843,651 research outputs found

    The challenges of curriculum by the integration of ICT in the professional practice of science teacher

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    The Web has enabled a renewal of the concept of education which includes a new educational model that enables learning anywhere and at any time. The expansion of Internet allows students to have a more active role in the learning process. The curriculum can be (re) build and integrated in an interdisciplinary way. The educational use of ICT in the formal curriculum may be made through collaborative learning processes of interaction and negotiation of meanings, using diverse tools. Regular use of computers and Internet in the classroom allows the development, dissemination and evaluation of student’s achievements. This article describes an ongoing research which included integration of computers and the Internet in the teaching and learning methods and strategies in the disciplines of Biology and Geology in a Portuguese high-school

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Market Place Activity Berbantuan Internet dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pai Kelas VIII SMPN 3 Lembang Kab. Pinrang

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    This article discusses about application of learning model of Internet-based place market place in improving result of learning process of Islamic Religion Class VIII SMPN 3 Lembang Pinrang District. This study aims to determine the learning outcomes before and after the implementation of learning model Internet Place Activity assisted the internet, and whether there is an increase in learning results of Islamic Religious Education. This type of research includes experimental research, as it seeks to obtain objective, valid, and reliable data using numerical data, preferably pretest and posttest learning, observation and documentation. Data obtained through observation, tests, and documentation. The results of this study indicate, (1) The result of student learning process before the treatment (pretest) application of learning model of Market Place Activity assisted Internet, obtained mean (mean) equal to 64,12. (2) The result of student learning process after treatment (posttest)) application of learning model of Internet Place Activity with Internet, obtained mean (mean) equal to 87,64. And the improvement of the learning outcomes in the implementation of the Class VIII Classroom Internet Activity Learning model at SMPN 3 Lembang shows a significant improvement. Based on the research that has been done will give the impact of a better learning process. Some of the implications in this research as a form of learning process development that the teacher expected should be able to implement the Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective and Exciting Learning Model on teaching and learning activities by using methods and varied classroom settings and using modules, So it can lead to student motivation in learning

    A Phone Learning Model for Enhancing Productivity of Visually Impaired Civil Servants

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    Phone-based learning in civil service is the use of voice technologies to deliver learning and capacity building training services to government employees. The Internet revolution and advancement in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have given rise to online and remote staff training for the purpose of enhancing workers productivity. The need for civil servants in Nigeria to develop capacity that will enhance knowledge is a key requirement to having competitive advantage in the work place. Existing online learning platforms (such as web-based learning, mobile learning, etc) did not consider the plight of the visually impaired. These platforms provide graphical interfaces that require sight to access. The visually impaired civil servants require auditory access to functionalities that exist in learning management system on the Internet. Thus a gap exist between the able-bodied and visually impaired civil servants on accessibility to e-learning platform. The objective of this paper is to provide a personalized telephone learning model and a prototype application that will enhance the productivity of the visually impaired workers in Government establishments in Nigeria. The model was designed using Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram. The prototype application was implemented and evaluated. With the proposed model and application, the visually and mobility impaired worker are able to participate in routine staff training and consequently enhances their productivity just like their able-bodied counterparts. The prototype application also serves as an alternative training platform for the able-bodied workers. Future research direction for this study will include biometric authentication of learners accessing the applicatio

    A Phone Learning Model for Enhancing Productivity of Visually Impaired Civil Servants

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    Phone-based learning in civil service is the use of voice technologies to deliver learning and capacity building training services to government employees. The Internet revolution and advancement in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have given rise to online and remote staff training for the purpose of enhancing workers productivity. The need for civil servants in Nigeria to develop capacity that will enhance knowledge is a key requirement to having competitive advantage in the work place. Existing online learning platforms (such as web-based learning, mobile learning, etc) did not consider the plight of the visually impaired. These platforms provide graphical interfaces that require sight to access. The visually impaired civil servants require auditory access to functionalities that exist in learning management system on the Internet. Thus a gap exist between the able-bodied and visually impaired civil servants on accessibility to e-learning platform. The objective of this paper is to provide a personalized telephone learning model and a prototype application that will enhance the productivity of the visually impaired workers in Government establishments in Nigeria. The model was designed using Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram. The prototype application was implemented and evaluated. With the proposed model and application, the visually and mobility impaired worker are able to participate in routine staff training and consequently enhances their productivity just like their able-bodied counterparts. The prototype application also serves as an alternative training platform for the able-bodied workers. Future research direction for this study will include biometric authentication of learners accessing the applicatio

