341 research outputs found

    Detecção de anomalias na partilha de ficheiros em ambientes empresariais

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    File sharing is the activity of making archives (documents, videos, photos) available to other users. Enterprises use file sharing to make archives available to their employees or clients. The availability of these files can be done through an internal network, cloud service (external) or even Peer-to-Peer (P2P). Most of the time, the files within the file sharing service have sensitive information that cannot be disclosed. Equifax data breach attack exploited a zero-day attack that allowed arbitrary code execution, leading to a huge data breach as over 143 million user information was presumed compromised. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts computer data (documents, media, ...) making it inaccessible to the user, demanding a ransom for the decryption of the data. This type of malware has been a serious threat to enterprises. WannaCry and NotPetya are some examples of ransomware that had a huge impact on enterprises with big amounts of ransoms, for example WannaCry reached more than 142,361.51inransoms.Inthisdissertation,wepurposeasystemthatcandetectfilesharinganomalieslikeransomware(WannaCry,NotPetya)andtheft(Equifaxbreach),andalsotheirpropagation.Thesolutionconsistsofnetworkmonitoring,thecreationofcommunicationprofilesforeachuser/machine,ananalysisalgorithmusingmachinelearningandacountermeasuremechanismincaseananomalyisdetected.Partilhadeficheiroseˊaatividadededisponibilizarficheiros(documentos,vıˊdeos,fotos)autilizadores.Asempresasusamapartilhadeficheirosparadisponibilizarficheirosaosseusutilizadoresetrabalhadores.Adisponibilidadedestesficheirospodeserfeitaapartirdeumaredeinterna,servic\codenuvem(externo)ouateˊPonto−a−Ponto.Normalmente,osficheiroscontidosnoservic\codepartilhadeficheirosconte^mdadosconfidenciaisquena~opodemserdivulgados.Oataquedeviolac\ca~odedadosrealizadoaEquifaxexplorouumavulnerabilidadedediazeroquepermitiuexecuc\ca~odecoˊdigoarbitraˊrio,levandoaqueainformac\ca~ode143milho~esdeutilizadoresfossecomprometida.Ransomwareeˊumtipodemalwarequecifraosdadosdocomputador(documentos,multimeˊdia...)tornando−osinacessıˊveisaoutilizador,exigindoaesteumresgateparadecifraressesdados.Estetipodemalwaretemsidoumagrandeameac\caaˋsempresasatuais.WannaCryeNotPetyasa~oalgunsexemplosdeRansomwarequetiveramumgrandeimpactocomgrandesquantiasderesgate,WannaCryalcanc\coumaisde142,361.51 in ransoms. In this dissertation, we purpose a system that can detect file sharing anomalies like ransomware (WannaCry, NotPetya) and theft (Equifax breach), and also their propagation. The solution consists of network monitoring, the creation of communication profiles for each user/machine, an analysis algorithm using machine learning and a countermeasure mechanism in case an anomaly is detected.Partilha de ficheiros é a atividade de disponibilizar ficheiros (documentos, vídeos, fotos) a utilizadores. As empresas usam a partilha de ficheiros para disponibilizar ficheiros aos seus utilizadores e trabalhadores. A disponibilidade destes ficheiros pode ser feita a partir de uma rede interna, serviço de nuvem (externo) ou até Ponto-a-Ponto. Normalmente, os ficheiros contidos no serviço de partilha de ficheiros contêm dados confidenciais que não podem ser divulgados. O ataque de violação de dados realizado a Equifax explorou uma vulnerabilidade de dia zero que permitiu execução de código arbitrário, levando a que a informação de 143 milhões de utilizadores fosse comprometida. Ransomware é um tipo de malware que cifra os dados do computador (documentos, multimédia...) tornando-os inacessíveis ao utilizador, exigindo a este um resgate para decifrar esses dados. Este tipo de malware tem sido uma grande ameaça às empresas atuais. WannaCry e NotPetya são alguns exemplos de Ransomware que tiveram um grande impacto com grandes quantias de resgate, WannaCry alcançou mais de 142,361.51 em resgates. Neste tabalho, propomos um sistema que consiga detectar anomalias na partilha de ficheiros, como o ransomware (WannaCry, NotPetya) e roubo de dados (violação de dados Equifax), bem como a sua propagação. A solução consiste na monitorização da rede da empresa, na criação de perfis para cada utilizador/máquina, num algoritmo de machine learning para análise dos dados e num mecanismo que bloqueie a máquina afetada no caso de se detectar uma anomalia.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    A Systematic Review of the State of Cyber-Security in Water Systems

