7 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms for Online Task Placement on Runtime Partially Reconfigurable FPGA

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    Recent generations of FPGAs allow run-time partial reconfiguration. One of the challenging problems in such a multitasking systems is online placement of task. Many online task placement algorithms designed for such partially reconfigurable systems have been proposed to provide efficient and fast task placement. In this paper two different approaches are being used to place the incoming tasks. The first method is uses a run-length based representation that defines the vacant slots on the FPGA. This compact representation allows the algorithm to locate a vacant area suitable to accommodate the incoming task quickly. In the proposed FPGA model, the CLBs are numbered according to Peano Space filling curve model. The second approach is based on harmonic packing. Simulation experiments indicate that proposed techniques result in low ratio of task rejection compared to existing techniques

    Task scheduling and placement for reconfigurable devices

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    Partially reconfigurable devices allow the execution of different tasks at the same time, removing tasks when they finish and inserting new tasks when they arrive. This dissertation investigates scheduling and placing real-time tasks (tasks with deadline) on reconfigurable devices. One basic scheduler is the First-Fit scheduler. By allowing the First-Fit scheduler to retry tasks while they can satisfy their deadlines, we found that its performance can be enhanced to be better than other schedulers. We also proposed a placement idea based on partitioning the reconfigurable area into regions of various widths, assigning a task to a region based on its width. This idea has a similar rejection rate to a First-Fit scheduler that retries placing tasks and performs better than the First-Fit that does not retry tasks. Also, this regions-based scheduling method has a better running time. Managing how the space will be shared among tasks is a problems of interest. The main function of the free-space manager is to maintain information about the free space (areas not used by active tasks) after any placement or deletion of a task. Speed and efficiency of the free-space data structure are important as well as its effect on scheduler performance. We introduce the use of maximal horizontal strips and maximal vertical strips to represent free space. This resulted in a faster free space manager compared to what has been used in the area. Most researchers in the area of scheduling on reconfigurable devices assumed a homogeneous FPGA with only CLBs in the reconfigurable area. Most reconfigurable devices offered in the market, however, are not homogeneous but heterogeneous with other components between CLBs. We studied the effect of heterogeneity on the performance of schedulers designed for a homogeneous structure. We found that current schedulers result in worse performance when applied to a heterogeneous structure, but by simple modifications, we can apply them to a heterogeneous structure and achieve good performance. Consequently, the approach of studying homogeneous FPGAs is a valid one, as the scheduling ideas discovered there do carry over to heterogeneous FPGAs

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    Efficient runtime placement management for high performance and reliability in COTS FPGAs

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    Designing high-performance, fault-tolerant multisensory electronic systems for hostile environments such as nuclear plants and outer space within the constraints of cost, power and flexibility is challenging. Issues such as ionizing radiation, extreme temperature and ageing can lead to faults in the electronics of these systems. In addition, the remote nature of these environments demands a level of flexibility and autonomy in their operations. The standard practice of using specially hardened electronic devices for such systems is not only very expensive but also has limited flexibility. This thesis proposes novel techniques that promote the use of Commercial Off-The- Shelf (COTS) reconfigurable devices to meet the challenges of high-performance systems for hostile environments. Reconfigurable hardware such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) have a unique combination of flexibility and high performance. The flexibility offered through features such as dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) can be harnessed not only to achieve cost-effective designs as a smaller area can be used to execute multiple tasks, but also to improve the reliability of a system as a circuit on one portion of the device can be physically relocated to another portion in the case of fault occurrence. However, to harness these potentials for high performance and reliability in a cost-effective manner, novel runtime management tools are required. Most runtime support tools for reconfigurable devices are based on ideal models which do not adequately consider the limitations of realistic FPGAs, in particular modern FPGAs which are increasingly heterogeneous. Specifically, these tools lack efficient mechanisms for ensuring a high utilization of FPGA resources, including the FPGA area and the configuration port and clocking resources, in a reliable manner. To ensure high utilization of reconfigurable device area, placement management is a key aspect of these tools. This thesis presents novel techniques for the management of hardware task placement on COTS reconfigurable devices for high performance and reliability. To this end, it addresses design-time issues that affect efficient hardware task placement, with a focus on reliability. It also presents techniques to maximize the utilization of the FPGA area in runtime, including techniques to minimize fragmentation. Fragmentation leads to the creation of unusable areas due to dynamic placement of tasks and the heterogeneity of the resources on the chip. Moreover, this thesis also presents an efficient task reuse mechanism to improve the availability of the internal configuration infrastructure of the FPGA for critical responsibilities like error mitigation. The task reuse scheme, unlike previous approaches, also improves the utilization of the chip area by offering defragmentation. Task relocation, which involves changing the physical location of circuits is a technique for error mitigation and high performance. Hence, this thesis also provides a functionality-based relocation mechanism for improving the number of locations to which tasks can be relocated on heterogeneous FPGAs. As tasks are relocated, clock networks need to be routed to them. As such, a reliability-aware technique of clock network routing to tasks after placement is also proposed. Finally, this thesis offers a prototype implementation and characterization of a placement management system (PMS) which is an integration of the aforementioned techniques. The performance of most of the proposed techniques are tested using data processing tasks of a NASA JPL spectrometer application. The results show that the proposed techniques have potentials to improve the reliability and performance of applications in hostile environment compared to state-of-the-art techniques. The task optimization technique presented leads to better capacity to circumvent permanent faults on COTS FPGAs compared to state-of-the-art approaches (48.6% more errors were circumvented for the JPL spectrometer application). The proposed task reuse scheme leads to approximately 29% saving in the amount of configuration time. This frees up the internal configuration interface for more error mitigation operations. In addition, the proposed PMS has a worst-case latency of less than 50% of that of state-of- the-art runtime placement systems, while maintaining the same level of placement quality and resource overhead

