15 research outputs found

    A Linear Metalanguage for Concurrency

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    A metalanguage for concurrent process languages is introduced.Within it a range of process languages can be defined, includinghigher-order process languages where processes are passed and received as arguments. (The process language has, however, to be linear, in the sense that a process received as an argument can be run at most once, and not include name generation as in the Pi-Calculus.) The metalanguage is provided with two interpretations both of which can be understood as categorical models of a variant of linear logic. One interpretation is in asimple category of nondeterministic domains; here a process will denote its set of traces. The other interpretation, obtained by direct analogy with the nondeterministic domains, is in a category of presheaf categories; the nondeterministic branching behaviour of a process is captured in its denotation as a presheaf. Every presheaf category possesses a notion of (open-map) bisimulation, preserved by terms of the metalanguage. Theconclusion summarises open problems and lines of future work

    On Linear Information Systems

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    Scott's information systems provide a categorically equivalent, intensional description of Scott domains and continuous functions. Following a well established pattern in denotational semantics, we define a linear version of information systems, providing a model of intuitionistic linear logic (a new-Seely category), with a "set-theoretic" interpretation of exponentials that recovers Scott continuous functions via the co-Kleisli construction. From a domain theoretic point of view, linear information systems are equivalent to prime algebraic Scott domains, which in turn generalize prime algebraic lattices, already known to provide a model of classical linear logic

    An Interpretation of the Fan Theorem in Type Theory

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    This article presents a formulation of the fan theorem inMartin-L¨of's type theory. Starting from one of the standard versions of the fan theorem we gradually introduce reformulations leading to a final version which is easy to interpret in type theory. Finally we describe a formal proof of that final version of the fan theorem.Keywords: type theory, fan theorem, inductive bar

    The Complexity of Identifying Large Equivalence Classes

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    We prove that at least (3k−4) / k(2k−3) n(n-1)/2 − O(k) equivalence tests and nomore than 2/k n(n-1)/2 + O(n)equivalence tests are needed in the worst case to identify the equivalence classes with at least k members in set of n elements. The upper bound is an improvement by a factor 2 compared to known results. For k = 3 we give tighter bounds. Finally, for k > n/2 we prove that it is necessary and it suffices to make 2n − k − 1 equivalence tests which generalizes a known result for k = [(n+1)/2]

    On the characterization of models of H*: The semantical aspect

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    We give a characterization, with respect to a large class of models of untyped lambda-calculus, of those models that are fully abstract for head-normalization, i.e., whose equational theory is H* (observations for head normalization). An extensional K-model DD is fully abstract if and only if it is hyperimmune, {\em i.e.}, not well founded chains of elements of D cannot be captured by any recursive function. This article, together with its companion paper, form the long version of [Bre14]. It is a standalone paper that presents a purely semantical proof of the result as opposed to its companion paper that presents an independent and purely syntactical proof of the same result

    Collapsing non-idempotent intersection types

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    We proved recently that the extensional collapse of the relational model of linear logic coincides with its Scott model, whose objects are preorders and morphisms are downwards closed relations. This result is obtained by the construction of a new model whose objects can be understood as preorders equipped with a realizability predicate. We present this model, which features a new duality, and explain how to use it for reducing normalization results in idempotent intersection types (usually proved by reducibility) to purely combinatorial methods. We illustrate this approach in the case of the call-by-value lambda-calculus, for which we introduce a new resource calculus, but it can be applied in the same way to many different calculi

    A Profunctorial Scott Semantics

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    In this paper, we study the bicategory of profunctors with the free finite coproduct pseudo-comonad and show that it constitutes a model of linear logic that generalizes the Scott model. We formalize the connection between the two models as a change of base for enriched categories which induces a pseudo-functor that preserves all the linear logic structure. We prove that morphisms in the co-Kleisli bicategory correspond to the concept of strongly finitary functors (sifted colimits preserving functors) between presheaf categories. We further show that this model provides solutions of recursive type equations which provides 2-dimensional models of the pure lambda calculus and we also exhibit a fixed point operator on terms

    Migration = Cloning ; Aliasing (Preliminary Version)

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    In Obliq, a lexically scoped, distributed, object-based programming language, object migration was suggested as creating a (remote) copy of an object's state at the target site, followed by turning the (local) object itself into an alias, also called surrogate, for the just created remote copy. There is no proof that object migration in Obliq is safe in any sense. We consider the creation of object surrogates as an abstraction of the above-mentioned style of migration. We introduce Øjeblik, a distribution-free subset of Obliq, and provide two formal semantics, one in an intuitive configuration style, the other in terms of pi-calculus. The intuitive semantics shows why surrogation is neither safe in Obliq, nor can it be so in full generality in Repliq (a repaired Obliq). The pi-calculus semantics allows us to prove that surrogation in Øjeblik is safe for certain well-identified cases, thus suggesting that migration in Repliq may be safe, accordingly