98 research outputs found

    A Memetic Chaotic Gravitational Search Algorithm for unconstrained global optimization problems

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    Metaheuristic optimization algorithms address two main tasks in the process of problem solving: i) exploration (also called diversification) and ii) exploitation (also called intensification). Guaranteeing a trade-off between these operations is critical to good performance. However, although many methods have been proposed by which metaheuristics can achieve a balance between the exploration and exploitation stages, they are still worse than exact algorithms at exploitation tasks, where gradient-based mechanisms outperform metaheuristics when a local minimum is approximated. In this paper, a quasi-Newton method is introduced into a Chaotic Gravitational Search Algorithm as an exploitation method, with the purpose of improving the exploitation capabilities of this recent and promising population-based metaheuristic. The proposed approach, referred to as a Memetic Chaotic Gravitational Search Algorithm, is used to solve forty-five benchmark problems, both synthetic and real-world, to validate the method. The numerical results show that the adding of quasi-Newton search directions to the original (Chaotic) Gravitational Search Algorithm substantially improves its performance. Also, a comparison with the state-of-the-art algorithms: Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Rcr-JADE, COBIDE and RLMPSO, shows that the proposed approach is promising for certain real-world problems.Los algoritmos de optimización metaheurística abordan dos tareas principales en el proceso de resolución de problemas: i) exploración (también llamada diversificación ) y ii) explotación (también llamada intensificación ). Garantizar una compensación entre estas operaciones es fundamental para un buen desempeño. Sin embargo, aunque se han propuesto muchos métodos mediante los cuales las metaheurísticas pueden lograr un equilibrio entre las etapas de exploración y explotación , siguen siendo peores que los algoritmos exactos en las tareas de explotación, donde los mecanismos basados ​​en gradientes superan a las metaheurísticas cuando se aproxima a un mínimo local. En este artículo, se introduce un método cuasi-Newton en un sistema caóticoAlgoritmo de Búsqueda Gravitacional como método de explotación, con el propósito de mejorar las capacidades de explotación de esta reciente y prometedora metaheurística basada en población. El enfoque propuesto, denominado algoritmo de búsqueda gravitacional caótica memética, se utiliza para resolver cuarenta y cinco problemas de referencia, tanto sintéticos como del mundo real, para validar el método. Los resultados numéricos muestran que la adición de direcciones de búsqueda cuasi-Newton al algoritmo de búsqueda gravitacional original (caótico) mejora sustancialmente su rendimiento. Además, una comparación con los algoritmos de última generación: Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Rcr-JADE, COBIDE y RLMPSO, muestra que el enfoque propuesto es prometedor para ciertos problemas del mundo real

    Memetic algorithms for training feedforward neural networks: an approach based on gravitational search algorithm

