136 research outputs found

    An attribute grammar specification of IIS*Case PIM concepts

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    IIS*Case is a model driven software tool that provides information system modeling and prototypes generation. It comprises visual and repository based tools for creating various platform independent model (PIM) specifications that are latter transformed into the other, platform specific specifications, and finally to executable programs. Apart from having PIMs stored as repository definitions, we need to have their equivalent representation in the form of a domain specific language. One of the main reasons for this is to allow for checking the formal correctness of PIMs being created. In the paper, we present such a meta-language, named IIS*CDesLang. IIS*CDesLang is specified by an attribute grammar (AG), created under a visual programming environment for AG specifications, named VisualLISA

    A DSL for EER Data Model Specification

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    In this paper we present a domain specific language (DSL) for Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) data model approach, named EERDSL. EERDSL is a part of our Multi-Paradigm Information System Modeling Tool (MIST) that provides EER database schema specification at the conceptual level and its transformation into a relational data model, or a class model. EERDSL modeling concepts are specified by Ecore, one of the commonly used approaches to create meta-models. In the paper we present both textual and graphical notations of EERDSL. Since only few modeling constraints may be described at the level of abstract syntax, we use Object Constraint Language (OCL) to specify complex validation rules for EER models

    A DSL for PIM specifications: design and attribute grammar based implementation

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    IIS*Case is a model driven software tool that provides information system modeling and prototype generation. It comprises visual and repository based tools for creating various platform independent model (PIM) specifications that are latter transformed into the other, platform specific specifications, and finally to executable programs. Apart from having PIMs stored as repository definitions, we need to have their equivalent representation in the form of a domain specific language. One of the main reasons for this is to allow for checking the formal correctness of PIMs being created. In the paper, we present such a meta-language, named IIS*CDesLang. IIS*CDesLang is specified by an attribute grammar (AG), created under a visual programming environment for AG specifications, named VisualLIS

    Combined PIM-PSM

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    The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) defines an alternative approach to software development. It allows to separate the system functionality specification from its implementation on any specific technology platform. Following the MDA approach, the first step of a software development project is the creation of a Platform Independent Model (PIM). Such PIM can then be mapped to one or more Platform Specific Models (PSMs). Keeping a PIM and its PSMs separate has many advantages, but it also leads to some problems. One of them is the synchronization of several models. Whenever a PIM is updated, all corresponding PSMs must also be updated to reflect the changes. A solution could be to combine a PIM and all its PSM in one and the same model. How this can be done is the main question of this thesis

    Getting Relational Database from Legacy Data-MDRE Approach

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    The previous management information systems turning on traditional mainframe environment are often written in COBOL and store their data in files; they are usually large and complex and known as legacy systems. These legacy systems need to be maintained and evolved due to several causes, including correction of anomalies, requirements change, management rules change, new reorganization, etc. But, the maintenance of legacy systems becomes over years extremely complex and highly expensive, In this case, a new or an improved system must replace the previous one. However, replacing those systems completely from scratch is also very expensive and it represents a huge risk. Nevertheless, they should be evolved by profiting from the valuable knowledge embedded in them. This paper proposes a reverse engineering process based on Model Driven engineering that presents a solution to provide a normalized relational database which includes the integrity constraints extracted from legacy data. A CASE tool CETL: (COBOL Extract Transform Load) is developed to support the proposal. Keywords: legacy data, reverse engineering, model driven engineering, COBOL metamodel, domain class diagram, relational database

