10,995 research outputs found

    Reasoning About Liquids via Closed-Loop Simulation

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    Simulators are powerful tools for reasoning about a robot's interactions with its environment. However, when simulations diverge from reality, that reasoning becomes less useful. In this paper, we show how to close the loop between liquid simulation and real-time perception. We use observations of liquids to correct errors when tracking the liquid's state in a simulator. Our results show that closed-loop simulation is an effective way to prevent large divergence between the simulated and real liquid states. As a direct consequence of this, our method can enable reasoning about liquids that would otherwise be infeasible due to large divergences, such as reasoning about occluded liquid.Comment: Robotics: Science & Systems (RSS), July 12-16, 2017. Cambridge, MA, US

    From 4D medical images (CT, MRI, and Ultrasound) to 4D structured mesh models of the left ventricular endocardium for patient-specific simulations

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    With cardiovascular disease (CVD) remaining the primary cause of death worldwide, early detection of CVDs becomes essential. The intracardiac flow is an important component of ventricular function, motion kinetics, wash-out of ventricular chambers, and ventricular energetics. Coupling between Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and medical images can play a fundamental role in terms of patient-specific diagnostic tools. From a technical perspective, CFD simulations with moving boundaries could easily lead to negative volumes errors and the sudden failure of the simulation. The generation of high-quality 4D meshes (3D in space + time) with 1-to-l vertex becomes essential to perform a CFD simulation with moving boundaries. In this context, we developed a semiautomatic morphing tool able to create 4D high-quality structured meshes starting from a segmented 4D dataset. To prove the versatility and efficiency, the method was tested on three different 4D datasets (Ultrasound, MRI, and CT) by evaluating the quality and accuracy of the resulting 4D meshes. Furthermore, an estimation of some physiological quantities is accomplished for the 4D CT reconstruction. Future research will aim at extending the region of interest, further automation of the meshing algorithm, and generating structured hexahedral mesh models both for the blood and myocardial volume

    Entropic Lattice Boltzmann Method for Moving and Deforming Geometries in Three Dimensions

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    Entropic lattice Boltzmann methods have been developed to alleviate intrinsic stability issues of lattice Boltzmann models for under-resolved simulations. Its reliability in combination with moving objects was established for various laminar benchmark flows in two dimensions in our previous work Dorschner et al. [11] as well as for three dimensional one-way coupled simulations of engine-type geometries in Dorschner et al. [12] for flat moving walls. The present contribution aims to fully exploit the advantages of entropic lattice Boltzmann models in terms of stability and accuracy and extends the methodology to three-dimensional cases including two-way coupling between fluid and structure, turbulence and deformable meshes. To cover this wide range of applications, the classical benchmark of a sedimenting sphere is chosen first to validate the general two-way coupling algorithm. Increasing the complexity, we subsequently consider the simulation of a plunging SD7003 airfoil at a Reynolds number of Re = 40000 and finally, to access the model's performance for deforming meshes, we conduct a two-way coupled simulation of a self-propelled anguilliform swimmer. These simulations confirm the viability of the new fluid-structure interaction lattice Boltzmann algorithm to simulate flows of engineering relevance.Comment: submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    Intelligent learning for deformable object manipulation

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    ©1999 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Presented at the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, Monterey Bay, CA, November 1999.DOI: 10.1109/CIRA.1999.809935The majority of manipulation systems are designed with the assumption that the objects’being handled are rigid and do not deform when grasped. This paper addresses the problem of robotic grasping and manipulation of 3-D deformable objects, such as rubber balls or bags filled with sand.‘ Specifically, we have developed a generalized learning algorithm for handling of 3-D deformable objects in which prior knowledge of object attributes is not required and thus it can be applied to a large class of object types. Our methodology relies on the implementation of two main tasks. Our first task is to calculate deformation characteristics for a non-rigid object represented by a physically-based model. Using nonlinear partial differential equations, we model the particle motion of the deformable object in order to calculate the deformation characteristics. For our second task, we must calculate the minimum force required to successfully lift the deformable object. This minimum lifting force can be learned using a technique called ‘iterative lifting’. Once the deformation characteristics and the associated lifting force term are determined, they are used to train a neural network for extracting the minimum force required for subsequent deformable object manipulation tasks. Our developed algorithm is validated with two sets of experiments. The first experimental results are derived from the implementation of the algorithm in a simulated environment. The second set involves a physical implementation of the technique whose outcome is compared with the simulation results to test the real world validity of the developed methodology

    Fast generation of 3D deformable moving surfaces

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    Dynamic surface modeling is an important subject of geometric modeling due to their extensive applications in engineering design, entertainment and medical visualization. Many deformable objects in the real world are dynamic objects as their shapes change over time. Traditional geometric modeling methods are mainly concerned with static problems, therefore unsuitable for the representation of dynamic objects. Apart from the definition of a dynamic modeling problem, another key issue is how to solve the problem. Because of the complexity of the representations, currently the finite element method or finite difference method is usually used. Their major shortcoming is the excessive computational cost, hence not ideal for applications requiring real-time performance. We propose a representation of dynamic surface modeling with a set of fourth order dynamic partial differential equations (PDEs). To solve these dynamic PDEs accurately and efficiently, we also develop an effective resolution method. This method is further extended to achieve local deformation and produce n-sided patches. It is demonstrated that this new method is almost as fast and accurate as the analytical closed form resolution method and much more efficient and accurate than the numerical methods