769 research outputs found

    A memetic algorithm for logistics network design problems

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    Mestrado em Decisão Económica e EmpresarialNeste trabalho, um algoritmo memético é desenvolvido com o intuito de ser aplicado a uma rede logística, com três níveis, múltiplos períodos, seleção do meio de transporte e com recurso a outsourcing. O algoritmo memético pode ser aplicado a uma rede logística existente, no sentido de otimizar a sua configuração ou, se necessário, pode ser utilizado para criar uma rede logística de raiz. A produção pode ser internalizada e é permitido o envio direto de produtos para os clientes. Neste problema, as capacidades das diferentes infraestruturas podem ser expandidas ao longo do período temporal. Caso se trate uma infraestrutura já existente, após uma expansão, já não pode ser encerrada. Sempre que se abre uma nova infraestrutura, a mesma também não pode ser encerrada. A heurística é capaz de determinar o número e localizações das infraestrutura a operar, as capacidades e o fluxo de mercadoria na rede logística.This thesis describes a memetic algorithm applied to the design of a three-echelon logistics network over multiple periods with transportation mode selection and outsourcing. The memetic algorithm can be applied to an existing supply chain in order to obtain an optimized configuration or, if required, it can be used to define a new logistics network. In addition, production can be outsourced and direct shipments of products to customer zones are possible. In this problem, the capacity of an existing or new facility can be expanded over the time horizon. In this case, the facility cannot be closed. Existing facilities, once closed, cannot be reopened. New facilities cannot be closed, once opened. The heuristic is able to determine the number and locations of facilities (i.e. plants and warehouses), capacity levels as well as the flow of products throughout the supply chain

    Multi-objective green supply chain optimization with a new hybrid memetic algorithm using the Taguchi method

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    AbstractThe aim of most supply chain optimization problems is to minimize the total cost of the supply chain. However, since environmental protection is of concern to the public, a green supply chain, because of its minimum effect on nature, has been seriously considered as a solution to this concern. This paper addresses the modeling and solving of a supply chain design for annual cost minimization, while considering environmental effects. This paper considers the cost elements of the supply chain, such as transportation, holding and backorder costs, and also, the environmental effect components of the supply chain, such as the amount of NO2, CO and volatile organic particles produced by facilities and transportation in the supply chain. Considering these two components (cost and environmental effects), we propose a multi-objective optimization problem. In this model, the facilities and transportation options have a capacity constraint and, at each level of the chain, we have several transportation options with different costs. We utilize a memetic algorithm in combination with the Taguchi method to solve this complex model. We also propose a novel decoding method and priority based algorithm for coding the solution chromosome. The performance of the proposed solution method has been examined against the hybrid genetic Taguchi algorithm (GATA) on a set of numeric instances, and results indicate that the proposed method can effectively provide better results than previous solution procedures

    On green routing and scheduling problem

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    The vehicle routing and scheduling problem has been studied with much interest within the last four decades. In this paper, some of the existing literature dealing with routing and scheduling problems with environmental issues is reviewed, and a description is provided of the problems that have been investigated and how they are treated using combinatorial optimization tools

    Heuristics for the dynamic facility layout problem with unequal area departments

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    The facility layout problem (FLP) is a well researched problem of finding positions of departments on a plant floor such that departments do not overlap and some objective(s) is (are) optimized. In this dissertation, the FLP with unequal area rectangular shaped departments is considered, when material flows between departments change during the planning horizon. This problem is known as the dynamic FLP. The change in material flows between pairs of departments in consecutive periods may require rearrangements of departments during the planning horizon in order to keep material handling costs low. The objective of our problem is to minimize the sum of the material handling and rearrangement costs. Because of the combinatorial structure of the problem, only small sized problems can be solved in reasonable time using exact techniques. As a result, construction and improvement heuristics are developed for the proposed problem. The construction algorithms are boundary search heuristics as well as a dual simplex method, and the improvement heuristics are tabu search and memetic heuristics with boundary search and dual simplex (linear programming model) techniques. The heuristics were tested on a generated data set as well as some instances from the literature. In summary, the memetic heuristic with the boundary search technique out-performed the other techniques with respect to solution quality

