215 research outputs found

    Design and Dynamic Analysis of a Novel Subsea Shuttle Tanker

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    PhD thesis in Offshore technologyUnderwater pipelines, tanker ships, and liquefied gas carriers have traditionally been employed to transport hydrocarbons between offshore oil and gas facilities and onshore locations. However, both methods come with limitations. Underwater pipelines are costly to install and maintain, while the operation of tanker ships and liquefied gas carriers is heavily dependent on weather conditions, rendering them impractical in severe sea states. As an alternative, a pioneering subsea shuttle tanker (SST) system was proposed as an alternative for offshore transportation. The SST was designed to function at a constant speed and depth beneath the ocean surface, specifically designed for transporting liquid carbon dioxide from existing onshore/offshore sites where carbon dioxide is captured or temporarily stored, to subsea wells for reservoir injection. Nonetheless, the potential applications of the SST extend to being a versatile freight carrier, capable of transporting diverse cargoes such as subsea tools, hydrocarbons, chemicals, and even electricity. This PhD project unfolds in two phases: design and dynamic analysis. In the design phase, a baseline design for the SST was formulated based on existing literature. This comprehensive design encompasses critical aspects of SST design and operation, including structural design, hydrostatic stability computations, resistance and propulsion estimations, operational scenarios, and offloading methodologies. Challenges inherent to CO2 SST transportation were scrutinised, involving thermodynamic properties, purity considerations, and hydrate formation of CO2 during various vessel-transportation states. These aspects were explored in relation to cargo sizing, material selection, and energy consumption. The second phase revolves around dynamic analysis, centred on the derived baseline SST. A manoeuvring model for the SST was constructed as a foundation. Hydrodynamic derivatives were calculated using semi-empirical formulas. Subsequently, the SST’s capability to maintain position during the offloading process was evaluated. A linear quadratic regulator was employed to address the SST’s stationkeeping challenge in stochastic currents, ensuring the vessel remains stationary during offloading. The model was further extended to explore the station-keeping under extreme current conditions, utilising probabilistic methods to predict maximum and minimum depth excursions. These predictions offer valuable insights for cost-effective SST design and operational decision-making. The study then delved into the SST’s recoverability under undesired malfunctions through the establishment of a safety operating envelope (SOE). This envelope considered potential submersible malfunctions, such as partial flooding, jam-to-rise, and jam-to-dive incidents. By identifying feasible speed and depth ranges from an operational safety perspective, the SOE contributes to a reduction in the designed collapse depth, leading to cost savings in materials and enhanced payload capacity. Furthermore, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was conducted to predict pressure, skin friction, drag, and lift forces affecting the SST. This included scenarios of the SST’s near-wall voyage and hovering. Collectively, the original contributions of this thesis encompass the conceptual design, application of control systems and dynamic analysis of the SST. These contributions pave the way for future exploration in the development of commercial submarine concepts and diverse ocean space utlisation strategies

    Grenoble Traffic Lab: An experimental platform for advanced traffic monitoring and forecasting

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    International audienceThis paper describes the main features of the "Grenoble Traffic Lab" (GTL), a new experimental platform for the collection of traffic data coming from a dense network of wireless sensors installed in the south ring of Grenoble, in France. The main challenges related to the configuration of the platform and data validation are discussed, and two relevant traffic monitoring and forecasting applications are presented to illustrate the operation of GTL

