1,666 research outputs found

    SWIFT: Super-fast and Robust Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

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    Performing machine learning (ML) computation on private data while maintaining data privacy, aka Privacy-preserving Machine Learning~(PPML), is an emergent field of research. Recently, PPML has seen a visible shift towards the adoption of the Secure Outsourced Computation~(SOC) paradigm due to the heavy computation that it entails. In the SOC paradigm, computation is outsourced to a set of powerful and specially equipped servers that provide service on a pay-per-use basis. In this work, we propose SWIFT, a robust PPML framework for a range of ML algorithms in SOC setting, that guarantees output delivery to the users irrespective of any adversarial behaviour. Robustness, a highly desirable feature, evokes user participation without the fear of denial of service. At the heart of our framework lies a highly-efficient, maliciously-secure, three-party computation (3PC) over rings that provides guaranteed output delivery (GOD) in the honest-majority setting. To the best of our knowledge, SWIFT is the first robust and efficient PPML framework in the 3PC setting. SWIFT is as fast as (and is strictly better in some cases than) the best-known 3PC framework BLAZE (Patra et al. NDSS'20), which only achieves fairness. We extend our 3PC framework for four parties (4PC). In this regime, SWIFT is as fast as the best known fair 4PC framework Trident (Chaudhari et al. NDSS'20) and twice faster than the best-known robust 4PC framework FLASH (Byali et al. PETS'20). We demonstrate our framework's practical relevance by benchmarking popular ML algorithms such as Logistic Regression and deep Neural Networks such as VGG16 and LeNet, both over a 64-bit ring in a WAN setting. For deep NN, our results testify to our claims that we provide improved security guarantee while incurring no additional overhead for 3PC and obtaining 2x improvement for 4PC.Comment: This article is the full and extended version of an article to appear in USENIX Security 202

    Reliable Linear, Sesquilinear and Bijective Operations On Integer Data Streams Via Numerical Entanglement

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    A new technique is proposed for fault-tolerant linear, sesquilinear and bijective (LSB) operations on MM integer data streams (M3M\geq3), such as: scaling, additions/subtractions, inner or outer vector products, permutations and convolutions. In the proposed method, the MM input integer data streams are linearly superimposed to form MM numerically-entangled integer data streams that are stored in-place of the original inputs. A series of LSB operations can then be performed directly using these entangled data streams. The results are extracted from the MM entangled output streams by additions and arithmetic shifts. Any soft errors affecting any single disentangled output stream are guaranteed to be detectable via a specific post-computation reliability check. In addition, when utilizing a separate processor core for each of the MM streams, the proposed approach can recover all outputs after any single fail-stop failure. Importantly, unlike algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT) methods, the number of operations required for the entanglement, extraction and validation of the results is linearly related to the number of the inputs and does not depend on the complexity of the performed LSB operations. We have validated our proposal in an Intel processor (Haswell architecture with AVX2 support) via fast Fourier transforms, circular convolutions, and matrix multiplication operations. Our analysis and experiments reveal that the proposed approach incurs between 0.03%0.03\% to 7%7\% reduction in processing throughput for a wide variety of LSB operations. This overhead is 5 to 1000 times smaller than that of the equivalent ABFT method that uses a checksum stream. Thus, our proposal can be used in fault-generating processor hardware or safety-critical applications, where high reliability is required without the cost of ABFT or modular redundancy.Comment: to appear in IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 201

    LOT-ECC: LOcalized and tiered reliability mechanisms for commodity memory systems

