1,977 research outputs found

    A Nearly Optimal Algorithm for Approximating Replacement Paths and k Shortest Simple Paths in General Graphs

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    Finding kk Simple Shortest Paths and Cycles

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    The problem of finding multiple simple shortest paths in a weighted directed graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) has many applications, and is considerably more difficult than the corresponding problem when cycles are allowed in the paths. Even for a single source-sink pair, it is known that two simple shortest paths cannot be found in time polynomially smaller than n3n^3 (where n=Vn=|V|) unless the All-Pairs Shortest Paths problem can be solved in a similar time bound. The latter is a well-known open problem in algorithm design. We consider the all-pairs version of the problem, and we give a new algorithm to find kk simple shortest paths for all pairs of vertices. For k=2k=2, our algorithm runs in O(mn+n2logn)O(mn + n^2 \log n) time (where m=Em=|E|), which is almost the same bound as for the single pair case, and for k=3k=3 we improve earlier bounds. Our approach is based on forming suitable path extensions to find simple shortest paths; this method is different from the `detour finding' technique used in most of the prior work on simple shortest paths, replacement paths, and distance sensitivity oracles. Enumerating simple cycles is a well-studied classical problem. We present new algorithms for generating simple cycles and simple paths in GG in non-decreasing order of their weights; the algorithm for generating simple paths is much faster, and uses another variant of path extensions. We also give hardness results for sparse graphs, relative to the complexity of computing a minimum weight cycle in a graph, for several variants of problems related to finding kk simple paths and cycles.Comment: The current version includes new results for undirected graphs. In Section 4, the notion of an (m,n) reduction is generalized to an f(m,n) reductio

    Faster Replacement Paths

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    The replacement paths problem for directed graphs is to find for given nodes s and t and every edge e on the shortest path between them, the shortest path between s and t which avoids e. For unweighted directed graphs on n vertices, the best known algorithm runtime was \tilde{O}(n^{2.5}) by Roditty and Zwick. For graphs with integer weights in {-M,...,M}, Weimann and Yuster recently showed that one can use fast matrix multiplication and solve the problem in O(Mn^{2.584}) time, a runtime which would be O(Mn^{2.33}) if the exponent \omega of matrix multiplication is 2. We improve both of these algorithms. Our new algorithm also relies on fast matrix multiplication and runs in O(M n^{\omega} polylog(n)) time if \omega>2 and O(n^{2+\eps}) for any \eps>0 if \omega=2. Our result shows that, at least for small integer weights, the replacement paths problem in directed graphs may be easier than the related all pairs shortest paths problem in directed graphs, as the current best runtime for the latter is \Omega(n^{2.5}) time even if \omega=2.Comment: the current version contains an improved resul

    Replacement Paths via Row Minima of Concise Matrices

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    Matrix MM is {\em kk-concise} if the finite entries of each column of MM consist of kk or less intervals of identical numbers. We give an O(n+m)O(n+m)-time algorithm to compute the row minima of any O(1)O(1)-concise n×mn\times m matrix. Our algorithm yields the first O(n+m)O(n+m)-time reductions from the replacement-paths problem on an nn-node mm-edge undirected graph (respectively, directed acyclic graph) to the single-source shortest-paths problem on an O(n)O(n)-node O(m)O(m)-edge undirected graph (respectively, directed acyclic graph). That is, we prove that the replacement-paths problem is no harder than the single-source shortest-paths problem on undirected graphs and directed acyclic graphs. Moreover, our linear-time reductions lead to the first O(n+m)O(n+m)-time algorithms for the replacement-paths problem on the following classes of nn-node mm-edge graphs (1) undirected graphs in the word-RAM model of computation, (2) undirected planar graphs, (3) undirected minor-closed graphs, and (4) directed acyclic graphs.Comment: 23 pages, 1 table, 9 figures, accepted to SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematic

    Efficiently listing bounded length st-paths

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    The problem of listing the KK shortest simple (loopless) stst-paths in a graph has been studied since the early 1960s. For a non-negatively weighted graph with nn vertices and mm edges, the most efficient solution is an O(K(mn+n2logn))O(K(mn + n^2 \log n)) algorithm for directed graphs by Yen and Lawler [Management Science, 1971 and 1972], and an O(K(m+nlogn))O(K(m+n \log n)) algorithm for the undirected version by Katoh et al. [Networks, 1982], both using O(Kn+m)O(Kn + m) space. In this work, we consider a different parameterization for this problem: instead of bounding the number of stst-paths output, we bound their length. For the bounded length parameterization, we propose new non-trivial algorithms matching the time complexity of the classic algorithms but using only O(m+n)O(m+n) space. Moreover, we provide a unified framework such that the solutions to both parameterizations -- the classic KK-shortest and the new length-bounded paths -- can be seen as two different traversals of a same tree, a Dijkstra-like and a DFS-like traversal, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, accepted to IWOCA 201