275 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence Forecasting Techniques For Reducing Uncertainties In Renewable Energy Applications [védés előtt]

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    The work presented in this thesis provides an integrated view and related insights for solar and wind farm operators and renewable energy regulators regarding factors influencing electricity production using those resources. The findings help production planning and grid stability improvements through better energy forecasting to reduce uncertainty. With the high increase in energy demand expected in both the near and far future, generating energy from green sustainable resources has now become an imperative necessity. Renewable energy sources like wind and solar are among the most promising and environmentally-friendly energy generation options. However, wind and solar energy production are influenced by many variables which affect the reliability, stability, and economic benefits of wind and solar energy projects, therefore, forecasting the potential amount of energy from wind and solar resources is of great importance. Hence, the objective of the work reported here was to explore the possibility of using artificial intelligence methods to accurately predict the generated renewable power from solar and wind farms based on the available data. Specifically, this thesis reports on the following results: 1. At first, solar photovoltaic (PV) energy forecasting was studied. Operators of grid-connected PV farms do not always have full sets of data available to them, especially over an extended period of time as required by key forecasting techniques such as multiple regression (MR) or artificial neural network (ANN). Therefore, the work reported here considered these two main approaches of building prediction models and compared their performance when utilizing structural, time-series, and hybrid methods for data input. Three years of PV power generation data (of an actual farm), as well as historical weather data (of the same location) with several key variables, were collected and utilized to build and test six prediction models. Models were built and designed to forecast the PV power for a 24-hour ahead horizon with 15 minutes resolutions. Results of comparative performance analysis show that different models have different prediction accuracy depending on the input method used to build the model: ANN models perform better than the MR regardless of the input method used. The hybrid input method results in better prediction accuracy for both MR and ANN techniques while using the time-series method results in the least accurate forecasting models. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis shows that poor data quality does impact forecasting accuracy negatively, especially for the structural approach. 2. Then, wind energy forecasting was studied utilizing three machine learning techniques namely Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support vector machine (SVM), and k-nearest neighbors (K-NN). The three mentioned techniques were used to design, train and test wind energy, forecasting models. Later, a hybrid model was proposed based on these three techniques. Real data obtained from a 2MW grid-connected wind turbine has been used to train and validate the different machine learning techniques. To compare the accuracy of the models over different performance measures with different scales, a comparative evaluation method was devised and used. Results show that the ANN model has great performance in forecasting long-term wind energy, but in contrast, it has very poor short-term performance. SVM model shows better short-term forecasting performance than ANN but presents weak long-term forecasting abilities. K-NN model shows very good short-term forecasting abilities and fair long-term performance. The suggested hybrid model was able to forecast both long and short-term wind energy with very good performance. To that degree, the suggested model can help grid and wind farm operators to forecast the potential amount of wind energy for both long and short term with a good degree of certainty. 3. Finally, the effect of the input data resolution on the forecasting accuracy was studied for both wind and solar. So, datasets were collected from a 546 KWp grid-connected PV farm and a 2 MW wind turbine for one full year. This data was used to train and test Artificial Neural Network models to forecast day-ahead PV and wind energy utilizing time-series input data with 15, 30, and 60 minutes resolutions. The models were able to forecast the PV energy accurately, while the same models trained for wind showed poor performance. Higher input data resolutions lead to slightly better forecasting performance for the PV farm. Utilizing data with higher resolution can improve the forecast by 1-5%. While for wind energy forecasting, the resolution has very minor effects, the 30-minute resolution shows a bit better forecasting performance

    Application of Artificial Intelligence for Surface Roughness Prediction of Additively Manufactured Components

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    Additive manufacturing has gained significant popularity from a manufacturing perspective due to its potential for improving production efficiency. However, ensuring consistent product quality within predetermined equipment, cost, and time constraints remains a persistent challenge. Surface roughness, a crucial quality parameter, presents difficulties in meeting the required standards, posing significant challenges in industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical devices, energy, optics, and electronics manufacturing, where surface quality directly impacts performance and functionality. As a result, researchers have given great attention to improving the quality of manufactured parts, particularly by predicting surface roughness using different parameters related to the manufactured parts. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the methods used by researchers to predict the surface quality of additively fabricated parts. Numerous research studies have developed models utilizing AI methods, including recent deep learning and machine learning approaches, which are effective in cost reduction and saving time, and are emerging as a promising technique. This paper presents the recent advancements in machine learning and AI deep learning techniques employed by researchers. Additionally, the paper discusses the limitations, challenges, and future directions for applying AI in surface roughness prediction for additively manufactured components. Through this review paper, it becomes evident that integrating AI methodologies holds great potential to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the additive manufacturing process. This integration minimizes the need for re-processing machined components and ensures compliance with technical specifications. By leveraging AI, the industry can enhance efficiency and overcome the challenges associated with achieving consistent product quality in additive manufacturing.publishedVersio

    Deep Learning Methods for Remote Sensing

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    Remote sensing is a field where important physical characteristics of an area are exacted using emitted radiation generally captured by satellite cameras, sensors onboard aerial vehicles, etc. Captured data help researchers develop solutions to sense and detect various characteristics such as forest fires, flooding, changes in urban areas, crop diseases, soil moisture, etc. The recent impressive progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning has sparked innovations in technologies, algorithms, and approaches and led to results that were unachievable until recently in multiple areas, among them remote sensing. This book consists of sixteen peer-reviewed papers covering new advances in the use of AI for remote sensing