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    pre-printMemory system reliability is a serious and growing concern in modern servers. Existing chipkill-level mem- ory protection mechanisms suffer from several draw- backs. They activate a large number of chips on ev- ery memory access - this increases energy consump- tion, and reduces performance due to the reduction in rank-level parallelism. Additionally, they increase ac- cess granularity, resulting in wasted bandwidth in the absence of sufficient access locality. They also restrict systems to use narrow-I/O x4 devices, which are known to be less energy-efficient than the wider x8 DRAM de- vices. In this paper, we present LOT-ECC, a local- ized and multi-tiered protection scheme that attempts to solve these problems. We separate error detection and error correction functionality, and employ simple checksum and parity codes effectively to provide strong fault-tolerance, while simultaneously simplifying imple- mentation. Data and codes are localized to the same DRAM row to improve access efficiency. We use sys- tem firmware to store correction codes in DRAM data memory and modify the memory controller to handle data mapping. We thus build an effective fault-tolerance mechanism that provides strong reliability guarantees, activates as few chips as possible (reducing power con- sumption by up to 44.8% and reducing latency by up to 46.9%), and reduces circuit complexity, all while work- ing with commodity DRAMs and operating systems. Fi- nally, we propose the novel concept of a heterogeneous DIMM that enables the extension of LOT-ECC to x16 and wider DRAM parts

    LOT-ECC: LOcalized and tiered reliability mechanisms for commodity memory systems

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    pre-printMemory system reliability is a serious and growing concern in modern servers. Existing chipkill-level mem- ory protection mechanisms suffer from several draw- backs. They activate a large number of chips on ev- ery memory access - this increases energy consump- tion, and reduces performance due to the reduction in rank-level parallelism. Additionally, they increase ac- cess granularity, resulting in wasted bandwidth in the absence of sufficient access locality. They also restrict systems to use narrow-I/O x4 devices, which are known to be less energy-efficient than the wider x8 DRAM de- vices. In this paper, we present LOT-ECC, a local- ized and multi-tiered protection scheme that attempts to solve these problems. We separate error detection and error correction functionality, and employ simple checksum and parity codes effectively to provide strong fault-tolerance, while simultaneously simplifying imple- mentation. Data and codes are localized to the same DRAM row to improve access efficiency. We use sys- tem firmware to store correction codes in DRAM data memory and modify the memory controller to handle data mapping. We thus build an effective fault-tolerance mechanism that provides strong reliability guarantees, activates as few chips as possible (reducing power con- sumption by up to 44.8% and reducing latency by up to 46.9%), and reduces circuit complexity, all while work- ing with commodity DRAMs and operating systems. Fi- nally, we propose the novel concept of a heterogeneous DIMM that enables the extension of LOT-ECC to x16 and wider DRAM parts

    Addressing multiple bit/symbol errors in DRAM subsystem

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    As DRAM technology continues to evolve towards smaller feature sizes and increased densities, faults in DRAM subsystem are becoming more severe. Current servers mostly use CHIPKILL based schemes to tolerate up-to one/two symbol errors per DRAM beat. Such schemes may not detect multiple symbol errors arising due to faults in multiple devices and/or data-bus, address bus. In this article, we introduce Single Symbol Correction Multiple Symbol Detection (SSCMSD)—a novel error handling scheme to correct single-symbol errors and detect multi-symbol errors. Our scheme makes use of a hash in combination with Error Correcting Code (ECC) to avoid silent data corruptions (SDCs). We develop a novel scheme that deploys 32-bit CRC along with Reed-Solomon code to implement SSCMSD for a ×4 based DDR4 system. Simulation based experiments show that our scheme effectively guards against device, data-bus and address-bus errors only limited by the aliasing probability of the hash. Our novel design enabled us to achieve this without introducing additional READ latency. We need 19 chips per rank, 76 data bus-lines and additional hash-logic at the memory controller

