12,230 research outputs found

    Model-Based Development of Distributed Embedded Systems by the Example of the Scicos/SynDEx Framework

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    The embedded systems engineering industry faces increasing demands for more functionality, rapidly evolving components, and shrinking schedules. Abilities to quickly adapt to changes, develop products with safe design, minimize project costs, and deliver timely are needed. Model-based development (MBD) follows a separation of concerns by abstracting systems with an appropriate intensity. MBD promises higher comprehension by modeling on several abstraction-levels, formal verification, and automated code generation. This thesis demonstrates MBD with the Scicos/SynDEx framework on a distributed embedded system. Scicos is a modeling and simulation environment for hybrid systems. SynDEx is a rapid prototyping integrated development environment for distributed systems. Performed examples implement well-known control algorithms on a target system containing several networked microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators. The addressed research question tackles the feasibility of MBD for medium-sized embedded systems. In the case of single-processor applications experiments show that the comforts of tool-provided simulation, verification, and code-generation have to be weighed against an additional memory consumption in dynamic and static memory compared to a hand-written approach. Establishing a near-seamless modeling-framework with Scicos/SynDEx is expensive. An increased development effort indicates a high price for developing single applications, but might pay off for product families. A further drawback was that the distributed code generated with SynDEx could not be adapted to microcontrollers without a significant alteration of the scheduling tables. The Scicos/SynDEx framework forms a valuable tool set that, however, still needs many improvements. Therefore, its usage is only recommended for experimental purposes.Comment: 146 pages, Master's Thesi

    Retargetable Compilers for Embedded DSPs

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    Programmable devices are a key technology for the design of embedded systems, such as in the consumer electronics market. Processor cores are used as building blocks for more and more embedded system designs, since they provide a unique combination of features: flexibility and reusability. Processor-based design implies that compilers capable of generating efficient machine code are necessary. However, highly efficient compilers for embedded processors are hardly available. In particular, this holds for digital signal processors (DSPs). This contribution is intended to outline different aspects of DSP compiler technology. First, we cover demands on compilers for embedded DSPs, which are partially in sharp contrast to traditional compiler construction. Secondly, we present recent advances in DSP code optimization techniques, which explore a comparatively large search space in order to achieve high code quality. Finally, we discuss the different approaches to retargetability of compilers, that is, techniques for automatic generation of compilers from processor models

    Survey on Instruction Selection: An Extensive and Modern Literature Review

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    Instruction selection is one of three optimisation problems involved in the code generator backend of a compiler. The instruction selector is responsible of transforming an input program from its target-independent representation into a target-specific form by making best use of the available machine instructions. Hence instruction selection is a crucial part of efficient code generation. Despite on-going research since the late 1960s, the last, comprehensive survey on the field was written more than 30 years ago. As new approaches and techniques have appeared since its publication, this brings forth a need for a new, up-to-date review of the current body of literature. This report addresses that need by performing an extensive review and categorisation of existing research. The report therefore supersedes and extends the previous surveys, and also attempts to identify where future research should be directed.Comment: Major changes: - Merged simulation chapter with macro expansion chapter - Addressed misunderstandings of several approaches - Completely rewrote many parts of the chapters; strengthened the discussion of many approaches - Revised the drawing of all trees and graphs to put the root at the top instead of at the bottom - Added appendix for listing the approaches in a table See doc for more inf

    MELT - a Translated Domain Specific Language Embedded in the GCC Compiler

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    The GCC free compiler is a very large software, compiling source in several languages for many targets on various systems. It can be extended by plugins, which may take advantage of its power to provide extra specific functionality (warnings, optimizations, source refactoring or navigation) by processing various GCC internal representations (Gimple, Tree, ...). Writing plugins in C is a complex and time-consuming task, but customizing GCC by using an existing scripting language inside is impractical. We describe MELT, a specific Lisp-like DSL which fits well into existing GCC technology and offers high-level features (functional, object or reflexive programming, pattern matching). MELT is translated to C fitted for GCC internals and provides various features to facilitate this. This work shows that even huge, legacy, software can be a posteriori extended by specifically tailored and translated high-level DSLs.Comment: In Proceedings DSL 2011, arXiv:1109.032

