444,207 research outputs found

    Wandering Black Holes in Bright Disk Galaxy Halos

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    We perform SPH+N-body cosmological simulations of massive disk galaxies, including a formalism for black hole seed formation and growth, and find that satellite galaxies containing supermassive black hole seeds are often stripped as they merge with the primary galaxy. These events naturally create a population of "wandering" black holes that are the remnants of stripped satellite cores; galaxies like the Milky Way may host 5 -- 15 of these objects within their halos. The satellites that harbor black hole seeds are comparable to Local Group dwarf galaxies such as the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds; these galaxies are promising candidates to host nearby intermediate mass black holes. Provided that these wandering black holes retain a gaseous accretion disk from their host dwarf galaxy, they give a physical explanation for the origin and observed properties of some recently discovered off-nuclear ultraluminous X-ray sources such as HLX-1.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Giant enhanced optical nonlinearity of colloidal nanocrystals with a graded-index host

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    The effective linear and third-order nonlinear optical properties of metallic colloidal crystal immersed in a graded-index host fluid are investigated theoretically. The local electric fields are extracted self-consistently based on the layer-to-layer interactions, which are readily given by the Lekner summation method. The resultant optical absorption and nonlinearity enhancement show a series of sharp peaks, which merge in a broadened resonant band. The sharp peaks become a continuous band for increasing packing density and number of layers. We believe that the sharp peaks arise from the in-plane dipolar interactions and the surface plasmon resonance, whereas the continuous band is due to the presence of the gradient in the host refractive index. These results have not been observed in homogeneous and randomly-dispersed colloids, and thus would be of great interest in optical nanomaterial engineering.Comment: Submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Do Moderate-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Suppress Star Formation?

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    The growth of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies are thought to be linked, but the precise nature of this symbiotic relationship is still poorly understood. Both observations and simulations of galaxy formation suggest that the energy input from active galactic nuclei (AGN), as the central supermassive black hole accretes material and grows, heats the interstellar material and suppresses star formation. In this Letter, we show that most host galaxies of moderate-luminosity supermassive black holes in the local universe have intermediate optical colors that imply the host galaxies are transitioning from star formation to quiescence, the first time this has been shown to be true for all AGN independent of obscuration. The intermediate colors suggest that star formation in the host galaxies ceased roughly 100 Myr ago. This result indicates that either the AGN are very long-lived, accreting for more than 1 Gyr beyond the end of star formation, or there is a ~100 Myr time delay between the shutdown of star formation and detectable black hole growth. The first explanation is unlikely given current estimates for AGN lifetimes, so low-lumiosity AGN must shut down star formation before substantial black hole accretion activity is detected. The scarcity of AGN host galaxies in the blue cloud reported here challenges scenarios where significant star formation and black hole growth are coeval. Lastly, these observations also strongly support the `Unified Model' of AGN as the host galaxy colors are independent of obscuration towards the central engine.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. 7 pages, 4 figure

    Bath Hebrew Ladies Society (1944) (USO)

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    Bath Hebrew Ladies Society (1944) (USO) The Bath Hebrew Ladies Society was a women’s organization, made up of members of the Beth Israel Congregation (originally, Base Isroall), an unaffiliated synagogue, serving the Jewish community in Bath, Maine and vicinity. This includes two letters from the USO in 1944. The first letter provides instructions for local organizations that are willing to host a meal for servicemen and industrial workers. The second is a letter of appreciation to the “Order of Hebrew Ladies” in recognition of their participation in this program.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/jud_povich/1037/thumbnail.jp

    Low and High Surface Brightness Galaxies at Void Walls

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    We study the relative fraction of low and high surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs and HSBGs) at void walls in the SDSS DR7. We focus on galaxies in equal local density environments. We assume that the host dark-matter halo mass (for which we use SDSS group masses) is a good indicator of local density. This analysis allows to examine the behavior of the abundance of LSBG and HSBG galaxies at a fixed local density and distinguish the large-scale environment defined by the void geometry. We compare galaxies in the field, and in the void walls; the latter are defined as the volume of void shells of radius equal to that of the void. We find a significant decrement, a factor ∌4\sim 4, of the relative fraction of blue, active star-forming LSBGs in equal mass groups at the void walls and the field. This decrement is consistent with an increase of the fraction of blue, active star-forming HSBGs. By contrast, red LSBGs and HSBGs show negligible changes. We argue that these results are consistent with a scenario where LSBGs with blue colors and strong star formation activity at the void walls are fueled by gas from the expanding void regions. This process could lead to LSBG to HSBG transformations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    First detection of [CII]158um at high redshift: vigorous star formation in the early universe

