10 research outputs found

    Session Types in Abelian Logic

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    There was a PhD student who says "I found a pair of wooden shoes. I put a coin in the left and a key in the right. Next morning, I found those objects in the opposite shoes." We do not claim existence of such shoes, but propose a similar programming abstraction in the context of typed lambda calculi. The result, which we call the Amida calculus, extends Abramsky's linear lambda calculus LF and characterizes Abelian logic.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2013, arXiv:1312.221

    A type checking algorithm for qualified session types

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    We present a type checking algorithm for establishing a session-based discipline in the pi calculus of Milner, Parrow and Walker. Our session types are qualified as linear or unrestricted. Linearly typed communication channels are guaranteed to occur in exactly one thread, possibly multiple times; afterwards they evolve as unrestricted channels. Session protocols are described by a type constructor that denotes the two ends of one and the same communication channel. We ensure the soundness of the algorithm by showing that processes consuming all linear resources are accepted by a type system preserving typings during the computation and that type checking is consistent w.r.t. structural congruence.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2011, arXiv:1108.208

    Cut Reduction in Linear Logic as Asynchronous Session-Typed Communication

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    Prior work has shown that intuitionistic linear logic can be seen as a session-type discipline for the pi-calculus, where cut reduction in the sequent calculus corresponds to synchronous process reduction. In this paper, we exhibit a new process assignment from the asynchronous, polyadic pi-calculus to exactly the same proof rules. Proof-theoretically, the difference between these interpretations can be understood through permutations of inference rules that preserve observational equivalence of closed processes in the synchronous case. We also show that, under this new asynchronous interpretation, cut reductions correspond to a natural asynchronous buffered session semantics, where each session is allocated a separate communication buffer

    Typing Copyless Message Passing

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    We present a calculus that models a form of process interaction based on copyless message passing, in the style of Singularity OS. The calculus is equipped with a type system ensuring that well-typed processes are free from memory faults, memory leaks, and communication errors. The type system is essentially linear, but we show that linearity alone is inadequate, because it leaves room for scenarios where well-typed processes leak significant amounts of memory. We address these problems basing the type system upon an original variant of session types.Comment: 50 page

    On Projecting Processes into Session Types

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    We define session types as projections of the behaviour of processes with respect to the operations processes perform on channels. This calls for a parallel composition operator over session types denoting the simultaneous access to a channel by two or more processes. The proposed approach allows us to define a semantically grounded theory of session types that does not require the linear usage of channels. However, type preservation and progress can only be guaranteed for processes that never receive channels they already own. A number of examples show that the resulting framework validates existing session-type theories and unifies them to some extent.</jats:p

    Tipski sistemi za kontrolu memorije i prava pristupa

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    Three issues will be elaborated and disussed in the proposed thesis. The first is administration and control of data access rights in networks with XML data, with emphasis on data security. The second is the administration and control of access rights to data in computer networks with RDF data, with emphasis on data privacy. The third is prevention of errors and memory leaks, as well as communication errors, generated by programs written in Sing # language in the presence of exceptions. For all three issues, there will be presented formal models with corresponding type systems and showed the absence of undesired behavior i.e. errors in networks or programs.У тези су разматрана три проблема. Први је администрација и контрола права приступа података у рачунарској мрежи са XML подацима, са нагласком на безбедости посматраних података. Други је администрација и котрола права приступа подацима у рачунарској мрежи са RDF подацима, са нагласком на приватности посматраних података. Трећи је превенција грешака и цурења меморије, као и грешака у комуникацији генерисаним програмима написаних на језику Sing# у којима су присутни изузеци. За сва три проблема биће предложени формални модели и одговарајући типски системи помоћу којих се показује одсуство неповољних понашања тј. грешака у мрежама односно програмима.U tezi su razmatrana tri problema. Prvi je administracija i kontrola prava pristupa podataka u računarskoj mreži sa XML podacima, sa naglaskom na bezbedosti posmatranih podataka. Drugi je administracija i kotrola prava pristupa podacima u računarskoj mreži sa RDF podacima, sa naglaskom na privatnosti posmatranih podataka. Treći je prevencija grešaka i curenja memorije, kao i grešaka u komunikaciji generisanim programima napisanih na jeziku Sing# u kojima su prisutni izuzeci. Za sva tri problema biće predloženi formalni modeli i odgovarajući tipski sistemi pomoću kojih se pokazuje odsustvo nepovoljnih ponašanja tj. grešaka u mrežama odnosno programima

    A linear account of session types in the pi calculus

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    Abstract. We present a reconstruction of session types in a conventional pi calculus where types are qualified as linear or unrestricted. Linearly typed communication channels are guaranteed to occur in exactly one thread, possibly multiple times. We equip types with a constructor that denotes the two ends of a same communication channel. In order to assess the flexibility of the new type system, we provide three distinct encodings (from the linear lambda calculus, from the linear pi calculus, and from the pi calculus with polarized variables) into our system. For each language we present operational and typing correspondences, showing that our system effectively subsumes the linear pi calculus as well as foregoing works on session types