341 research outputs found

    Application of intrusion detection system in automatic evidence collection using digital forensics

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    In network security, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the popular and effective mechanism to secure the network. The aim of IDS is to offer a layer of protection against unauthorized (or malicious) uses of systems by sensing the vulnerability in the system or misuse of a security policy, and alerts system administrator to an ongoing (or recent) attack. IDSs function is limited to detect the intrusion and respond to administrator about the intrusion by monitoring the system continuously. IDS is not able to preserve evidence about the intrusion, which makes it difficult to see the damage in the system and gather information about the attack and hence make it impossible to catch the intruder. Although evidence can be collected from IDS’s and system log files, but integrity, reliability, and completeness of such evidence are doubtful as log files can also be altered by intruder. In order to preserve evidence in its original form we have proposed “Application of Intrusion Detection System in automatic Evidence Collection using Digital Forensics”. In our model whenever an intrusion is detected, IDS notify the administrator by sending an alert as well as activate the digital forensic tool to capture the current state of the system. This captured system image contains all the information of the system of the time when attack was taking place. Hence such image can be used as evidence in legal proceeding. We used both signature based IDS and anomaly based IDS in the work and observe that signature based IDS is not able to detect novel threats while anomaly based IDS is able to detect such threats

    Data Loss Prevention Management and Control: Inside Activity Incident Monitoring, Identification, and Tracking in Healthcare Enterprise Environments

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    As healthcare data are pushed online, consumers have raised big concerns on the breach of their personal information. Law and regulations have placed businesses and public organizations under obligations to take actions to prevent data breach. Among various threats, insider threats have been identified to be a major threat on data loss. Thus, effective mechanisms to control insider threats on data loss are urgently needed. The objective of this research is to address data loss prevention challenges in healthcare enterprise environment. First, a novel approach is provided to model internal threat, specifically inside activities. With inside activities modeling, data loss paths and threat vectors are formally described and identified. Then, threat vectors and potential data loss paths have been investigated in a healthcare enterprise environment. Threat vectors have been enumerated and data loss statistics data for some threat vectors have been collected. After that, issues on data loss prevention and inside activity incident identification, tracking, and reconstruction are discussed. Finally, evidences of inside activities are modeled as evidence trees to provide guidance for inside activity identification and reconstruction

    Cloud Forensic: Issues, Challenges and Solution Models

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    Cloud computing is a web-based utility model that is becoming popular every day with the emergence of 4th Industrial Revolution, therefore, cybercrimes that affect web-based systems are also relevant to cloud computing. In order to conduct a forensic investigation into a cyber-attack, it is necessary to identify and locate the source of the attack as soon as possible. Although significant study has been done in this domain on obstacles and its solutions, research on approaches and strategies is still in its development stage. There are barriers at every stage of cloud forensics, therefore, before we can come up with a comprehensive way to deal with these problems, we must first comprehend the cloud technology and its forensics environment. Although there are articles that are linked to cloud forensics, there is not yet a paper that accumulated the contemporary concerns and solutions related to cloud forensic. Throughout this chapter, we have looked at the cloud environment, as well as the threats and attacks that it may be subjected to. We have also looked at the approaches that cloud forensics may take, as well as the various frameworks and the practical challenges and limitations they may face when dealing with cloud forensic investigations.Comment: 23 pages; 6 figures; 4 tables. Book chapter of the book titled "A Practical Guide on Security and Privacy in Cyber Physical Systems Foundations, Applications and Limitations", World Scientific Series in Digital Forensics and Cybersecurit

    A semantic methodology for (un)structured digital evidences analysis

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    Nowadays, more than ever, digital forensics activities are involved in any criminal, civil or military investigation and represent a fundamental tool to support cyber-security. Investigators use a variety of techniques and proprietary software forensic applications to examine the copy of digital devices, searching hidden, deleted, encrypted, or damaged files or folders. Any evidence found is carefully analysed and documented in a "finding report" in preparation for legal proceedings that involve discovery, depositions, or actual litigation. The aim is to discover and analyse patterns of fraudulent activities. In this work, a new methodology is proposed to support investigators during the analysis process, correlating evidences found through different forensic tools. The methodology was implemented through a system able to add semantic assertion to data generated by forensics tools during extraction processes. These assertions enable more effective access to relevant information and enhanced retrieval and reasoning capabilities

