191 research outputs found

    A Linear Category of Polynomial Diagrams

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    We present a categorical model for intuitionistic linear logic where objects are polynomial diagrams and morphisms are simulation diagrams. The multiplicative structure (tensor product and its adjoint) can be defined in any locally cartesian closed category, whereas the additive (product and coproduct) and exponential Tensor-comonoid comonad) structures require additional properties and are only developed in the category Set, where the objects and morphisms have natural interpretations in terms of games, simulation and strategies.Comment: 20 page

    A Linear Category of Polynomial Functors (extensional part)

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    Polynomial functors and polynomial monads

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    We study polynomial functors over locally cartesian closed categories. After setting up the basic theory, we show how polynomial functors assemble into a double category, in fact a framed bicategory. We show that the free monad on a polynomial endofunctor is polynomial. The relationship with operads and other related notions is explored.Comment: 41 pages, latex, 2 ps figures generated at runtime by the texdraw package (does not compile with pdflatex). v2: removed assumptions on sums, added short discussion of generalisation, and more details on tensorial strength

    Stabilized profunctors and stable species of structures

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    We introduce a bicategorical model of linear logic which is a novel variation of the bicategory of groupoids, profunctors, and natural transformations. Our model is obtained by endowing groupoids with additional structure, called a kit, to stabilize the profunctors by controlling the freeness of the groupoid action on profunctor elements. The theory of generalized species of structures, based on profunctors, is refined to a new theory of \emph{stable species} of structures between groupoids with Boolean kits. Generalized species are in correspondence with analytic functors between presheaf categories; in our refined model, stable species are shown to be in correspondence with restrictions of analytic functors, which we characterize as being stable, to full subcategories of stabilized presheaves. Our motivating example is the class of finitary polynomial functors between categories of indexed sets, also known as normal functors, that arises from kits enforcing free actions. We show that the bicategory of groupoids with Boolean kits, stable species, and natural transformations is cartesian closed. This makes essential use of the logical structure of Boolean kits and explains the well-known failure of cartesian closure for the bicategory of finitary polynomial functors between categories of set-indexed families and cartesian natural transformations. The paper additionally develops the model of classical linear logic underlying the cartesian closed structure and clarifies the connection to stable domain theory.Comment: FSCD 2022 special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science, minor changes (incorporated reviewers comments

    Polynomial functors and polynomial monads

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    We study polynomial functors over locally cartesian closed categories. After setting up the basic theory, we show how polynomial functors assemble into a double category, in fact a framed bicategory. We show that the free monad on a polynomial endofunctor is polynomial. The relationship with operads and other related notions is explored

    Quantitative polynomial functors

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    Data types are the basic building blocks of modern type theories and programming languages. Having more powerful data types around can increase the proof-theoretic strength of the theory, i.e., allow more programs to be written, and can also make existing proofs/programs more convenient to write. Recent advances in type theories such as cubical type theory have also been accompanied by advances in data type theory, such as quotient and higher inductive types. In this paper, we explore what a corresponding notion of (non-higher, so far) inductive types for the also recently introduced type theory Quantitative Type Theory (QTT) might be. QTT combines dependent types and linear types, in the sense of linear logic. By using linearity to track variable (and hence resource) usage of programs, QTT thus promises to enable formal reasoning about both functional and non-functional correctness of programs. A variant of QTT is implemented in the Idris 2 programming language, and we hope that our work can be used as a foundational justification for the implementation of data types there. Conversely, we have used Idris 2 to mechanically verify parts of our development

    Polynomial functors and trees

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    We explore the relationship between polynomial functors and trees. In the first part we characterise trees as certain polynomial functors and obtain a completely formal but at the same time conceptual and explicit construction of two categories of rooted trees, whose main properties we describe in terms of some factorisation systems. The second category is the category Ω of Moerdijk and Weiss. Although the constructions are motivated and explained in terms of polynomial functors, they all amount to elementary manipulations with finite sets. Included in Part 1 is also an explicit construction of the free monad on a polynomial endofunctor, given in terms of trees. In the second part we describe polynomial endofunctors and monads as structures built from trees, characterising the images of several nerve functors from polynomial endofunctors and monads into presheaves on categories of trees. Polynomial endofunctors and monads over a base are characterised by a sheaf condition on categories of decorated trees. In the absolute case, one further condition is needed, a projectivity condition, which serves also to characterise polynomial endofunctors and monads among (coloured) collections and operads

    Towards the Knowledge in Coalgebraic Model of IDS

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    In the last decades linear logic became a useful logical system for various usage in computer science. Its ability to handle resources and its competence to describe dynamics of processes predetermine it for describing behaviour of programs and program systems. Linear logic can be apprehended as a multiplicative and additive extension of usual logic. We show the possibilities how these fragments can be enriched to describe behaviour and to achieve knowledge on an example of simplified Intrusion Detection System (IDS). We construct Kripke model over a coalgebra of modal linear logic for pursuing observable behaviour of IDS. Using the same Kripke frame we show how knowledge and belief in the terms of epistemic linear logic can be achieved

    Stabilized profunctors and stable species of structures

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    We introduce a bicategorical model of linear logic which is a novel variation of the bicategory of groupoids, profunctors, and natural transformations. Our model is obtained by endowing groupoids with additional structure, called a kit, to stabilize the profunctors by controlling the freeness of the groupoid action on profunctor elements. The theory of generalized species of structures, based on profunctors, is refined to a new theory of \emph{stable species} of structures between groupoids with Boolean kits. Generalized species are in correspondence with analytic functors between presheaf categories; in our refined model, stable species are shown to be in correspondence with restrictions of analytic functors, which we characterize as being stable, to full subcategories of stabilized presheaves. Our motivating example is the class of finitary polynomial functors between categories of indexed sets, also known as normal functors, that arises from kits enforcing free actions. We show that the bicategory of groupoids with Boolean kits, stable species, and natural transformations is cartesian closed. This makes essential use of the logical structure of Boolean kits and explains the well-known failure of cartesian closure for the bicategory of finitary polynomial functors between categories of set-indexed families and cartesian natural transformations. The paper additionally develops the model of classical linear logic underlying the cartesian closed structure and clarifies the connection to stable domain theory

    Sound and complete axiomatizations of coalgebraic language equivalence

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    Coalgebras provide a uniform framework to study dynamical systems, including several types of automata. In this paper, we make use of the coalgebraic view on systems to investigate, in a uniform way, under which conditions calculi that are sound and complete with respect to behavioral equivalence can be extended to a coarser coalgebraic language equivalence, which arises from a generalised powerset construction that determinises coalgebras. We show that soundness and completeness are established by proving that expressions modulo axioms of a calculus form the rational fixpoint of the given type functor. Our main result is that the rational fixpoint of the functor FTFT, where TT is a monad describing the branching of the systems (e.g. non-determinism, weights, probability etc.), has as a quotient the rational fixpoint of the "determinised" type functor Fˉ\bar F, a lifting of FF to the category of TT-algebras. We apply our framework to the concrete example of weighted automata, for which we present a new sound and complete calculus for weighted language equivalence. As a special case, we obtain non-deterministic automata, where we recover Rabinovich's sound and complete calculus for language equivalence.Comment: Corrected version of published journal articl