    Modeling and Estimation of Biological Plants

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    Estimating the state of a dynamic system is an essential task for achieving important objectives such as process monitoring, identification, and control. Unlike linear systems, no systematic method exists for the design of observers for nonlinear systems. Although many researchers have devoted their attention to these issues for more than 30 years, there are still many open questions. We envisage that estimation plays a crucial role in biology because of the possibility of creating new avenues for biological studies and for the development of diagnostic, management, and treatment tools. To this end, this thesis aims to address two types of nonlinear estimation techniques, namely, the high-gain observer and the moving-horizon estimator with application to three different biological plants. After recalling basic definitions of stability and observability of dynamical systems and giving a bird's-eye survey of the available state estimation techniques, we are interested in the high-gain observers. These observers may be used when the system dynamics can be expressed in specific a coordinate under the so-called observability canonical form with the possibility to assign the rate of convergence arbitrarily by acting on a single parameter called the high-gain parameter. Despite the evident benefits of this class of observers, their use in real applications is questionable due to some drawbacks: numerical problems, the peaking phenomenon, and high sensitivity to measurement noise. The first part of the thesis aims to enrich the theory of high-gain observers with novel techniques to overcome or attenuate these challenging performance issues that arise when implementing such observers. The validity and applicability of our proposed techniques have been shown firstly on a simple one-gene regulatory network, and secondly on an SI epidemic model. The second part of the thesis studies the problem of state estimation using the moving horizon approach. The main advantage of MHE is that information about the system can be explicitly considered in the form of constraints and hence improve the estimates. In this work, we focus on estimation for nonlinear plants that can be rewritten in the form of quasi-linear parameter-varying systems with bounded unknown parameters. Moving-horizon estimators are proposed to estimate the state of such systems according to two different formulations, i.e., "optimistic" and "pessimistic". In the former case, we perform estimation by minimizing the least-squares moving-horizon cost with respect to both state variables and parameters simultaneously. In the latter, we minimize such a cost with respect to the state variables after picking up the maximum of the parameters. Under suitable assumptions, the stability of the estimation error given by the exponential boundedness is proved in both scenarios. Finally, the validity of our obtained results has been demonstrated through three different examples from biological and biomedical fields, namely, an example of one gene regulatory network, a two-stage SI epidemic model, and Amnioserosa cell's mechanical behavior during Dorsal closure

    An interactive system for the estimation of emissivity of a wafer in a rapid thermal processing chamber

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    Rapid thermal processing (RTP) is a method of thermally processing wafers for the manufacture of integrated circuits. During the thermal processing of wafers, it is essential that the wafer temperature follow a pre-specified temperature trajectory and that the temperature across the wafer be uniform especially at high temperatures. To ensure that the above objectives of RTP temperature control be met at any time during the process, the estimation of some parameters of the process is of fundamental importance in the design of the control system. This thesis demonstrates the implementation of an interactive software system in which the emissivity of wafers in a 3-zone RTP station can be estimated on-line. The simulation of the RTP system is performed to ensure the proper performance of the estimator and the closed loop control system. In addition, it is necessary for the control of temperature uniformity of the wafer to implement simulations of the control system and to experiment with new ways to obtain states and parameters estimations. The implementation of the system is carried out on a Pentium based PC using LabVIIBW and G Math Toolkit with the full advantages of graphical programming or EL The capabilities of LabYIIEW to directly interface with the system using the data acquisition boards provided motivates the utilization of this software system


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    Current wildfire spread simulators lack the ability to provide accurate prediction of the active flame burning areas at regional scales due to two main challenges: a modeling challenge associated with providing accurate mathematical representations of the multi-physics multi-scale processes that induce the fire dynamics, and a data challenge associated with providing accurate estimates of the initial fire position and the physical parameters that are required by the fire spread models. A promising approach to overcome these limitations is data assimilation: data assimilation aims at integrating available observations into the fire spread simulator, while accounting for their respective uncertainties, in order to infer a more accurate estimate of the fire front position and to produce a more reliable forecast of the wildfire behavior. The main objective of the present study is to design and evaluate suitable algorithms for regional-scale wildfire spread simulations, which are able to properly handle the variations in wildfire spread due to the significant spatial heterogeneity in the model inputs and to the temporal changes in the wildfire behavior. First we developed a grid-based spatialized parameter estimation approach where the estimation targets are the spatially-varying input model parameters. Then we proposed an efficient and robust method to compute the discrepancy between the observed and simulated fire fronts, which is based on a front shape similarity measure inspired from image processing theory. The new method is demonstrated in the context of Luenberger observer-based state estimation strategy. Finally we developed a dual state-parameter estimation method where we estimate both model state and model parameters simultaneously in order to retrieve more accurate physical values of model parameters and achieve a better forecast performance in terms of fire front positions. All these efforts aim at designing algorithmic solutions to overcome the difficulties associated with spatially-varying environmental conditions and potentially complex fireline shapes and topologies. It paves the way towards real-time monitoring and forecasting of wildfire dynamics at regional scales

