50 research outputs found

    The College Admissions problem with lower and common quotas

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    We study two generalised stable matching problems motivated by the current matching scheme used in the higher education sector in Hungary. The first problem is an extension of the College Admissions problem in which the colleges have lower quotas as well as the normal upper quotas. Here, we show that a stable matching may not exist and we prove that the problem of determining whether one does is NP-complete in general. The second problem is a different extension in which, as usual, individual colleges have upper quotas, but, in addition, certain bounded subsets of colleges have common quotas smaller than the sum of their individual quotas. Again, we show that a stable matching may not exist and the related decision problem is NP-complete. On the other hand, we prove that, when the bounded sets form a nested set system, a stable matching can be found by generalising, in non-trivial ways, both the applicant-oriented and college-oriented versions of the classical Gale–Shapley algorithm. Finally, we present an alternative view of this nested case using the concept of choice functions, and with the aid of a matroid model we establish some interesting structural results for this case

    Envy-free Matchings with Lower Quotas

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    While every instance of the Hospitals/Residents problem admits a stable matching, the problem with lower quotas (HR-LQ) has instances with no stable matching. For such an instance, we expect the existence of an envy-free matching, which is a relaxation of a stable matching preserving a kind of fairness property. In this paper, we investigate the existence of an envy-free matching in several settings, in which hospitals have lower quotas. We first provide an algorithm that decides whether a given HR-LQ instance has an envy-free matching or not. Then, we consider envy-freeness in the Classified Stable Matching model due to Huang (2010), i.e., each hospital has lower and upper quotas on subsets of doctors. We show that, for this model, deciding the existence of an envy-free matching is NP-hard in general, but solvable in polynomial time if quotas are paramodular

    An Approximation Algorithm for Maximum Stable Matching with Ties and Constraints

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    We present a polynomial-time 3/2-approximation algorithm for the problem of finding a maximum-cardinality stable matching in a many-to-many matching model with ties and laminar constraints on both sides. We formulate our problem using a bipartite multigraph whose vertices are called workers and firms, and edges are called contracts. Our algorithm is described as the computation of a stable matching in an auxiliary instance, in which each contract is replaced with three of its copies and all agents have strict preferences on the copied contracts. The construction of this auxiliary instance is symmetric for the two sides, which facilitates a simple symmetric analysis. We use the notion of matroid-kernel for computation in the auxiliary instance and exploit the base-orderability of laminar matroids to show the approximation ratio. In a special case in which each worker is assigned at most one contract and each firm has a strict preference, our algorithm defines a 3/2-approximation mechanism that is strategy-proof for workers

    Approximately Stable Matchings with Budget Constraints

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    This paper considers two-sided matching with budget constraints where one side (firm or hospital) can make monetary transfers (offer wages) to the other (worker or doctor). In a standard model, while multiple doctors can be matched to a single hospital, a hospital has a maximum quota: the number of doctors assigned to a hospital cannot exceed a certain limit. In our model, a hospital instead has a fixed budget: the total amount of wages allocated by each hospital to doctors is constrained. With budget constraints, stable matchings may fail to exist and checking for the existence is hard. To deal with the nonexistence of stable matchings, we extend the "matching with contracts" model of Hatfield and Milgrom, so that it handles approximately stable matchings where each of the hospitals' utilities after deviation can increase by factor up to a certain amount. We then propose two novel mechanisms that efficiently return such a stable matching that exactly satisfies the budget constraints. In particular, by sacrificing strategy-proofness, our first mechanism achieves the best possible bound. Furthermore, we find a special case such that a simple mechanism is strategy-proof for doctors, keeping the best possible bound of the general case.Comment: Accepted for the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2018). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.0764

    Maximally Satisfying Lower Quotas in the Hospitals/Residents Problem with Ties

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    Motivated by the serious problem that hospitals in rural areas suffer from a shortage of residents, we study the Hospitals/Residents model in which hospitals are associated with lower quotas and the objective is to satisfy them as much as possible. When preference lists are strict, the number of residents assigned to each hospital is the same in any stable matching because of the well-known rural hospitals theorem; thus there is no room for algorithmic interventions. However, when ties are introduced to preference lists, this will no longer apply because the number of residents may vary over stable matchings. In this paper, we formulate an optimization problem to find a stable matching with the maximum total satisfaction ratio for lower quotas. We first investigate how the total satisfaction ratio varies over choices of stable matchings in four natural scenarios and provide the exact values of these maximum gaps. Subsequently, we propose a strategy-proof approximation algorithm for our problem; in one scenario it solves the problem optimally, and in the other three scenarios, which are NP-hard, it yields a better approximation factor than that of a naive tie-breaking method. Finally, we show inapproximability results for the above-mentioned three NP-hard scenarios

