848 research outputs found

    A Survey on Biometrics based Key Authentication using Neural Network

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    The conventional method for user authentication is a password known to the user only. There is no security in the use of passwords if the password is known to an imposter and also it can be forgotten. So it is necessary to develop a better security system. Hence, to improve the user authentication passwords are replaced with biometric identification of the user. Thus usage of biometrics in authentication system becomes a vital technique. Biometric scheme are being widely employed because of their security merits over the earlier authentication system based on records that can be easily lost, guessed or forged. This is because the biometrics is unique for every individual and is complex than passwords. Commonly used biometrics is fingerprint, iris, retina, face, hand geometry, palm, etc. The two issues to be considered for user authentication system are recognition of the authorized user and rejection of the impostor. So a better classifier is necessary to perform this task. Some of the widely used classifier is based on fuzzy logic, neural network, etc. Among those, neural network can be efficient in classification. This survey provides various biometrics based authentication system based on neural network

    A Survey on Biometrics based Key Authentication using Neural Network

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    The conventional method for user authentication is a password known to the user only. There is no security in the use of passwords if the password is known to an imposter and also it can be forgotten. So it is necessary to develop a better security system. Hence, to improve the user authentication passwords are replaced with biometric identification of the user. Thus usage of biometrics in authentication system becomes a vital technique. Biometric scheme are being widely employed because of their security merits over the earlier authentication system based on records that can be easily lost, guessed or forged. This is because the biometrics is unique for every individual and is complex than passwords. Commonly used biometrics is fingerprint, iris, retina, face, hand geometry, palm, etc. The two issues to be considered for user authentication system are recognition of the authorized user and rejection of the impostor. So a better classifier is necessary to perform this task. Some of the widely used classifier is based on fuzzy logic, neural network, etc. Among those, neural network can be efficient in classification. This survey provides various biometrics based authentication system based on neural network

    Design for novel enhanced weightless neural network and multi-classifier.

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    Weightless neural systems have often struggles in terms of speed, performances, and memory issues. There is also lack of sufficient interfacing of weightless neural systems to others systems. Addressing these issues motivates and forms the aims and objectives of this thesis. In addressing these issues, algorithms are formulated, classifiers, and multi-classifiers are designed, and hardware design of classifier are also reported. Specifically, the purpose of this thesis is to report on the algorithms and designs of weightless neural systems. A background material for the research is a weightless neural network known as Probabilistic Convergent Network (PCN). By introducing two new and different interfacing method, the word "Enhanced" is added to PCN thereby giving it the name Enhanced Probabilistic Convergent Network (EPCN). To solve the problem of speed and performances when large-class databases are employed in data analysis, multi-classifiers are designed whose composition vary depending on problem complexity. It also leads to the introduction of a novel gating function with application of EPCN as an intelligent combiner. For databases which are not very large, single classifiers suffices. Speed and ease of application in adverse condition were considered as improvement which has led to the design of EPCN in hardware. A novel hashing function is implemented and tested on hardware-based EPCN. Results obtained have indicated the utility of employing weightless neural systems. The results obtained also indicate significant new possible areas of application of weightless neural systems

    A Grey Wolf Optimizer for Modular Granular Neural Networks for Human Recognition

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    A grey wolf optimizer for modular neural network (MNN) with a granular approach is proposed. The proposed method performs optimal granulation of data and design of modular neural networks architectures to perform human recognition, and to prove its effectiveness benchmark databases of ear, iris, and face biometric measures are used to perform tests and comparisons against other works. The design of a modular granular neural network (MGNN) consists in finding optimal parameters of its architecture; these parameters are the number of subgranules, percentage of data for the training phase, learning algorithm, goal error, number of hidden layers, and their number of neurons. Nowadays, there is a great variety of approaches and new techniques within the evolutionary computing area, and these approaches and techniques have emerged to help find optimal solutions to problems or models and bioinspired algorithms are part of this area. In this work a grey wolf optimizer is proposed for the design of modular granular neural networks, and the results are compared against a genetic algorithm and a firefly algorithm in order to know which of these techniques provides better results when applied to human recognition

    Offline handwritten signature identification using adaptive window positioning techniques

