11 research outputs found

    High Performance Smart Temperature Sensor Using Voltage Controlled Ring Oscillator

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    In the broadest definition, a sensor is an electronic component, module, or subsystem whose purpose is to detect events or changes in its environment and send the information to other electronics, frequently a computer processor. Temperature is most-measured process variable in the industrial automation. The most commonly, temperature sensor was used to convert the temperature value to the electrical value. The temperature sensors are the key to read the temperatures correctly and to control the temperature in the industrials applications. Such "smart" temperature sensors combine a sensor and interface electronics on the single chip, and are preferably manufactured in a low-cost standard CMOS process

    An Ultra Low-Power Programmable Voltage Reference for Power-Constrained Electronic Systems

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    This paper proposes a novel architecture for the generation of a programmable voltage reference: the background- calibrated (BC)-PVR. Our mixed-signal architecture periodically calibrates a static ultra low-power voltage reference generator, from an accurate bandgap reference. The portion of the chip used for the calibration can be powered down with a programmable duty-cycle. The system aims to fully exploit the small temperature derivative vs time DT of several application domains to minimize the average current consumption. The BC-PVR has been designed and implemented in TSMC 55-nm CMOS technology, and it achieves the largest reported programming reference output â—¦range [0.42 - 2.52] V, over the temperature range [-20 , 85] C. The duty-cycle mode allows nanoampere current consumption, and the large design flexibility permits to optimize the system performance for the specific application. These features make the BC-PVR very well-suited for power-constrained electronic systems

    Variability-aware design of CMOS nanopower reference circuits

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    Questo lavoro è inserito nell'ambito della progettazione di circuiti microelettronici analogici con l'uso di tecnologie scalate, per le quali ha sempre maggiore importanza il problema della sensibilità delle grandezze alle variazioni di processo. Viene affrontata la progettazione di generatori di quantità di riferimento molto precisi, basati sull’uso di dispositivi che sono disponibili anche in tecnologie CMOS standard e che sono “intrinsecamente” più robusti rispetto alle variazioni di processo. Questo ha permesso di ottenere una bassa sensibilità al processo insieme ad un consumo di potenza estremamente ridotto, con il principale svantaggio di una elevata occupazione di area. Tutti i risultati sono stati ottenuti in una tecnologia 0.18μm CMOS. In particolare, abbiamo progettato un riferimento di tensione, ottenendo una deviazione standard relativa della tensione di riferimento dello 0.18% e un consumo di potenza inferiore a 70 nW, sulla base di misure su un set di 20 campioni di un singolo batch. Sono anche disponibili risultati relativi alla variabilità inter batch, che mostrano una deviazione standard relativa cumulativa della tensione di riferimento dello 0.35%. Abbiamo quindi progettato un riferimento di corrente, ottenendo anche in questo caso una sensibilità al processo della corrente di riferimento dell’1.4% con un consumo di potenza inferiore a 300 nW (questi sono risultati sperimentali ottenuti dalle misure su 20 campioni di un singolo batch). I riferimenti di tensione e di corrente proposti sono stati quindi utilizzati per la progettazione di un oscillatore a rilassamento a bassa frequenza, che unisce una ridotta sensibilità al processo, inferiore al 2%, con un basso consumo di potenza, circa 300 nW, ottenuto sulla base di simulazioni circuitali. Infine, nella progettazione dei blocchi sopra menzionati, abbiamo applicato un metodo per la determinazione della stabilità dei punti di riposo, basato sull’uso dei CAD standard utilizzati per la progettazione microelettronica. Questo approccio ci ha permesso di determinare la stabilità dei punti di riposo desiderati, e ci ha anche permesso di stabilire che i circuiti di start up spesso non sono necessari

    A Low-Power BFSK/OOK Transmitter for Wireless Sensors

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    In recent years, significant improvements in semiconductor technology have allowed consistent development of wireless chipsets in terms of functionality and form factor. This has opened up a broad range of applications for implantable wireless sensors and telemetry devices in multiple categories, such as military, industrial, and medical uses. The nature of these applications often requires the wireless sensors to be low-weight and energy-efficient to achieve long battery life. Among the various functions of these sensors, the communication block, used to transmit the gathered data, is typically the most power-hungry block. In typical wireless sensor networks, transmission range is below 10 meters and required radiated power is below 1 milliwatt. In such cases, power consumption of the frequency-synthesis circuits prior to the power amplifier of the transmitter becomes significant. Reducing this power consumption is currently the focus of various research endeavors. A popular method of achieving this goal is using a direct-modulation transmitter where the generated carrier is directly modulated with baseband data using simple modulation schemes. Among the different variations of direct-modulation transmitters, transmitters using unlocked digitally-controlled oscillators and transmitters with injection or resonator-locked oscillators are widely investigated because of their simple structure. These transmitters can achieve low-power and stable operation either with the help of recalibration or by sacrificing tuning capability. In contrast, phase-locked-loop-based (PLL) transmitters are less researched. The PLL uses a feedback loop to lock the carrier to a reference frequency with a programmable ratio and thus achieves good frequency stability and convenient tunability. This work focuses on PLL-based transmitters. The initial goal of this work is to reduce the power consumption of the oscillator and frequency divider, the two most power-consuming blocks in a PLL. Novel topologies for these two blocks are proposed which achieve ultra-low-power operation. Along with measured performance, mathematical analysis to derive rule-of-thumb design approaches are presented. Finally, the full transmitter is implemented using these blocks in a 130 nanometer CMOS process and is successfully tested for low-power operation

    Efficient start-up of crystal oscillators

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    Multi-Loop-Ring-Oscillator Design and Analysis for Sub-Micron CMOS

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    Ring oscillators provide a central role in timing circuits for today?s mobile devices and desktop computers. Increased integration in these devices exacerbates switching noise on the supply, necessitating improved supply resilience. Furthermore, reduced voltage headroom in submicron technologies limits the number of stacked transistors available in a delay cell. Hence, conventional single-loop oscillators offer relatively few design options to achieve desired specifications, such as supply rejection. Existing state-of-the-art supply-rejection- enhancement methods include actively regulating the supply with an LDO, employing a fully differential or current-starved delay cell, using a hi-Z voltage-to-current converter, or compensating/calibrating the delay cell. Multiloop ring oscillators (MROs) offer an additional solution because by employing a more complex ring-connection structure and associated delay cell, the designer obtains an additional degree of freedom to meet the desired specifications. Designing these more complex multiloop structures to start reliably and achieve the desired performance requires a systematic analysis procedure, which we attack on two fronts: (1) a generalized delay-cell viewpoint of the MRO structure to assist in both analysis and circuit layout, and (2) a survey of phase-noise analysis to provide a bank of methods to analyze MRO phase noise. We distill the salient phase-noise-analysis concepts/key equations previously developed to facilitate MRO and other non-conventional oscillator analysis. Furthermore, our proposed analysis framework demonstrates that all these methods boil down to obtaining three things: (1) noise modulation function (NMF), (2) noise transfer function (NTF), and (3) current-controlled-oscillator gain (KICO). As a case study, we detail the design, analysis, and measurement of a proposed multiloop ring oscillator structure that provides improved power-supply isolation (more than 20dB increase in supply rejection over a conventional-oscillator control case fabricated on the same test chip). Applying our general multi-loop-oscillator framework to this proposed MRO circuit leads both to design-oriented expressions for the oscillation frequency and supply rejection as well as to an efficient layout technique facilitating cross-coupling for improved quadrature accuracy and systematic, substantially simplified layout effort