    State estimators in soft sensing and sensor fusion for sustainable manufacturing

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    State estimators, including observers and Bayesian filters, are a class of model-based algorithms for estimating variables in a dynamical system given sensor measurements of related system states. They can be used to derive fast and accurate estimates of system variables which cannot be measured directly (’soft sensing’) or for which only noisy, intermittent, delayed, indirect or unreliable measurements are available, perhaps from multiple sources (’sensor fusion’). In this paper we introduce the concepts and main methods of state estimation and review recent applications in improving the sustainability of manufacturing processes. It is shown that state estimation algorithms can play a key role in manufacturing systems to accurately monitor and control processes to improve efficiencies, lower environmental impact, enhance product quality, improve the feasibility of processing more sustainable raw materials, and ensure safer working environments for humans. We discuss current and emerging trends in using state estimation as a framework for combining physical knowledge with other sources of data for monitoring and control of distributed manufacturing systems

    Model-based measurement and control of fluidised bed spray granulation processes

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    Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012von Andreas Büc

    Performance indicators for the dynamics modeling and control of PEMFC systems

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    Society is gradually becoming aware that the current energy industry, based on the use of fossil fuels, is inefficient, highly polluting and has a finite supply. Within the scientific community, there are indications that hydrogen (H2) as an energy vector, obtained from renewable energy sources, can represent a viable option to mitigate the problems associated with hydrocarbon combustion. In this context, the change from the current energy industry to a new structure with a significant involvement of H2 facilitates the introduction of fuel cells as elements of energy conversion. Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) are gaining increased attention as viable energy conversion devices for a wide range of applications from automotive, stationary to portable. In order to optimize performance, these systems require active control and thus in-depth knowledge of the system dynamics which include fluid mechanics, thermal dynamics and reaction kinetics. One of the main issues, with respect to proper control of these systems, is the understanding of the water transport mechanisms through the membrane and the liquid water distribution. The thesis is based on the publication of nine international journal articles that are divided into 4 sub-topics: Dynamic fuel cell modeling, fuel cell system control-oriented analysis, identification of parameters and performance indicators and finally, fault and failure detection and system diagnosis. In the sub-topic of Dynamic Fuel cell modeling, experimentally validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling is used to relate the effects of the physical phenomena associated with fluid mechanics and thermal dynamics, that occur inside the fuel cell [Alonso, 2009][Strahl, 2011], to water distribution. However, since these CFD models cannot be directly used for control, control-oriented models [Kunusch, 2008][Kunusch, 2011] have been developed in parallel. As well, another study is done in [Serra, 2006] which includes a controllability analysis of the system for future development and application of efficient controllers. The results of the above mentioned studies are limited because either they do not incorporate an electrochemical model or the model is not experimentally validated. Moreover, these models do not take into account the voltage losses due to liquid water inside the fuel cell. Therefore, there is a need to properly relate the relevant effects of fluid mechanics and thermal dynamics, including liquid water, to the fuel cell voltage. Primarily, methodologies are needed to determine the relevant indicators associated to the effect of water on the fuel cell performance. The works published in [Husar, 2008] and [Husar, 2011] treats experimental parameter identification, mainly focused on water transport through the membrane and fuel cell voltage loss indicators respectively. The implementation of the indicators indirect measurement methodology provides an experimental way for the isolation of three main types of voltage losses in the fuel cell: activation, mass transport and ohmic losses. Additionally since these voltage loss indicators relate the fuel cell operating conditions