1,852 research outputs found

    Исследование свойств сверхширокополосных импульсных радиосигналов и разработка на их основе принципов построения самоорганизующихся радиосетей и терминалов для них

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    Створено теоретичну базу, нові методи та засоби передачі інформації, що можуть бути використані для розробки телекомунікаційних радіомереж, які не вимагають фіксованої інфраструктури та використовують надширокосмугові радіосигнали. Головна ідея роботи полягає в тому, що кожен мобільний термінал виступає не тільки в ролі кінцевого пристрою, але й ретранслятора-маршрутизатора пакетів інших абонентів. Кожен термінал здійснює оцінку параметрів функціонування мережі та вибір методів управління інформаційними потоками, забезпечуючи оптимізацію своїх та мережевих параметрів. Підвищення інтелектуальності абонентських терміналів у сполученні з використанням надширокосмугових сигналів дозволило отримати принципово нові архітектурні рішення для побудови безінфраструктурних радіомереж з можливістю самоорганізації. Вперше, запропоновано спосіб прийому ультракоротких імпульсних сигналів і приймач що його реалізує, в якому прийом здійснюється не накопиченням енергії імпульсів сигналу, а селекцією імпульсів, амплітуда яких перевищує средньоквадратичну напругу шумів і завад. Запропоновано модель ієрархічної побудови інтелектуальних систем управління радіомережами із самоорганізацією та метод координації цільових функцій вузлових інтелектуальних систем управління з використанням нечіткої логіки. На різних рівнях моделі OSI запропоновані методи управління вузловими та мережевими ресурсами. На канальному рівні запропонована низка методів та математичних моделей множинного доступу до радіоканалу при застосуванні імпульсних надширокосмугових сигналів. На мережевому рівні запропоновано управляти топологією мережі як складовою частиною маршрутизації, а також представлено метод координатної маршрутизації, який побудований з урахуванням особливостей надширокосмугових імпульсних радіосигналів та новий інтелектуальний метод маршрутизації. На транспортному рівні представлені аналітичні моделі оцінки тривалості зв’язності мобільних абонентів радіомереж із самоорганізацією, а також розроблено математичні моделі для розрахунку інтервалу тайм-ауту повторної передачі пакетів. Представлена архітектура та принципи побудови апаратної частини терміналів радіомереж із самоорганізацією та надширокосмуговими імпульсними сигналами.A new theoretical base and new methods of using ultra wide band radio signals in self-organized radio networks were created. The main idea of the self-organized networks is based on a fact that each terminal in the network acts not only as final transmitter and receiver of information but as a repeater – router for all subscribers in the network. Each terminal provides network parameters evaluation and optimizes information traffic control mechanisms. Raising of terminals intellectuality levels together with ultra wide band signals application permits to get new solutions in developments of self-organized radio networks. A new method of ultra wide band radio signal reception and the circuitry of the receiver is proposed. The method assumes using ultra short impulses with amplitudes higher then rms noise level as a trigger to excite monostable multivibrator generating impulses with higher amplitude and duration. The last ones process by appropriate techniques rather than input impulses energy collection. A model of hierarchy structure of intellectual network control systems and method coordination of objective function of nodes based on fuzzy logic. Node and network resource control methods on different levels of OSI model are proposed. Series methods and mathematical models of multiple access protocols to radio channel with ultra wide band signals on link level are proposed. On network level it was proposed to control network topology as a part of routing. An intellectual method of coordinate routing based on ultra wide band signals properties was proposed. Analytical models of terminals connectivity duration for transport level are presented. Also models to evaluate time-out intervals range for packet transmit repetitions are provided. Architecture and concept of terminal hardware construction for self-organized radio networks with ultra wide band signals are presented.Создана теоретическая база, новые методы и средства передачи информации, которые могут быть использованы для разработки телекоммуникационных радиосетей, не требующих фиксированной инфраструктуры и использующих сверхширокополосные радиосигналы. Главная идея работы заключается в том, что каждый мобильный терминал выступает не только в роли конечного устройства, но и ретранслятора-маршрутизатора пакетов других абонентов. Каждый терминал осуществляет оценку параметров функционирования сети и выбор методов управления информационными потоками, обеспечивая оптимизацию своих и сетевых параметров. Повышение интеллектуальности абонентских терминалов в сочетании с использованием сверхширокополосных сигналов позволило получить принципиально новые архитектурные решения для построения безинфраструктурних радиосетей с возможностью самоорганизации. Впервые предложен способ приема ультракоротких импульсных сигналов и реализуемый его приемник, в котором прием осуществляется не накоплением энергии импульсов сигнала, а селекцией импульсов, амплитуда которых превышает среднеквадратических напряжение шумов и помех. Предложена модель иерархического построения интеллектуальных систем управления радиосетями с самоорганизацией и метод координации целевых функций узловых интеллектуальных систем управления с использованием нечеткой логики. На разных уровнях модели OSI предложены методы управления узловыми и сетевыми ресурсами. На канальном уровне предложен ряд методов и математических моделей множественного доступа к радиоканалу при применении импульсных сверхширокополосных сигналов. На сетевом уровне предложено управлять топологией сети как составной частью маршрутизации, а также представлен метод координатной маршрутизации, который построен с учетом особенностей сверхширокополосных импульсных радиосигналов и новый интеллектуальный маршрутизации. На транспортном уровне представлены аналитические модели оценки продолжительности связности мобильных абонентов радиосетей с самоорганизацией, а также разработаны математические модели для расчета интервала тайм-аута повторной передачи пакетов. Представлена архитектура и принципы построения аппаратной части терминалов радиосетей с самоорганизацией и сверхширокополосных импульсными сигналами