    A Navigational Role-Centric Model Oriented Web Approach MoWebA

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    [ES] Entre los grandes desafíos actuales de las aplicaciones Web podemos citar la portabilidad, adaptabilidad y evolución. Estos desafíos se dan tanto en el ambiente en que operan así como en su desarrollo, ya que a menudo requieren de diferentes lenguajes, frameworks, herramientas, entornos, plataformas, etc. El Desarrollo Dirigido por Modelos (MDD) y en particular, la Arquitectura Dirigida por Modelos (MDA) contemplan estos desafíos proponiendo distintos niveles de abstracción para las diferentes fases de modelado, partiendo de modelos más orientados al problema, que no deberían contemplar aspectos de implementación (CIM, PIM), hasta llegar a los modelos más orientados a la solución planteada (PSM, ISM). Sin embargo, encarar adecuadamente este tema puede depender del grado de independencia que adquieren los modelos. Este trabajo de Tesis presenta un método que considera el problema de la evolución y portabilidad hacia diferentes entornos o arquitecturas en el diseño y desarrollo de aplicaciones Web. La propuesta se denomina MoWebA (del inglés, Model Oriented Web Approach). Durante el desarrollo de la tesis, hemos identificado una serie de aspectos que podrían tener un impacto positivo sobre los problemas de portabilidad y adaptabilidad que son: i) incorporación de un modelo específico de la arquitectura ASM (del inglés, Architecture Specific Model), que permita la portabilidad de los PIMs con respecto a la arquitectura (por ejemplo, RIA, SOA, Mobile); ii) clara separación de la capa de presentación con respecto a las capas navegacionales y de comportamiento; iii) definición de la estructura navegacional de acuerdo a un mecanismo orientado al comportamiento, que prevenga la modificación del diseño navegacional causada por cambios en la implementación; iv) uso de estándares para facilitar la independencia de las herramientas. Se ha llevado a cabo una revisión del estado de la literatura teniendo en cuenta los fundamentos de la Ingeniería Dirigida por Modelos MDE (Model Driven Engineering), las propuestas metodológicas para el desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web, las tendencias actuales, analizando en forma especial de qué manera las propuestas Web las contemplan, y las evidencias empíricas tanto en la academia como en la Industria. Presentamos así la propuesta MoWebA a partir de una serie de consideraciones sobre las aplicaciones Web que han sido identificadas durante el proceso de revisión del estado del arte. Posteriormente, detallamos cada una de las etapas del proceso de modelado, incluyendo los diagramas y notaciones propuestos, sus definiciones a través de sus metamodelos y ejemplos de uso. Seguidamente, presentamos el proceso de transformación adoptado por MoWebA, con los mecanismos de transformación Modelo-A-Modelo y Modelo-A-Código. Hemos dedicado un importante esfuerzo en la validación de la propuesta. Se realizó una primera validación, adoptando los modelos de MoWebA y en algunos casos generando aplicaciones para diferentes dominios. Con estas primeras experiencias de validación hemos podido identificar fortalezas y debilidades de la propuesta PIM de MoWebA, además de determinar en qué grado la misma cubre las necesidades de diferentes dominios. Como segunda experiencia, hemos realizado una validación preliminar con un grupo de estudiantes de último año de la carrera de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Católica "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" (Paraguay), que consistió en la definición de ASM para tres arquitecturas diferentes. Finalmente, como tercera experiencia de validación, hemos llevado a cabo un Caso de Estudio que consistió en la definición de tres extensiones para MoWebA. Dicha validación fue desarrollada como parte de un proyecto de investigación liderado por la Universidad Católica "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción". La experiencia ha permitido analizar el grado de adaptabilidad de MoWebA y automatización en las transformacinoes PIM-ASM, así como el grado de independiencia del PIM.[CA] Entre els grans desafiaments actuals de les aplicacions Web podem citar la portabilitat, adaptabilitat i evolució. El Desenvolupament Dirigit per Models (MDD) contemple aquests desafiaments proposant diferents nivells d'abstracció per a les diferents fases de modelatge. No obstant això, encarar adequadament aquest tema pot dependre del grau d'independència que adquireixen els models. Aquest treball de Tesi presenta un mètode que considera el problema de l'evolució i la portabilitat, en diferents entorns o arquitectures, per al disseny i desenvolupament d'aplicacions Web. La proposta s'anomena MoWebA (Model Oriented Web Approach). Durant el desenvolupament de la tesi hem identificat una sèrie d'aspectes que podrien tenir un impacte positiu sobre els problemes de portabilitat i adaptabilitat. Aquestos són: i) la incorporació d'un model específic d'arquitectura ASM (Architecture Specific Model), que permet la portabilitat dels models PIM respecte a l'arquitectura (per exemple, RIA, SOA, Mobile); ii) la clara separació de la capa de presentació respecte a les capes navegacionals i de comportament; iii) la definició de l'estructura navegacional d'acord amb un mecanisme orientat al comportament, que restringisca la modificació del disseny navegacional causada per canvis en la implementació; i per últim, iv) l'ús d'estàndards per tal de facilitar la independència de les eines. S'ha realitzat una revisió de l'estat de la literatura considerant els fonaments de l'Enginyeria Dirigida per Models MDE (Model Driven Engineering), les propostes metodològiques per al desenvolupament d'Aplicacions Web, les tendències actuals (analitzant de forma especial la manera