1,843 research outputs found

    Advances and Experiments of Tomographic SAR Imaging for the Analysis of Complex Scenarios

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    It is expected that the number of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images available for a same scene will increase exponentially in the future, thanks to the technical developments in this area. In order to fully exploit the information lying in data acquired in looking angle (multibaseline, MB), time, and polarization diversity, developments are underway of processing techniques which constitute an evolution of the mature phase-only SAR interferometry for producing new and/or more accurate measures. In particular, by combining coherently (i.e. amplitude and phase) the SAR data, new opportunities are arising for an improved imaging and information extraction of the observed scene. Among these techniques, a very promising advance is constituted by SAR Tomography, a MB interferometric mode allowing a full 3-D imaging in the range-azimuth-height space, thus separating multiple scatterers in layover at different heights in the same SAR cell in complex scenarios. Recently, a new interferometric mode called Differential SAR Tomography has been conceived at the University of Pisa from the synergic fusion of SAR Tomography and the conventional Differential Interferometry, allowing the estimation of also the possible relative deformations between multiple layover scatterers. In this thesis, theoretical advances and experimental results are presented in the analysis of complex scenarios. In particular, the tomographic imaging problem is addressed by exploring different algorithmic options able to enhance the image contrast and possibly also increase the scatterer resolution in height. Moreover, in order to automate the estimation of the height or height/deformation velocity, a scatterer detection algorithm has been developed, which constitutes also a preliminary step for the extensive validation of the information extracted. With regards to volumetric scatterers (e.g. the scatterer in forest scenarios), tomography-based coherent data combination techniques have been proposed and investigated, in particular for the extraction of the sub-canopy digital terrain model and for deriving in a non-model based fashion a coherent MB dataset with only the signal from the scattering layer of interest. Finally, the differential tomographic framework has been exploited for the robust tomographic analysis of temporal decorrelating volumetric scatterers. For each investigated topic, extensive experiments have been carried out with MB urban and forest SAR data

    Coherency Matrix Decomposition-Based Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The rationale of polarimetric optimization techniques is to enhance the phase quality of the interferograms by combining adequately the different polarization channels available to produce an improved one. Different approaches have been proposed for polarimetric persistent scatterer interferometry (PolPSI). They range from the simple and computationally efficient BEST, where, for each pixel, the polarimetric channel with the best response in terms of phase quality is selected, to those with high-computational burden like the equal scattering mechanism (ESM) and the suboptimum scattering mechanism (SOM). BEST is fast and simple, but it does not fully exploit the potentials of polarimetry. On the other side, ESM explores all the space of solutions and finds the optimal one but with a very high-computational burden. A new PolPSI algorithm, named coherency matrix decomposition-based PolPSI (CMD-PolPSI), is proposed to achieve a compromise between phase optimization and computational cost. Its core idea is utilizing the polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) coherency matrix decomposition to determine the optimal polarization channel for each pixel. Three different PolSAR image sets of both full- (Barcelona) and dual-polarization (Murcia and Mexico City) are used to evaluate the performance of CMD-PolPSI. The results show that CMD-PolPSI presents better optimization results than the BEST method by using either DAD_{\mathrm{ A}} or temporal mean coherence as phase quality metrics. Compared with the ESM algorithm, CMD-PolPSI is 255 times faster but its performance is not optimal. The influence of the number of available polarization channels and pixel's resolutions on the CMD-PolPSI performance is also discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Post-failure evolution analysis of a rainfall-triggered landslide by multi-temporal interferometry SAR approaches integrated with geotechnical analysis

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    Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) represents one of the most powerful techniques for Earth's surface deformation processes' monitoring, especially for long-term evolution phenomena. In this work, a dataset of 34 TerraSAR-X StripMap images (October 2013–October 2014) has been processed by two PSI techniques - Coherent Pixel Technique-Temporal Sublook Coherence (CPT-TSC) and Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) - in order to study the evolution of a slow-moving landslide which occurred on February 23, 2012 in the Papanice hamlet (Crotone municipality, southern Italy) and induced by a significant rainfall event (185 mm in three days). The mass movement caused structural damage (buildings' collapse), and destruction of utility lines (gas, water and electricity) and roads. The results showed analogous displacement rates (30–40 mm/yr along the Line of Sight – LOS-of the satellite) with respect to the pre-failure phase (2008–2010) analyzed in previous works. Both approaches allowed detect the landslide-affected area, however the higher density of targets identified by means of CPT-TSC enabled to analyze in detail the slope behavior in order to design possible mitigation interventions. For this aim, a slope stability analysis has been carried out, considering the comparison between groundwater oscillations and time-series of displacement. Hence, the crucial role of the interaction between rainfall and groundwater level has been inferred for the landslide triggering. In conclusion, we showed that the integration of geotechnical and remote sensing approaches can be seen as the best practice to support stakeholders to design remedial works.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sparse signal representation for complex-valued imaging