    Technology Implications of UWB on Wireless Sensor Network-A detailed Survey

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    In today’s high tech “SMART” world sensor based networks are widely used. The main challenge with wireless-based sensor networks is the underneath physical layer. In this survey, we have identified core obstacles of wireless sensor network when UWB is used at PHY layer. This research was done using a systematic approach to assess UWB’s effectiveness (for WSN) based on information taken from various research papers, books, technical surveys and articles. Our aim is to measure the UWB’s effectiveness for WSN and analyze the different obstacles allied with its implementation. Starting from existing solutions to proposed theories. Here we have focused only on the core concerns, e.g. spectrum, interference, synchronization etc.Our research concludes that despite all the bottlenecks and challenges, UWB’s efficient capabilities makes it an attractive PHY layer scheme for the WSN, provided we can control interference and energy problems. This survey gives a fresh start to the researchers and prototype designers to understand the technological concerns associated with UWB’s implementatio

    Directions of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks efficiency increase

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    The directions of efficiency increase of the self-organizing wireless networks MANET are proposed. They consist in the implementation of new methods and radio network management functions, coordination and intellectualization of the methods, corresponding to different OSI-model levels, and also coordination of the network resource management purposes distribution

    An Overview on Wireless Sensor Networks Technology and Evolution

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) enable new applications and require non-conventional paradigms for protocol design due to several constraints. Owing to the requirement for low device complexity together with low energy consumption (i.e., long network lifetime), a proper balance between communication and signal/data processing capabilities must be found. This motivates a huge effort in research activities, standardization process, and industrial investments on this field since the last decade. This survey paper aims at reporting an overview of WSNs technologies, main applications and standards, features in WSNs design, and evolutions. In particular, some peculiar applications, such as those based on environmental monitoring, are discussed and design strategies highlighted; a case study based on a real implementation is also reported. Trends and possible evolutions are traced. Emphasis is given to the IEEE 802.15.4 technology, which enables many applications of WSNs. Some example of performance characteristics of 802.15.4-based networks are shown and discussed as a function of the size of the WSN and the data type to be exchanged among nodes

