4 research outputs found

    A Microfabricated Planar Digital Microrobot for Precise Positioning Based on Bistable Modules

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    International audienceSize reduction is a constant objective in new technologies, for which very accurate devices are needed when manipulating sub-millimetric objects. A new kind of microfabricated microrobot based on the use of bistable modules is designed to perform open-loop controlled micropositioning tasks. The DiMiBot (Digital MicroroBot) opens a new paradigm in the design of microrobots by using mechanical stability instead of complex control strategies. We propose a new architecture of digital microrobot for which forward and inverse kinematics models are easy to use. These kinematic models are validated with FEA simulations before the fabrication of a real DiMiBot prototype. Tests and characterization of the prototype are made and compared to the desired behavior. Thanks to its submicrometric resolution and to its small dimensions ( 400 μm thickness), it is able to manipulate micro-objects in confined environments, where no other robot can be used

    Developing Design and Analysis Framework for Hybrid Mechanical-Digital Control of Soft Robots: from Mechanics-Based Motion Sequencing to Physical Reservoir Computing

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    The recent advances in the field of soft robotics have made autonomous soft robots working in unstructured dynamic environments a close reality. These soft robots can potentially collaborate with humans without causing any harm, they can handle fragile objects safely, perform delicate surgeries inside body, etc. In our research we focus on origami based compliant mechanisms, that can be used as soft robotic skeleton. Origami mechanisms are inherently compliant, lightweight, compact, and possess unique mechanical properties such as– multi-stability, nonlinear dynamics, etc. Researchers have shown that multi-stable mechanisms have applications in motion-sequencing applications. Additionally, the nonlinear dynamic properties of origami and other soft, compliant mechanisms are shown to be useful for ‘morphological computation’ in which the body of the robot itself takes part in performing complex computations required for its control. In our research we demonstrate the motion-sequencing capability of multi-stable mechanisms through the example of bistable Kresling origami robot that is capable of peristaltic locomotion. Through careful theoretical analysis and thorough experiments, we show that we can harness multistability embedded in the origami robotic skeleton for generating actuation cycle of a peristaltic-like locomotion gait. The salient feature of this compliant robot is that we need only a single linear actuator to control the total length of the robot, and the snap-through actions generated during this motion autonomously change the individual segment lengths that lead to earthworm-like peristaltic locomotion gait. In effect, the motion-sequencing is hard-coded or embedded in the origami robot skeleton. This approach is expected to reduce the control requirement drastically as the robotic skeleton itself takes part in performing low-level control tasks. The soft robots that work in dynamic environments should be able to sense their surrounding and adapt their behavior autonomously to perform given tasks successfully. Thus, hard-coding a certain behavior as in motion-sequencing is not a viable option anymore. This led us to explore Physical Reservoir Computing (PRC), a computational framework that uses a physical body with nonlinear properties as a ‘dynamic reservoir’ for performing complex computations. The compliant robot ‘trained’ using this framework should be able to sense its surroundings and respond to them autonomously via an extensive network of sensor-actuator network embedded in robotic skeleton. We show for the first time through extensive numerical analysis that origami mechanisms can work as physical reservoirs. We also successfully demonstrate the emulation task using a Miura-ori based reservoir. The results of this work will pave the way for intelligently designed origami-based robots with embodied intelligence. These next generation of soft robots will be able to coordinate and modulate their activities autonomously such as switching locomotion gait and resisting external disturbances while navigating through unstructured environments

    Réseau d’actionneurs électromagnétiques numériques : caractérisation d’une application de type convoyage et conception optimisée

