197 research outputs found

    Low Cost Power and Supply Noise Estimation and Control in Scan Testing of VLSI Circuits

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    Test power is an important issue in deep submicron semiconductor testing. Too much power supply noise and too much power dissipation can result in excessive temperature rise, both leading to overkill during delay test. Scan-based test has been widely adopted as one of the most commonly used VLSI testing method. The test power during scan testing comprises shift power and capture power. The power consumed in the shift cycle dominates the total power dissipation. It is crucial for IC manufacturing companies to achieve near constant power consumption for a given timing window in order to keep the chip under test (CUT) at a near constant temperature, to make it easy to characterize the circuit behavior and prevent delay test over kill. To achieve constant test power, first, we built a fast and accurate power model, which can estimate the shift power without logic simulation of the circuit. We also proposed an efficient and low power X-bit Filling process, which could potentially reduce both the shift power and capture power. Then, we introduced an efficient test pattern reordering algorithm, which achieves near constant power between groups of patterns. The number of patterns in a group is determined by the thermal constant of the chip. Experimental results show that our proposed power model has very good correlation. Our proposed X-Fill process achieved both minimum shift power and capture power. The algorithm supports multiple scan chains and can achieve constant power within different regions of the chip. The greedy test pattern reordering algorithm can reduce the power variation from 29-126 percent to 8-10 percent or even lower if we reduce the power variance threshold. Excessive noise can significantly affect the timing performance of Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) designs and cause non-trivial additional delay. In delay test generation, test compaction and test fill techniques can produce excessive power supply noise. This can result in delay test overkill. Prior approaches to power supply noise aware delay test compaction are too costly due to many logic simulations, and are limited to static compaction. We proposed a realistic low cost delay test compaction flow that guardbands the delay using a sequence of estimation metrics to keep the circuit under test supply noise more like functional mode. This flow has been implemented in both static compaction and dynamic compaction. We analyzed the relationship between delay and voltage drop, and the relationship between effective weighted switching activity (WSA) and voltage drop. Based on these correlations, we introduce the low cost delay test pattern compaction framework considering power supply noise. Experimental results on ISCAS89 circuits show that our low cost framework is up to ten times faster than the prior high cost framework. Simulation results also verify that the low cost model can correctly guardband every path‟s extra noise-induced delay. We discussed the rules to set different constraints in the levelized framework. The veto process used in the compaction can be also applied to other constraints, such as power and temperature

    Design-for-delay-testability techniques for high-speed digital circuits

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    The importance of delay faults is enhanced by the ever increasing clock rates and decreasing geometry sizes of nowadays' circuits. This thesis focuses on the development of Design-for-Delay-Testability (DfDT) techniques for high-speed circuits and embedded cores. The rising costs of IC testing and in particular the costs of Automatic Test Equipment are major concerns for the semiconductor industry. To reverse the trend of rising testing costs, DfDT is\ud getting more and more important

    Machine learning support for logic diagnosis

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    Development of an image converter of radical design

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    A long term investigation of thin film sensors, monolithic photo-field effect transistors, and epitaxially diffused phototransistors and photodiodes to meet requirements to produce acceptable all solid state, electronically scanned imaging system, led to the production of an advanced engineering model camera which employs a 200,000 element phototransistor array (organized in a matrix of 400 rows by 500 columns) to secure resolution comparable to commercial television. The full investigation is described for the period July 1962 through July 1972, and covers the following broad topics in detail: (1) sensor monoliths; (2) fabrication technology; (3) functional theory; (4) system methodology; and (5) deployment profile. A summary of the work and conclusions are given, along with extensive schematic diagrams of the final solid state imaging system product

    The applications of satellites to communications, navigation and surveillance for aircraft operating over the contiguous United States. Volume 1 - Technical report

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    Satellite applications to aircraft communications, navigation, and surveillance over US including synthesized satellite network and aircraft equipment for air traffic contro

    Test and Diagnosis of Integrated Circuits

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    The ever-increasing growth of the semiconductor market results in an increasing complexity of digital circuits. Smaller, faster, cheaper and low-power consumption are the main challenges in semiconductor industry. The reduction of transistor size and the latest packaging technology (i.e., System-On-a-Chip, System-In-Package, Trough Silicon Via 3D Integrated Circuits) allows the semiconductor industry to satisfy the latest challenges. Although producing such advanced circuits can benefit users, the manufacturing process is becoming finer and denser, making chips more prone to defects.The work presented in the HDR manuscript addresses the challenges of test and diagnosis of integrated circuits. It covers:- Power aware test;- Test of Low Power Devices;- Fault Diagnosis of digital circuits