    A Self-organizing Hybrid Sensor System With Distributed Data Fusion For Intruder Tracking And Surveillance

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    A wireless sensor network is a network of distributed nodes each equipped with its own sensors, computational resources and transceivers. These sensors are designed to be able to sense specific phenomenon over a large geographic area and communicate this information to the user. Most sensor networks are designed to be stand-alone systems that can operate without user intervention for long periods of time. While the use of wireless sensor networks have been demonstrated in various military and commercial applications, their full potential has not been realized primarily due to the lack of efficient methods to self organize and cover the entire area of interest. Techniques currently available focus solely on homogeneous wireless sensor networks either in terms of static networks or mobile networks and suffers from device specific inadequacies such as lack of coverage, power and fault tolerance. Failing nodes result in coverage loss and breakage in communication connectivity and hence there is a pressing need for a fault tolerant system to allow replacing of the failed nodes. In this dissertation, a unique hybrid sensor network is demonstrated that includes a host of mobile sensor platforms. It is shown that the coverage area of the static sensor network can be improved by self-organizing the mobile sensor platforms to allow interaction with the static sensor nodes and thereby increase the coverage area. The performance of the hybrid sensor network is analyzed for a set of N mobile sensors to determine and optimize parameters such as the position of the mobile nodes for maximum coverage of the sensing area without loss of signal between the mobile sensors, static nodes and the central control station. A novel approach to tracking dynamic targets is also presented. Unlike other tracking methods that are based on computationally complex methods, the strategy adopted in this work is based on a computationally simple but effective technique of received signal strength indicator measurements. The algorithms developed in this dissertation are based on a number of reasonable assumptions that are easily verified in a densely distributed sensor network and require simple computations that efficiently tracks the target in the sensor field. False alarm rate, probability of detection and latency are computed and compared with other published techniques. The performance analysis of the tracking system is done on an experimental testbed and also through simulation and the improvement in accuracy over other methods is demonstrated

    Wireless Alliance for Testing Experiment and Research (WALTER) Experts Workshop

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    The purpose of the publication is to describe the WALTER experts workshop and related results and findings. The workshop was conducted in Ispra, Varese, Italy from the 2nd to the 3rd of July 2008 at the European Commission JRC facilities. The workshop was organized as part of the FP7 WALTER project, which has the objective of define a networked test bed laboratory to evaluate UltraWideBand (UWB) technology and equipment. The purpose of WALTER workshop was to present and discuss the current regulatory, standardization and research status of UltraWideBand (UWB) technology with special focus on the definition of requirements, methodologies and tools for UWB measurements and testing. The WALTER workshop had the following main objectives: - Identify the main regulatory and standardization challenges for the adoption of UWB in Europe and the world. Support the identification and resolution of conflicting requirements. - Identify the main challenges in the UWB testing and measurements. Describe how the current industrial and research activity could support the resolution of these challenges. - Discuss the future developments like UWB at 60 GHz and innovative interference and mitigation techniques including Detect And Avoid (DAA). A number of international experts in the UltraWideBand field have been invited to participate to this workshop, to encourage bi-directional communication: in one direction to disseminate the information on WALTER project and its activities, in the other direction to collect the input and feedback on the regulatory and standardization work, industrial activity and research studies.JRC.G.6-Sensors, radar technologies and cybersecurit

    Cognitive routing models

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    This paper investigates the effect of introducing cognitive mechanisms in the routing module of a wireless network. A routing cost function that incorporates measurements of both internal network status and instantaneous behavior of external world is described. The proposed cost function is analyzed by simulation in the framework of IEEE 802.1.5.4a-like low data rate and low cost networks for mixed indoor/outdoor communications. The analysis focuses on the impact of MUI modeling on network performance. Results indicate that MUI-awareness, as provided by the proposed cognitive cost function, may improve network performance in terms of network lifetime. Based on this analysis, a mechanism for learning from previous routing decisions and adapting the routing cost function to MUI conditions is introduced