    Towards the development of a reliable reconfigurable real-time operating system on FPGAs

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    In the last two decades, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been rapidly developed from simple “glue-logic” to a powerful platform capable of implementing a System on Chip (SoC). Modern FPGAs achieve not only the high performance compared with General Purpose Processors (GPPs), thanks to hardware parallelism and dedication, but also better programming flexibility, in comparison to Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). Moreover, the hardware programming flexibility of FPGAs is further harnessed for both performance and manipulability, which makes Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) possible. DPR allows a part or parts of a circuit to be reconfigured at run-time, without interrupting the rest of the chip’s operation. As a result, hardware resources can be more efficiently exploited since the chip resources can be reused by swapping in or out hardware tasks to or from the chip in a time-multiplexed fashion. In addition, DPR improves fault tolerance against transient errors and permanent damage, such as Single Event Upsets (SEUs) can be mitigated by reconfiguring the FPGA to avoid error accumulation. Furthermore, power and heat can be reduced by removing finished or idle tasks from the chip. For all these reasons above, DPR has significantly promoted Reconfigurable Computing (RC) and has become a very hot topic. However, since hardware integration is increasing at an exponential rate, and applications are becoming more complex with the growth of user demands, highlevel application design and low-level hardware implementation are increasingly separated and layered. As a consequence, users can obtain little advantage from DPR without the support of system-level middleware. To bridge the gap between the high-level application and the low-level hardware implementation, this thesis presents the important contributions towards a Reliable, Reconfigurable and Real-Time Operating System (R3TOS), which facilitates the user exploitation of DPR from the application level, by managing the complex hardware in the background. In R3TOS, hardware tasks behave just like software tasks, which can be created, scheduled, and mapped to different computing resources on the fly. The novel contributions of this work are: 1) a novel implementation of an efficient task scheduler and allocator; 2) implementation of a novel real-time scheduling algorithm (FAEDF) and two efficacious allocating algorithms (EAC and EVC), which schedule tasks in real-time and circumvent emerging faults while maintaining more compact empty areas. 3) Design and implementation of a faulttolerant microprocessor by harnessing the existing FPGA resources, such as Error Correction Code (ECC) and configuration primitives. 4) A novel symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)-based architectures that supports shared memory programing interface. 5) Two demonstrations of the integrated system, including a) the K-Nearest Neighbour classifier, which is a non-parametric classification algorithm widely used in various fields of data mining; and b) pairwise sequence alignment, namely the Smith Waterman algorithm, used for identifying similarities between two biological sequences. R3TOS gives considerably higher flexibility to support scalable multi-user, multitasking applications, whereby resources can be dynamically managed in respect of user requirements and hardware availability. Benefiting from this, not only the hardware resources can be more efficiently used, but also the system performance can be significantly increased. Results show that the scheduling and allocating efficiencies have been improved up to 2x, and the overall system performance is further improved by ~2.5x. Future work includes the development of Network on Chip (NoC), which is expected to further increase the communication throughput; as well as the standardization and automation of our system design, which will be carried out in line with the enablement of other high-level synthesis tools, to allow application developers to benefit from the system in a more efficient manner

    Dynamic partial reconfiguration management for high performance and reliability in FPGAs

