Low-cost duplication for separable error detection in computer arithmetic


Low-cost arithmetic error detection will be necessary in the future to ensure correct and safe system operation. However, current error detection mechanisms for arithmetic either have high area and energy overheads or are complex and offer incomplete protection against errors. Full duplication is simple, strong, and separable, but often is prohibitively costly. Alternative techniques such as arithmetic error coding require lower hardware and energy overheads than full duplication, but they do so at the expense of high design effort and error coverage holes. The goal of this research is to mitigate the deficiencies of duplication and arithmetic error coding to form an error detection scheme that may be readily employed in future systems. The techniques described by this work use a general duplication technique that employs an alternate number system in the duplicate arithmetic unit. These novel dual modular redundancy organizations are referred to as low-cost duplication, and they provide compelling efficiency and coverage advantages over prior arithmetic error detection mechanisms.Electrical and Computer Engineerin

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