181 research outputs found

    Methods for Automated Creation and Efficient Visualisation of Large-Scale Terrains based on Real Height-Map Data

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    Real-time rendering of large-scale terrains is a difficult problem and remains an active field of research. The massive scale of these landscapes, where the ratio between the size of the terrain and its resolution is spanning multiple orders of magnitude, requires an efficient level of detail strategy. It is crucial that the geometry, as well as the terrain data, are represented seamlessly at varying distances while maintaining a constant visual quality. This thesis investigates common techniques and previous solutions to problems associated with the rendering of height field terrains and discusses their benefits and drawbacks. Subsequently, two solutions to the stated problems are presented, which build and expand upon the state-of-the-art rendering methods. A seamless and efficient mesh representation is achieved by the novel Uniform Distance-Dependent Level of Detail (UDLOD) triangulation method. This fully GPU-based algorithm subdivides a quadtree covering the terrain into small tiles, which can be culled in parallel, and are morphed seamlessly in the vertex shader, resulting in a densely and temporally consistent triangulated mesh. The proposed Chunked Clipmap combines the strengths of both quadtrees and clipmaps to enable efficient out-of-core paging of terrain data. This data structure allows for constant time view-dependent access, graceful degradation if data is unavailable, and supports trilinear and anisotropic filtering. Together these, otherwise independent, techniques enable the rendering of large-scale real-world terrains, which is demonstrated on a dataset encompassing the entire Free State of Saxony at a resolution of one meter, in real-time

    Survey of semi-regular multiresolution models for interactive terrain rendering

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    Rendering high quality digital terrains at interactive rates requires carefully crafted algorithms and data structures able to balance the competing requirements of realism and frame rates, while taking into account the memory and speed limitations of the underlying graphics platform. In this survey, we analyze multiresolution approaches that exploit a certain semi-regularity of the data. These approaches have produced some of the most efficient systems to date. After providing a short background and motivation for the methods, we focus on illustrating models based on tiled blocks and nested regular grids, quadtrees and triangle bin-trees triangulations, as well as cluster-based approaches. We then discuss LOD error metrics and system-level data management aspects of interactive terrain visualization, including dynamic scene management, out-of-core data organization and compression, as well as numerical accurac

    The FEV Frontend: A Terrain and Water Simulation Client

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    The FEV (Flood Emergency Visualizer) Frontend is a Java and OpenGL-based 3D vi- sualizer of flood simulation results in real-time. Simulations can be recomputed based on user-defined terrain edits made directly on the rendering surface. The frontend is the client software of the FEV system that includes a backend for solving water flow equations using CUDA. To render large datasets, level-of-detail and other optimizations are needed to render terrain and water surfaces with interactive frame rates

    Cached Geometry Manager for View-dependent LOD Rendering

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    The new generation of commodity graphics cards with significant on-board video memory has become widely popular and provides high-performance rendering and flexibility. One of the features to be exploited with this hardware is the use of the on-board video memory to store geometry information. This strategy significantly reduces the data transfer overhead from sending geometry data over the (AGP) bus interface from main memory to the graphics card. However, taking advantage of cached geometry is not a trivial task because the data models often exceed the memory size of the graphics card. In this paper we present a dynamic Cached Geometry Manager (CGM) to address this issue. We show how this technique improves the performance of real-time view-dependent level-of-detail (LOD) selection and rendering algorithms of large data sets. Alternative caching approaches have been analyzed over two different view-dependent progressive mesh (VDPM) frameworks: one for rendering of arbitrary manifold 3D meshes, and one for terrain visualization

    Real-time Photorealistic Visualisation of Large-scaleMultiresolution Terrain Models

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    Height field terrain rendering is an important aspect of GIS, outdoor virtual reality applicationssuch as flight simulation, 3-D games, etc. A polygonal model of very large terrain data requiresa large number of triangles. So, even most high-performance graphics workstations have greatdifficulty to display even moderately sized height fields at interactive frame rates. To bringphotorealism in visualisation, it is required to drape corresponding high-resolution satellite oraerial phototexture over 3-D digital terrain and also to place multiple collections of point-location-based static objects such as buildings, trees, etc and to overlay polyline vector objects suchas roads on top of the terrain surface. It further complicates the requirement of interactive framerates while navigation over the terrain. This paper describes a novel approach for objects andterrain visualisation by combination of two algorithms, one for terrain data and the other forobjects. The terrain rendering is accomplished by an efficient dynamic multiresolution view-dependent level-of-detail mesh simplification algorithm. It is augmented with out-of-corevisualisation of large-height geometry and phototexture terrain data populated with 3-D/2-Dstatic objects as well as vector overlays without extensive memory load. The proposedmethodology provides interactive frame rates on a general-purpose desktop PC with OpenGL-enabled graphics hardware. The software TREND has been successfully tested on different real-world height maps and satellite phototextures of sizes up to 16K*16K coupled with thousandsof static objects and polyline vector overlays

