29 research outputs found

    BoolSurf: Boolean Operations on Surfaces

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    We port Boolean set operations between 2D shapes to surfaces of any genus, with any number of open boundaries. We combine shapes bounded by sets of freely intersecting loops, consisting of geodesic lines and cubic Bézier splines lying on a surface. We compute the arrangement of shapes directly on the surface and assign integer labels to the cells of such arrangement. Differently from the Euclidean case, some arrangements on a manifold may be inconsistent. We detect inconsistent arrangements and help the user to resolve them. Also, we extend to the manifold setting recent work on Boundary-Sampled Halfspaces, thus supporting operations more general than standard Booleans, which are well defined on inconsistent arrangements, too. Our implementation discretizes the input shapes into polylines at an arbitrary resolution, independent of the level of resolution of the underlying mesh. We resolve the arrangement inside each triangle of the mesh independently and combine the results to reconstruct both the boundaries and the interior of each cell in the arrangement. We reconstruct the control points of curves bounding cells, in order to free the result from discretization and provide an output in vector format. We support interactive usage, editing shapes consisting up to 100k line segments on meshes of up to 1M triangles

    Smooth Surface Reconstruction using Charts for Medical Data

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    We present a surface reconstruction technique that constructs a smooth analytic surface from scattered data. The technique is robust to noise and both poorly and non-uniformly sampled data, making it well-suited for use in medical applications. In addition, the surface can be parameterized in multiple ways, making it possible to represent additional data, such as electromagnetic potential, in a different (but related) coordinate system to the geometric one. The parameterization technique also supports consistent parameterizations of multiple data sets

    ACM Transactions on Graphics

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    We present FlexMolds, a novel computational approach to automatically design flexible, reusable molds that, once 3D printed, allow us to physically fabricate, by means of liquid casting, multiple copies of complex shapes with rich surface details and complex topology. The approach to design such flexible molds is based on a greedy bottom-up search of possible cuts over an object, evaluating for each possible cut the feasibility of the resulting mold. We use a dynamic simulation approach to evaluate candidate molds, providing a heuristic to generate forces that are able to open, detach, and remove a complex mold from the object it surrounds. We have tested the approach with a number of objects with nontrivial shapes and topologies

    Computational Topology Methods for Shape Modelling Applications

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    This thesis deals with computational topology, a recent branch of research that involves both mathematics and computer science, and tackles the problem of discretizing the Morse theory to functions defined on a triangle mesh. The application context of Morse theory in general, and Reeb graphs in particular, deals with the analysis of geometric shapes and the extraction of skeletal structures that synthetically represents shape, preserving the topological properties and the main morphological characteristics. Regarding Computer Graphics, shapes, that is a one-, two- or higher- dimensional connected, compact space having a visual appearance, are typically approximated by digital models. Since topology focuses on the qualitative properties of spaces, such as the connectedness and how many and what type of holes it has, topology is the best tool to describe the shape of a mathematical model at a high level of abstraction. Geometry, conversely, is mainly related to the quantitative characteristics of a shape. Thus, the combination of topology and geometry creates a new generation of tools that provide a computational description of the most representative features of the shape along with their relationship. Extracting qualitative information, that is the information related to semantic of the shape and its morphological structure, from discrete models is a central goal in shape modeling. In this thesis a conceptual model is proposed which represents a given surface based on topological coding that defines a sketch of the surface, discarding irrelevant details and classifying its topological type. The approach is based on Morse theory and Reeb graphs, which provide a very useful shape abstraction method for the analysis and structuring of the information contained in the geometry of the discrete shape model. To fully develop the method, both theoretical and computational aspects have been considered, related to the definition and the extension of the Reeb graph to the discrete domain. For the definition and automatic construction of the conceptual model, a new method has been developed that analyzes and characterizes a triangle mesh with respect to the behavior of a real and at least continuous function defined on the mesh. The proposed solution handles also degenerate critical points, such as non-isolated critical points. To do that, the surface model is characterized using a contour-based strategy, recognizing critical areas instead of critical points and coding the evolution of the contour levels in a graph-like structure, named Extended Reeb Graph, (ERG), which is a high-level abstract model suitable for representing and manipulating piece-wise linear surfaces. The descriptive power of the (ERG) has been also augmented with the introduction of geometric information together with the topological ones, and it has been also studied the relation between the extracted topological and morphological features with respect to the real characteristics of the surface, giving and evaluation of the dimension of the discarded details. Finally, the effectiveness of our description framework has been evaluated in several application contexts

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 2

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    These proceedings contain papers presented at the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics held in Pasadena, January 31 to February 2, 1989. The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. The Conference provided a forum for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas on the research and development required for application of telerobotics technology to the space systems planned for the 1990s and beyond. The Conference: (1) provided a view of current NASA telerobotic research and development; (2) stimulated technical exchange on man-machine systems, manipulator control, machine sensing, machine intelligence, concurrent computation, and system architectures; and (3) identified important unsolved problems of current interest which can be dealt with by future research

    Geometric Pursuit Evasion

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    In this dissertation we investigate pursuit evasion problems set in geometric environments. These games model a variety of adversarial situations in which a team of agents, called pursuers, attempts to catch a rogue agent, called the evader. In particular, we consider the following problem: how many pursuers, each with the same maximum speed as the evader, are needed to guarantee a successful capture? Our primary focus is to provide combinatorial bounds on the number of pursuers that are necessary and sufficient to guarantee capture. The first problem we consider consists of an unpredictable evader that is free to move around a polygonal environment of arbitrary complexity. We assume that the pursuers have complete knowledge of the evader's location at all times, possibly obtained through a network of cameras placed in the environment. We show that regardless of the number of vertices and obstacles in the polygonal environment, three pursuers are always sufficient and sometimes necessary to capture the evader. We then consider several extensions of this problem to more complex environments. In particular, suppose the players move on the surface of a 3-dimensional polyhedral body; how many pursuers are required to capture the evader? We show that 4 pursuers always suffice (upper bound), and that 3 are sometimes necessary (lower bound), for any polyhedral surface with genus zero. Generalizing this bound to surfaces of genus g, we prove the sufficiency of (4g + 4) pursuers. Finally, we show that 4 pursuers also suffice under the "weighted region" constraints, where the movement costs through different regions of the (genus zero) surface have (different) multiplicative weights. Next we consider a more general problem with a less restrictive sensing model. The pursuers' sensors are visibility based, only providing the location of the evader if it is in direct line of sight. We begin my making only the minimalist assumption that pursuers and the evader have the same maximum speed. When the environment is a simply-connected (hole-free) polygon of n vertices, we show that Θ(n^1/2 ) pursuers are both necessary and sufficient in the worst-case. When the environment is a polygon with holes, we prove a lower bound of Ω(n^2/3 ) and an upper bound of O(n^5/6 ) pursuers, where n includes the vertices of the hole boundaries. However, we show that with realistic constraints on the polygonal environment these bounds can be drastically improved. Namely, if the players' movement speed is small compared to the features of the environment, we give an algorithm with a worst case upper bound of O(log n) pursuers for simply-connected n-gons and O(√h + log n) for polygons with h holes. The final problem we consider takes a small step toward addressing the fact that location sensing is noisy and imprecise in practice. Suppose a tracking agent wants to follow a moving target in the two-dimensional plane. We investigate what is the tracker's best strategy to follow the target and at what rate does the distance between the tracker and target grow under worst-case localization noise. We adopt a simple but realistic model of relative error in sensing noise: the localization error is proportional to the true distance between the tracker and the target. Under this model we are able to give tight upper and lower bounds for the worst-case tracking performance, both with or without obstacles in the Euclidean plane