    Synchronizing inventory and transport within supply chain management

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    The problem considers synchronized optimization of inventory and transport, and focuses on producer-distributor relations. Particular attention is paid to developing a mathematical model and an optimization problem that can be used to minimize the overall distribution cost by an appropriate placement of warehouses and cross-docking points. Solutions to this problem are explored using genetic algorithms and ideas from graph/network theory. Note: there are three separate reports contained within the uploaded .pdf file

    Metaheuristics for the Integrated Machine Allocation and Layout Problem

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    The Integrated Machine Allocation and Layout Problem (IMALP) is the problem of assigning a set of machines (including machine replicas) to locations while assigning product flows to machines such that Material Handling Cost is minimised. A new mathematical formulation, a Tabu Search (TS) heuristic, and a Memetic Algorithm (MA) are presented for the IMALP. The algorithms were evaluated using a set of test problems available in the literature. TS and the MA obtained equal or better solutions for the dataset than previous techniques presented in the literature. More specifically, TS obtained better solutions in 47% of the instances, and MA improved the best known solution in 52.4% of the cases. As a result, MA out-performed TS with respect to solution quality and computation time

    Facility location decisions within integrated forward/reverse logistics under uncertainty

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    In this paper, a stochastic mixed integer linear programming (SMILP) model is proposed to optimize the location and size of facilities and service centres in integrated forward and reverse streams under uncertainty. The objective of the model is to minimize establishment, transportation and inventory management costs and simultaneously maximize customer satisfaction with sustainable perspective. The model incorporates different elements and features of distribution networks including inventory management, transportation and establishment of new facilities as well as existing centres. The presented model is the streamlined approach for multi-objective, multi-period, multi-commodity distribution system, and it is supported by a real case study in automobile after sales network. Genetic algorithm is implemented to solve the model in reasonable time. The performance of the model and the effects of uncertainty on provided solution are studied under different cases. Competitive result of the stochastic model compared to deterministic model ensures that the proposed approach is valid to be applied for decision making under uncertainty.Scopu

    The Optimum Combination Of Local Searches For Genetic Operators In Memetic Algorithm For The Space Allocation Problem [QA9.58. S624 2008 f rb].

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    Dalam tesis ini, kami membuat penyelidikan mengenai pengagihan ruang di universiti. Kajian ini memfokus kepada pengagihan ruang dalam penyediaan jadual waktu. This thesis investigates the university space allocation problem, which focuses on the distribution of events among the available venues, without violating any hard constraints while satisfying as many soft constraints as possible and ensure optimum space utilization

    Bütünleşik tedarik zinciri çizelgeleme modelleri: Bir literatür taraması

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    Research on integration of supply chain and scheduling is relatively recent, and number of studies on this topic is increasing. This study provides a comprehensive literature survey about Integrated Supply Chain Scheduling (ISCS) models to help identify deficiencies in this area. For this purpose, it is thought that this study will contribute in terms of guiding researchers working in this field. In this study, existing literature on ISCS problems are reviewed and summarized by introducing the new classification scheme. The studies were categorized by considering the features such as the number of customers (single or multiple), product lifespan (limited or unlimited), order sizes (equal or general), vehicle characteristics (limited/sufficient and homogeneous/heterogeneous), machine configurations and number of objective function (single or multi objective). In addition, properties of mathematical models applied for problems and solution approaches are also discussed.Bütünleşik Tedarik Zinciri Çizelgeleme (BTZÇ) üzerine yapılan araştırmalar nispeten yenidir ve bu konu üzerine yapılan çalışma sayısı artmaktadır. Bu çalışma, bu alandaki eksiklikleri tespit etmeye yardımcı olmak için BTZÇ modelleri hakkında kapsamlı bir literatür araştırması sunmaktadır. Bu amaçla, bu çalışmanın bu alanda çalışan araştırmacılara rehberlik etmesi açısından katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, BTZÇ problemleri üzerine mevcut literatür gözden geçirilmiş ve yeni sınıflandırma şeması tanıtılarak çalışmalar özetlenmiştir. Çalışmalar; tek veya çoklu müşteri sayısı, sipariş büyüklüğü tipi (eşit veya genel), ürün ömrü (sınırlı veya sınırsız), araç karakteristikleri (sınırlı/yeterli ve homojen/heterojen), makine konfigürasyonları ve amaç fonksiyonu sayısı (tek veya çok amaçlı) gibi özellikler dikkate alınarak kategorize edildi. Ayrıca problemler için uygulanan matematiksel modellerin özellikleri ve çözüm yaklaşımları da tartışılmıştır