761 research outputs found

    From conditioning to learning communities: Implications of fifty years of research in e‐learning interaction design

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    This paper will consider e‐learning in terms of the underlying learning processes and interactions that are stimulated, supported or favoured by new media and the contexts or communities in which it is used. We will review and critique a selection of research and development from the past fifty years that has linked pedagogical and learning theory to the design of innovative e‐learning systems and activities, and discuss their implications. It will include approaches that are, essentially, behaviourist (Skinner and Gagné), cognitivist (Pask, Piaget and Papert), situated (Lave, Wenger and Seely‐Brown), socio‐constructivist (Vygotsky), socio‐cultural (Nardi and Engestrom) and community‐based (Wenger and Preece). Emerging from this review is the argument that effective e‐learning usually requires, or involves, high‐quality educational discourse, that leads to, at the least, improved knowledge, and at the best, conceptual development and improved understanding. To achieve this I argue that we need to adopt a more holistic approach to design that synthesizes features of the included approaches, leading to a framework that emphasizes the relationships between cognitive changes, dialogue processes and the communities, or contexts for e‐learning

    Learn-ciam: a model-driven approach for the development of collaborative learning tools

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    This paper introduces Learn-CIAM, a new model-based methodological approach for the design of flows and for the semi-automatic generation of tools in order to support collaborative learning tasks. The main objective of this work is to help professors by establishing a series of steps for the specification of their learning courses and the obtaining of collaborative tools to support certain learning activities (in particular, for in-group editing, searching and modeling). This paper presents a complete methodological framework, how it is supported conceptually and technologically, and an application example. So to guarantee the validity of the proposal, we also present some validation processes with potential designers and users from different profiles such as Education and Computer Science. The results seem to demonstrate a positive reception and acceptance, concluding that its application would facilitate the design of learning courses and the generation of collaborative learning tools for professionals of both profiles

    Ubiquitous learning architecture to enable learning path design across the cumulative learning continuum

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    The past twelve years have seen ubiquitous learning (u-learning) emerging as a new learning paradigm based on ubiquitous technology. By integrating a high level of mobility into the learning environment, u-learning enables learning not only through formal but also through informal and social learning modalities. This makes it suitable for lifelong learners that want to explore, identify and seize such learning opportunities, and to fully build upon these experiences. This paper presents a theoretical framework for designing personalized learning paths for lifelong learners, which supports contemporary pedagogical approaches that can promote the idea of a cumulative learning continuum from pedagogy through andragogy to heutagogy where lifelong learners progress in maturity and autonomy. The framework design builds on existing conceptual and process models for pedagogy-driven design of learning ecosystems. Based on this framework, we propose a system architecture that aims to provide personalized learning pathways using selected pedagogical strategies, and to integrate formal, informal and social training offerings using two well-known learning and development reference models; the 70:20:10 framework and the 3–33 model

    Proceedings of the 18th Australasian conference on information systems doctoral consortium (ACIS 2007)

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    Proceedings of the ACIS 2007 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems Doctoral Consortium, Toowoomba, Australia, 4 December 2007

    Epistemic Objects and Knowledge Creation in Invention Projects

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    Open-ended, materially mediated invention projects offer ample opportunities for knowledge creation and multifaceted learning in educational settings. This chapter describes how knowledge creation takes place in invention projects when students solve open-ended design challenges together, using tangible and digital tools and materials. Learning to innovate, to create knowledge, and to solve multifaceted, complex problems with perseverance and without being afraid of failure are skills that we consider will be essential in the future society. As an example of multifaceted knowledge creation through an open-ended invention process, a case from an invention project conducted at a secondary school in Helsinki, Finland is presented. The invention project of one team of student inventors is described from the perspective of the dimensions of conceptual knowledge that they built and created during the project.Peer reviewe

    The art and science of learning design: Editoral

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    Editorial for the "art and science of learning design" supplement. Introduces the learning design approach, considers some of the grand challenges associated with it, and presents the papers in this supplement

    A Review of Personalised E-Learning: Towards Supporting Learner Diversity

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    The realisation of personalised e-learning to suit an individual learner’s diverse learning needs is a concept which has been explored for decades, at great expense, but is still not achievable by non-technical authors. This research reviews the area of personalised e-learning and notes some of the technological challenges which developers may encounter in creating authoring tools for personalised e-learning and some of the pedagogical challenges which authors may encounter when creating personalised e-learning activities to enhance the learning experience of their students. At present educators who wish to create personalised e-learning activities require the assistance of technical experts who are knowledgeable in the area. Even with the help of an expert the creation of personalised e-learning activities still remains a complex process to authors who are new to the concept of tailoring e-learning to suit learner diversity. Before the successful utilisation of adaptive authoring tools can be realised, academic authors need to learn how to effectively use these tools. All learners come to education with a diverse set of characteristics; educators need to decide which learner characteristic(s) they wish to focus on addressing through the use of personalised e-learning activities. Further investigation, evaluation and analyses of authoring tools is required before personalised e-learning to support learner diversity can be achieved by many academics. Research members of the AMAS (2013) project team are currently involved in developing an authoring tool for adaptive activities for e-learning

    Learning Theories: ePedagogical Strategies for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Higher Education

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    This chapter reviews various learning theories about e-pedagogical strategies for the effective use of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in higher education. E-pedagogical strategies refer to the various teaching methods or approaches used by educators when encouraging students to engage with online learning. An up-to-date broad knowledge of learning theories is required by educators to inform and inspire their teaching approaches. Before developing lesson plans, educators should have a clear idea of the learning outcomes which they hope the learners will achieve by engaging with the lessons, be they delivered on or off line. By knowing the desired learning outcomes in advance of developing the lesson plans, educators have the opportunity to consider various learning theories, teaching methods, and pedagogical strategies to select the most appropriate one(s) to use when creating course content for MOOCs. The chapter continues the discussion on ‘ePedagogy and interactive MOOCs’ from the perspective of addressing the topic of ‘ePedagogy and students’ use of HCI (integrating interactivity into asynchronous MOOCs)

    Supporting orchestration of blended CSCL scenarios in distributed learning environments

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    El diseño y gestión en tiempo real de escenarios de aprendizaje colaborativo soportado por ordenador (en inglés, CSCL) es una tarea compleja y difícilmente realizable por profesores no expertos, que en los últimos años ha dado en denominarse "orquestación". La presente tesis doctoral profundiza en este concepto de orquestación, y de hecho la primera contribución de la tesis es un marco conceptual para caracterizar la orquestación, destinada a su uso por científicos en el campo del CSCL, validado mediante dos paneles de científicos del CSCL. La tesis también propone los "patrones atómicos" como herramientas conceptuales para que profesores no expertos realicen dicha orquestación, y que se han validado mediante cuatro talleres con profesores de educación primaria y superior. Finalmente, se propone GLUE!-PS, una infraestructura tecnológica para el despliegue y gestión en tiempo real de escenarios CSCL, validada a través de talleres y experiencias auténticas con profesorado universitario.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería Telemática2012-11-2