to the fuel cell voltage, they can be utilized to calibrate and validate CFD models as well as employed in novel control strategies. On the other hand, to develop reliable systems, the controller should not only take into account performance variables during standard operation but should also be able to detect failures and take the appropriate actions. A preliminary study on failure indicators is presented in [Husar 2007] and fault detection methodologies are described in [de Lira 2011]. As a whole, the compilation of articles represented in this thesis applies a comprehensive experimental approach which describes the implementation of novel methodologies and experimental procedures to characterize and model the PEMFC and their associated systems taking into consideration control oriented goals.La societat s'està adonant que la indústria energètica actual, basada en l'ús de combustibles fòssils, és ineficient, molt contaminant i té un subministrament limitat. Dins de la comunitat científica, hi ha indicis que el hidrogen (H2) com vector energètic, obtingut a partir de fonts d'energia renovables, pot representar una opció viable per a mitigar els problemes associats amb la combustió d'hidrocarburs. En aquest context, el canvi de la indústria energètica actual a una nova estructura amb una important participació de el hidrogen exigeix la introducció de les piles de combustible com elements de conversió d'energia. Les piles de combustible de membrana polimèrica (PEMFC) estan tenint cada vegada més atenció com a dispositius viables de conversió d'energia per a una àmplia gamma d'aplicacions com automoció, estacionàries o portàtils. Amb la finalitat d'optimitzar el seu rendiment, les piles PEM requereixen un control actiu i per tant un coneixement profund de la dinàmica del sistema, que inclou la mecànica de fluids, la dinàmica tèrmica i la cinètica de les reaccions. Un dels temes principals relacionat amb el control adequat d'aquests sistemes és la comprensió dels mecanismes de transport d'aigua a través de la membrana i la distribució d'aigua líquida. Aquesta tesi es basa en nou articles publicats en revistes internacionals que es divideixen en 4 subtemes: la modelització dinàmica de piles de combustible, l'anàlisi orientada al control del sistema, la identificació de paràmetres i d’indicadors de funcionament i, finalment, la detecció de fallades i la diagnosi dels sistemes. En el sub-tema de la modelització dinàmica de piles PEM, la modelització basada en la Dinàmica de Fluids Computacional (CFD) amb validació experimental s'ha utilitzat per a relacionar els efectes dels fenòmens físics de la mecànica de fluids i de la dinàmica tèrmica que es produeixen dintre de la pila [Alonso, 2009] [ Strahl, 2011] amb la distribució d'aigua. No obstant això, com aquests models CFD no poden ser utilitzats directament per al control, s'han desenvolupat models orientats a control [Kunusch, 2008] [Kunusch, 2011] en paral·lel. A més, en un altre estudi [Serra, 2006] s'inclou una anàlisi de control·labilitat del sistema per al desenvolupament i aplicació futurs de controladors eficaços. Però els resultats dels estudis esmentats anteriorment són limitats, ja sigui perquè no incorporen un model electroquímic o bé perquè no han estat validats experimentalment. A més, cap dels models té en compte les pèrdues de tensió degudes a l'aigua líquida dins de la pila de combustible. Per tant, hi ha una necessitat de relacionar adequadament els efectes rellevants de la mecànica de fluids i de la dinàmica tèrmica, incloent l'aigua líquida, amb el voltatge de la pila de combustible. Principalment, són necessàries metodologies per a determinar els indicadors rellevants associats a aquest efecte de l'aigua sobre el rendiment de la pila de combustible. Els treballs publicats en [Husar, 2008] i [Husar, 2011] tracten la identificació experimental de paràmetres, centrada en el transport d'aigua a través de la membrana i els indicadors de pèrdua de tensió, respectivament. L'aplicació d'una proposta de metodologia de mesura indirecte dels indicadors permet l'aïllament dels tres tipus principals de pèrdues de voltatge en la pila de combustible: l'activació, el transport de massa i les pèrdues ohmiques. Aquests indicadors de pèrdua de tensió relacionen les condicions d'operació amb el voltatge de la pila de combustible i per tant poden ser utilitzats per a calibrar i validar models CFD, així com per a definir noves estratègies de control. D'altra banda, per a aconseguir sistemes fiables, el controlador no només ha de considerar els indicadors de funcionament de l'operació normal, sinó que també ha de detectar possibles fallades per a poder prendre les accions adequades en cas de fallada. Un estudi preliminar sobre indicadors de fallades es presenta en [Husar 2007] i una metodologia de detecció de fallades completa es