    Research on operation optimization of building energy systems based on machine learning

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    北九州市立大学博士(工学)本研究では、建築エネルギーシステムの運用を最適化するために機械学習を応用し、建築エネルギーシステムの運用コストを削減し、再生可能エネルギーの自給率を向上させることを重点的に扱っています。これらの一連の研究成果は、この分野に新たな知見をもたらし、建築エネルギーシステムの経済的効率を向上させるのに役立っています。In this study, we focus on applying machine learning to optimize the operation of building energy systems, with a primary emphasis on reducing the operational costs of these systems and enhancing the self-sufficiency of renewable energy. This series of research outcomes has brought new insights to the field and contributes to improving the economic efficiency of building energy systems.doctoral thesi

    Urban air pollution modelling with machine learning using fixed and mobile sensors

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    Detailed air quality (AQ) information is crucial for sustainable urban management, and many regions in the world have built static AQ monitoring networks to provide AQ information. However, they can only monitor the region-level AQ conditions or sparse point-based air pollutant measurements, but cannot capture the urban dynamics with high-resolution spatio-temporal variations over the region. Without pollution details, citizens will not be able to make fully informed decisions when choosing their everyday outdoor routes or activities, and policy-makers can only make macroscopic regulating decisions on controlling pollution triggering factors and emission sources. An increasing research effort has been paid on mobile and ubiquitous sampling campaigns as they are deemed the more economically and operationally feasible methods to collect urban AQ data with high spatio-temporal resolution. The current research proposes a Machine Learning based AQ Inference (Deep AQ) framework from data-driven perspective, consisting of data pre-processing, feature extraction and transformation, and pixelwise (grid-level) AQ inference. The Deep AQ framework is adaptable to integrate AQ measurements from the fixed monitoring sites (temporally dense but spatially sparse), and mobile low-cost sensors (temporally sparse but spatially dense). While instantaneous pollutant concentration varies in the micro-environment, this research samples representative values in each grid-cell-unit and achieves AQ inference at 1 km \times 1 km pixelwise scale. This research explores the predictive power of the Deep AQ framework based on samples from only 40 fixed monitoring sites in Chengdu, China (4,900 {\mathrm{km}}^\mathrm{2}, 26 April - 12 June 2019) and collaborative sampling from 28 fixed monitoring sites and 15 low-cost sensors equipped with taxis deployed in Beijing, China (3,025 {\mathrm{km}}^\mathrm{2}, 19 June - 16 July 2018). The proposed Deep AQ framework is capable of producing high-resolution (1 km \times 1 km, hourly) pixelwise AQ inference based on multi-source AQ samples (fixed or mobile) and urban features (land use, population, traffic, and meteorological information, etc.). This research has achieved high-resolution (1 km \times 1 km, hourly) AQ inference (Chengdu: less than 1% spatio-temporal coverage; Beijing: less than 5% spatio-temporal coverage) with reasonable and satisfactory accuracy by the proposed methods in urban cases (Chengdu: SMAPE \mathrm{<} 20%; Beijing: SMAPE \mathrm{<} 15%). Detailed outcomes and main conclusions are provided in this thesis on the aspects of fixed and mobile sensing, spatio-temporal coverage and density, and the relative importance of urban features. Outcomes from this research facilitate to provide a scientific and detailed health impact assessment framework for exposure analysis and inform policy-makers with data driven evidence for sustainable urban management.Open Acces

    Forecasting and Risk Management Techniques for Electricity Markets

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    This book focuses on the recent development of forecasting and risk management techniques for electricity markets. In addition, we discuss research on new trading platforms and environments using blockchain-based peer-to-peer (P2P) markets and computer agents. The book consists of two parts. The first part is entitled “Forecasting and Risk Management Techniques” and contains five chapters related to weather and electricity derivatives, and load and price forecasting for supporting electricity trading. The second part is entitled “Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Electricity Trading System and Strategy” and contains the following five chapters related to the feasibility and enhancement of P2P energy trading from various aspects

    Very short-term photovoltaic power forecasting with cloud modeling: A review

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    This paper endeavors to provide the reader with an overview of the various tools needed to forecast photovoltaic (PV) power within a very short-term horizon. The study focuses on the specific application of a large scale grid-connected PV farm. Solar resource is largely underexploited worldwide whereas it exceeds by far humans' energy needs. In the current context of global warming, PV energy could potentially play a major role to substitute fossil fuels within the main grid in the future. Indeed, the number of utility-scale PV farms is currently fast increasing globally, with planned capacities in excess of several hundred megawatts. This makes the cost of PV-generated electricity quickly plummet and reach parity with non-renewable resources. However, like many other renewable energy sources, PV power depends highly on weather conditions. This particularity makes PV energy difficult to dispatch unless a properly sized and controlled energy storage system (ESU) is used. An accurate power forecasting method is then required to ensure power continuity but also to manage the ramp rates of the overall power system. In order to perform these actions, the forecasting timeframe also called horizon must be first defined according to the grid operation that is considered. This leads to define both spatial and temporal resolutions. As a second step, an adequate source of input data must be selected. As a third step, the input data must be processed with statistical methods. Finally, the processed data are fed to a precise PV model. It is found that forecasting the irradiance and the cell temperature are the best approaches to forecast precisely swift PV power fluctuations due to the cloud cover. A combination of several sources of input data like satellite and land-based sky imaging also lead to the best results for very-short term forecasting