277 research outputs found

    Continuously Providing Approximate Results under Limited Resources: Load Shedding and Spilling in XML Streams

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    Because of the high volume and unpredictable arrival rates, stream processing systems may not always be able to keep up with the input data streams, resulting in buffer overflow and uncontrolled loss of data. To continuously supply online results, two alternate solutions to tackle this problem of unpredictable failures of such overloaded systems can be identified. One technique, called load shedding, drops some fractions of data from the input stream to reduce the memory and CPU requirements of the workload. However, dropping some portions of the input data means that the accuracy of the output is reduced since some data is lost. To produce eventually complete results, the second technique, called data spilling, pushes some fractions of data to persistent storage temporarily when the processing speed cannot keep up with the arrival rate. The processing of the disk resident data is then postponed until a later time when system resources become available. This dissertation explores these load reduction technologies in the context of XML stream systems. Load shedding in the specific context of XML streams poses several unique opportunities and challenges. Since XML data is hierarchical, subelements, extracted from different positions of the XML tree structure, may vary in their importance. Further, dropping different subelements may vary in their savings of storage and computation. Hence, unlike prior work in the literature that drops data completely or not at all, in this dissertation we introduce the notion of structure-oriented load shedding, meaning selectively some XML subelements are shed from the possibly complex XML objects in the XML stream. First we develop a preference model that enables users to specify the relative importance of preserving different subelements within the XML result structure. This transforms shedding into the problem of rewriting the user query into shed queries that return approximate answers with their utility as measured by the user preference model. Our optimizer finds the appropriate shed queries to maximize the output utility driven by our structure-based preference model under the limitation of available computation resources. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed XML-specific shedding solution consistently achieves higher utility results compared to the existing relational shedding techniques. Second, we introduces structure-based spilling, a spilling technique customized for XML streams by considering the spilling of partial substructures of possibly complex XML elements. Several new challenges caused by structure-based spilling are addressed. When a path is spilled, multiple other paths may be affected. We categorize varying types of spilling side effects on the query caused by spilling. How to execute the reduced query to produce the correct runtime output is also studied. Three optimization strategies are developed to select the reduced query that maximizes the output quality. We also examine the clean-up stage to guarantee that an entire result set is eventually generated by producing supplementary results to complement the partial results output earlier. The experimental study demonstrates that our proposed solutions consistently achieve higher quality results compared to the state-of-the-art techniques. Third, we design an integrated framework that combines both shedding and spilling policies into one comprehensive methodology. Decisions on the choice of whether to shed or spill data may be affected by the application needs and data arrival patterns. For some input data, it may be worth to flush it to disk if a delayed output of its result will be important, while other data would best directly dropped from the system given that a delayed delivery of these results would no longer be meaningful to the application. Therefore we need sophisticated technologies capable of deploying both shedding and spilling techniques within one integrated strategy with the ability to deliver the most appropriate decision customers need for each specific circumstance. We propose a novel flexible framework for structure-based shed and spill approaches, applicable in any XML stream system. We propose a solution space that represents all the shed and spill candidates. An age-based quality model is proposed for evaluating the output quality for different reduced query and supplementary query pairs. We also propose a family of four optimization strategies, OptF, OptSmart, HiX and Fex. OptF and OptSmart are both guaranteed to identify an optimal solution of reduced and supplementary query pair, with OptSmart exhibiting significantly less overhead than OptF. HiX and Fex use heuristic-based approaches that are much more efficient than OptF and OptSmart

    State Management for Efficient Event Pattern Detection

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    Event Stream Processing (ESP) Systeme überwachen kontinuierliche Datenströme, um benutzerdefinierte Queries auszuwerten. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, dass die Queryverarbeitung zustandsbehaftet ist und die Anzahl von Teilübereinstimmungen mit der Größe der verarbeiteten Events exponentiell anwächst. Die Dynamik von Streams und die Notwendigkeit, entfernte Daten zu integrieren, erschweren die Zustandsverwaltung. Erstens liefern heterogene Eventquellen Streams mit unvorhersehbaren Eingaberaten und Queryselektivitäten. Während Spitzenzeiten ist eine erschöpfende Verarbeitung unmöglich, und die Systeme müssen auf eine Best-Effort-Verarbeitung zurückgreifen. Zweitens erfordern Queries möglicherweise externe Daten, um ein bestimmtes Event für eine Query auszuwählen. Solche Abhängigkeiten sind problematisch: Das Abrufen der Daten unterbricht die Stream-Verarbeitung. Ohne eine Eventauswahl auf Grundlage externer Daten wird das Wachstum von Teilübereinstimmungen verstärkt. In dieser Dissertation stelle ich Strategien für optimiertes Zustandsmanagement von ESP Systemen vor. Zuerst ermögliche ich eine Best-Effort-Verarbeitung mittels Load Shedding. Dabei werden sowohl Eingabeeevents als auch Teilübereinstimmungen systematisch verworfen, um eine Latenzschwelle mit minimalem Qualitätsverlust zu garantieren. Zweitens integriere ich externe Daten, indem ich das Abrufen dieser von der Verwendung in der Queryverarbeitung entkoppele. Mit einem effizienten Caching-Mechanismus vermeide ich Unterbrechungen durch Übertragungslatenzen. Dazu werden externe Daten basierend auf ihrer erwarteten Verwendung vorab abgerufen und mittels Lazy Evaluation bei der Eventauswahl berücksichtigt. Dabei wird ein Kostenmodell verwendet, um zu bestimmen, wann welche externen Daten abgerufen und wie lange sie im Cache aufbewahrt werden sollen. Ich habe die Effektivität und Effizienz der vorgeschlagenen Strategien anhand von synthetischen und realen Daten ausgewertet und unter Beweis gestellt.Event stream processing systems continuously evaluate queries over event streams to detect user-specified patterns with low latency. However, the challenge is that query processing is stateful and it maintains partial matches that grow exponentially in the size of processed events. State management is complicated by the dynamicity of streams and the need to integrate remote data. First, heterogeneous event sources yield dynamic streams with unpredictable input rates, data distributions, and query selectivities. During peak times, exhaustive processing is unreasonable, and systems shall resort to best-effort processing. Second, queries may require remote data to select a specific event for a pattern. Such dependencies are problematic: Fetching the remote data interrupts the stream processing. Yet, without event selection based on remote data, the growth of partial matches is amplified. In this dissertation, I present strategies for optimised state management in event pattern detection. First, I enable best-effort processing with load shedding that discards both input events and partial matches. I carefully select the shedding elements to satisfy a latency bound while striving for a minimal loss in result quality. Second, to efficiently integrate remote data, I decouple the fetching of remote data from its use in query evaluation by a caching mechanism. To this end, I hide the transmission latency by prefetching remote data based on anticipated use and by lazy evaluation that postpones the event selection based on remote data to avoid interruptions. A cost model is used to determine when to fetch which remote data items and how long to keep them in the cache. I evaluated the above techniques with queries over synthetic and real-world data. I show that the load shedding technique significantly improves the recall of pattern detection over baseline approaches, while the technique for remote data integration significantly reduces the pattern detection latency

