8 research outputs found

    Ecosystem Approach to the Formation of Goods Express Delivery Supply Chains in Aviation Logistics

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    The article shows that in the context of accelerating the processes of economic integration in aviation logistics at the micro, meso and macro levels, complicating the forms of business organization, the emergence of new forms of cooperation between companies and new ways of jointly creating added value, many organizational boundaries in the economy are becoming more blurred and dynamic. The use of the concept of "ecosystem" in research is growing. An attempt is made to consider the possibility of using the “ecosystem” design for economic analysis at the aggregated level and to highlight the elements of the aviation logistics ecosystem on which the attention of researchers will be focused. From the authors point of view, the aviation logistics ecosystem is a combination of aviation, logistics, transport and postal organizations, were provide goods express delivery supply chains with system of interconnected technologies use. In the framework of article analysis of air cargo industry framework, synchronization and digitization of service operations in air cargo service supply chain, express delivery supply chains were represented. The authors proposed a mathematical model that allows logisticians to optimize the supply chain of special categories of goods, which is one of the priority tasks of the aviation logistics ecosystem

    A Lagrangian Approach for The Airfreight Consolidation Problem Under Pivot-weight

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    International airfreight forwarders are faced with the problem of consolidating ship- ments for efficient transportation by airline carriers. The use of standard unit loading devices (ULDs) is a solution adopted by the airfreight industry to speed up cargo loading, increase safety, and protect cargo. We study the airfreight consolidation problem from the forwarders perspective where a decision on the number of ULDs used and the assignment of shipments to ULDs is optimized. The cost of using a ULD consists of a fixed charge and depends on the weight of the cargo it contains. A ULD is charged at an under-pivot rate if the total weight is below a threshold limit, called the pivot-weight. Additional weight is charged at the over-pivot rate. We propose a solution methodology based on Lagrangian relaxation that is capable of providing high quality solutions in reasonable computational times. Besides, a high-quality lower bound, we propose three heuristics to generate feasible solutions, all based on the solution of the subproblems. The first, takes the solution of one of the subproblems and solves a restricted version of the original problem (LagHeur). The other two heuristics are a heuristic based on solving two knapsack problems (2knap) and a best-fit greedy heuristic (bestfit). Problems with up to 100 ULDs and 1000 shipments are solved to within an average of 1%, 2%, 2% of optimality in less than 51.05s, 50.57s and 589.16s by bestfit, 2knap and LagHeur, respectively

    Diagnóstico sobre la infraestructura existente del centro de acopio en el aeropuerto de Villavicencio, apoyados en las teorías del PMI

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    Trabajo de investigaciónSe plantea la elaboración de un diagnóstico sobre la infraestructura existente del centro de acopio actual del Aeropuerto Vanguardia de Villavicencio; enfocado al análisis para determinar su situación actual, sobre la base de datos y hechos recolectados y ordenados sistemáticamente, que permiten evaluar sus condiciones funcionales y operacionales; a través de la recopilación de información existente, se busca la comprensión del funcionamiento del centro de acopio del aeropuerto, su impacto a nivel regional y nacional, cuáles son las características físicas del actual edificio, que hace parte del funcionamiento del aeropuerto, así mismo se identifica la normativa general que se debe considerar para el correcto análisis de esta información.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. CONCLUSIONES 5 RECOMENDACIONES 6 BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile

    Developing sustainable supply chains in regional Australia considering demand uncertainty, government subsidies and carbon tax regulation

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    There is a tremendous opportunity to implement sustainable supply chain management practices in terms of logistics, operations, and transport network in regional Australia. Unfortunately, this opportunity has not been investigated and there is a lack of academic studies in this body of knowledge. This thesis is made up by three related, but independent models designed to efficiently distribute products from a regional hub to other part of the country. This research aims to develop efficient and sustainable supply chain practices to deliver regional Australian products across the country and overseas. As the airports of most Australian capital cities are over-crowded while many regional airports are under-utilised, the first model examines the ways to promote the use of regional airports. Australia is a significant food producer and the agricultural products are primarily produced in regional areas. In the other two models, we focus on the distribution of perishable products from regional Australia. The first model presented in Chapter 2 outlines how different government subsidy schemes can be used to influence airfreight distributions that favour the use of regional airports and promote regional economic development. The model simultaneously considers time-window and release-time constraints as well as the heterogeneous fleet for ground distribution where fuel consumption is subject to load, travel distance, speed and vehicle characteristics. A real-world case study in the state of Queensland, Australia is used to demonstrate the application of the model. The results suggest that the regional airport's advantages can be promoted with suitable subsidy programs and the logistics costs can be reduced by using the regional airport from the industry’s perspective. The second model presented in Chapter 3 examines the impacts of carbon emissions arising from the storage and transportation of perishable products on logistical decisions in the cold supply chain considering carbon tax regulation and uncertain demand. The problem is formulated as a two-stage stochastic programming model where Monte Carlo approach is used to generate scenarios. The aim of the model is to determine optimal replenishment policies and transportation schedules to minimise both operational and emissions costs. A matheuristic algorithm based on the Iterated Local Search (ILS) algorithm and a mixed integer programming is developed to solve the problem in realistic sizes. The proposed model was implemented in a real-world case study in the state of Queensland, Australia to demonstrate the application of the model. The results highlight that a higher emissions price does not always contribute to the efficiency of the cold supply chain system. The third model presented in Chapter 4 investigates the impacts of two different transport modes - road and rail - on the efficiency and sustainability of transport network to deliver meat and livestock from regional Queensland to large cities and seaports. The model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model that considers road traffic congestions, animal welfare, quality of meat products and environmental impacts from fuel consumption of different transport modes. The aim of the model is to determine an optimal network configuration where each leg of journey is conducted by the most reliable, sustainable and efficient transport mode. The results indicate that it would be possible to significantly decrease total cost if a road-rail intermodal network is used. Considering animal welfare, product quality and traffic congestion can have a significant effect on the decisions related to transport mode selection