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    The backpropagation (BP) algorithm is a gradient-based algorithm used for training a feedforward neural network (FNN). Despite the fact that BP is still used today when FNNs are trained, it has some disadvantages, including the following: (i) it fails when non-differentiable functions are addressed, (ii) it can become trapped in local minima, and (iii) it has slow convergence. In order to solve some of these problems, metaheuristic algorithms have been used to train FNN. Although they have good exploration skills, they are not as good as gradient-based algorithms at exploitation tasks. The main contribution of this article lies in its application of novel memetic approaches based on the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) and Chaotic Gravitational Search Algorithm (CGSA) algorithms, called respectively Memetic Gravitational Search Algorithm (MGSA) and Memetic Chaotic Gravitational Search Algorithm (MCGSA), to train FNNs in three classical benchmark problems: the XOR problem, the approximation of a continuous function, and classification tasks. The results show that both approaches constitute suitable alternatives for training FNNs, even improving on the performance of other state-of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms such as ParticleSwarm Optimization (PSO), the Genetic Algorithm (GA), the Adaptive Differential Evolution algorithm with Repaired crossover rate (Rcr-JADE), and the Covariance matrix learning and Bimodal distribution parameter setting Differential Evolution (COBIDE) algorithm. Swarm optimization, the genetic algorithm, the adaptive differential evolution algorithm with repaired crossover rate, and the covariance matrix learning and bimodal distribution parameter setting differential evolution algorithm.El algoritmo de retropropagación (BP) es un algoritmo basado en gradientes que se utiliza para entrenar una red neuronal feedforward (FNN). A pesar de que BP todavía se usa hoy en día cuando se entrenan las FNN, tiene algunas desventajas, incluidas las siguientes: (i) falla cuando se abordan funciones no diferenciables, (ii) puede quedar atrapada en mínimos locales y (iii) ) tiene convergencia lenta. Para resolver algunos de estos problemas, se han utilizado algoritmos metaheurísticos para entrenar FNN. Aunque tienen buenas habilidades de exploración, no son tan buenos como los algoritmos basados ​​en gradientes en las tareas de explotación. La principal contribución de este artículo radica en la aplicación de nuevos enfoques meméticos basados ​​en los algoritmos Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) y Chaotic Gravitational Search Algorithm (CGSA), llamados respectivamente Algoritmo de búsqueda gravitacional memético (MGSA) y Algoritmo de búsqueda gravitacional caótico memético (MCGSA), para entrenar FNN en tres problemas de referencia clásicos: el problema XOR, la aproximación de una función continua y tareas de clasificación. Los resultados muestran que ambos enfoques constituyen alternativas adecuadas para el entrenamiento de FNN, incluso mejorando el rendimiento de otros algoritmos metaheurísticos de última generación como ParticleSwarm Optimization (PSO), el Algoritmo Genético (GA), el algoritmo de Evolución Diferencial Adaptativa con Tasa de cruce reparada (Rcr-JADE) y el algoritmo de evolución diferencial (COBIDE) de configuración de parámetros de distribución bimodal y aprendizaje de matriz de covarianza. Optimización de enjambre, el algoritmo genético, el algoritmo de evolución diferencial adaptativo con tasa de cruce reparada

    Chaos embedded opposition based learning for gravitational search algorithm

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    Due to its robust search mechanism, Gravitational search algorithm (GSA) has achieved lots of popularity from different research communities. However, stagnation reduces its searchability towards global optima for rigid and complex multi-modal problems. This paper proposes a GSA variant that incorporates chaos-embedded opposition-based learning into the basic GSA for the stagnation-free search. Additionally, a sine-cosine based chaotic gravitational constant is introduced to balance the trade-off between exploration and exploitation capabilities more effectively. The proposed variant is tested over 23 classical benchmark problems, 15 test problems of CEC 2015 test suite, and 15 test problems of CEC 2014 test suite. Different graphical, as well as empirical analyses, reveal the superiority of the proposed algorithm over conventional meta-heuristics and most recent GSA variants.Comment: 33 pages, 5 Figure

    A review of recent advances in metaheuristic maximum power point tracking algorithms for solar photovoltaic systems under the partial-shading conditions

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    Several maximum power point (MPP) tracking algorithms for solar power or photovoltaic (PV) systems concerning partial-shading conditions have been studied and reviewed using conventional or advanced methods. The standard MPPT algorithms for partial-shading conditions are: (i) conventional; (ii) mathematics-based; (iii) artificial intelligence; (iv) metaheuristic. The main problems of the conventional methods are poor power harvesting and low efficiency due to many local maximum appearances and difficulty in determining the global maximum tracking. This paper presents MPPT algorithms for partial-shading conditions, mainly metaheuristics algorithms. Firstly, the four classification algorithms will be reviewed. Secondly, an in-depth review of the metaheuristic algorithms is presented. Remarkably, 40 metaheuristic algorithms are classified into four classes for a more detailed discussion; physics-based, biology-based, sociology-based, and human behavior-based are presented and evaluated comprehensively. Furthermore, the performance comparison of the 40 metaheuristic algorithms in terms of complexity level, converter type, sensor requirement, steady-state oscillation, tracking capability, cost, and grid connection are synthesized. Generally, readers can choose the most appropriate algorithms according to application necessities and system conditions. This study can be considered a valuable reference for in-depth works on current related issues