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    We report the detection of the 2P_3/2 -> 2P_1/2 fine-structure line of C+ at 157.74 micron in SDSSJ114816.64+525150.3 (hereafter J1148+5251), the most distant known quasar, at z=6.42, using the IRAM 30-meter telescope. This is the first detection of the [CII] line at high redshift, and also the first detection in a Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxy (L_FIR > 10^13 Lsun). The [CII] line is detected at a significance level of 8 sigma and has a luminosity of 4.4 x 10^9 Lsun. The L_[CII]/L_FIR ratio is 2 x 10^-4, about an order of magnitude smaller than observed in local normal galaxies and similar to the ratio observed in local Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies. The [CII] line luminosity indicates that the host galaxy of this quasar is undergoing an intense burst of star formation with an estimated rate of ~3000 Msun/yr. The detection of C+ in SDSS J1148+5251 suggests a significant enrichment of metals at z ~ 6 (age of the universe ~870 Myr), although the data are consistent with a reduced carbon to oxygen ratio as expected from chemical evolutionary models of the early phases of galaxy formation.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A&A Letter

    "Dark energy" in the Local Void

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    The unexpected discovery of the accelerated cosmic expansion in 1998 has filled the Universe with the embarrassing presence of an unidentified "dark energy", or cosmological constant, devoid of any physical meaning. While this standard cosmology seems to work well at the global level, improved knowledge of the kinematics and other properties of our extragalactic neighborhood indicates the need for a better theory. We investigate whether the recently suggested repulsive-gravity scenario can account for some of the features that are unexplained by the standard model. Through simple dynamical considerations, we find that the Local Void could host an amount of antimatter (∌5×1015 M⊙\sim5\times10^{15}\,M_\odot) roughly equivalent to the mass of a typical supercluster, thus restoring the matter-antimatter symmetry. The antigravity field produced by this "dark repulsor" can explain the anomalous motion of the Local Sheet away from the Local Void, as well as several other properties of nearby galaxies that seem to require void evacuation and structure formation much faster than expected from the standard model. At the global cosmological level, gravitational repulsion from antimatter hidden in voids can provide more than enough potential energy to drive both the cosmic expansion and its acceleration, with no need for an initial "explosion" and dark energy. Moreover, the discrete distribution of these dark repulsors, in contrast to the uniformly permeating dark energy, can also explain dark flows and other recently observed excessive inhomogeneities and anisotropies of the Universe.Comment: 6 pages, accepted as a Letter to the Editor by Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    How to make an ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxy: tidal stirring of disky dwarfs with shallow dark matter density profiles

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    In recent years the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has unraveled a new population of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) in the vicinity of the Milky Way (MW) whose origin remains a puzzle. Using a suite of collisionless N-body simulations, we investigate the formation of UFDs in the context of the tidal stirring model for the formation of dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the Local Group (LG). Our simulations are designed to reproduce the tidal interactions between MW-sized host galaxies and rotationally supported dwarfs embedded in 10^9 M_sun dark matter (DM) halos. We explore a variety of inner density slopes \rho \propto r^{-\alpha} for the dwarf DM halos, ranging from core-like (\alpha = 0.2) to cuspy (\alpha = 1), and different dwarf orbital configurations. Our experiments demonstrate that UFDs can be produced via tidal stirring of disky dwarfs on relatively tight orbits, consistent with a redshift of accretion by the host galaxy of z \sim 1, and with intermediate values for the halo inner density slopes (\rho \propto r^{-0.6}). The inferred slopes are in excellent agreement with those resulting from both the modeling of the rotation curves of dwarf galaxies and recent cosmological simulations of dwarf galaxy formation. Comparing the properties of observed UFDs with those of their simulated counterparts, we find remarkable similarities in terms of basic observational parameters. We conclude that tidal stirring of rotationally supported dwarfs represents a viable mechanism for the formation of UFDs in the LG environment.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, revised version accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