    Assessing the benefits of Ajax in mobile learning systems design : a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Information Studies at Massey University

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    Today, mobile technology is rapidly changing our life with increasing numbers of services supported by mobile phones, including mobile Internet access and Web-based mobile learning. The growth of the wireless Internet technology opens new path for people to study in anytime and any location. Using Web-based mobile application to present learning resources for mobile learners is a challenge for developers, because the mobile Internet access performance over GPRS networks is often unacceptably slow. A new Web development model, Ajax, may help to address this problem. Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), is a new desktop approach to Web application development that uses client-side scripting to provide a seamless user application experience and reduce traffic between client and server. In this paper, we address the question of whether mobile Ajax provides measurable performance advantages over non-Ajax mobile learning applications. A real-life Web-based mobile learning application performance over a GPRS network study was done based on comparing an Ajax application and an Active Server Pages (ASP) application with identical functionality. Our results suggest that mobile Ajax can reduce the bandwidth requirement by 71%, and cut the server's response time in half. In addition, these performance improvements were noticed by users in our small group usability test

    Digital Literation Based Learning Strategy in Improving Student Learning Participation in Education in Pandemi Era

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    Abstract This phenomenological qualitative research aims to analyze and describe the steps of internet-based learning, the underlying learning model, and the experience of lecturers and students while carrying out internet-based learning in the context of strengthening digital literacy. The results showed that internet-based learning in a pandemic situation to strengthen digital literacy must be started by preparing an internet connection, attendance list (online and manual), shared RPS via WhatsApp, pretest / quiz, learning offline / online, then presentation. review the material, posttest / quiz and end with motivation. The learning model used is active learning, a model that can provide special experience for lecturers and students. They always prepare attendance lists and material online, are disciplined, and are accustomed to using the internet. But they still encounter technical obstacles related to the use of digital media and the internet, as well as electricity and digital media disruptions that were difficult to predict beforehand

    Market Model and Optimal Pricing Scheme of Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Big data has been emerging as a new approach in utilizing large datasets to optimize complex system operations. Big data is fueled with Internet-of-Things (IoT) services that generate immense sensory data from numerous sensors and devices. While most current research focus of big data is on machine learning and resource management design, the economic modeling and analysis have been largely overlooked. This paper thus investigates the big data market model and optimal pricing scheme. We first study the utility of data from the data science perspective, i.e., using the machine learning methods. We then introduce the market model and develop an optimal pricing scheme afterward. The case study shows clearly the suitability of the proposed data utility functions. The numerical examples demonstrate that big data and IoT service provider can achieve the maximum profit through the proposed market model

    The Contribution of Internet Utilization towards the Student Learning Outcomes

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    The emergence of the internet has a major effect on human life, including in education. The internet contributes to academics so that it has a very important role for student learning success. This research aims to describe the contribution of internet utilization as a learning resource towards the student learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 2 Padang. This study used a descriptive quantitative research method, and the data were analyzed by using the simple linear regression. The population of this research was 920 students of SMA Negeri 2 Padang, and the sample chosen was 279 students selected by using the proportional random sampling technique. The research instrument used was a scale of internet utilization with a Likert model. The findings of this research showed that the use of the internet as a learning resource contributes towards the student learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 2 Padang with an effective contribution 40.4%

    A Framework for Incorporating Serious Games into Learning Object Repositories through Experiential Learning

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    A learning environment Galore seamlessly combining serious games with generative learning objects based on experiential learning model is described. The learning object repository in Galore allows domain experts to elucidate knowledge concepts using parameterized learning objects in diverse formats such as text, visuals, interactive widgets, as well as embedded gamelets to provide a learning experience customized to student learning preferences. Reflective observation and abstract conceptualization zones are explicitly modeled to support the exploratory phases of the experiential learning model. The metadata associated with the knowledge components in the environment are used to develop algorithms that automatically retrieve and synthesize lesson plans for students to achieve a specified set of learning objectives. We illustrate Galore through a case study for secure quantum internet protocols using Python Jupyter notebooks. A total of 28 notebooks and 16 gamelets using Galore cover the foundations of secure quantum internet protocols