    A Matroid Generalization of the Super-Stable Matching Problem

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    A super-stable matching, which was introduced by Irving, is a solution concept in a variant of the stable matching problem in which the preferences may contain ties. Irving proposed a polynomial-time algorithm for the problem of finding a super-stable matching if a super-stable matching exists. In this paper, we consider a matroid generalization of a super-stable matching. We call our generalization of a super-stable matching a super-stable common independent set. This can be considered as a generalization of the matroid generalization of a stable matching for strict preferences proposed by Fleiner. We propose a polynomial-time algorithm for the problem of finding a super-stable common independent set if a super-stable common independent set exists

    Designing Matching Mechanisms under Constraints: An Approach from Discrete Convex Analysis

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    In this paper, we consider two-sided, many-to-one matching problems where agents in one side of the market (hospitals) impose some distributional constraints (e.g., a minimum quota for each hospital). We show that when the preference of the hospitals is represented as an M-natural-concave function, the following desirable properties hold: (i) the time complexity of the generalized GS mechanism is O(|X|^3), where |X| is the number of possible contracts, (ii) the generalized Gale & Shapley (GS) mechanism is strategyproof, (iii) the obtained matching is stable, and (iv) the obtained matching is optimal for the agents in the other side (doctors) within all stable matchings. Furthermore, we clarify sufficient conditions where the preference becomes an M-natural-concave function. These sufficient conditions are general enough so that they can cover most of existing works on strategyproof mechanisms that can handle distributional constraints in many-to-one matching problems. These conditions provide a recipe for non-experts in matching theory or discrete convex analysis to develop desirable mechanisms in such settings

    Stabil párosítások és általánosításaik = Stable matchings and its generalizations

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    A kutatási programunkban úgy érezzük, sikerült megvalósítani a kitűzött célokat. A csatolt publikációs listában szereplő 22 eredményünk többségét színvonalas nemzetközi folyóiratokban publikáltuk, vagy publikálni fogjuk. Számos nemzetközi konferencián vettünk részt, ahol ismertettük az eredményeinket és több kollégával szakmai együttműködést folytattunk. A kitűzött kutatási tervben az alábbi kutatási témák szerepeltek: blokkoló élek minimális száma (2 publikáció), stabil allokáció gráfokon (7 publikáció), Scarf lemma (1 publikáció), kooperatív játékelmélet (3 publikáció), gyakorlati alkalmazások (8 publikáció). Eredményeink ezeken kívül a stabil párosításoknak ill. azok általánosításainak létezésére ill. egyéb problémákban történő alkalmazásaira mutatnak rá. | We think that we succeeded to achieve our goal. Most of our 22 results in the attached list are published or will be published in high standard international journals. We participated several conferences, gave talks on these results and collaborated with colleagues. Our original research plan contains the following research topics: minimum number of blocking edges (2 publications), stable allocation on graphs (7 publications), Scarf's lemma (1 publication), cooperative game theory (3 publications), practical applications (8 publications). Beyond these, our results point out the existence of various generalizations of stable matchings and their applicability to other problems

    Classified Stable Matching

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    We introduce the {\sc classified stable matching} problem, a problem motivated by academic hiring. Suppose that a number of institutes are hiring faculty members from a pool of applicants. Both institutes and applicants have preferences over the other side. An institute classifies the applicants based on their research areas (or any other criterion), and, for each class, it sets a lower bound and an upper bound on the number of applicants it would hire in that class. The objective is to find a stable matching from which no group of participants has reason to deviate. Moreover, the matching should respect the upper/lower bounds of the classes. In the first part of the paper, we study classified stable matching problems whose classifications belong to a fixed set of ``order types.'' We show that if the set consists entirely of downward forests, there is a polynomial-time algorithm; otherwise, it is NP-complete to decide the existence of a stable matching. In the second part, we investigate the problem using a polyhedral approach. Suppose that all classifications are laminar families and there is no lower bound. We propose a set of linear inequalities to describe stable matching polytope and prove that it is integral. This integrality allows us to find various optimal stable matchings using Ellipsoid algorithm. A further ramification of our result is the description of the stable matching polytope for the many-to-many (unclassified) stable matching problem. This answers an open question posed by Sethuraman, Teo and Qian