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    Modern Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are no longer used to implement small “glue logic” circuitries. The high-density of reconfigurable logic resources in today’s FPGAs enable the implementation of large systems in a single chip. FPGAs are highly flexible devices; their functionality can be altered by simply loading a new binary file in their configuration memory. While the flexibility of FPGAs is comparable to General-Purpose Processors (GPPs), in the sense that different functions can be performed using the same hardware, the performance gain that can be achieved using FPGAs can be orders of magnitudes higher as FPGAs offer the ability for customisation of parallel computational architectures. Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) allows for changing the functionality of certain blocks on the chip while the rest of the FPGA is operational. DPR has sparked the interest of researchers to explore new computational platforms where computational tasks are off-loaded from a main CPU to be executed using dedicated reconfigurable hardware accelerators configured on demand at run-time. By having a battery of custom accelerators which can be swapped in and out of the FPGA at runtime, a higher computational density can be achieved compared to static systems where the accelerators are bound to fixed locations within the chip. Furthermore, the ability of relocating these accelerators across several locations on the chip allows for the implementation of adaptive systems which can mitigate emerging faults in the FPGA chip when operating in harsh environments. By porting the appropriate fault mitigation techniques in such computational platforms, the advantages of FPGAs can be harnessed in different applications in space and military electronics where FPGAs are usually seen as unreliable devices due to their sensitivity to radiation and extreme environmental conditions. In light of the above, this thesis investigates the deployment of DPR as: 1) a method for enhancing performance by efficient exploitation of the FPGA resources, and 2) a method for enhancing the reliability of systems intended to operate in harsh environments. Achieving optimal performance in such systems requires an efficient internal configuration management system to manage the reconfiguration and execution of the reconfigurable modules in the FPGA. In addition, the system needs to support “fault-resilience” features by integrating parameterisable fault detection and recovery capabilities to meet the reliability standard of fault-tolerant applications. This thesis addresses all the design and implementation aspects of an Internal Configuration Manger (ICM) which supports a novel bitstream relocation model to enable the placement of relocatable accelerators across several locations on the FPGA chip. In addition to supporting all the configuration capabilities required to implement a Reconfigurable Operating System (ROS), the proposed ICM also supports the novel multiple-clone configuration technique which allows for cloning several instances of the same hardware accelerator at the same time resulting in much shorter configuration time compared to traditional configuration techniques. A faulttolerant (FT) version of the proposed ICM which supports a comprehensive faultrecovery scheme is also introduced in this thesis. The proposed FT-ICM is designed with a much smaller area footprint compared to Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) hardening techniques while keeping a comparable level of fault-resilience. The capabilities of the proposed ICM system are demonstrated with two novel applications. The first application demonstrates a proof-of-concept reliable FPGA server solution used for executing encryption/decryption queries. The proposed server deploys bitstream relocation and modular redundancy to mitigate both permanent and transient faults in the device. It also deploys a novel Built-In Self- Test (BIST) diagnosis scheme, specifically designed to detect emerging permanent faults in the system at run-time. The second application is a data mining application where DPR is used to increase the computational density of a system used to implement the Frequent Itemset Mining (FIM) problem

    Online scheduling for real-time multitasking on reconfigurable hardware devices

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    Nowadays the ever increasing algorithmic complexity of embedded applications requires the designers to turn towards heterogeneous and highly integrated systems denoted as SoC (System-on-a-Chip). These architectures may embed CPU-based processors, dedicated datapaths as well as recon gurable units. However, embedded SoCs are submitted to stringent requirements in terms of speed, size, cost, power consumption, throughput, etc. Therefore, new computing paradigms are required to ful l the constraints of the applications and the requirements of the architecture. Recon gurable Computing is a promising paradigm that provides probably the best trade-o between these requirements and constraints. Dynamically recon gurable architectures are their key enabling technology. They enable the hardware to adapt to the application at runtime. However, these architectures raise new challenges in SoC design. For example, on one hand, designing a system that takes advantage of dynamic recon guration is still very time consuming because of the lack of design methodologies and tools. On the other hand, scheduling hardware tasks di ers from classical software tasks scheduling on microprocessor or multiprocessors systems, as it bears a further complicated placement problem. This thesis deals with the problem of scheduling online real-time hardware tasks on Dynamically Recon gurable Hardware Devices (DRHWs). The problem is addressed from two angles : (i) Investigating novel algorithms for online real-time scheduling/placement on DRHWs. (ii) Scheduling/Placement algorithms library for RTOS-driven Design Space Exploration (DSE). Regarding the first point, the thesis proposes two main runtime-aware scheduling and placement techniques and assesses their suitability for online real-time scenarios. The first technique discusses the impact of synthesizing, at design time, several shapes and/or sizes per hardware task (denoted as multi-shape task), in order to ease the online scheduling process. The second technique combines a looking-ahead scheduling approach with a slots-based recon gurable areas management that relies on a 1D placement. The results show that in both techniques, the scheduling and placement quality is improved without signi cantly increasing the algorithm time complexity. Regarding the second point, in the process of designing SoCs embedding recon gurable parts, new design paradigms tend to explore and validate as early as possible, at system level, the architectural design space. Therefore, the RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) services that manage the recon gurable parts of the SoC can be re fined. In such a context, gathering numerous hardware tasks scheduling and placement algorithms of various complexity vs performance trade-o s in a kind of library is required. In this thesis, proposed algorithms in addition to some existing ones are purposely implemented in C++ language, in order to insure the compatibility with any C++/SystemC based SoC design methodology.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo