2,969 research outputs found

    Signal processing with Fourier analysis, novel algorithms and applications

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    Fourier analysis is the study of the way general functions may be represented or approximated by sums of simpler trigonometric functions, also analogously known as sinusoidal modeling. The original idea of Fourier had a profound impact on mathematical analysis, physics and engineering because it diagonalizes time-invariant convolution operators. In the past signal processing was a topic that stayed almost exclusively in electrical engineering, where only the experts could cancel noise, compress and reconstruct signals. Nowadays it is almost ubiquitous, as everyone now deals with modern digital signals. Medical imaging, wireless communications and power systems of the future will experience more data processing conditions and wider range of applications requirements than the systems of today. Such systems will require more powerful, efficient and flexible signal processing algorithms that are well designed to handle such needs. No matter how advanced our hardware technology becomes we will still need intelligent and efficient algorithms to address the growing demands in signal processing. In this thesis, we investigate novel techniques to solve a suite of four fundamental problems in signal processing that have a wide range of applications. The relevant equations, literature of signal processing applications, analysis and final numerical algorithms/methods to solve them using Fourier analysis are discussed for different applications in the electrical engineering/computer science. The first four chapters cover the following topics of central importance in the field of signal processing: ā€¢ Fast Phasor Estimation using Adaptive Signal Processing (Chapter 2) ā€¢ Frequency Estimation from Nonuniform Samples (Chapter 3) ā€¢ 2D Polar and 3D Spherical Polar Nonuniform Discrete Fourier Transform (Chapter 4) ā€¢ Robust 3D registration using Spherical Polar Discrete Fourier Transform and Spherical Harmonics (Chapter 5) Even though each of these four methods discussed may seem completely disparate, the underlying motivation for more efficient processing by exploiting the Fourier domain signal structure remains the same. The main contribution of this thesis is the innovation in the analysis, synthesis, discretization of certain well known problems like phasor estimation, frequency estimation, computations of a particular non-uniform Fourier transform and signal registration on the transformed domain. We conduct propositions and evaluations of certain applications relevant algorithms such as, frequency estimation algorithm using non-uniform sampling, polar and spherical polar Fourier transform. The techniques proposed are also useful in the field of computer vision and medical imaging. From a practical perspective, the proposed algorithms are shown to improve the existing solutions in the respective fields where they are applied/evaluated. The formulation and final proposition is shown to have a variety of benefits. Future work with potentials in medical imaging, directional wavelets, volume rendering, video/3D object classifications, high dimensional registration are also discussed in the final chapter. Finally, in the spirit of reproducible research we release the implementation of these algorithms to the public using Github

    Assessment of a photogrammetric approach for urban DSM extraction from tri-stereoscopic satellite imagery

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    Built-up environments are extremely complex for 3D surface modelling purposes. The main distortions that hamper 3D reconstruction from 2D imagery are image dissimilarities, concealed areas, shadows, height discontinuities and discrepancies between smooth terrain and man-made features. A methodology is proposed to improve automatic photogrammetric extraction of an urban surface model from high resolution satellite imagery with the emphasis on strategies to reduce the effects of the cited distortions and to make image matching more robust. Instead of a standard stereoscopic approach, a digital surface model is derived from tri-stereoscopic satellite imagery. This is based on an extensive multi-image matching strategy that fully benefits from the geometric and radiometric information contained in the three images. The bundled triplet consists of an IKONOS along-track pair and an additional near-nadir IKONOS image. For the tri-stereoscopic study a densely built-up area, extending from the centre of Istanbul to the urban fringe, is selected. The accuracy of the model extracted from the IKONOS triplet, as well as the model extracted from only the along-track stereopair, are assessed by comparison with 3D check points and 3D building vector data

    Dynamic Denoising of Tracking Sequences

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    Ā©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2008.920795In this paper, we describe an approach to the problem of simultaneously enhancing image sequences and tracking the objects of interest represented by the latter. The enhancement part of the algorithm is based on Bayesian wavelet denoising, which has been chosen due to its exceptional ability to incorporate diverse a priori information into the process of image recovery. In particular, we demonstrate that, in dynamic settings, useful statistical priors can come both from some reasonable assumptions on the properties of the image to be enhanced as well as from the images that have already been observed before the current scene. Using such priors forms the main contribution of the present paper which is the proposal of the dynamic denoising as a tool for simultaneously enhancing and tracking image sequences.Within the proposed framework, the previous observations of a dynamic scene are employed to enhance its present observation. The mechanism that allows the fusion of the information within successive image frames is Bayesian estimation, while transferring the useful information between the images is governed by a Kalman filter that is used for both prediction and estimation of the dynamics of tracked objects. Therefore, in this methodology, the processes of target tracking and image enhancement "collaborate" in an interlacing manner, rather than being applied separately. The dynamic denoising is demonstrated on several examples of SAR imagery. The results demonstrated in this paper indicate a number of advantages of the proposed dynamic denoising over "static" approaches, in which the tracking images are enhanced independently of each other

    Sparse nonlinear optimization for signal processing and communications

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    This dissertation proposes three classes of new sparse nonlinear optimization algorithms for network echo cancellation (NEC), 3-D synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image reconstruction, and adaptive turbo equalization in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) underwater acoustic (UWA) communications, respectively. For NEC, the proposed two proportionate affine projection sign algorithms (APSAs) utilize the sparse nature of the network impulse response (NIR). Benefiting from the characteristics of lā‚-norm optimization, affine projection, and proportionate matrix, the new algorithms are more robust to impulsive interferences and colored input than the conventional adaptive algorithms. For 3-D SAR image reconstruction, the proposed two compressed sensing (CS) approaches exploit the sparse nature of the SAR holographic image. Combining CS with the range migration algorithms (RMAs), these approaches can decrease the load of data acquisition while recovering satisfactory 3-D SAR image through lā‚-norm optimization. For MIMO UWA communications, a robust iterative channel estimation based minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) turbo equalizer is proposed for large MIMO detection. The MIMO channel estimation is performed jointly with the MMSE equalizer and the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoder. The proposed MIMO detection scheme has been tested by experimental data and proved to be robust against tough MIMO channels. --Abstract, page iv
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