    Fine-grained bit-flip protection for relaxation methods

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    [EN] Resilience is considered a challenging under-addressed issue that the high performance computing community (HPC) will have to face in order to produce reliable Exascale systems by the beginning of the next decade. As part of a push toward a resilient HPC ecosystem, in this paper we propose an error-resilient iterative solver for sparse linear systems based on stationary component-wise relaxation methods. Starting from a plain implementation of the Jacobi iteration, our approach introduces a low-cost component-wise technique that detects bit-flips, rejecting some component updates, and turning the initial synchronized solver into an asynchronous iteration. Our experimental study with sparse incomplete factorizations from a collection of real-world applications, and a practical GPU implementation, exposes the convergence delay incurred by the fault-tolerant implementation and its practical performance.This material is based upon work supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy (Award Number DE-SC-0010042) and NVIDIA. E. S. Quintana-Orti was supported by project CICYT TIN2014-53495-R of MINECO and FEDER.Anzt, H.; Dongarra, J.; Quintana Ortí, ES. (2019). Fine-grained bit-flip protection for relaxation methods. Journal of Computational Science. 36:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2016.11.013S11136Chow, E., & Patel, A. (2015). Fine-Grained Parallel Incomplete LU Factorization. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 37(2), C169-C193. doi:10.1137/140968896Karpuzcu, U. R., Kim, N. S., & Torrellas, J. (2013). Coping with Parametric Variation at Near-Threshold Voltages. IEEE Micro, 33(4), 6-14. doi:10.1109/mm.2013.71Bronevetsky, G., & de Supinski, B. (2008). Soft error vulnerability of iterative linear algebra methods. Proceedings of the 22nd annual international conference on Supercomputing - ICS ’08. doi:10.1145/1375527.1375552Sao, P., & Vuduc, R. (2013). Self-stabilizing iterative solvers. Proceedings of the Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems - ScalA ’13. doi:10.1145/2530268.2530272Calhoun, J., Snir, M., Olson, L., & Garzaran, M. (2015). Understanding the Propagation of Error Due to a Silent Data Corruption in a Sparse Matrix Vector Multiply. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing. doi:10.1109/cluster.2015.101Chazan, D., & Miranker, W. (1969). Chaotic relaxation. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2(2), 199-222. doi:10.1016/0024-3795(69)90028-7Frommer, A., & Szyld, D. B. (2000). On asynchronous iterations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 123(1-2), 201-216. doi:10.1016/s0377-0427(00)00409-xDuff, I. S., & Meurant, G. A. (1989). The effect of ordering on preconditioned conjugate gradients. BIT, 29(4), 635-657. doi:10.1007/bf01932738Aliaga, J. I., Barreda, M., Dolz, M. F., Martín, A. F., Mayo, R., & Quintana-Ortí, E. S. (2014). Assessing the impact of the CPU power-saving modes on the task-parallel solution of sparse linear systems. Cluster Computing, 17(4), 1335-1348. doi:10.1007/s10586-014-0402-

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationCurrent scaling trends in transistor technology, in pursuit of larger component counts and improving power efficiency, are making the hardware increasingly less reliable. Due to extreme transistor miniaturization, it is becoming easier to flip a bit stored in memory elements built using these transistors. Given that soft errors can cause transient bit-flips in memory elements, caused due to alpha particles and cosmic rays striking those elements, soft errors have become one of the major impediments in system resilience as we move towards exascale computing. Soft errors escaping the hardware-layer may silently corrupt the runtime application data of a program, causing silent data corruption in the output. Also, given that soft errors are transient in nature, it is notoriously hard to trace back their origins. Therefore, techniques to enhance system resilience hinge on the availability of efficient error detectors that have high detection rates, low false positive rates, and lower computational overhead. It is equally important to have a flexible infrastructure capable of simulating realistic soft error models to promote an effective evaluation of newly developed error detectors. In this work, we present a set of techniques for efficiently detecting soft errors affecting control-flow, data, and structured address computations in an application. We evaluate the efficacy of the proposed techniques by evaluating them on a collection of benchmarks through fault-injection driven studies. As an important requirement, we also introduce two new LLVM-based fault injectors, KULFI and VULFI, which are geared towards scalar and vector architectures, respectively. Through this work, we aim to make contributions to the system resilience community by making our research tools (in the form of error detectors and fault injectors) publicly available