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    The paper presents to address this challenge, we have proposed the use of Adaptive Window Positioning technique which focuses on not just the meaning of the handwritten signature but also on the individuality of the writer. This innovative technique divides the handwritten signature into 13 small windows of size nxn(13x13).This size should be large enough to contain ample information about the style of the author and small enough to ensure a good identification performance.The process was tested with a GPDS data set containing 4870 signature samples from 90 different writers by comparing the robust features of the test signature with that of the user signature using an appropriate classifier. Experimental results reveal that adaptive window positioning technique proved to be the efficient and reliable method for accurate signature feature extraction for the identification of offline handwritten signatures.The contribution of this technique can be used to detect signatures signed under emotional duress.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, Offline Handwritten Signature, GPDS dataset, Verification, Identification, Adaptive window positionin

    Recent Application in Biometrics

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    In the recent years, a number of recognition and authentication systems based on biometric measurements have been proposed. Algorithms and sensors have been developed to acquire and process many different biometric traits. Moreover, the biometric technology is being used in novel ways, with potential commercial and practical implications to our daily activities. The key objective of the book is to provide a collection of comprehensive references on some recent theoretical development as well as novel applications in biometrics. The topics covered in this book reflect well both aspects of development. They include biometric sample quality, privacy preserving and cancellable biometrics, contactless biometrics, novel and unconventional biometrics, and the technical challenges in implementing the technology in portable devices. The book consists of 15 chapters. It is divided into four sections, namely, biometric applications on mobile platforms, cancelable biometrics, biometric encryption, and other applications. The book was reviewed by editors Dr. Jucheng Yang and Dr. Norman Poh. We deeply appreciate the efforts of our guest editors: Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park and Dr. Sook Yoon, as well as a number of anonymous reviewers

    Securing Cloud Storage by Transparent Biometric Cryptography

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    With the capability of storing huge volumes of data over the Internet, cloud storage has become a popular and desirable service for individuals and enterprises. The security issues, nevertheless, have been the intense debate within the cloud community. Significant attacks can be taken place, the most common being guessing the (poor) passwords. Given weaknesses with verification credentials, malicious attacks have happened across a variety of well-known storage services (i.e. Dropbox and Google Drive) – resulting in loss the privacy and confidentiality of files. Whilst today's use of third-party cryptographic applications can independently encrypt data, it arguably places a significant burden upon the user in terms of manually ciphering/deciphering each file and administering numerous keys in addition to the login password. The field of biometric cryptography applies biometric modalities within cryptography to produce robust bio-crypto keys without having to remember them. There are, nonetheless, still specific flaws associated with the security of the established bio-crypto key and its usability. Users currently should present their biometric modalities intrusively each time a file needs to be encrypted/decrypted – thus leading to cumbersomeness and inconvenience while throughout usage. Transparent biometrics seeks to eliminate the explicit interaction for verification and thereby remove the user inconvenience. However, the application of transparent biometric within bio-cryptography can increase the variability of the biometric sample leading to further challenges on reproducing the bio-crypto key. An innovative bio-cryptographic approach is developed to non-intrusively encrypt/decrypt data by a bio-crypto key established from transparent biometrics on the fly without storing it somewhere using a backpropagation neural network. This approach seeks to handle the shortcomings of the password login, and concurrently removes the usability issues of the third-party cryptographic applications – thus enabling a more secure and usable user-oriented level of encryption to reinforce the security controls within cloud-based storage. The challenge represents the ability of the innovative bio-cryptographic approach to generate a reproducible bio-crypto key by selective transparent biometric modalities including fingerprint, face and keystrokes which are inherently noisier than their traditional counterparts. Accordingly, sets of experiments using functional and practical datasets reflecting a transparent and unconstrained sample collection are conducted to determine the reliability of creating a non-intrusive and repeatable bio-crypto key of a 256-bit length. With numerous samples being acquired in a non-intrusive fashion, the system would be spontaneously able to capture 6 samples within minute window of time. There is a possibility then to trade-off the false rejection against the false acceptance to tackle the high error, as long as the correct key can be generated via at least one successful sample. As such, the experiments demonstrate that a correct key can be generated to the genuine user once a minute and the average FAR was 0.9%, 0.06%, and 0.06% for fingerprint, face, and keystrokes respectively. For further reinforcing the effectiveness of the key generation approach, other sets of experiments are also implemented to determine what impact the multibiometric approach would have upon the performance at the feature phase versus the matching phase. Holistically, the multibiometric key generation approach demonstrates the superiority in generating the bio-crypto key of a 256-bit in comparison with the single biometric approach. In particular, the feature-level fusion outperforms the matching-level fusion at producing the valid correct key with limited illegitimacy attempts in compromising it – 0.02% FAR rate overall. Accordingly, the thesis proposes an innovative bio-cryptosystem architecture by which cloud-independent encryption is provided to protect the users' personal data in a more reliable and usable fashion using non-intrusive multimodal biometrics.Higher Committee of Education Development in Iraq (HCED

