342 research outputs found

    Evolutionary computing and particle filtering: a hardware-based motion estimation system

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    Particle filters constitute themselves a highly powerful estimation tool, especially when dealing with non-linear non-Gaussian systems. However, traditional approaches present several limitations, which reduce significantly their performance. Evolutionary algorithms, and more specifically their optimization capabilities, may be used in order to overcome particle-filtering weaknesses. In this paper, a novel FPGA-based particle filter that takes advantage of evolutionary computation in order to estimate motion patterns is presented. The evolutionary algorithm, which has been included inside the resampling stage, mitigates the known sample impoverishment phenomenon, very common in particle-filtering systems. In addition, a hybrid mutation technique using two different mutation operators, each of them with a specific purpose, is proposed in order to enhance estimation results and make a more robust system. Moreover, implementing the proposed Evolutionary Particle Filter as a hardware accelerator has led to faster processing times than different software implementations of the same algorithm

    An evolutionary particle filter with the immune genetic algorithm for intelligent video target tracking

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    AbstractParticle filter algorithm is widely used for target tracking using video sequences, which is of great importance for intelligent surveillance applications. However, there is still much room for improvement, e.g. the so-called “sample impoverishment”. It is brought by re-sampling which aims to avoid particle degradation, and thus becomes the inherent shortcoming of the particle filter. In order to solve the problem of sample impoverishment, increase the number of meaningful particles and ensure the diversity of the particle set, an evolutionary particle filter with the immune genetic algorithm (IGA) for target tracking is proposed by adding IGA in front of the re-sampling process to increase particle diversity. Particles are regarded as the antibodies of the immune system, and the state of target being tracked is regarded as the external invading antigen. With the crossover and mutation process, the immune system produces a large number of new antibodies (particles), and thus the new particles can better approximate the true state by exploiting new areas. Regulatory mechanisms of antibodies, such as promotion and suppression, ensure the diversity of the particle set. In the proposed algorithm, the particle set optimized by IGA can better express the true state of the target, and the number of meaningful particles can be increased significantly. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed particle filter are verified by target tracking experiments. Simulation results show that the proposed particle filter is better than the standard one in particle diversity and efficiency. The proposed algorithm can easily be extended to multiple objects tracking problems with occlusions

    Multitarget tracking with interacting population-based MCMC-PF

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    In this paper we address the problem of tracking multiple targets based on raw measurements by means of Particle filtering. This strategy leads to a high computational complexity as the number of targets increases, so that an efficient implementation of the tracker is necessary. We propose a new multitarget Particle Filter (PF) that solves such challenging problem. We call our filter Interacting Population-based MCMC-PF (IP-MCMC-PF) since our approach is based on parallel usage of multiple population-based Metropolis-Hastings (M-H) samplers. Furthermore, to improve the chains mixing properties, we exploit genetic alike moves performing interaction between the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains. Simulation analyses verify a dramatic reduction in terms of computational time for a given track accuracy, and an increased robustness w.r.t. conventional MCMC based PF

    Degradation modeling and degradation-aware control of power electronic systems

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    The power electronics market is valued at 23.25billionin2019andisprojectedtoreach23.25 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach 36.64 billion by 2027. Power electronic systems (PES) have been extensively used in a wide range of critical applications, including automotive, renewable energy, industrial variable-frequency drive, etc. Thus, the PESs\u27 reliability and robustness are immensely important for the smooth operation of mission-critical applications. Power semiconductor switches are one of the most vulnerable components in the PES. The vulnerability of these switches impacts the reliability and robustness of the PES. Thus, switch-health monitoring and prognosis are critical for avoiding unexpected shutdowns and preventing catastrophic failures. The importance of the prognosis study increases dramatically with the growing popularity of the next-generation power semiconductor switches, wide bandgap switches. These switches show immense promise in the high-power high-frequency operations due to their higher breakdown voltage and lower switch loss. But their wide adaptation is limited by the inadequate reliability study. A thorough prognosis study comprising switch degradation modeling, remaining useful life (RUL) estimation, and degradation-aware controller development, is important to enhance the PESs\u27 robustness, especially with wide bandgap switches. In this dissertation, three studies are conducted to achieve these objectives- 1) Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) degradation modeling and RUL estimation, 2) cascode Gallium Nitride (GaN) Field-Effect Transistor (FET) degradation modeling and RUL estimation, and 3) Degradation-aware controller design for a PES, solid-state transformer (SST). The first two studies have addressed the significant variation in RUL estimation and proposed degradation identification methods for IGBT and cascode GaN FET. In the third study, a system-level integration of the switch degradation model is implemented in the SST. The insight into the switch\u27s degradation pattern from the first two studies is integrated into developing a degradation-aware controller for the SST. State-of-the-art controllers do not consider the switch degradation that results in premature system failure. The proposed low-complexity degradation-aware and adaptive SST controller ensures optimal degradation-aware power transfer and robust operation over the lifetime

    A Genetic Optimization Resampling Based Particle Filtering Algorithm for Indoor Target Tracking

