125,215 research outputs found

    Model Pengukuran Proses Bisnis CRM Berbasis eTom dan IT-IL

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    Nowadays a Telecom Company doing a business model transformation through managed services. This term as form of outsourcing managed services for telecom companies are very attached to the cutting-edge technology that is capital intensive, therefore it needs a different outsourcing approach in order to remind the competitiveness, not just a simple outsourcing employee in generally. This approach changes the employees outsourcing paradigm in the global telecommunications industry.Company realizes that managed service are complicated to be defined, even more complicate when its executed, thus necessary to have a good business processes maturity level measurement. This study is conducted to examine the business processes maturity level that build managed services leads business model rearrangement in companies.Researchers use eTOM and IT-IL framework for business unit’s maturity level measurement at “Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Customer Care”, which will implement outsourcing through managed service. The study results is the factors/aspects identification that related to the potential outsourced managed services, restructuring advice of manage service Governance according to the existing business processes maturity level, in the end able to provide appropriate policy recommendations as well.Saat ini perusahaan Telekomunikasi melakukan transformasi model bisnis melalui Manage service, untuk mengurangi beban biaya perusahaan. Perusahaan telekomunikasi sangat melekat dengan teknologi mutakhir dan padat modal, maka transformasi perlu dilakukan dengan pendekatan khusus sehingga dapat mempertahankan daya saing, bukan sekedar outsourcing karyawan umumnya. Hal ini kemudian mengubah paradigma outsourcing dalam industri telekomunikasi global dalam sebuah istilah Manage service.Perusahaan menyadari bahwa Manage service ternyatarumit didefinisikan apalagi dieksekusi, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengukuran tingkat kematangan dalam skala aktivitas atau proses bisnis yang akan dialihdayakan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengukur tingkat kematangan proses bisnis dalam Manage services, menghasilkan penataan ulang model bisnis perusahaan.Peneliti menggunakan framework eTOM dan IT-IL dalam mengukur unit bisnis "Customer Relationship Management - Customer Care" yang akan menerapkan Manage service. Hasil studi adalah berbagai aspek identifikasi terkait dengan layanan potensial outsourcing yang dikelola, saran restrukturisasi tata kelola sesuai dengan referensi tingkat kematangan, dan memberikan rekomendasi kebijakan yang tepat

    Assessing The Maturity Level Of Information Technology Management Process In A Romanian Company

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    Since the 1990s, organizations have gradually become involved in the transformation of their information technology (IT) management process. In order to determine the direction of IT development in correlation with business needs, a consolidated management approach is imposed. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the maturity level of IT management process in an organization. For this purpose, an empirical study in a Romanian public service company was done by using the benchmarking technique and Capability Maturity Model to describe the maturity level of IT management process. Four benchmarking classes, including a number of 24 benchmarks, were taken into account to focus on the main key issues - IT management strategy and IT planning; alignment of business strategy, IT strategy, organizational structure, and IT infrastructure; and information systems security management. The study reveals that the IT management process is mainly focused on technological dimension and less on the managerial one. It was observed that IT managers have a low awareness of managerial skills in planning, organizing, controlling, and leading the IT activities. Practical implication of the study presents two major issues: 1) on one hand, the need to approach a transversal vision in managing the IT process by aligning it to a complex set of choices, reflecting both a strategic and functional perspective and, 2) on the other hand, this study may be useful for managers looking to improve management of the IT department as well as the quality of their services. The study also indicates specific recommendations to refine the IT management process of Romanian companies

    Organizational Health Index and Organizational Agility Maturity Criteria as Measurement Tools of Organizational Transformation Effectiveness

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    Abstract. As a response to negative growth in the mobile legacy projection - which supports 50% of Telkom revenue, and a positive high growth projection in the ICT and digital business revenue, Telkom decides to shift the business to digital. To be a successful digital company, Telkom has created strategic initiatives, including organizational transformation adopting Customer Facing Unit (CFU) concept that has been done for several months but there still no evaluation method for the success. This paper purpose is to evaluate the implementation of one human capital management strategic initiatives - CFU transformation implementation success, through Organizational Health Index and Organizational Agility Maturity model and formulate a recommendation for Telkom to create a more healthy and agile organization. This research using 11 synthetized dimension of Organization Health Index and Organizational Agility Maturity Model method as tools. Questionnaire consist of 53 practices that represented by 55 questions that asks about respondents extent to which they agree (satisfaction) and whether it meet respondents expectation. Survey result shows that Telkom already in a healthy condition and agile as an organization. This result concluded that by methods used in this research, the transformation could be stated as a success. However, according to the result, maintain and improvement of current health and agility still needed, especially improvement regarding innovation and learning.Keywords:Organization, organizational agility, organizational health index, telecommunication, transformationAbstrak. Dalam merespon proyeksi pertumbuhan negatif dalam bisnis mobile – yang menjadi 50% sumber pendapatan Telkom, dan pertumbuhan positif yang tinggi di bidang ICT dan bisnis digital, Telkom harus masuk ke dalam bisnis digital. Untuk itu Telkom telah membuat beberapa strategi, termasuk transformasi organisasi yang mengadopsi konsep Customer Facing Unit (CFU). Transformasi ini sudah dilakukan selama beberapa bulan namun belum pernah dievaluasi kesuksesannya. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi kesuksesan transformasi melalui metode Organizational Health Index dan model Organizational Agility Maturity. Penelitian ini juga merumukan rekomendasi bagi Telkom untuk menciptakan kondisi organisasi yang lebih sehat dan mampu bergerak cepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan sintesa dimensi Organization Health Index dan model Organizational Agility Maturity. 53 indikator dari hasil sintesa diwakili oleh 55 pertanyaan yang menunjukkan kepuasan dan ekspektasi responden. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa Telkom memiliki organisasi yang sehat dan mampu bergerak cepat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah berdasarkan metode yang digunakan, proses transformasi dapat dikatakan sukses. Namun, usaha-usaha untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kondisi saat ini masih diperlukan, terutama peningkatan terkait inovasi dan pembelajaran.Keywords:Organisasi, organizational agility,organizational health index, telekomunikasi, transformas