    A Novel User Oriented Network Forensic Analysis Tool

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    In the event of a cybercrime, it is necessary to examine the suspect’s digital device(s) in a forensic fashion so that the culprit can be presented in court along with the extracted evidence(s). But, factors such as existence and availability of anti-forensic tools/techniques and increasing replacement of hard disk drives with solid state disks have the ability to eradicate critical evidences and/or ruin their integrity. Therefore, having an alternative source of evidence with a lesser chance of being tampered with can be beneficial for the investigation. The organisational network traffic can fit into this role as it is an independent source of evidence and will contain a copy of all online user activities. Limitations of prevailing network traffic analysis techniques – packet based and flow based – are reflected as certain challenges in the investigation. The enormous volume and increasing encrypted nature of traffic, the dynamic nature of IP addresses of users’ devices, and the difficulty in extracting meaningful information from raw traffic are among those challenges. Furthermore, current network forensic tools, unlike the sophisticated computer forensic tools, are limited in their capability to exhibit functionalities such as collaborative working, visualisation, reporting and extracting meaningful user-level information. These factors increase the complexity of the analysis, and the time and effort required from the investigator. The research goal was set to design a system that can assist in the investigation by minimising the effects of the aforementioned challenges, thereby reducing the cognitive load on the investigator, which, the researcher thinks, can take the investigator one step closer to the culprit. The novelty of this system comes from a newly proposed interaction based analysis approach, which will extract online user activities from raw network metadata. Practicality of the novel interaction-based approach was tested by designing an experimental methodology, which involved an initial phase of the researcher looking to identify unique signatures for activities performed on popular Internet applications (BBC, Dropbox, Facebook, Hotmail, Google Docs, Google Search, Skype, Twitter, Wikipedia, and YouTube) from the researcher’s own network metadata. With signatures obtained, the project moved towards the second phase of the experiment in which a much larger dataset (network traffic collected from 27 users for over 2 months) was analysed. Results showed that it is possible to extract unique signature of online user activities from raw network metadata. However, due to the complexities of the applications, signatures were not found for some activities. The interaction-based approach was able to reduce the data volume by eliminating the noise (machine to machine communication packets) and to find a way around the encryption issue by using only the network metadata. A set of system requirements were generated, based on which a web based, client-server architecture for the proposed system (i.e. the User-Oriented Network Forensic Analysis Tool) was designed. The system functions in a case management premise while minimising the challenges that were identified earlier. The system architecture led to the development of a functional prototype. An evaluation of the system by academic experts from the field acted as a feedback mechanism. While the evaluators were satisfied with the system’s capability to assist in the investigation and meet the requirements, drawbacks such as inability to analyse real-time traffic and meeting the HCI standards were pointed out. The future work of the project will involve automated signature extraction, real-time processing and facilitation of integrated visualisation

    Cybersecurity: Past, Present and Future

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    The digital transformation has created a new digital space known as cyberspace. This new cyberspace has improved the workings of businesses, organizations, governments, society as a whole, and day to day life of an individual. With these improvements come new challenges, and one of the main challenges is security. The security of the new cyberspace is called cybersecurity. Cyberspace has created new technologies and environments such as cloud computing, smart devices, IoTs, and several others. To keep pace with these advancements in cyber technologies there is a need to expand research and develop new cybersecurity methods and tools to secure these domains and environments. This book is an effort to introduce the reader to the field of cybersecurity, highlight current issues and challenges, and provide future directions to mitigate or resolve them. The main specializations of cybersecurity covered in this book are software security, hardware security, the evolution of malware, biometrics, cyber intelligence, and cyber forensics. We must learn from the past, evolve our present and improve the future. Based on this objective, the book covers the past, present, and future of these main specializations of cybersecurity. The book also examines the upcoming areas of research in cyber intelligence, such as hybrid augmented and explainable artificial intelligence (AI). Human and AI collaboration can significantly increase the performance of a cybersecurity system. Interpreting and explaining machine learning models, i.e., explainable AI is an emerging field of study and has a lot of potentials to improve the role of AI in cybersecurity.Comment: Author's copy of the book published under ISBN: 978-620-4-74421-