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    In indoor target tracking based on wireless sensor networks, the particle filtering algorithm has been widely used because of its outstanding performance in coping with highly non-linear problems. Resampling is generally required to address the inherent particle degeneracy problem in the particle filter. However, traditional resampling methods cause the problem of particle impoverishment. This problem degrades positioning accuracy and robustness and sometimes may even result in filtering divergence and tracking failure. In order to mitigate the particle impoverishment and improve positioning accuracy, this paper proposes an improved genetic optimization based resampling method. This resampling method optimizes the distribution of resampled particles by the five operators, i.e., selection, roughening, classification, crossover, and mutation. The proposed resampling method is then integrated into the particle filtering framework to form a genetic optimization resampling based particle filtering (GORPF) algorithm. The performance of the GORPF algorithm is tested by a one-dimensional tracking simulation and a three-dimensional indoor tracking experiment. Both test results show that with the aid of the proposed resampling method, the GORPF has better robustness against particle impoverishment and achieves better positioning accuracy than several existing target tracking algorithms. Moreover, the GORPF algorithm owns an affordable computation load for real-time applications

    Fight sample degeneracy and impoverishment in particle filters: A review of intelligent approaches

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    During the last two decades there has been a growing interest in Particle Filtering (PF). However, PF suffers from two long-standing problems that are referred to as sample degeneracy and impoverishment. We are investigating methods that are particularly efficient at Particle Distribution Optimization (PDO) to fight sample degeneracy and impoverishment, with an emphasis on intelligence choices. These methods benefit from such methods as Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, Mean-shift algorithms, artificial intelligence algorithms (e.g., Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization), machine learning approaches (e.g., clustering, splitting and merging) and their hybrids, forming a coherent standpoint to enhance the particle filter. The working mechanism, interrelationship, pros and cons of these approaches are provided. In addition, approaches that are effective for dealing with high-dimensionality are reviewed. While improving the filter performance in terms of accuracy, robustness and convergence, it is noted that advanced techniques employed in PF often causes additional computational requirement that will in turn sacrifice improvement obtained in real life filtering. This fact, hidden in pure simulations, deserves the attention of the users and designers of new filters

    Hardware-Based Particle Filter with Evolutionary Resampling Stage

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    Autonomous systems require, in most of the cases, reasoning and decision-making capabilities. Moreover, the decision process has to occur in real time. Real-time computing means that every situation or event has to have an answer before a temporal deadline. In complex applications, these deadlines are usually in the order of milliseconds or even microseconds if the application is very demanding. In order to comply with these timing requirements, computing tasks have to be performed as fast as possible. The problem arises when computations are no longer simple, but very time-consuming operations. A good example can be found in autonomous navigation systems with visual-tracking submodules where Kalman filtering is the most extended solution. However, in recent years, some interesting new approaches have been developed. Particle filtering, given its more general problem-solving features, has reached an important position in the field. The aim of this thesis is to design, implement and validate a hardware platform that constitutes itself an embedded intelligent system. The proposed system would combine particle filtering and evolutionary computation algorithms to generate intelligent behavior. Traditional approaches to particle filtering or evolutionary computation have been developed in software platforms, including parallel capabilities to some extent. In this work, an additional goal is fully exploiting hardware implementation advantages. By using the computational resources available in a FPGA device, better performance results in terms of computation time are expected. These hardware resources will be in charge of extensive repetitive computations. With this hardware-based implementation, real-time features are also expected

    A genetic particle filter scheme for univariate snow cover assimilation into Noah-MP model across snow climates

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    Accurate snowpack simulations are critical for regional hydrological predictions, snow avalanche prevention, water resource management, and agricultural production, particularly during the snow ablation period. Data assimilation methodologies are increasingly being applied for operational purposes to reduce the uncertainty in snowpack simulations and to enhance their predictive capabilities. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of using a genetic particle filter (GPF) as a snow data assimilation scheme designed to assimilate ground-based snow depth (SD) measurements across different snow climates. We employed the default parameterization scheme combination within the Noah-MP (with multi-parameterization) model as the model operator in the snow data assimilation system to evolve snow variables and evaluated the assimilation performance of the GPF using observational data from sites with different snow climates. We also explored the impact of measurement frequency and particle number on the filter updating of the snowpack state at different sites and the results of generic resampling methods compared to the genetic algorithm used in the resampling process. Our results demonstrate that a GPF can be used as a snow data assimilation scheme to assimilate ground-based measurements and obtain satisfactory assimilation performance across different snow climates. We found that particle number is not crucial for the filter's performance, and 100 particles are sufficient to represent the high dimensionality of the point-scale system. The frequency of measurements can significantly affect the filter-updating performance, and dense ground-based snow observational data always dominate the accuracy of assimilation results. Compared to generic resampling methods, the genetic algorithm used to resample particles can significantly enhance the diversity of particles and prevent particle degeneration and impoverishment. Finally, we concluded that the GPF is a suitable candidate approach for snow data assimilation and is appropriate for different snow climates.</p