    Digital maturity variables and their impact on the enterprise architecture layers

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    This study examines the variables of digital maturity of companies. The framework for enterprise architectures Archimate 3.0 is used to compare the variables. The variables are assigned to the six layers of architecture: Strategy, Business Environment, Applications, Technology, Physical and Implementation and Migration. On the basis of a literature overview, 15 “digital maturity models” with a total of 147 variables are analyzed. The databases Scopus, EBSCO – Business Source Premier and ProQuest are used for this purpose

    Strategic IT alignment Projects. Towards Good Governance

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    The senior management of organisations frequently perceive IT Projects as merely technological in nature. They fail to realise that in reality, the mission of IT is to provide technology-based support to business processes that can be key to the organisation. This lack of understanding means that these IT projects are not aligned with the business objectives and that investments in resources and personnel are not adequately prioritised. This can lead to an opportunity loss: a mere computerising of the business is sought, and processes that could turn out to be transformative, generating added value, driving a true digital transformation of the business are overlooked. This article proposes a model for implementing and operating a portfolio of strategic IT projects. Based on Good Governance principles, these latter projects move strategic decision-making up to an organisation's senior management, succeeding in gradually implicating these managers into the IT strategy. But above all, the model succeeds in achieving the targeted strategic alignment of IT projects with the organisation's business objectives and interests. The model has already been implemented in fourteen medium and large size public universities. The follow-up through interviews of the nine longest-standing experiences—some are nearly a decade old—revealed that the portfolio implementation strategy had helped to markedly improve the following elements: the institutions’ state of maturity of Good Governance; senior management's involvement in IT projects; and the identification of the most interesting IT projects for the business. To conclude, based on our experience, we can affirm that the strategic IT alignment projects is an effective IT Governance tool and, by extension, an example of Good Governance practice

    A model to assess customer alignment through customer experience concepts

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    Business and Information Technology Alignment (BITA) has been one of the main concerns of IT and Business executives and directors due to its importance to overall company performance, especially today in the age of digital transformation. For BITA has been developed several models which in general has focused in the implementation of alignment strategies for the internal operation of the organizations and in the measurement of this internal alignment, but, there is still a big gap in measurement models of the alignment with the external environment of the organizations. In this paper is presented the design and application of a maturity measurement model for BITA with the customers, where the customers are actors of the external environment of the companies. The proposed model involves evaluation criteria and business practices which the companies ideally do for improve the relationship with their customers.Comment: 12 pages, Preprint version, BIS 2019 International Workshops, Seville, Spain, June 26 to 28, 2019, Revised Paper

    Study of DataOps as a concept for Aker BP to enable data-driven assets.

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    The oil and gas industry have faced many obstacles over the decades and in recent years the industry has had to endure increased pressure from the market, a global crisis caused by the coronavirus and oil prices reaching an all time low. Low oil prices stimulate a reaction from the industry having to do more with less, finding new ways of working and exploring previously untapped opportunities for improvement through digitalization. Aker BP aim to be at the forefront of digitizing the exploration and production (E&P) industry and their digital transformation is more than just technology. Aker BP aim to build digital capabilities, develop digital mind sets and implement new ways of working where decisions are driven by data. The company show a willingness to experiment with and develop new technologies, however data management efforts are increasing as digitalization projects are realised from Aker BP’s digital lab. An investment into data management is therefore required to allow for automation over time and ensure the right competence within Aker BP. In collaboration with Aker BP, this thesis investigates the importance of an organization wide data management and data governance strategy aligned with business objectives and how the emerging concept of DataOps can enable Aker BP’s ambitions of becoming a data-driven company. DataOps is an emerging approach advocated by data practitioners to cater to the challenges in data analytics projects. The thesis examine how Aker BP work with data in their organization today through interviews and discussions with different parts of the organization and assess how the principles and concepts of DataOps can be applied. To answer this, a DataOps maturity model has been developed and Aker BP’s ways of working evaluated by using the model. The principles and concepts of DataOps have then been considered and an implementation plan and critical success factors for succeeding with DataOps or maturing data management and data governance efforts are presented. The thesis focuses on the principle that DataOps’ goal is to liberate data from its sources to its consumers and proposes the necessary steps to embark on the DataOps journey and maturing data management within the company. The research show that data management efforts are limited and based on ad-hoc needs and fast changing priorities. The pressure on the data management function to verify, clean, liberate, analyse and advise on data is growing and the participants in the research emphasize the need for change. Based on the DataOps maturity model developed, the steps required to increase Aker BP’s DataOps maturity are identified. Further research should include implementation of the identified steps and investigate the efforts to further automating business processes and maturing Aker BP’s ability to work with data
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