorentz symmetry breaking by the noncommutativity is also briefly discussed to figure out the structure of U(1) instantons.Comment: v3: 24 pages, Latex, corrected typos, references added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Dual Gromov-Hausdorff Propinquity

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    Motivated by the quest for an analogue of the Gromov-Hausdorff distance in noncommutative geometry which is well-behaved with respect to C*-algebraic structures, we propose a complete metric on the class of Leibniz quantum compact metric spaces, named the dual Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity. This metric resolves several important issues raised by recent research in noncommutative metric geometry: it makes *-isomorphism a necessary condition for distance zero, it is well-adapted to Leibniz seminorms, and --- very importantly --- is complete, unlike the quantum propinquity which we introduced earlier. Thus our new metric provides a natural tool for noncommutative metric geometry, designed to allow for the generalizations of techniques from metric geometry to C*-algebra theory.Comment: 42 pages in elsarticle 3p format. This third version has many small typos corrections and small clarifications included. Intended form for publicatio