172,097 research outputs found

    Теоретичні основи електротехніки[

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    The Theory of Electrical Engineering is presented in three parts: the Basic Theories of Steady-State and Transients in Electrical Circuits and the Basic Theory of Electromagnetic Field. For students of electrotechnical specialties of higher educational establishments, as well as for scientific and technical specialists dealing with modern problems in the theory and practice of electric power engineering and electromechanics.Викладено теоретичні основи електротехніки в трьох частинах: теорія стаціонарних процесів в електричних колах, теорія перехідних процесів в електричних колах і теорія електромагнітного поля. Для студентів електротехнічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів, а також для науково-технічних фахівців, що займаються сучасними проблемами в теорії і практиці електроенергетики та електромеханіки

    Modeling and Control of High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission Systems: From Theory to Practice and Back

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    The problem of modeling and control of multi-terminal high-voltage direct-current transmission systems is addressed in this paper, which contains five main contributions. First, to propose a unified, physically motivated, modeling framework - based on port-Hamiltonian representations - of the various network topologies used in this application. Second, to prove that the system can be globally asymptotically stabilized with a decentralized PI control, that exploits its passivity properties. Close connections between the proposed PI and the popular Akagi's PQ instantaneous power method are also established. Third, to reveal the transient performance limitations of the proposed controller that, interestingly, is shown to be intrinsic to PI passivity-based control. Fourth, motivated by the latter, an outer-loop that overcomes the aforementioned limitations is proposed. The performance limitation of the PI, and its drastic improvement using outer-loop controls, are verified via simulations on a three-terminals benchmark example. A final contribution is a novel formulation of the power flow equations for the centralized references calculation

    Smart Power Grid Synchronization With Fault Tolerant Nonlinear Estimation

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    Effective real-time state estimation is essential for smart grid synchronization, as electricity demand continues to grow, and renewable energy resources increase their penetration into the grid. In order to provide a more reliable state estimation technique to address the problem of bad data in the PMU-based power synchronization, this paper presents a novel nonlinear estimation framework to dynamically track frequency, voltage magnitudes and phase angles. Instead of directly analyzing in abc coordinate frame, symmetrical component transformation is employed to separate the positive, negative, and zero sequence networks. Then, Clarke\u27s transformation is used to transform the sequence networks into the αβ stationary coordinate frame, which leads to system model formulation. A novel fault tolerant extended Kalman filter based real-time estimation framework is proposed for smart grid synchronization with noisy bad data measurements. Computer simulation studies have demonstrated that the proposed fault tolerant extended Kalman filter (FTEKF) provides more accurate voltage synchronization results than the extended Kalman filter (EKF). The proposed approach has been implemented with dSPACE DS1103 and National Instruments CompactRIO hardware platforms. Computer simulation and hardware instrumentation results have shown the potential applications of FTEKF in smart grid synchronization

    Sum-of-Squares approach to feedback control of laminar wake flows

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    A novel nonlinear feedback control design methodology for incompressible fluid flows aiming at the optimisation of long-time averages of flow quantities is presented. It applies to reduced-order finite-dimensional models of fluid flows, expressed as a set of first-order nonlinear ordinary differential equations with the right-hand side being a polynomial function in the state variables and in the controls. The key idea, first discussed in Chernyshenko et al. 2014, Philos. T. Roy. Soc. 372(2020), is that the difficulties of treating and optimising long-time averages of a cost are relaxed by using the upper/lower bounds of such averages as the objective function. In this setting, control design reduces to finding a feedback controller that optimises the bound, subject to a polynomial inequality constraint involving the cost function, the nonlinear system, the controller itself and a tunable polynomial function. A numerically tractable approach to the solution of such optimisation problems, based on Sum-of-Squares techniques and semidefinite programming, is proposed. To showcase the methodology, the mitigation of the fluctuation kinetic energy in the unsteady wake behind a circular cylinder in the laminar regime at Re=100, via controlled angular motions of the surface, is numerically investigated. A compact reduced-order model that resolves the long-term behaviour of the fluid flow and the effects of actuation, is derived using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Galerkin projection. In a full-information setting, feedback controllers are then designed to reduce the long-time average of the kinetic energy associated with the limit cycle. These controllers are then implemented in direct numerical simulations of the actuated flow. Control performance, energy efficiency, and physical control mechanisms identified are analysed. Key elements, implications and future work are discussed