    Adaptive classifier ensembles for face recognition in video-surveillance

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    Lors de l’implémentation de systèmes de sécurité tels que la vidéo-surveillance intelligente, l’utilisation d’images de visages présente de nombreux avantages par rapport à d’autres traits biométriques. En particulier, cela permet de détecter d’éventuels individus d’intérêt de manière discrète et non intrusive, ce qui peut être particulièrement avantageux dans des situations comme la détection d’individus sur liste noire, la recherche dans des données archivées ou la ré-identification de visages. Malgré cela, la reconnaissance de visages reste confrontée à de nombreuses difficultés propres à la vidéo surveillance. Entre autres, le manque de contrôle sur l’environnement observé implique de nombreuses variations dans les conditions d’éclairage, la résolution de l’image, le flou de mouvement, l’orientation et l’expression des visages. Pour reconnaître des individus, des modèles de visages sont habituellement générés à l’aide d’un nombre limité d’images ou de vidéos de référence collectées lors de sessions d’inscription. Cependant, ces acquisitions ne se déroulant pas nécessairement dans les mêmes conditions d’observation, les données de référence représentent pas toujours la complexité du problème réel. D’autre part, bien qu’il soit possible d’adapter les modèles de visage lorsque de nouvelles données de référence deviennent disponibles, un apprentissage incrémental basé sur des données significativement différentes expose le système à un risque de corruption de connaissances. Enfin, seule une partie de ces connaissances est effectivement pertinente pour la classification d’une image donnée. Dans cette thèse, un nouveau système est proposé pour la détection automatique d’individus d’intérêt en vidéo-surveillance. Plus particulièrement, celle-ci se concentre sur un scénario centré sur l’utilisateur, où un système de reconnaissance de visages est intégré à un outil d’aide à la décision pour alerter un opérateur lorsqu’un individu d’intérêt est détecté sur des flux vidéo. Un tel système se doit d’être capable d’ajouter ou supprimer des individus d’intérêt durant son fonctionnement, ainsi que de mettre à jour leurs modèles de visage dans le temps avec des nouvelles données de référence. Pour cela, le système proposé se base sur de la détection de changement de concepts pour guider une stratégie d’apprentissage impliquant des ensembles de classificateurs. Chaque individu inscrit dans le système est représenté par un ensemble de classificateurs à deux classes, chacun étant spécialisé dans des conditions d’observation différentes, détectées dans les données de référence. De plus, une nouvelle règle pour la fusion dynamique d’ensembles de classificateurs est proposée, utilisant des modèles de concepts pour estimer la pertinence des classificateurs vis-à-vis de chaque image à classifier. Enfin, les visages sont suivis d’une image à l’autre dans le but de les regrouper en trajectoires, et accumuler les décisions dans le temps. Au Chapitre 2, la détection de changement de concept est dans un premier temps utilisée pour limiter l’augmentation de complexité d’un système d’appariement de modèles adoptant une stratégie de mise à jour automatique de ses galeries. Une nouvelle approche sensible au contexte est proposée, dans laquelle seules les images de haute confiance capturées dans des conditions d’observation différentes sont utilisées pour mettre à jour les modèles de visage. Des expérimentations ont été conduites avec trois bases de données de visages publiques. Un système d’appariement de modèles standard a été utilisé, combiné avec un module de détection de changement dans les conditions d’illumination. Les résultats montrent que l’approche proposée permet de diminuer la complexité de ces systèmes, tout en maintenant la performance dans le temps. Au Chapitre 3, un nouveau système adaptatif basé des ensembles de classificateurs est proposé pour la reconnaissance de visages en vidéo-surveillance. Il est composé d’un ensemble de classificateurs incrémentaux pour chaque individu inscrit, et se base sur la détection de changement de concepts pour affiner les modèles de visage lorsque de nouvelles données sont disponibles. Une stratégie hybride est proposée, dans laquelle des classificateurs ne sont ajoutés aux ensembles que lorsqu’un changement abrupt est détecté dans les données de référence. Lors d’un changement graduel, les classificateurs associés sont mis à jour, ce qui permet d’affiner les connaissances propres au concept correspondant. Une implémentation particulière de ce système est proposée, utilisant des ensembles de classificateurs de type Fuzzy-ARTMAP probabilistes, générés et mis à jour à l’aide d’une stratégie basée sur une optimisation par essaims de particules dynamiques, et utilisant la distance de Hellinger entre histogrammes pour détecter des changements. Les simulations réalisées sur la base de donnée de vidéo-surveillance Faces in Action (FIA) montrent que le système proposé permet de maintenir un haut niveau de performance dans le temps, tout en limitant la corruption de connaissance. Il montre des performances de classification supérieure à un système similaire passif (sans détection de changement), ainsi qu’a des systèmes de référence de type kNN probabiliste, et TCM-kNN. Au Chapitre 4, une évolution du système présenté au Chapitre 3 est proposée, intégrant des mécanismes permettant d’adapter dynamiquement le comportement du système aux conditions d’observation changeantes en mode opérationnel. Une nouvelle règle de fusion basée sur de la pondération dynamique est proposée, assignant à chaque classificateur un poids proportionnel à son niveau de compétence estimé vis-à-vis de chaque image à classifier. De plus, ces compétences sont estimées à l’aide des modèles de concepts utilisés en apprentissage pour la détection de changement, ce qui permet un allègement des ressources nécessaires en mode opérationnel. Une évolution de l’implémentation proposée au Chapitre 3 est présentée, dans laquelle les concepts sont modélisés à l’aide de l’algorithme de partitionnement Fuzzy C-Means, et la fusion de classificateurs réalisée avec une moyenne pondérée. Les simulation expérimentales avec les bases de données de vidéo-surveillance FIA et Chokepoint montrent que la méthode de fusion proposée permet d’obtenir des résultats supérieurs à la méthode de sélection dynamique DSOLA, tout en utilisant considérablement moins de ressources de calcul. De plus, la méthode proposée montre des performances de classification supérieures aux systèmes de référence de type kNN probabiliste, TCM-kNN et Adaptive Sparse Coding