    Rf Power Amplifier And Oscillator Design For Reliability And Variability

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    CMOS RF circuit design has been an ever-lasting research field. It gained so much attention since RF circuits have high mobility and wide band efficiency, while CMOS technology has the advantage of low cost and better capability of integration. At the same time, IC circuits never stopped scaling down for the recent many decades. Reliability issues with RF circuits have become more and more severe with device scaling down: reliability effects such as gate oxide break down, hot carrier injection, negative bias temperature instability, have been amplified as the device size shrinks. Process variability issues also become more predominant as the feature size decreases. With these insights provided, reliability and variability evaluations on typical RF circuits and possible compensation techniques are highly desirable. In this work, a class E power amplifier is designed and laid out using TSMC 0.18 µm RF technology and the chip was fabricated. Oxide stress and hot electron tests were carried out at elevated supply voltage, fresh measurement results were compared with different stress conditions after 10 hours. Test results matched very well with mixed mode circuit simulations, proved that hot carrier effects degrades PA performances like output power, power efficiency, etc. Self- heating effects were examined on a class AB power amplifier since PA has high power operations. Device temperature simulation was done both in DC and mixed mode level. Different gate biasing techniques were analyzed and their abilities to compensate output power were compared. A simple gate biasing circuit turned out to be efficient to compensate selfheating effects under different localized heating situations. iv Process variation was studied on a classic Colpitts oscillator using Monte-Carlo simulation. Phase noise was examined since it is a key parameter in oscillator. Phase noise was modeled using analytical equations and supported by good match between MATLAB results and ADS simulation. An adaptive body biasing circuit was proposed to eliminate process variation. Results from probability density function simulation demonstrated its capability to relieve process variation on phase noise. Standard deviation of phase noise with adaptive body bias is much less than the one without compensation. Finally, a robust, adaptive design technique using PLL as on-chip sensor to reduce Process, Voltage, Temperature (P.V.T.) variations and other aging effects on RF PA was evaluated. The frequency and phase of ring oscillator need to be adjusted to follow the frequency and phase of input in PLL no matter how the working condition varies. As a result, the control signal of ring oscillator has to fluctuate according to the working condition, reflecting the P.V.T changes. RF circuits suffer from similar P.V.T. variations. The control signal of PLL is introduced to RF circuits and converted to the adaptive tuning voltage for substrate bias. Simulation results illustrate that the PA output power under different variations is more flat than the one with no compensation. Analytical equations show good support to what has been observed

    Multi-Loop-Ring-Oscillator Design and Analysis for Sub-Micron CMOS

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    Ring oscillators provide a central role in timing circuits for today?s mobile devices and desktop computers. Increased integration in these devices exacerbates switching noise on the supply, necessitating improved supply resilience. Furthermore, reduced voltage headroom in submicron technologies limits the number of stacked transistors available in a delay cell. Hence, conventional single-loop oscillators offer relatively few design options to achieve desired specifications, such as supply rejection. Existing state-of-the-art supply-rejection- enhancement methods include actively regulating the supply with an LDO, employing a fully differential or current-starved delay cell, using a hi-Z voltage-to-current converter, or compensating/calibrating the delay cell. Multiloop ring oscillators (MROs) offer an additional solution because by employing a more complex ring-connection structure and associated delay cell, the designer obtains an additional degree of freedom to meet the desired specifications. Designing these more complex multiloop structures to start reliably and achieve the desired performance requires a systematic analysis procedure, which we attack on two fronts: (1) a generalized delay-cell viewpoint of the MRO structure to assist in both analysis and circuit layout, and (2) a survey of phase-noise analysis to provide a bank of methods to analyze MRO phase noise. We distill the salient phase-noise-analysis concepts/key equations previously developed to facilitate MRO and other non-conventional oscillator analysis. Furthermore, our proposed analysis framework demonstrates that all these methods boil down to obtaining three things: (1) noise modulation function (NMF), (2) noise transfer function (NTF), and (3) current-controlled-oscillator gain (KICO). As a case study, we detail the design, analysis, and measurement of a proposed multiloop ring oscillator structure that provides improved power-supply isolation (more than 20dB increase in supply rejection over a conventional-oscillator control case fabricated on the same test chip). Applying our general multi-loop-oscillator framework to this proposed MRO circuit leads both to design-oriented expressions for the oscillation frequency and supply rejection as well as to an efficient layout technique facilitating cross-coupling for improved quadrature accuracy and systematic, substantially simplified layout effort