en que les propostes Web les consideren), i les evidències empíriques tant en l'acadèmia com en la Indústria. Presentem així la proposta MoWebA a partir d'una sèrie de consideracions sobre les aplicacions Web que són identificades durant el procés de revisió de l'estat de l'art. Posteriorment, detallem cadascuna de les etapes del procés de modelatge, incloent els diagrames i les notacions proposades, les seues definicions (a través dels seus metamodels), i alguns exemples d'ús. Seguidament, presentem el procés de transformació adoptat per MoWebA, emprant mecanismes de transformació Model-a-Model i Model-a-Codi. Hem dedicat un esforç considerable en la validació de la proposta. Es realitzà una primera validació adoptant els models de MoWebA, i en alguns casos es generaren aplicacions per a diferents dominis. Aquestes experiències van ser realitzades per modeladors amb poca experiència, així com també per modeladors i desenvolupadors experimentats. Les experiències van ser desenvolupades en ambients tant acadèmics com industrials. Amb aquestes primeres experiències de validació s'identificaren fortaleses i febleses de la proposta PIM de MoWebA. També permeteren determinar fins quin grau la proposta respon a les necessitats dels diferents dominis. Com a segona experiència es realitzà una validació preliminar amb un grup d'estudiants d'últim curs de la carrera d'Enginyeria Informàtica de la Universitat Catòlica "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" (Paraguai), que va consistir en la definició del model d'arquitectura ASM per a tres arquitectures diferents. Amb aquesta segona experiència de validació s'aconseguí valorar com de factible és d'adaptar la proposta a altres arquitectures. Finalment, com a tercera experiència de validació, es dugué a terme un Cas d'Estudi que va consistir en la definició de tres extensions per a MoWebA. L'experiència permeté analitzar el grau d'adaptabilitat i d'automatització en les transformacions PIM-ASM que s'obté amb MoWebA, així com el grau de independència del PIM amb respecte als altres models. Durant aquesta validació, s'han realitzat a més experiències de satisfacció d'usuaris amb un grup de modeladors i desenvolupadors.[EN] Some of the major challenges facing Web applications today are those of portability, adaptability and evolution, not only in the environment in which they run, but also in the way in which they must be developed, often requiring different languages, frameworks, tools, environments, platforms, etc. MDD and MDA take into account these issues. However, to achieve portability, adaptability and evolution depends to some extent on the degree of independence that the models adopt. This Thesis presents a method that take into account the problem of evolution and portability towards different environments. The approach is called MoWebA (Model Oriented Web Approach). Some key aspects of MoWebA that could have a positive impact in the portability and adaptability are:i) incorporation of an Architecture Specific Model (ASM) as a new modeling layer, in order to keep the portability of the Platform Independent Model (PIM) regarding the different architectures (e.g., RIA, SOA, Mobile); ii) clear separation of the presentation layer with regard to the navigation and behavior layers; iii) definition of the navigational structure according to a function-oriented approach, which prevents the modification of the navigation design caused by implementation changes; iv) and use of standards in order to facilitate the independence from the tools. We justify MoWebA by highlighting a series of concerns for Web applications development. We present an overview of the method including the dimensions and the diagrams that we propose. Subsequently, we present each step in the modeling process, including the diagrams and notation, its definition (metamodels) and examples of use. Afterwards, we present the transformation process adopted by MoWebA, which includes model-to-model and model-to-code transformations. We have devoted special attention to the validation of the approach. As a first validation, MoWebA has been used for modelling and generating different types of applications by both novice and experienced modellers and developers. These experiences were done in academic and industrial contexts. The experiences have allowed to identify strengths and weaknesses of the PIM proposal, and to verify that the proposed notation covers the needs of different domains. Next, we present a preliminary validation of the ASM proposal, considering an experience of different ASM definitions made by a group of computer science students at the Catholic University "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" (Paraguay). This preliminary validation has allowed us to determine how feasible is to adapt the proposal to other architectures. The analysis of the validation sought to answer the following questions: Can the same PIM model be used for different architectures?; Is it possible to specify clear limits between platform independent models (PIM) and architectural specific models (ASM)?; How does an architectural specific model facilitate the transformation rules definition?. Finally, we present a Case Study to validate the extensions of MoWebA to three different architectures. The experience was structured taking into account the framework of Runeson et al. This experience have allowed to carry out three complete extensions. In such extensions we could analysed the grade of adaptability of MoWebA and of automation PIM-ASM, as well as the grade of independence of the PIM metamodel. We have also conducted some user's satisfaction experiences with modelers and developers.González Toñánez, M. (2022). A Navigational Role-Centric Model Oriented Web Approach MoWebA [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181470TESI

