20 research outputs found

    Revisiting the use of secondary task reaction time measures in telepresence research: exploring the role of immersion and attention

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    In this experimental study, we use secondary task reaction time (STRT) to measure Attention to a media presentation and compare STRT to traditional self-report measures of Telepresence (immersion, social reality, spatial presence, and transportation) and enjoyment. Further, we compare the STRT measure with the composite items of Telepresence–Immersion. The results indicate that STRT may be useful for measuring some sub-dimensions of Telepresence. Implications are discussed

    Revisiting the use of secondary task reaction time measures in telepresence research: exploring the role of immersion and attention

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    In this experimental study, we use secondary task reaction time (STRT) to measure Attention to a media presentation and compare STRT to traditional self-report measures of Telepresence (immersion, social reality, spatial presence, and transportation) and enjoyment. Further, we compare the STRT measure with the composite items of Telepresence–Immersion. The results indicate that STRT may be useful for measuring some sub-dimensions of Telepresence. Implications are discussed

    Use of virtual reality for neurodevelopmental disorders: a review of the state of the art and future agenda

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    [EN] To date, the diagnostic tools for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have been mostly based on qualitative criteria from observational information in contexts with low ecological validity. We are witnessing a growing scientific activity that proposes the use of implicit measures for the evaluation and diagnosis of ASD. These measures are based on processes of a biological and unconscious nature, underlying the capacity of human cognition, and are obtained through the acquisition and treatment of brain, physiological and behavioral responses in order to obtain the behavioral structure of the ASD patient facing a stimulus. The complex relationship between physiological responses and the behavioral structure of the ASD patient requires the use of advanced techniques of signal processing based on cognitive computation. Artificial intelligence (Al) techniques, such as machine learning and neurocomputing applied to the analysis of psychophysiological signals, have demonstrated their robustness for the classification of complex cognitive constructs. Virtual reality (VR) is a tool that allows recreating real-life situations with high sensory fidelity, but at the same time individually controlling each of the situations and stimuli that influence human behavior. It also allows the measurement in real time of human reactions to such stimuli. This document analyzes the latest scientific and technological advances relevant to its applications in the diagnosis of ASD. We conclude that VR is a very valuable tool for ASD research, especially for the evaluation and diagnosis of complex skills and competencies.[ES] Hasta ahora las herramientas diagnósticas de los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) se basan mayoritariamente en criterios cualitativos de información observacional en contextos con baja validez ecológica. Una creciente actividad científica propone medidas implícitas para la evaluación y diagnóstico del TEA. Dichas medidas se basan en procesos de carácter biológico e inconsciente, subyacentes a la capacidad de cognición humana y son obtenidas a través de la adquisición y tratamiento de respuestas cerebrales, fisiológicas y comportamentales, con el objetivo de obtener la estructura comportamental del paciente TEA ante un estímulo. La compleja relación existente entre respuestas fisiológicas y la estructura comportamental del paciente TEA ante un estímulo, obliga a utilizar técnicas avanzadas de tratamiento de la señal basadas en computación cognitiva. Las técnicas de inteligencia artificial, tales como aprendizaje automático (machine learning) y neurocomputación aplicadas al análisis de señales psicofisiológicas, han demostra do su robustez para la clasificación de complejos constructos cognitivos. La realidad virtual (RV) es una herramienta que permite recrear situaciones de la vida real con una alta fidelidad sensorial, pero al mismo tiempo controlar individualmente cada una de las situaciones y estímulos que influyen en el comportamiento humano. También permite la medición en tiempo real de las reacciones humanas ante tales estímulos. Este documento analiza los últimos avances científicos y tecnológicos relevantes para sus aplicaciones en el diagnóstico del TEA. Afirmamos que la RV es una herramienta muy valiosa para la investigación del TEA, especialmente para la evaluación y diagnóstico de habilidades y competencias complejas.Este trabajo fue apoyado y financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad de España, bajo el título: Herramientas avanzadas terapéuticas para la salud mental (DPI2016-77396-R) y Entorno virtual inmersivo para la evaluación y capacitación de niños con trastorno del espectro autista: T Room (IDI-20170912).Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Olmos-Raya, E.; Abad, L. (2019). Uso de entornos virtuales para trastornos del neurodesarrollo: una revisión del estado del arte y agenda futura. Medicina (Buenos Aires). 79:77-81. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/156263S77817