    Human Face Recognition

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    Face recognition, as the main biometric used by human beings, has become more popular for the last twenty years. Automatic recognition of human faces has many commercial and security applications in identity validation and recognition and has become one of the hottest topics in the area of image processing and pattern recognition since 1990. Availability of feasible technologies as well as the increasing request for reliable security systems in today’s world has been a motivation for many researchers to develop new methods for face recognition. In automatic face recognition we desire to either identify or verify one or more persons in still or video images of a scene by means of a stored database of faces. One of the important features of face recognition is its non-intrusive and non-contact property that distinguishes it from other biometrics like iris or finger print recognition that require subjects’ participation. During the last two decades several face recognition algorithms and systems have been proposed and some major advances have been achieved. As a result, the performance of face recognition systems under controlled conditions has now reached a satisfactory level. These systems, however, face some challenges in environments with variations in illumination, pose, expression, etc. The objective of this research is designing a reliable automated face recognition system which is robust under varying conditions of noise level, illumination and occlusion. A new method for illumination invariant feature extraction based on the illumination-reflectance model is proposed which is computationally efficient and does not require any prior information about the face model or illumination. A weighted voting scheme is also proposed to enhance the performance under illumination variations and also cancel occlusions. The proposed method uses mutual information and entropy of the images to generate different weights for a group of ensemble classifiers based on the input image quality. The method yields outstanding results by reducing the effect of both illumination and occlusion variations in the input face images
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