3,604 research outputs found

    Network Flow Algorithms for Discrete Tomography

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    Tomography is a powerful technique to obtain images of the interior of an object in a nondestructive way. First, a series of projection images (e.g., X-ray images) is acquired and subsequently a reconstruction of the interior is computed from the available project data. The algorithms that are used to compute such reconstructions are known as tomographic reconstruction algorithms. Discrete tomography is concerned with the tomographic reconstruction of images that are known to contain only a few different gray levels. By using this knowledge in the reconstruction algorithm it is often possible to reduce the number of projections required to compute an accurate reconstruction, compared to algorithms that do not use prior knowledge. This thesis deals with new reconstruction algorithms for discrete tomography. In particular, the first five chapters are about reconstruction algorithms based on network flow methods. These algorithms make use of an elegant correspondence between certain types of tomography problems and network flow problems from the field of Operations Research. Chapter 6 deals with a problem that occurs in the application of discrete tomography to the reconstruction of nanocrystals from projections obtained by electron microscopy.The research for this thesis has been financially supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), project 613.000.112.UBL - phd migration 201

    Reconstructing binary images from discrete X-rays

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    We present a new algorithm for reconstructing binary images from their projections along a small number of directions. Our algorithm performs a sequence of related reconstructions, each using only two projections. The algorithm makes extensive use of network flow algorithms for solving the two-projection subproblems. Our experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm can compute reconstructions which resemble the original images very closely from a small number of projections, even in the presence of noise. Although the effectiveness of the algorithm is based on certain smoothness assumptions about the image, even tiny, non-smooth details are reconstructed exactly. The class of images for which the algorithm is most effective includes images of convex objects, but images of objects that contain holes or consist of multiple components can also be reconstructed with great accurac

    3D particle tracking velocimetry using dynamic discrete tomography

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    Particle tracking velocimetry in 3D is becoming an increasingly important imaging tool in the study of fluid dynamics, combustion as well as plasmas. We introduce a dynamic discrete tomography algorithm for reconstructing particle trajectories from projections. The algorithm is efficient for data from two projection directions and exact in the sense that it finds a solution consistent with the experimental data. Non-uniqueness of solutions can be detected and solutions can be tracked individually

    Generic iterative subset algorithms for discrete tomography

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    AbstractDiscrete tomography deals with the reconstruction of images from their projections where the images are assumed to contain only a small number of grey values. In particular, there is a strong focus on the reconstruction of binary images (binary tomography). A variety of binary tomography problems have been considered in the literature, each using different projection models or additional constraints. In this paper, we propose a generic iterative reconstruction algorithm that can be used for many different binary reconstruction problems. In every iteration, a subproblem is solved based on at most two of the available projections. Each of the subproblems can be solved efficiently using network flow methods. We report experimental results for various reconstruction problems. Our results demonstrate that the algorithm is capable of reconstructing complex objects from a small number of projections

    Efficient binary tomographic reconstruction

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    Tomographic reconstruction of a binary image from few projections is considered. A novel {\em heuristic} algorithm is proposed, the central element of which is a nonlinear transformation ψ(p)=log(p/(1p))\psi(p)=\log(p/(1-p)) of the probability pp that a pixel of the sought image be 1-valued. It consists of backprojections based on ψ(p)\psi(p) and iterative corrections. Application of this algorithm to a series of artificial test cases leads to exact binary reconstructions, (i.e recovery of the binary image for each single pixel) from the knowledge of projection data over a few directions. Images up to 10610^6 pixels are reconstructed in a few seconds. A series of test cases is performed for comparison with previous methods, showing a better efficiency and reduced computation times

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 21. Number 1.

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    Directed Acyclic Graph Continuous Max-Flow Image Segmentation for Unconstrained Label Orderings

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    Label ordering, the specification of subset–superset relationships for segmentation labels, has been of increasing interest in image segmentation as they allow for complex regions to be represented as a collection of simple parts. Recent advances in continuous max-flow segmentation have widely expanded the possible label orderings from binary background/foreground problems to extendable frameworks in which the label ordering can be specified. This article presents Directed Acyclic Graph Max-Flow image segmentation which is flexible enough to incorporate any label ordering without constraints. This framework uses augmented Lagrangian multipliers and primal–dual optimization to develop a highly parallelized solver implemented using GPGPU. This framework is validated on synthetic, natural, and medical images illustrating its general applicability