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    Critical infrastructure systems are evolving from isolated bespoke systems to those that use general-purpose computing hosts, IoT sensors, edge computing, wireless networks and artificial intelligence. Although this move improves sensing and control capacity and gives better integration with business requirements, it also increases the scope for attack from malicious entities that intend to conduct industrial espionage and sabotage against these systems. In this paper, we review the state of the cyber-security research that is focused on improving the security of the water supply and wastewater collection and treatment systems that form part of the critical national infrastructure. We cover the publication statistics of the research in this area, the aspects of security being addressed, and future work required to achieve better cyber-security for water systems

    A systematic literature review

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    Bahaa, A., Abdelaziz, A., Sayed, A., Elfangary, L., & Fahmy, H. (2021). Monitoring real time security attacks for iot systems using devsecops: A systematic literature review. Information (Switzerland), 12(4), 1-23. [154]. https://doi.org/10.3390/info12040154In many enterprises and the private sector, the Internet of Things (IoT) has spread globally. The growing number of different devices connected to the IoT and their various protocols have contributed to the increasing number of attacks, such as denial-of-service (DoS) and remote-to-local (R2L) ones. There are several approaches and techniques that can be used to construct attack detection models, such as machine learning, data mining, and statistical analysis. Nowadays, this technique is commonly used because it can provide precise analysis and results. Therefore, we decided to study the previous literature on the detection of IoT attacks and machine learning in order to understand the process of creating detection models. We also evaluated various datasets used for the models, IoT attack types, independent variables used for the models, evaluation metrics for assessment of models, and monitoring infrastructure using DevSecOps pipelines. We found 49 primary studies, and the detection models were developed using seven different types of machine learning techniques. Most primary studies used IoT device testbed datasets, and others used public datasets such as NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15. When it comes to measuring the efficiency of models, both numerical and graphical measures are commonly used. Most IoT attacks occur at the network layer according to the literature. If the detection models applied DevSecOps pipelines in development processes for IoT devices, they were more secure. From the results of this paper, we found that machine learning techniques can detect IoT attacks, but there are a few issues in the design of detection models. We also recommend the continued use of hybrid frameworks for the improved detection of IoT attacks, advanced monitoring infrastructure configurations using methods based on software pipelines, and the use of machine learning techniques for advanced supervision and monitoring.publishersversionpublishe

    Intrusion Detection: Embedded Software Machine Learning and Hardware Rules Based Co-Designs

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    Security of innovative technologies in future generation networks such as (Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Wi-Fi has become a critical universal issue for individuals, economy, enterprises, organizations and governments. The rate of cyber-attacks has increased dramatically, and the tactics used by the attackers are continuing to evolve and have become ingenious during the attacks. Intrusion Detection is one of the solutions against these attacks. One approach in designing an intrusion detection system (IDS) is software-based machine learning. Such approach can predict and detect threats before they result in major security incidents. Moreover, despite the considerable research in machine learning based designs, there is still a relatively small body of literature that is concerned with imbalanced class distributions from the intrusion detection system perspective. In addition, it is necessary to have an effective performance metric that can compare multiple multi-class as well as binary-class systems with respect to class distribution. Furthermore, the expectant detection techniques must have the ability to identify real attacks from random defects, ingrained defects in the design, misconfigurations of the system devices, system faults, human errors, and software implementation errors. Moreover, a lightweight IDS that is small, real-time, flexible and reconfigurable enough to be used as permanent elements of the system's security infrastructure is essential. The main goal of the current study is to design an effective and accurate intrusion detection framework with minimum features that are more discriminative and representative. Three publicly available datasets representing variant networking environments are adopted which also reflect realistic imbalanced class distributions as well as updated attack patterns. The presented intrusion detection framework is composed of three main modules: feature selection and dimensionality reduction, handling imbalanced class distributions, and classification. The feature selection mechanism utilizes searching algorithms and correlation based subset evaluation techniques, whereas the feature dimensionality reduction part utilizes principal component analysis and auto-encoder as an instance of deep learning. Various classifiers, including eight single-learning classifiers, four ensemble classifiers, one stacked classifier, and five imbalanced class handling approaches are evaluated to identify the most efficient and accurate one(s) for the proposed intrusion detection framework. A hardware-based approach to detect malicious behaviors of sensors and actuators embedded in medical devices, in which the safety of the patient is critical and of utmost importance, is additionally proposed. The idea is based on a methodology that transforms a device's behavior rules into a state machine to build a Behavior Specification Rules Monitoring (BSRM) tool for four medical devices. Simulation and synthesis results demonstrate that the BSRM tool can effectively identify the expected normal behavior of the device and detect any deviation from its normal behavior. The performance of the BSRM approach has also been compared with a machine learning based approach for the same problem. The FPGA module of the BSRM can be embedded in medical devices as an IDS and can be further integrated with the machine learning based approach. The reconfigurable nature of the FPGA chip adds an extra advantage to the designed model in which the behavior rules can be easily updated and tailored according to the requirements of the device, patient, treatment algorithm, and/or pervasive healthcare application