    The influence of virtual reality in e-commerce

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    [EN] The development of virtual reality (VR), together with other technological innovations will shape the future of e-retailing. This research studies the effectiveness of different VR formats and devices in a virtual store environment, namely V-commerce. This study proposes and test a conceptual model that analyses the relations between sense of presence, brand recall and purchase intention, while also going deeper into their antecedents. Our findings suggest differences in purchase intention depending on VR format and device used. No differences are shown in sense of presence and affect by VR format and device. Our tested model suggests a dual route of influence of VR on consumers' purchase intention in virtual stores: one through emotions and sense of presence and the other through the affect evoked by the virtual environment and brand recall. Lastly, some managerial implications and methodological issues are considered.This work has been developed by Instituto de Investigacion e Innovacion en Bioingenieria (I3B), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia and was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness funded project "Advanced Therapeutically Tools for Mental Health" (DPI2016-77396-R) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, ECO2014-53837R.Martínez-Navarro, J.; Bigné-Alcañiz, E.; Guixeres Provinciale, J.; Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Torrecilla-Moreno, C. (2019). The influence of virtual reality in e-commerce. Journal of Business Research. 100:475-482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.10.054S47548210

    Navigation Comparison between a Real and a Virtual Museum: Time-dependent Differences using a Head Mounted Display

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    [EN] The validity of environmental simulations depends on their capacity to replicate responses produced in physical environments. However, very few studies validate navigation differences in immersive virtual environments, even though these can radically condition space perception and therefore alter the various evoked responses. The objective of this paper is to validate environmental simulations using 3D environments and head-mounted display devices, at behavioural level through navigation. A comparison is undertaken between the free exploration of an art exhibition in a physical museum and a simulation of the same experience. As a first perception validation, the virtual museum shows a high degree of presence. Movement patterns in both `museums¿ show close similarities, and present significant differences at the beginning of the exploration in terms of the percentage of area explored and the time taken to undertake the tours. Therefore, the results show there are significant time-dependent differences in navigation patterns during the first 2 minutes of the tours. Subsequently, there are no significant differences in navigation in physical and virtual museums. These findings support the use of immersive virtual environments as empirical tools in human behavioural research at navigation level.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (Project TIN2013-45736-R); Dirección General de Tráfico, Ministerio del Interior de España (Project SPIP2017-02220); and the Institut Valencià d’Art Modern.Marín-Morales, J.; Higuera-Trujillo, JL.; Juan-Ripoll, CD.; Llinares Millán, MDC.; Guixeres Provinciale, J.; Iñarra Abad, S.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2019). Navigation Comparison between a Real and a Virtual Museum: Time-dependent Differences using a Head Mounted Display. Interacting with Computers. 31(2):208-220. https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwz018S20822031

    Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality

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    Assessment of the influence of navigation control and screen size on the sense of presence in virtual reality using EEG

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    [EN] In the virtual reality field, presence refers to the sense of being there in the virtual world. Our aim in this work is to evaluate the usefulness of the Emotiv EPOC EEG device to measure brain activations due to the sense of presence in a virtual environment (VE), using for the analysis the sLORETA tool. We compare between three experimental conditions: photographs, video and free navigation through a VE. We also compare the differences in the sense of presence due to the visualization of the VE in different screens: a common desktop screen and a high-resolution power wall screen. We monitored 20 healthy subjects, obtaining significant differences between the navigation and video conditions in the activity of the right Insula for the Theta band. We also found a higher activation of the Insula for the Alpha and Theta bands while navigating, when comparing the two screen types. The Insula activation is related to stimulus attention and self-awareness processes, directly related with the sense of presence.This study was funded by Vicerrectorado de Investigacion de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, PAID-06-2011, R.N. 1984; by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia Spain, Project Game Teen (TIN2010-20187) and partially by projects Consolider-C (SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), "CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII", the Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Educacion, 2008-157) and the Consolider INGENIO program (CSD2007-00012). The work of Miriam Clemente was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana under a VALi+d Grant. The work of Alejandro Rodriguez was supported by the Spanish MEC under an FPI Grant BES-2011-043316.Clemente Bellido, M.; Rodríguez Ortega, A.; Rey, B.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2014). Assessment of the influence of navigation control and screen size on the sense of presence in virtual reality using EEG. Expert Systems with Applications. 41(4):1584-1592. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.08.055S1584159241

    Psychophysiology to Assess Impact of Varying Levels of Simulation Fidelity in a Threat Environment

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    There are many virtual environments found in the serious game community that simulate real world scenarios. There is a broad range of fidelity and experimental controls among these serious games. An important component to most evaluations is the extent to which level of fidelity impacts the persons immersed in the serious game. While a great deal of virtual environment and serious game research has assessed the subjective state or feeling of the participant (e.g., the participant’s sense of presence) through the use of questionnaires, the current study examines participant experience by examining psychophysiological responses of participants to their surroundings. The primary goal in this study was evaluative: will a virtual environment with arousing contents result in increased sensory arousal if it is presented in a highly immersive configuration? A secondary goal of this study was to investigate the utility of our environment to offer varying levels of stimulus threat to impact the user’s experience of the virtual environment. Increased simulation fidelity in an arousing environment resulted in faster heart rates and increased startle eyeblink amplitudes, suggesting that higher fidelity scenarios had great efficacy related to sensory arousal