descriu en [Lira de 2011]. En el seu conjunt, el compendi d'articles que formen aquesta tesi segueix un enfocament experimental i descriu la implementació de noves metodologies i procediments experimentals per a la caracterització i el modelatge de piles PEM i els sistemes associats amb objectius orientats al control eficient d'aquests sistemes.La sociedad se ésta dando cuenta de que la industria energética actual, basada en el uso de combustibles fósiles, es ineficiente, muy contaminante y tiene un suministro limitado. Dentro de la comunidad científica, hay indicios de que el hidrógeno (H2) como vector energético, obtenido a partir de fuentes de energía renovables, puede representar una opción viable para mitigar los problemas asociados con la combustión de hidrocarburos. En este contexto, el cambio de la industria energética actual a una nueva estructura con una importante participación de H2 exige la introducción de pilas de combustible como elementos de conversión de energía. Las pilas de combustible de membrana polimérica (PEMFC) están ganando cada vez más atención como dispositivos viables de conversión de energía para una amplia gama de aplicaciones como automoción, estacionarias o portátiles. Con el fin de optimizar su rendimiento, las pilas PEM requieren un control activo y por lo tanto un conocimiento profundo de la dinámica del sistema, que incluye la mecánica de fluidos, la dinámica térmica y la cinética de las reacciones. Uno de los temas principales relacionado con el control adecuado de estos sistemas, es la comprensión de los mecanismos de transporte de agua a través de la membrana y la distribución de agua líquida. Esta tesis se basa en la publicación de nueve artículos en revistas internacionales que se dividen en 4 sub-temas: el modelado dinámico de pilas de combustible, el análisis orientado a control del sistema, la identificación de parámetros e indicadores de desempeño y, por último, la detección de fallos y la diagnosis. En el sub-tema de la modelización dinámica de pilas PEM, el modelado basado en Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) con validación experimental se ha utilizado para relacionar los efectos de los fenómenos físicos de la mecánica de fluidos y la dinámica térmica que se producen dentro de la pila [Alonso, 2009] [ Strahl, 2011] con la distribución de agua. Sin embargo, como estos modelos CFD no pueden ser utilizados directamente para el control, modelos orientados a control [Kunusch, 2008] [Kunusch, 2011] se han desarrollado en paralelo. Además, en otro estudio [Serra, 2006] se incluye un análisis de controlabilidad del sistema para el futuro desarrollo y aplicación de controladores eficaces. Pero los resultados de los estudios mencionados anteriormente son limitados, ya sea porque no incorporan un modelo electroquímico o bien porque no son validados experimentalmente. Además, ninguno de los modelos tiene en cuenta las pérdidas de tensión debidas al agua líquida dentro de la pila de combustible. Por lo tanto, hay una necesidad de relacionar adecuadamente los efectos relevantes de la mecánica de fluidos y la dinámica térmica, incluyendo el agua líquida, con la tensión de la pila de combustible. Principalmente, son necesarias metodologías para determinar los indicadores relevantes asociados al efecto del agua sobre el rendimiento de la pila de combustible. Los trabajos publicados en [Husar, 2008] y [Husar, 2011] tratan la identificación experimental de parámetros, centrada en el transporte de agua a través de la membrana y los indicadores de pérdida de tensió, respectivamente. La aplicación de una metodología propuesta de medición indirecta de los indicadores permite el aislamiento de los tres tipos principales de pérdidas de tensión en la pila de combustible: la activación, el transporte de masa y las pérdidas óhmicas. Éstos indicadores de pérdida de tensión relacionan las condiciones de operación con la tensión de la pila de combustible y por lo tanto pueden ser utilizados para calibrar y validar modelos CFD, así como para definir nuevas estrategias de control. Por otro lado, para conseguir sistemas fiables, el controlador no sólo debe considerar los indicadores de desempeño de la operación regular, sino que también debe detectar posibles fallos para poder tomar las acciones adecuadas en caso de fallo. Un estudio preliminar sobre indicadores de fallos se presenta en [Husar 2007] y una metodología de detección de fallos completa se describe en [Lira de 2011]. En su conjunto, el compendio de artículos que forman esta tesis sigue un enfoque experimental y describe la implementación de nuevas metodologías y procedimientos experimentales para la caracterización y el modelado de pilas PEM y los sistemas asociados con objetivos orientados al control eficiente de estos sistemas
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