38,851 research outputs found

    Cirquent calculus deepened

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    Cirquent calculus is a new proof-theoretic and semantic framework, whose main distinguishing feature is being based on circuits, as opposed to the more traditional approaches that deal with tree-like objects such as formulas or sequents. Among its advantages are greater efficiency, flexibility and expressiveness. This paper presents a detailed elaboration of a deep-inference cirquent logic, which is naturally and inherently resource conscious. It shows that classical logic, both syntactically and semantically, is just a special, conservative fragment of this more general and, in a sense, more basic logic -- the logic of resources in the form of cirquent calculus. The reader will find various arguments in favor of switching to the new framework, such as arguments showing the insufficiency of the expressive power of linear logic or other formula-based approaches to developing resource logics, exponential improvements over the traditional approaches in both representational and proof complexities offered by cirquent calculus, and more. Among the main purposes of this paper is to provide an introductory-style starting point for what, as the author wishes to hope, might have a chance to become a new line of research in proof theory -- a proof theory based on circuits instead of formulas.Comment: Significant improvements over the previous version

    Multiplicative-Additive Proof Equivalence is Logspace-complete, via Binary Decision Trees

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    Given a logic presented in a sequent calculus, a natural question is that of equivalence of proofs: to determine whether two given proofs are equated by any denotational semantics, ie any categorical interpretation of the logic compatible with its cut-elimination procedure. This notion can usually be captured syntactically by a set of rule permutations. Very generally, proofnets can be defined as combinatorial objects which provide canonical representatives of equivalence classes of proofs. In particular, the existence of proof nets for a logic provides a solution to the equivalence problem of this logic. In certain fragments of linear logic, it is possible to give a notion of proofnet with good computational properties, making it a suitable representation of proofs for studying the cut-elimination procedure, among other things. It has recently been proved that there cannot be such a notion of proofnets for the multiplicative (with units) fragment of linear logic, due to the equivalence problem for this logic being Pspace-complete. We investigate the multiplicative-additive (without unit) fragment of linear logic and show it is closely related to binary decision trees: we build a representation of proofs based on binary decision trees, reducing proof equivalence to decision tree equivalence, and give a converse encoding of binary decision trees as proofs. We get as our main result that the complexity of the proof equivalence problem of the studied fragment is Logspace-complete.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0199

    Collapsing non-idempotent intersection types

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    We proved recently that the extensional collapse of the relational model of linear logic coincides with its Scott model, whose objects are preorders and morphisms are downwards closed relations. This result is obtained by the construction of a new model whose objects can be understood as preorders equipped with a realizability predicate. We present this model, which features a new duality, and explain how to use it for reducing normalization results in idempotent intersection types (usually proved by reducibility) to purely combinatorial methods. We illustrate this approach in the case of the call-by-value lambda-calculus, for which we introduce a new resource calculus, but it can be applied in the same way to many different calculi

    Algebraic totality, towards completeness

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    Finiteness spaces constitute a categorical model of Linear Logic (LL) whose objects can be seen as linearly topologised spaces, (a class of topological vector spaces introduced by Lefschetz in 1942) and morphisms as continuous linear maps. First, we recall definitions of finiteness spaces and describe their basic properties deduced from the general theory of linearly topologised spaces. Then we give an interpretation of LL based on linear algebra. Second, thanks to separation properties, we can introduce an algebraic notion of totality candidate in the framework of linearly topologised spaces: a totality candidate is a closed affine subspace which does not contain 0. We show that finiteness spaces with totality candidates constitute a model of classical LL. Finally, we give a barycentric simply typed lambda-calculus, with booleans B{\mathcal{B}} and a conditional operator, which can be interpreted in this model. We prove completeness at type BnB{\mathcal{B}}^n\to{\mathcal{B}} for every n by an algebraic method

    Proof Nets as Processes

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    This work describes a process algebraic interpretation of Proof-nets, which are the canonical objects of Linear Logic proofs. It therefore offers a logically founded basis for deterministic, implicit parallelism.We present delta-calculus, a novel interpretation of Linear Logic, in the form of a typed process algebra that enjoys a Curry-Howard correspondence with Proof Nets. Reduction inherits the qualities of the logical objects: termination, deadlock-freedom, determinism, and very importantly, a high degree of parallelism. We obtain the necessary soundness results and provide a propositions-as-types theorem. The basic system is extended in two directions. First, we adapt it to interpret Affine Logic. Second, we propose extensions for general recursion, and introduce a novel form of recursive linear types. As an application we show a highly parallel type-preserving translation from a linear System F and extend it to the recursive variation. Our interpretation can be seen as a more canonical proof-theoretic alternative to several recent works on pi-calculus interpretations of linear sequent proofs (propositions-as-sessions) which exhibit reduced parallelism

    A Fixpoint Calculus for Local and Global Program Flows

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    We define a new fixpoint modal logic, the visibly pushdown μ-calculus (VP-μ), as an extension of the modal μ-calculus. The models of this logic are execution trees of structured programs where the procedure calls and returns are made visible. This new logic can express pushdown specifications on the model that its classical counterpart cannot, and is motivated by recent work on visibly pushdown languages [4]. We show that our logic naturally captures several interesting program specifications in program verification and dataflow analysis. This includes a variety of program specifications such as computing combinations of local and global program flows, pre/post conditions of procedures, security properties involving the context stack, and interprocedural dataflow analysis properties. The logic can capture flow-sensitive and inter-procedural analysis, and it has constructs that allow skipping procedure calls so that local flows in a procedure can also be tracked. The logic generalizes the semantics of the modal μ-calculus by considering summaries instead of nodes as first-class objects, with appropriate constructs for concatenating summaries, and naturally captures the way in which pushdown models are model-checked. The main result of the paper is that the model-checking problem for VP-μ is effectively solvable against pushdown models with no more effort than that required for weaker logics such as CTL. We also investigate the expressive power of the logic VP-μ: we show that it encompasses all properties expressed by a corresponding pushdown temporal logic on linear structures (caret [2]) as well as by the classical μ-calculus. This makes VP-μ the most expressive known program logic for which algorithmic software model checking is feasible. In fact, the decidability of most known program logics (μ-calculus, temporal logics LTL and CTL, caret, etc.) can be understood by their interpretation in the monadic second-order logic over trees. This is not true for the logic VP-μ, making it a new powerful tractable program logic

    Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: A Rosetta Stone

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    In physics, Feynman diagrams are used to reason about quantum processes. In the 1980s, it became clear that underlying these diagrams is a powerful analogy between quantum physics and topology: namely, a linear operator behaves very much like a "cobordism". Similar diagrams can be used to reason about logic, where they represent proofs, and computation, where they represent programs. With the rise of interest in quantum cryptography and quantum computation, it became clear that there is extensive network of analogies between physics, topology, logic and computation. In this expository paper, we make some of these analogies precise using the concept of "closed symmetric monoidal category". We assume no prior knowledge of category theory, proof theory or computer science.Comment: 73 pages, 8 encapsulated postscript figure

    Dialectica Categories for the Lambek Calculus

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    We revisit the old work of de Paiva on the models of the Lambek Calculus in dialectica models making sure that the syntactic details that were sketchy on the first version got completed and verified. We extend the Lambek Calculus with a \kappa modality, inspired by Yetter's work, which makes the calculus commutative. Then we add the of-course modality !, as Girard did, to re-introduce weakening and contraction for all formulas and get back the full power of intuitionistic and classical logic. We also present the categorical semantics, proved sound and complete. Finally we show the traditional properties of type systems, like subject reduction, the Church-Rosser theorem and normalization for the calculi of extended modalities, which we did not have before