    Optimization Approaches for Solving Large-Scale Personnel Scheduling Problems

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    Personnel scheduling is one of the most critical components in logistical planning for many practical areas, particularly in transportation, public services, and clinical operations. Because manpower is both an expensive and scarce resource, even a tiny improvement in utilization can provide huge expense savings for businesses. Additionally, a slightly better assignment schedule of the involved professionals can significantly increase their work satisfaction, which can in turn greatly improve the quality of the services customers or patients receive. However, practical personnel scheduling problems (PSPs) are hard to solve because modeling all of the complicated and nuanced requirements and rules is challenging. Moreover, since an iterative construction process may be necessary for handling the multiple-criteria or ill-defined objective nature of many PSPs, the model is expected to be solved in a short time while providing high-quality solutions, despite its large size and complexity. In this dissertation, we propose new models and solution approaches to address these challenges. We study in total three real-world PSPs. We first consider the crew pairing construction for a cargo airline. Each crew pairing is a sequence of flights assigned to a specific line/bid crew to operate in practice. Unlike traditional passenger aviation, due to the cargo airline's underlying network, each crew pairing will specify a complete flying schedule for the assigned crew over the entire planning horizon. Consequently, an extra and unique set of requirements must be incorporated into the construction process. We solve the problem using a delayed column generation framework. We develop a restricted shortest path model to incorporate the entire set of complicated requirements simultaneously and solve it using a labeling algorithm accelerated by a handful of proposed strategies. Computational experiments show that our approach can solve the crew pairing problem in a short time, while almost always delivering an optimal solution. Second, we consider an extension of the previous cargo crew scheduling problem, where a "break" is allowed to take place in the "middle" of each crew pairing. This break feature, working as a special type of conventional deadheading, is expected to significantly increase the flight coverage for practical deployment. However, incorporating this feature will result in an extremely dense underlying network, which introduces new computational challenges. To address this issue, we propose a bidirectional labeling based arc selection approach, which only needs to work on a tiny sub-network each time but can still guarantee the exactness of the delayed column generation process. We demonstrate through real-world instances that our proposed approach can solve this relaxed problem extension in a very short time and the resulting flight coverage will increase by over 30%. Finally, we study a medical resident annual block scheduling problem. We need to assign residents to perform services at different clinical units during each time period across the academic year so that the residents receive appropriate training while the hospital gets staffed sufficiently. We propose a two-stage partial fixing solution framework to address the long runtime issue caused by traditional approaches. A network-based model is also developed to provide a high-quality service selection to initiate this two-stage framework. Experiments using inputs from our clinical collaborator show that our approach can speed up the schedule construction at least 5 times for all instances and even over 100 times for some huge-size ones compared to a widely-used traditional approach.PHDIndustrial & Operations EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169758/1/jhguo_1.pd

    Сталий розвиток авіаційного транспорту України: стратегічні сценарії та інституційний супровід

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    Geografie dell’università. Spazi funzioni e relazioni di un’università che cambia.

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    In un’epoca in cui si assiste al diffondersi di diffidenza e ostilità verso i saperi esperti, un certo discorso sulle università sembra assumere implicitamente la metafora della “torre d’avorio” come fedele descrizione di quello che è il luogo per antonomasia deputato alla produzione di conoscenza. Tuttavia, da tempo le scienze sociali, così come gli studi nel campo dell’economia, dell’architettura e dell’urbanistica hanno evidenziato come le diverse attività che costituiscono in vario modo la sostanza stessa di un ateneo facciano delle università realtà fortemente intrecciate con gli spazi che abitano e che contribuiscono a produrre, sia localmente che a scala globale. Muovendosi nel solco tracciato da questi studi, la sessione Lo spazio dell’università. Trasformazioni, geografie e sfide della città universitaria ha voluto allargare lo sguardo a queste “geografie altre”, guardando al rapporto fra università e territorio in termini di inter-azione, attraverso contributi empirici fra loro molto eterogenei ma che, insieme, restituiscono la complessità sia del ruolo e delle attività degli atenei oggi sia di quello che abbiamo indicato come “spazio dell’università”

    A New Approach for Air Cargo Network Planning

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