    CMOS Integrated Circuits for RF-powered Wireless Temperature Sensor

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    This dissertation presents original research contributions in the form of twelve scientific publications that represent advances related to RF-to-DC converters, reference circuits (voltage, current and frequency) and temperature sensors. The primary focus of this research was to design efficient and low power CMOS-based circuit components, which are useful in various blocks of an RF-powered wireless sensor node.  The RF-to-DC converter or rectifier converts RF energy into DC energy, which is utilized by the sensor node. In the implementation of a CMOS-based RF-to-DC converter, the threshold voltage of MOS transistors mainly affects the conversion efficiency. Hence, for the first part of this research, different threshold voltage compensation schemes were developed for the rectifiers. These schemes were divided into two parts; first, the use of the MOSFET body terminal biasing technique and second, the use of an auxiliary circuit to obtain threshold voltage compensation. In addition to these schemes, the use of an alternate signaling scheme for voltage multiplier configuration of differential input RF-harvesters has also been investigated.  A known absolute value of voltage or current is the most useful for an integrated circuit. Thus, the circuit which generates the absolute value of voltage or current is cited as the voltage or current reference circuit respectively. Hence, in the second part of the research, simple, low power and moderately accurate, voltage and current reference circuits were developed for the power management unit of the sensor node. Besides voltage and current reference circuits, a frequency reference circuit was also designed. The use of the frequency reference circuit is in the digital processing and timing functions of the sensor node.  In the final part of the research, temperature sensing was selected as an application for the sensor node. Here, voltage and current based sensor cores were developed to sense the temperature. A smart temperature sensor was designed by using the voltage cores to obtain temperature information in terms of the duty-cycle. Similarly, the temperature equivalent current was converted into the frequency to obtain a temperature equivalent output signal.  All these implementations were done by using two integrated circuits which were fabricated during the year 2013-14.

    Robust Design With Increasing Device Variability In Sub-Micron Cmos And Beyond: A Bottom-Up Framework

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    My Ph.D. research develops a tiered systematic framework for designing process-independent and variability-tolerant integrated circuits. This bottom-up approach starts from designing self-compensated circuits as accurate building blocks, and moves up to sub-systems with negative feedback loop and full system-level calibration. a. Design methodology for self-compensated circuits My collaborators and I proposed a novel design methodology that offers designers intuitive insights to create new topologies that are self-compensated and intrinsically process-independent without external reference. It is the first systematic approaches to create "correct-by-design" low variation circuits, and can scale beyond sub-micron CMOS nodes and extend to emerging non-silicon nano-devices. We demonstrated this methodology with an addition-based current source in both 180nm and 90nm CMOS that has 2.5x improved process variation and 6.7x improved temperature sensitivity, and a GHz ring oscillator (RO) in 90nm CMOS with 65% reduction in frequency variation and 85ppm/oC temperature sensitivity. Compared to previous designs, our RO exhibits the lowest temperature sensitivity and process variation, while consuming the least amount of power in the GHz range. Another self-compensated low noise amplifiers (LNA) we designed also exhibits 3.5x improvement in both process and temperature variation and enhanced supply voltage regulation. As part of the efforts to improve the accuracy of the building blocks, I also demonstrated experimentally that due to "diversification effect", the upper bound of circuit accuracy can be better than the minimum tolerance of on-chip devices (MOSFET, R, C, and L), which allows circuit designers to achieve better accuracy with less chip area and power consumption. b. Negative feedback loop based sub-system I explored the feasibility of using high-accuracy DC blocks as low-variation "rulers-on-chip" to regulate high-speed high-variation blocks (e.g. GHz oscillators). In this way, the trade-off between speed (which can be translated to power) and variation can be effectively de-coupled. I demonstrated this proposed structure in an integrated GHz ring oscillators that achieve 2.6% frequency accuracy and 5x improved temperature sensitivity in 90nm CMOS. c. Power-efficient system-level calibration To enable full system-level calibration and further reduce power consumption in active feedback loops, I implemented a successive-approximation-based calibration scheme in a tunable GHz VCO for low power impulse radio in 65nm CMOS. Events such as power-up and temperature drifts are monitored by the circuits and used to trigger the need-based frequency calibration. With my proposed scheme and circuitry, the calibration can be performed under 135pJ and the oscillator can operate between 0.8 and 2GHz at merely 40[MICRO SIGN]W, which is ideal for extremely power-and-cost constraint applications such as implantable biomedical device and wireless sensor networks