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    Investigation of the effect of feeding period in honey bee algorithm

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    In the study, it was investigated the ejaculation ability and semen quality of drones, according to feeding with pollen in different periods. In the first step of the study, 16 %, 32 %, 47 %, 63 %, 79 %, and 100 % feeding periods were applied to the drones, for investigating the effect on ejaculation ability, and the semen quality of drones was investigated. While investigating these feeding period effects “0-1”, bonded, and unbounded knapsack optimization problems were used. After the most effective feeding period was determined, this period was applied to the traveling salesman and liquid storage tank problems in the second step of the study. In the analysis of the traveling salesman problem, it was determined the shortest way between two cities. Analysis of the liquid storage tank problem, it was determined the minimum connector areas. As a result, the analysis results showed that the performance of the artificial bee colony algorithm is very good while solving too complex engineering optimization problems

    OBKA-FS: an oppositional-based binary kidney-inspired search algorithm for feature selection

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    Feature selection is a key step when building an automatic classification system. Numerous evolutionary algorithms applied to remove irrelevant features in order to make the classifier perform more accurate. Kidney-inspired search algorithm (KA) is a very modern evolutionary algorithm. The original version of KA performed more effectively compared with other evolutionary algorithms. However, KA was proposed for continuous search spaces. For feature subset selection and many optimization problems such as classification, binary discrete space is required. Moreover, the movement operator of solutions is notably affected by its own best-known solution found up to now, denoted as Sbest. This may be inadequate if Sbest is located near a local optimum as it will direct the search process to a suboptimal solution. In this study, a three-fold improvement in the existing KA is proposed. First, a binary version of the kidney-inspired algorithm (BKA-FS) for feature subset selection is introduced to improve classification accuracy in multi-class classification problems. Second, the proposed BKA-FS is integrated into an oppositional-based initialization method in order to start with good initial solutions. Thus, this improved algorithm denoted as OBKA-FS. Third, a novel movement strategy based on the calculation of mutual information (MI), which gives OBKA-FS the ability to work in a discrete binary environment has been proposed. For evaluation, an experiment was conducted using ten UCI machine learning benchmark instances. Results show that OBKA-FS outperforms the existing state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithms for feature selection. In particular, OBKA-FS obtained better accuracy with same or fewer features and higher dependency with less redundancy. Thus, the results confirm the high performance of the improved kidney-inspired algorithm in solving optimization problems such as feature selection

    Settings-Free Hybrid Metaheuristic General Optimization Methods

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    Several population-based metaheuristic optimization algorithms have been proposed in the last decades, none of which are able either to outperform all existing algorithms or to solve all optimization problems according to the No Free Lunch (NFL) theorem. Many of these algorithms behave effectively, under a correct setting of the control parameter(s), when solving different engineering problems. The optimization behavior of these algorithms is boosted by applying various strategies, which include the hybridization technique and the use of chaotic maps instead of the pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs). The hybrid algorithms are suitable for a large number of engineering applications in which they behave more effectively than the thoroughbred optimization algorithms. However, they increase the difficulty of correctly setting control parameters, and sometimes they are designed to solve particular problems. This paper presents three hybridizations dubbed HYBPOP, HYBSUBPOP, and HYBIND of up to seven algorithms free of control parameters. Each hybrid proposal uses a different strategy to switch the algorithm charged with generating each new individual. These algorithms are Jaya, sine cosine algorithm (SCA), Rao’s algorithms, teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO), and chaotic Jaya. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithms perform better than the original algorithms, which implies the optimal use of these algorithms according to the problem to be solved. One more advantage of the hybrid algorithms is that no prior process of control parameter tuning is needed.This research and APC was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Research State Agency under Grant RTI2018-098156-B-C54 co-financed by FEDER funds, and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant TIN2017-89266-R, co-financed by FEDER funds