    Circuits and Systems Advances in Near Threshold Computing

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    Modern society is witnessing a sea change in ubiquitous computing, in which people have embraced computing systems as an indispensable part of day-to-day existence. Computation, storage, and communication abilities of smartphones, for example, have undergone monumental changes over the past decade. However, global emphasis on creating and sustaining green environments is leading to a rapid and ongoing proliferation of edge computing systems and applications. As a broad spectrum of healthcare, home, and transport applications shift to the edge of the network, near-threshold computing (NTC) is emerging as one of the promising low-power computing platforms. An NTC device sets its supply voltage close to its threshold voltage, dramatically reducing the energy consumption. Despite showing substantial promise in terms of energy efficiency, NTC is yet to see widescale commercial adoption. This is because circuits and systems operating with NTC suffer from several problems, including increased sensitivity to process variation, reliability problems, performance degradation, and security vulnerabilities, to name a few. To realize its potential, we need designs, techniques, and solutions to overcome these challenges associated with NTC circuits and systems. The readers of this book will be able to familiarize themselves with recent advances in electronics systems, focusing on near-threshold computing

    Fault modelling and accelerated simulation of integrated circuits manufacturing defects under process variation

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    As silicon manufacturing process scales to and beyond the 65-nm node, process variation can no longer be ignored. The impact of process variation on integrated circuit performance and power has received significant research input. Variation-aware test, on the other hand, is a relatively new research area that is currently receiving attention worldwide.Research has shown that test without considering process variation may lead to loss of test quality. Fault modelling and simulation serve as a backbone of manufacturing test. This thesis is concerned with developing efficient fault modelling techniques and simulation methodologies that take into account the effect of process variation on manufacturing defects with particular emphasis on resistive bridges and resistive opens.The first contribution of this thesis addresses the problem of long computation time required to generate logic fault of resistive bridges under process variation by developing a fast and accurate modelling technique to model logic fault behaviour of resistive bridges.The new technique is implemented by employing two efficient voltage calculation algorithms to calculate the logic threshold voltage of driven gates and critical resistance of a fault-site to enable the computation of bridge logic faults without using SPICE. Simulation results show that the technique is fast (on average 53 times faster) and accurate (worst case is 2.64% error) when compared with HSPICE. The second contribution analyses the complexity of delay fault simulation of resistive bridges to reduce the computation time of delay fault when considering process variation. An accelerated delay fault simulation methodology of resistive bridges is developed by employing a three-step strategy to speed up the calculation of transient gate output voltage which is needed to accurately compute delay faults. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average 17.4 times faster, with 5.2% error in accuracy, when compared with HSPICE. The final contribution presents an accelerated simulation methodology of resistive opens to address the problem of long simulation time of delay fault when considering process variation. The methodology is implemented by using two efficient algorithms to accelerate the computation of transient gate output voltage and timing critical resistance of an open fault-site. Simulation results show that the methodology is on average up to 52 times faster than HSPICE, with 4.2% error in accuracy

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    Dynamic Optical Networks for Data Centres and Media Production

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    This thesis explores all-optical networks for data centres, with a particular focus on network designs for live media production. A design for an all-optical data centre network is presented, with experimental verification of the feasibility of the network data plane. The design uses fast tunable (< 200 ns) lasers and coherent receivers across a passive optical star coupler core, forming a network capable of reaching over 1000 nodes. Experimental transmission of 25 Gb/s data across the network core, with combined wavelength switching and time division multiplexing (WS-TDM), is demonstrated. Enhancements to laser tuning time via current pre-emphasis are discussed, including experimental demonstration of fast wavelength switching (< 35 ns) of a single laser between all combinations of 96 wavelengths spaced at 50 GHz over a range wider than the optical C-band. Methods of increasing the overall network throughput by using a higher complexity modulation format are also described, along with designs for line codes to enable pulse amplitude modulation across the WS-TDM network core. The construction of an optical star coupler network core is investigated, by evaluating methods of constructing large star couplers from smaller optical coupler components. By using optical circuit switches to rearrange star coupler connectivity, the network can be partitioned, creating independent reserves of bandwidth and resulting in increased overall network throughput. Several topologies for constructing a star from optical couplers are compared, and algorithms for optimum construction methods are presented. All of the designs target strict criteria for the flexible and dynamic creation of multicast groups, which will enable future live media production workflows in data centres. The data throughput performance of the network designs is simulated under synthetic and practical media production traffic scenarios, showing improved throughput when reconfigurable star couplers are used compared to a single large star. An energy consumption evaluation shows reduced network power consumption compared to incumbent and other proposed data centre network technologies