    A hybrid representation for modeling, interactive editing, and real-time visualization of terrains with volumetric features

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Terrain rendering is a crucial part of many real-time applications. The easiest way to process and visualize terrain data in real time is to constrain the terrain model in several ways. This decreases the amount of data to be processed and the amount of processing power needed, but at the cost of expressivity and the ability to create complex terrains. The most popular terrain representation is a regular 2D grid, where the vertices are displaced in a third dimension by a displacement map, called a heightmap. This is the simplest way to represent terrain, and although it allows fast processing, it cannot model terrains with volumetric features. Volumetric approaches sample the 3D space by subdividing it into a 3D grid and represent the terrain as occupied voxels. They can represent volumetric features but they require computationally intensive algorithms for rendering, and their memory requirements are high. We propose a novel representation that combines the voxel and heightmap approaches, and is expressive enough to allow creating terrains with caves, overhangs, cliffs, and arches, and efficient enough to allow terrain editing, deformations, and rendering in real time

    LOCALIS: Locally-adaptive Line Simplification for GPU-based Geographic Vector Data Visualization

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    Visualization of large vector line data is a core task in geographic and cartographic systems. Vector maps are often displayed at different cartographic generalization levels, traditionally by using several discrete levels-of-detail (LODs). This limits the generalization levels to a fixed and predefined set of LODs, and generally does not support smooth LOD transitions. However, fast GPUs and novel line rendering techniques can be exploited to integrate dynamic vector map LOD management into GPU-based algorithms for locally-adaptive line simplification and real-time rendering. We propose a new technique that interactively visualizes large line vector datasets at variable LODs. It is based on the Douglas-Peucker line simplification principle, generating an exhaustive set of line segments whose specific subsets represent the lines at any variable LOD. At run time, an appropriate and view-dependent error metric supports screen-space adaptive LOD levels and the display of the correct subset of line segments accordingly. Our implementation shows that we can simplify and display large line datasets interactively. We can successfully apply line style patterns, dynamic LOD selection lenses, and anti-aliasing techniques to our line rendering

    Scalable Realtime Rendering and Interaction with Digital Surface Models of Landscapes and Cities

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    Interactive, realistic rendering of landscapes and cities differs substantially from classical terrain rendering. Due to the sheer size and detail of the data which need to be processed, realtime rendering (i.e. more than 25 images per second) is only feasible with level of detail (LOD) models. Even the design and implementation of efficient, automatic LOD generation is ambitious for such out-of-core datasets considering the large number of scales that are covered in a single view and the necessity to maintain screen-space accuracy for realistic representation. Moreover, users want to interact with the model based on semantic information which needs to be linked to the LOD model. In this thesis I present LOD schemes for the efficient rendering of 2.5d digital surface models (DSMs) and 3d point-clouds, a method for the automatic derivation of city models from raw DSMs, and an approach allowing semantic interaction with complex LOD models. The hierarchical LOD model for digital surface models is based on a quadtree of precomputed, simplified triangle mesh approximations. The rendering of the proposed model is proved to allow real-time rendering of very large and complex models with pixel-accurate details. Moreover, the necessary preprocessing is scalable and fast. For 3d point clouds, I introduce an LOD scheme based on an octree of hybrid plane-polygon representations. For each LOD, the algorithm detects planar regions in an adequately subsampled point cloud and models them as textured rectangles. The rendering of the resulting hybrid model is an order of magnitude faster than comparable point-based LOD schemes. To automatically derive a city model from a DSM, I propose a constrained mesh simplification. Apart from the geometric distance between simplified and original model, it evaluates constraints based on detected planar structures and their mutual topological relations. The resulting models are much less complex than the original DSM but still represent the characteristic building structures faithfully. Finally, I present a method to combine semantic information with complex geometric models. My approach links the semantic entities to the geometric entities on-the-fly via coarser proxy geometries which carry the semantic information. Thus, semantic information can be layered on top of complex LOD models without an explicit attribution step. All findings are supported by experimental results which demonstrate the practical applicability and efficiency of the methods
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