    A taxonomy of network threats and the effect of current datasets on intrusion detection systems

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    As the world moves towards being increasingly dependent on computers and automation, building secure applications, systems and networks are some of the main challenges faced in the current decade. The number of threats that individuals and businesses face is rising exponentially due to the increasing complexity of networks and services of modern networks. To alleviate the impact of these threats, researchers have proposed numerous solutions for anomaly detection; however, current tools often fail to adapt to ever-changing architectures, associated threats and zero-day attacks. This manuscript aims to pinpoint research gaps and shortcomings of current datasets, their impact on building Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) and the growing number of sophisticated threats. To this end, this manuscript provides researchers with two key pieces of information; a survey of prominent datasets, analyzing their use and impact on the development of the past decade’s Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and a taxonomy of network threats and associated tools to carry out these attacks. The manuscript highlights that current IDS research covers only 33.3% of our threat taxonomy. Current datasets demonstrate a clear lack of real-network threats, attack representation and include a large number of deprecated threats, which together limit the detection accuracy of current machine learning IDS approaches. The unique combination of the taxonomy and the analysis of the datasets provided in this manuscript aims to improve the creation of datasets and the collection of real-world data. As a result, this will improve the efficiency of the next generation IDS and reflect network threats more accurately within new datasets

    A taxonomy of network threats and the effect of current datasets on intrusion detection systems

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    As the world moves towards being increasingly dependent on computers and automation, building secure applications, systems and networks are some of the main challenges faced in the current decade. The number of threats that individuals and businesses face is rising exponentially due to the increasing complexity of networks and services of modern networks. To alleviate the impact of these threats, researchers have proposed numerous solutions for anomaly detection; however, current tools often fail to adapt to ever-changing architectures, associated threats and zero-day attacks. This manuscript aims to pinpoint research gaps and shortcomings of current datasets, their impact on building Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) and the growing number of sophisticated threats. To this end, this manuscript provides researchers with two key pieces of information; a survey of prominent datasets, analyzing their use and impact on the development of the past decade's Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and a taxonomy of network threats and associated tools to carry out these attacks. The manuscript highlights that current IDS research covers only 33.3% of our threat taxonomy. Current datasets demonstrate a clear lack of real-network threats, attack representation and include a large number of deprecated threats, which together limit the detection accuracy of current machine learning IDS approaches. The unique combination of the taxonomy and the analysis of the datasets provided in this manuscript aims to improve the creation of datasets and the collection of real-world data. As a result, this will improve the efficiency of the next generation IDS and reflect network threats more accurately within new datasets

    Statistical methods used for intrusion detection

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2006Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 58-64)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 71 leavesComputer networks are being attacked everyday. Intrusion detection systems are used to detect and reduce effects of these attacks. Signature based intrusion detection systems can only identify known attacks and are ineffective against novel and unknown attacks. Intrusion detection using anomaly detection aims to detect unknown attacks and there exist algorithms developed for this goal. In this study, performance of five anomaly detection algorithms and a signature based intrusion detection system is demonstrated on synthetic and real data sets. A portion of attacks are detected using Snort and SPADE algorithms. PHAD and other algorithms could not detect considerable portion of the attacks in tests due to lack of sufficiently long enough training data

    Anomaly Detection in Sequential Data: A Deep Learning-Based Approach

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    Anomaly Detection has been researched in various domains with several applications in intrusion detection, fraud detection, system health management, and bio-informatics. Conventional anomaly detection methods analyze each data instance independently (univariate or multivariate) and ignore the sequential characteristics of the data. Anomalies in the data can be detected by grouping the individual data instances into sequential data and hence conventional way of analyzing independent data instances cannot detect anomalies. Currently: (1) Deep learning-based algorithms are widely used for anomaly detection purposes. However, significant computational overhead time is incurred during the training process due to static constant batch size and learning rate parameters for each epoch, (2) the threshold to decide whether an event is normal or malicious is often set as static. This can drastically increase the false alarm rate if the threshold is set low or decrease the True Alarm rate if it is set to a remarkably high value, (3) Real-life data is messy. It is impossible to learn the data features by training just one algorithm. Therefore, several one-class-based algorithms need to be trained. The final output is the ensemble of the output from all the algorithms. The prediction accuracy can be increased by giving a proper weight to each algorithm\u27s output. By extending the state-of-the-art techniques in learning-based algorithms, this dissertation provides the following solutions: (i) To address (1), we propose a hybrid, dynamic batch size and learning rate tuning algorithm that reduces the overall training time of the neural network. (ii) As a solution for (2), we present an adaptive thresholding algorithm that reduces high false alarm rates. (iii) To overcome (3), we propose a multilevel hybrid ensemble anomaly detection framework that increases the anomaly detection rate of the high dimensional dataset
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