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    In mechanical or mechatronical systems, actuators are the components used to convert input energy, generally electrical energy, into mechanical tasks such as motion, force or a combination of both. Analogical actuator and digital actuator are two common types of actuators. Digital actuators have the advantages of open-loop control, low energy consumption and etc compared to analogical actuators. However, digital actuators present two main drawbacks. The manufacturing errors of these actuators have to be precisely controlled because, unlike to analogical actuators, a manufacturing error cannot be compensated using the control law. Another drawback is their inability to realize continuous tasks because of their discrete stroke. An assembly of several digital actuators can nevertheless realize multi-discrete tasks. This thesis focuses on the experimental characterization and optimization design of a digital actuators array for planar conveyance application. The firs main objective of the present thesis is focused on the characterization of the existing actuators array and also a planar conveyance application based on the actuators array. For that purpose, a modeling of the actuators array and experimental test has been carried out in order to determine the influence of some parameters on the actuators array behavior. The second objective is to design a new version of the actuators array based on the experience of the first prototype. An optimization of the design has then been realized using genetic algorithm techniques while considering several criteria.Dans les systèmes mécaniques ou mécatroniques, les actionneurs sont les composants utilisés pour convertir l’énergie d’entrée, généralement l’énergie électrique, en tâche mécanique telles que le mouvement, la force ou une combinaison des deux. Actionneur analogique et actionneur numérique sont les deux types d’actionneurs les plus communs. Les actionneurs numériques possèdent les avantages du contrôle en boucle ouverte, faible consommation d’énergie par rapport aux actionneurs analogiques. Cependant, les actionneurs numériques présentent deux inconvénients majeurs. Les erreurs de fabrication de ces actionneurs doivent être contrôlées précisément parce que, contrairement à des actionneurs analogiques, une erreur de fabrication ne peut pas être compensée par la loi de commande. Un autre inconvénient est leur capacité à réaliser les tâches continues en raison de leur corse discrète. Un assemblage de plusieurs actionneurs numériques peut néanmoins réaliser des tâches multiples discrètes. Cette thèse porte sur la caractérisation et l’optimisation d’une conception expérimentale actionneurs tableau numériques pour l’application planaire de transport. Le premier objectif principal de la présente thèse est axé sur la caractérisation de l’ensemble des actionneurs existants et aussi une application planaire de transport sur la base du tableau des actionneurs. A cette fin, une modélisation de la matrice des actionneurs essais expérimentaux ont été effectués afin de déterminer l’influence de certains paramètres sur le comportement des actionneurs de tableau. Le deuxième objectif est de concevoir une nouvelle version du tableau actionneurs sur la base de l’expérience du premier prototype. Une optimisation de la conception a ensuite été réalisée en utilisant des techniques d’algorithmes génétiques tout en tenant compte de plusieurs critères

    Contribution au micro-actionnement multi-stable piloté par radiations optiques

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    In this work, a bistable mechanism based on antagonistic pre-shaped double beams was proposed. Employing the proposed bistable mechanism, a quadristable micro-actuator was designed. ln order to validate the quadristability of the device, a meso-scaled prototype was fabricated from MDF by laser cutting. After the quadristability was experimentally confirmed, a quadristable micro-actuator was realized on SOl wafer using DRIE technique. Strokes for inner row and outer row were reduced to 300 µm and 200 µm respectively. For the actuation of the quadristable micro-actuator,laser heated SMA elements with deposited Si02 layer were used to realize the optical wireless actuation. With the help of a laser beam steering micro-mirror, both inner row and outer row were successfully actuated. ln order to further reduce the stroke, a bistable actuator with stroke reducing structure was designed and a prototype eut from MDF was tested. Bistability was validated and a stroke of 1µm was experimentally achieved. Based on this bistable module, a multistable nano-actuator, which contains four parallel coupled bistable modules,was designed and simulated. The simulated result have indicated that it was capable of outputs 16 discrete stable positions available from 0 nm to 150 nm with a step of 10 nm between two stable positions.Cette thèse traite le sujet du micro-actionnement multistable employant des radiations optiques pour atteindre les différentes positions offertes par le micro-actionneur. Dans le cadre des travaux réalisés, un mécanisme bistable reposant sur un principe de doubles poutres préformées situées en position antagoniste est proposé, et, sur cette brique élémentaire, un micro-actionneur quadristable a été conçu. Afin de valider le principe de fonctionnement de micro-actionneur, des procédés de fabrication Laser (sur le matériau « médium - MDF») puis DRIE (sur un wafer SOI de silicium) ont été utilisés. Sur le prototype en silicium, permettant une réduction des courses du rang interne et du rang externe du micro-actionneur, celles-ci ont été fixées à 300 µm et 200 µm respectivement. L’actionnement à distance de ce micro-actionneur a été prouvé en utilisant le chauffage laser d’un élément actif en Nitinol structuré par un dépôt de SiO2, ceci générant un effet « deux sens » de l’élément actif permettant d’annuler la charge sur les poutres du micro-actionneur une fois celui-ci déclenché puis en position stable. L’utilisation d’un banc expérimental incluant une membrane MEMS de balayage laser a permis de démontrer la quadristabilité du micro-actionneur sur 90 000 cycles. Afin de réduire davantage la course de ce micro-actionneur, des concepts de dispositifs de réduction de course ont été développés pour démontrer, à partir de prototypes fabriqué en MDF par usinage laser, la capacité à atteindre une course de 1 µm. Enfin, à la suite de ces travaux de réduction de course, un concept de nano-actionneur multistable a été proposé. Ce nano-actionneur est composé de quatre modules bistables liés et disposés en parallèle pour offrir 16 positions discrètes sur une course rectiligne. Les simulations de cet actionneur montrent la possibilité d’atteindre les 15 positions espacées de 10 nm sur une course de 150 nm