    Introductory Computer Forensics

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    INTERPOL (International Police) built cybercrime programs to keep up with emerging cyber threats, and aims to coordinate and assist international operations for ?ghting crimes involving computers. Although signi?cant international efforts are being made in dealing with cybercrime and cyber-terrorism, ?nding effective, cooperative, and collaborative ways to deal with complicated cases that span multiple jurisdictions has proven dif?cult in practic

    MS IPTV audit collection services

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    Tese de mestrado em Segurança Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011Microsoft Mediaroom Internet Protocol Television (MS IPTV), uma plataforma de televisão digital, levou o conceito de televisão a uma dimensão totalmente nova. MS IPTV é um sistema onde o serviço de televisão digital é entregue aos clientes usando Internet Protocol (IP), através de uma conexão de banda larga. Com o advento do IPTV começaram a aparecer novas situações relacionadas com a segurança da televisão, uma vez que, a infra-estrutura começou a ganhar complexidade e exposição a uma série de novos riscos. Por esta razão, a segurança numa infra-estrutura de MS IPTV não é apenas mais uma funcionalidade, mas sim uma necessidade. Podemos mesmo dizer que hoje em dia é obrigatório aguçar o engenho para estar um passo à frente dos atacantes, uma vez que estes estão sempre à espera de uma brecha, para comprometer os sistemas. Uma infra-estrutura como o MS IPTV armazena por omissão dados relativos ao comportamento dos utilizadores ao nível dos logs, no entanto esta informação só se torna relevante se puder ser consultada e analisada com o objetivo de proporcionar uma compreensão a alto nível sobre os diferentes padrões que estão a ocorrer nos servidores ou no comportamento dos utilizadores, uma tarefa que envolve poderosas técnicas de data parsing. A tese apresenta uma abordagem que combina técnicas de data parsing, a fim de analisar os logs relevantes da infra-estrutura de MS IPTV, com o objetivo principal de aumentar a segurança através da investigação dos tipos de informações adicionais que pode ser extraída. Tentámos assim entender se é possível determinar que tipos de ataques estão a ser perpetrados contra a infra-estrutura MS IPTV, com base na análise dos logs. Como o foco central desta tese está no diagnóstico, propomos uma abordagem para descobrir ataques, onde os logs são verificados para identificar grupos coerentes de ocorrências susceptíveis de constituir ataques que apelidámos de padrões. Nos testes, verificámos que a nossa abordagem consegue bons resultados na descoberta de ataques. Os resultados obtidos têm a vantagem adicional de poderem ser integrados na ferramenta de monitorização utilizada pelas equipas de operação dos sistemas da Portugal Telecom, o System Center Operations Manager (SCOM).Microsoft Mediaroom Internet Protocol TeleVision (MS IPTV), one of the platforms for digital TV, took television to an all new dimension level. MS IPTV is described as a system where a digital television service is delivered to consumers using the Internet Protocol over a broadband connection. Since the infrastructure started to gain complexity and exposure to a number of new risks, never envisaged situations related to television security started to appear. For this reason, MS IPTV security is not only a great asset, but also a necessity. Nowadays it is mandatory to sharpen the wit to get ahead of attackers, who are always waiting for a breach to compromise our systems. MS IPTV log servers collect information about user and system behavior. However, this information only becomes relevant if it can be queried and analyzed with the purpose of providing high-level understanding about the different patterns. This task must comprise powerful data parsing techniques, since MS IPTV is able to generate close to one terabyte of logs per day. This thesis presents an approach that combines data parsing techniques in order to analyze relevant MS IPTV logs, with the main objective to increase security through the investigation of what type of additional information can be extracted from the server log files of a MS IPTV platform. The thesis focus is on diagnosis, trying to understand if it is possible to determine what type of attacks are being perpetrated against the MS IPTV infrastructure. We propose an approach for discovering attacks, where the application logs are scanned to identify coherent groups of occurrences that we call patterns, which are likely to constitute attacks. Our results showed that our approach achieves good results in discovering potential attacks. Our output results can be integrated into the MS IPTV monitoring system tool SCOM (System Center Operations Manager), which is an additional advantage over the other monitoring and log management systems