    Protocol for a Systematic Literature Review on Design Decisions for UML-based DSMLs

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    Series: Technical Reports / Institute for Information Systems and New Medi

    Data State of Play - Compliance Testing and Interoperability Checking

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    The document provides an inventory of existing solutions for compliance testing and interoperability checking for data taking into account the draft INSPIRE data specifications conceptual model (D2.5), the first draft of the INSPIRE Methodology for the development of data specifications (D2.6) and the first draft of the data Specifications Guidelines for the encoding of spatial data (D2.7). Even if the emphasis is on spatial and geographical data, the document investigates applicable solutions outside the geographical Information System domain, with a particular attention paid to checking compliance with ¿application schemas¿ as defined in the previously mentioned documents.JRC.H.6-Spatial data infrastructure

    Design of Transmission Pipeline Modeling Language

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    General purpose software design and development involves the repetition of many processes, and the ability to automate these processes is often desired. To formalize a software process, such as modelling pipeline systems that transport fluids, an existing general purpose programming language (GPL) can be extended with its important aspects extracted as a model. However, the complexities and boundaries the programming language places on the ability to concisely and clearly describe the designing and modelling processes of the pipeline configurations can be difficult. The reality is that the library of a typical GPL Application Programmers Interface (API) constitutes class, method, and function names that become available only by object creation and method invocation, and as such cannot express domain concepts effectively. An alternative approach is to develop a language specifically for describing the processes. A language formalism that encourages domain specific development and as a tool for solving the complex problem of efficiently and effectively aiding the pipeline engineer in the design and implementation of pipeline configurations is presented in this paper. The language tool is used on the .Net platform for domain specific software development

    UML metamodelling and ERP software solutions: experiments with Microsoft DSL tools

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sistemas de InformaçãoMicrosoft DSL (Domain-Specific Language) Tools allow the definition at the metamodelling level of graphical languages suited to a particular domain. The DSL Tools also allow the conception of models with those graphical languages. The proof of concept reported in this dissertation focuses on the domain of a part of the Primavera ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software solution. It exposes a metamodelling approach which can be followed when using the tool to model visual domain-specific languages. It includes a stereotyping approach, abstract and concrete syntaxes’ setting down. The stereotypes allow the adaptation of the graphical language to the domain. Together, stereotypes and language definition through a metamodel make up the DSVL (Domain-Specific Visual Language). This dissertation explains how to perform both the abstract syntax design through metamodels resembling UML (Unified Modelling Language) class diagrams and the concrete syntax definition through the mapping between the elements in the abstract syntax and the visual constructs of the DSVL. Having metamodels inspired by UML is a pertinent approach defended in this dissertation. UML is a standard with worldwide impact, therefore, graphical languages inspired by UML can be handled by professionals worldwide to design their applications and communicate their design decisions. We can create UML-based graphical languages with Microsoft DSL Tools in order to be able to reason about the solution to the problem domain of a portion of the Primavera ERP and still be able to communicate with professionals familiarized with UML about our design decisions. A compromise between domain knowledge and cross-domain knowledge is established with a UML-inspired language tailored to a specific domain. In this dissertation, stereotypes and domain-specific concepts tailor the graphical languages to the domain, whereas metamodels determine a UML-based syntax for the graphical languages.As Microsoft DSL (Domain-Specific Language) Tools permitem a definição ao nível da metamodelação de linguagens gráficas ajustadas a um domínio em particular. As DSL Tools também permitem a concepção de modelos expressos nessas mesmas linguagens. A prova de conceito reportada nesta dissertação foca-se no domínio de uma parte da solução de software Primavera ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). A dissertação expõe uma abordagem de metamodelação que pode ser seguida durante a utilização da ferramenta DSL Tools para modelar linguagens visuais específicas de um domínio. Inclui uma abordagem de estereotipagem, bem como a definição de sintaxes abstracta e concreta. Os estereótipos permitem a adaptação da linguagem gráfica ao domínio. Juntos, os estereótipos e a definição da linguagem através de um metamodelo constituem a DSVL (Domain-Specific Visual Language). Esta dissertação explica como executar tanto o design da sintaxe abstracta através de metamodelos que se assemelham a diagramas de classes UML (Unified Modelling Language), como a definição da sintaxe concreta através do mapeamento entre os elementos da sintaxe abstracta e os elementos visuais da DSVL. Construir metamodelos inspirados pela UML é uma abordagem pertinente defendida nesta dissertação. A UML é um standard com impacto mundial, logo, linguagens gráficas inspiradas pela UML podem ser manuseadas por profissionais a nível mundial para desenhar as suas aplicações e comunicar as suas decisões de desenho. Podem ser criadas linguagens gráficas baseadas em UML com as Microsoft DSL Tools com o intuito de tornar possível o raciocínio acerca da solução para o domínio do problema de uma porção do ERP Primavera e mesmo assim ser possível comunicar com profissionais familiarizados com a UML acerca das decisões de desenho tomadas. Um compromisso entre o conhecimento do domínio e o conhecimento que é transversal a vários domínios é estabelecido com uma linguagem inspirada em UML e talhada para um domínio específico. Nesta dissertação, os estereótipos e os conceitos específicos do domínio adaptam as linguagens gráficas ao domínio, enquanto que os metamodelos determinam uma sintaxe baseada em UML para as mesmas linguagens gráficas