    Utility-driven load shedding for xml stream processing

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    Automaton Meet Algebra: A Hybrid Paradigm for Efficiently Processing XQuery over XML Stream

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    XML stream applications bring the challenge of efficiently processing queries on sequentially accessible token-based data streams. The automaton paradigm is naturally suited for pattern retrieval on tokenized XML streams, but requires patches for implementing the filtering or restructuring functionalities common for the XML query languages. In contrast, the algebraic paradigm is well-established for processing self-contained tuples. However, it does not traditionally support token inputs. This dissertation proposes a framework called Raindrop, which accommodates both the automaton and algebra paradigms to take advantage of both. First, we propose an architecture for Raindrop. Raindrop is an algebra framework that models queries at different abstraction levels. We represent the token-based automaton computations as an algebraic subplan at the high level while exposing the automaton details at the low level. The algebraic subplan modeling automaton computations can thus be integrated with the algebraic subplan modeling the non-automaton computations. Second, we explore a novel optimization opportunity. Other XML stream processing systems always retrieve all the patterns in a query in the automaton. In contrast, Raindrop allows a plan to retrieve some of the pattern retrieval in the automaton and some out of the automaton. This opens up an automaton-in-or-out optimization opportunity. We study this optimization in two types of run-time environments, one with stable data characteristics and one with fluctuating data characteristics. We provide search strategies catering to each environment. We also describe how to migrate from a currently running plan to a new plan at run-time. Third, we optimize the automaton computations using the schema knowledge. A set of criteria are established to decide what schema constraints are useful to a given query. Optimization rules utilizing different types of schema constraints are proposed based on the criteria. We design a rule application algorithm which ensures both completeness (i.e., no optimization is missed) and minimality (i.e., no redundant optimization is introduced). The experimentations on both real and synthetic data illustrate that these techniques bring significant performance improvement with little overhead

    State-Slice: A New Stream Query Optimization Paradigm for Multi-query and Distributed Processing

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    Modern stream applications necessitate the handling of large numbers of continuous queries specified over high volume data streams. This dissertation proposes novel solutions to continuous query optimization in three core areas of stream query processing, namely state-slice based multiple continuous query sharing, ring-based multi-way join query distribution and scalable distributed multi-query optimization. The first part of the dissertation proposes efficient optimization strategies that utilize the novel state-slicing concept to achieve maximum memory and computation sharing for stream join queries with window constraints. Extensive analytical and experimental evaluations demonstrate that our proposed strategies is capable to minimize the memory or CPU consumptions for multiple join queries. The second part of this dissertation proposes a novel scheme for the distributed execution of generic multi-way joins with window constraints. The proposed scheme partitions the states into disjoint slices in the time domain, and then distributes the fine-grained states in the cluster, forming a virtual computation ring. New challenges to support this distributed state-slicing processing are answered by numerous new techniques. The extensive experimental evaluations show that the proposed strategies achieve significant performance improvements in terms of response time and memory usages for a wide range of configurations and workloads on a real system. Ring based distributed stream query processing and multi-query sharing both are based on the state-slice concept. The third part of this dissertation combines the first two parts of this dissertation work and proposes a novel distributed multi-query optimization technique

    A catalog of stream processing optimizations

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Various research communities have independently arrived at stream processing as a programming model for efficient and parallel computing. These communities include digital signal processing, databases, operating systems, and complex event processing. Since each community faces applications with challenging performance requirements, each of them has developed some of the same optimizations, but often with conflicting terminology and unstated assumptions. This article presents a survey of optimizations for stream processing. It is aimed both at users who need to understand and guide the system's optimizer and at implementers who need to make engineering tradeoffs. To consolidate terminology, this article is organized as a catalog, in a style similar to catalogs of design patterns or refactorings. To make assumptions explicit and help understand tradeoffs, each optimization is presented with its safety constraints (when does it preserve correctness?) and a profitability experiment (when does it improve performance?). We hope that this survey will help future streaming system builders to stand on the shoulders of giants from not just their own community. © 2014 ACM

    31. međunarodna konferencija Very Large Data Bases

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    Dana je vijest o održanoj 31. međunarodnoj konferenciji Very Large Data Bases

    31. međunarodna konferencija Very Large Data Bases

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    Dana je vijest o održanoj 31. međunarodnoj konferenciji Very Large Data Bases