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    We propose a sparse signal representation-based method for complex-valued imaging. Many coherent imaging systems such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) have an inherent random phase, complex-valued nature. On the other hand sparse signal representation, which has mostly been exploited in real-valued problems, has many capabilities such as superresolution and feature enhancement for various reconstruction and recognition tasks. For complex-valued problems, the key challenge is how to choose the dictionary and the representation scheme for effective sparse representation. We propose a mathematical framework and an associated optimization algorithm for a sparse signal representation-based imaging method that can deal with these issues. Simulation results show that this method offers improved results compared to existing powerful imaging techniques

    Velocity Dealiased Spectral Estimators of Range Migrating Targets using a Single Low-PRF Wideband Waveform

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    Wideband radars are promising systems that may provide numerous advantages, like simultaneous detection of slow and fast moving targets, high range-velocity resolution classification, and electronic countermeasures. Unfortunately, classical processing algorithms are challenged by the range-migration phenomenon that occurs then for fast moving targets. We propose a new approach where the range migration is used rather as an asset to retrieve information about target velocitiesand, subsequently, to obtain a velocity dealiased mode. More specifically three new complex spectral estimators are devised in case of a single low-PRF (pulse repetition frequency) wideband waveform. The new estimation schemes enable one to decrease the level of sidelobes that arise at ambiguous velocities and, thus, to enhance the discrimination capability of the radar. Synthetic data and experimental data are used to assess the performance of the proposed estimators

    Synthetic aperture imaging with intensity-only data

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    We consider imaging the reflectivity of scatterers from intensity-only data recorded by a single moving transducer that both emits and receives signals, forming a synthetic aperture. By exploiting frequency illumination diversity, we obtain multiple intensity measurements at each location, from which we determine field cross-correlations using an appropriate phase controlled illumination strategy and the inner product polarization identity. The field cross-correlations obtained this way do not, however, provide all the missing phase information because they are determined up to a phase that depends on the receiver's location. The main result of this paper is an algorithm with which we recover the field cross-correlations up to a single phase that is common to all the data measured over the synthetic aperture, so all the data are synchronized. Thus, we can image coherently with data over all frequencies and measurement locations as if full phase information was recorded

    An Efficient Polyphase Filter Based Resampling Method for Unifying the PRFs in SAR Data

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    Variable and higher pulse repetition frequencies (PRFs) are increasingly being used to meet the stricter requirements and complexities of current airborne and spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems associated with higher resolution and wider area products. POLYPHASE, the proposed resampling scheme, downsamples and unifies variable PRFs within a single look complex (SLC) SAR acquisition and across a repeat pass sequence of acquisitions down to an effective lower PRF. A sparsity condition of the received SAR data ensures that the uniformly resampled data approximates the spectral properties of a decimated densely sampled version of the received SAR data. While experiments conducted with both synthetically generated and real airborne SAR data show that POLYPHASE retains comparable performance to the state-of-the-art BLUI scheme in image quality, a polyphase filter-based implementation of POLYPHASE offers significant computational savings for arbitrary (not necessarily periodic) input PRF variations, thus allowing fully on-board, in-place, and real-time implementation

    Basin scale assessment of landslides geomorphological setting by advanced InSAR analysis

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    An extensive investigation of more than 90 landslides affecting a small river basin in Central Italy was performed by combining field surveys and remote sensing techniques. We thus defined the geomorphological setting of slope instability processes. Basic information, such as landslides mapping and landslides type definition, have been acquired thanks to geomorphological field investigations and multi-temporal aerial photos interpretation, while satellite SAR archive data (acquired by ERS and Envisat from 1992 to 2010) have been analyzed by means of A-DInSAR (Advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) techniques to evaluate landslides past displacements patterns. Multi-temporal assessment of landslides state of activity has been performed basing on geomorphological evidence criteria and past ground displacement measurements obtained by A-DInSAR. This step has been performed by means of an activity matrix derived from information achieved thanks to double orbital geometry. Thanks to this approach we also achieved more detailed knowledge about the landslides kinematics in time and space

    Multiple feature-enhanced synthetic aperture radar imaging

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    Non-quadratic regularization based image formation is a recently proposed framework for feature-enhanced radar imaging. Specific image formation techniques in this framework have so far focused on enhancing one type of feature, such as strong point scatterers, or smooth regions. However, many scenes contain a number of such features. We develop an image formation technique that simultaneously enhances multiple types of features by posing the problem as one of sparse signal representation based on overcomplete dictionaries. Due to the complex-valued nature of the reflectivities in SAR, our new approach is designed to sparsely represent the magnitude of the complex-valued scattered field in terms of multiple features, which turns the image reconstruction problem into a joint optimization problem over the representation of the magnitude and the phase of the underlying field reflectivities. We formulate the mathematical framework needed for this method and propose an iterative solution for the corresponding joint optimization problem. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on various SAR images
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