    Retrofitting Typestates into Rust

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    As software becomes more prevalent in our lives, bugs are able to cause significant disruption. Thus, preventing them becomes a priority when trying to develop dependable systems. While reducing their occurrence possibility to zero is infeasible, existing approaches are able to eliminate certain subsets of bugs. Rust is a systems programming language that addresses memory-related bugs by design, eliminating bugs like use-after-free. To achieve this, Rust leverages the type system along with information about object lifetimes, allowing the compiler to keep track of objects throughout the program and checking for memory misusage. While preventing memory-related bugs goes a long way in software security, other categories of bugs remain in Rust. One of which would be Application Programming Interface (API) misusage, where the developer does not respect constraints put in place by an API, thus resulting in the program crashing. Typestates elevate state to the type level, allowing for the enforcement of API constraints at compile-time, relieving the developer from the burden that is keeping track of the possible computation states at runtime, and preventing possible API misusage during development. While Rust does not support typestates by design, the type system is powerful enough to express and validate typestates. I propose a new macro-based approach to deal with typestates in Rust; this approach provides an embedded Domain-Specific Language (DSL) which allows developers to express typestates using only existing Rust syntax. Furthermore, Rust’s macro system is leveraged to extract a state machine out of the typestate specification and then perform compile-time checks over the specification. Afterwards we leverage Rust’s type system to check protocol-compliance. The DSL avoids workflow-bloat by requiring nothing but a Rust compiler and the library itself.À medida que as nossas vidas estão cada vez mais dependentes de software, os erros do mesmo têm o potencial de causar problemas significativos. Prevenir estes erros torna-se uma tarefa prioritária durante o desenvolvimento de sistemas confiáveis. Erradicar erros por completo é impossível, mas é possível eliminar certos conjuntos. Rust é uma linguagem de programação de sistemas que, por desenho, endereça erros de gestão de memória. Para o conseguir, a linguagem inclui no sistema de tipos informação sobre o tempo de vida dos objetos, permitindo assim que o compilador conheça a utilização dos mesmos e detecte erros de utilização de memória. Apesar da prevenção de erros de memória ter um papel importante na segurança de software, existem ainda outras categorias de erros em Rust, como o uso incorrecto de interfaces de programação, em que o programador não respeita as restrições impostas pela mesma, o que resulta numa falha do programa. Typestates elevam o conceito de estado para o sistema de tipos, permitindo a aplicação das restrições da interface durante a fase de compilação. Este conceito permite assim aliviar o programador da responsabilidade que é conceptualizar e manter o estado do programa em mente durante o desenvolvimento, prevenindo o mau uso das interfaces. Apesar de Rust não suportar typestates de uma forma natural, o sistema de tipos permite expressar e validar typestates. Proponho uma nova abordagem de modo a lidar com typestates em Rust, tal abordagem é baseada numa DSL embebida na linguagem, permitindo assim a descrição de typestates usando apenas a sintaxe existente. A DSL vai mais além e providencia ainda verificações estáticas sobre a especificação, tirando proveito do sistema de macros, extrai uma máquina de estados que é depois verificada, por fim, a verificação de conformidade é feita pelo compilador, tirando proveito do sistema de tipos. A DSL evita poluição do ambiente trabalho, requerendo apenas um compilador de Rust e a sua própria biblioteca

    Developing and applying heterogeneous phylogenetic models with XRate

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    Modeling sequence evolution on phylogenetic trees is a useful technique in computational biology. Especially powerful are models which take account of the heterogeneous nature of sequence evolution according to the "grammar" of the encoded gene features. However, beyond a modest level of model complexity, manual coding of models becomes prohibitively labor-intensive. We demonstrate, via a set of case studies, the new built-in model-prototyping capabilities of XRate (macros and Scheme extensions). These features allow rapid implementation of phylogenetic models which would have previously been far more labor-intensive. XRate's new capabilities for lineage-specific models, ancestral sequence reconstruction, and improved annotation output are also discussed. XRate's flexible model-specification capabilities and computational efficiency make it well-suited to developing and prototyping phylogenetic grammar models. XRate is available as part of the DART software package: http://biowiki.org/DART .Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures, glossary of XRate model terminolog

    When and how to develop domain-specific languages

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    Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are languages tailored to a specific application domain. They offer substantial gains in expressiveness and ease of use compared with general purpose programming languages in their domain of application. DSL development is hard, requiring both domain knowledge and language development expertise. Few people have both. Not surprisingly, the decision to develop a DSL is often postponed indefinitely, if considered at all, and most DSLs never get beyond the application library stage. While many articles have been written on the development of particular DSLs, there is very limited literature on DSL development methodologies and many questions remain regarding when and how to develop a DSL. To aid the DSL developer, we identify patterns in the decision, analysis, design, and implementation phases of DSL development. Our patterns try to improve on and extend earlier work on DSL design patterns, in particular by Spinellis (2001). We also discuss domain analysis tools and language development systems that may help to speed up DSL development. Finally, we state a number of open problems
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