13 research outputs found

    Multichannel fast QR-decomposition RLS algorithms with explicit weight extraction

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    ABSTRACT Multichannel fast QR decomposition recursive least-squares (MC-FQRD-RLS) algorithms are well known for their good numerical properties and low computational complexity. However, these algorithms have been restricted to problems seeking an estimate of the output error signal. This is because their transversal weights are embedded in the algorithm variables and are not explicitly available. In this paper we present a novel technique that can extract the filter weights associated with the MC-FQRD-RLS algorithm at any time instant. As a consequence, the range of applications is extended to include problems where explicit knowledge of the filter weights is required. The proposed weight extraction technique is used to identify the beampattern of a broadband adaptive beamformer implemented with an MC-FQRD-RLS algorithm. The results confirm that the extracted coefficients of the MC-FQRD-RLS algorithm are identical to those obtained by any RLS algorithm such as the inverse QRD-RLS algorithm


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    1996/1997X Ciclo1967Versione digitalizzata della tesi di dottorato cartacea

    MIMO equalization.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2005.In recent years, space-time block co'des (STBC) for multi-antenna wireless systems have emerged as attractive encoding schemes for wireless communications. These codes provide full diversity gain and achieve good performance with simple receiver structures without the additional increase in bandwidth or power requirements. When implemented over broadband channels, STBCs can be combined with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) or single carrier frequency domain (SC-FD) transmission schemes to achieve multi-path diversity and to decouple the broadband frequency selective channel into independent flat fading channels. This dissertation focuses on the SC-FD transmission schemes that exploit the STBC structure to provide computationally cost efficient receivers in terms of equalization and channel estimation. The main contributions in this dissertation are as follows: • The original SC-FD STBC receiver that bench marks STBC in a frequency selective channel is limited to coherent detection where the knowledge of the channel state information (CSI) is assumed at the receiver. We extend this receiver to a multiple access system. Through analysis and simulations we prove that the extended system does not incur any performance penalty. This key result implies that the SC-FD STBC scheme is suitable for multiple-user systems where higher data rates are possible. • The problem of channel estimation is considered in a time and frequency selective environment. The existing receiver is based on a recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive algorithm and provides joint equalization and interference suppression. We utilize a system with perfect channel state information (CSI) to show from simulations how various design parameters for the RLS algorithm can be selected in order to get near perfect CSI performance. • The RLS receiver has two modes of operation viz. training mode and direct decision mode. In training mode, a block of known symbols is used to make the initial estimate. To ensure convergence of the algorithm a re-training interval must be predefined. This results in an increase in the system overhead. A linear predictor that utilizes the knowled~e of the autocorrelation function for a Rayleigh fading channel is developed. The predictor is combined with. the adaptive receiver to provide a bandwidth efficient receiver by decreasing the training block size.· The simulation results show that the performance penalty for the new system is negligible. • Finally, a new Q-R based receiver is developed to provide a more robust solution to the RLS adaptive receiver. The simulation results clearly show that the new receiver outperforms the RLS based receiver at higher Doppler frequencies, where rapid channel variations result in numerical instability of the RLS algorithm. The linear predictor is also added to the new receiver which results in a more robust and bandwidth efficient receiver

    Low-Complexity Near-Optimal Detection Algorithms for MIMO Systems

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    As the number of subscribers in wireless networks and their demanding data rate are exponentially increasing, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have been scaled up in the 5G where tens to hundreds of antennas are deployed at base stations (BSs). However, by scaling up the MIMO systems, designing detectors with low computational complexity and close to the optimal error performance becomes challenging. In this dissertation, we study the problem of efficient detector designs for MIMO systems. In Chapter 2, we propose efficient detection algorithms for small and moderate MIMO systems by using lattice reduction and subspace (or conditional) detection techniques. The proposed algorithms exhibit full receive diversity and approach the bit error rate (BER) of the optimal maximum likelihood (ML) solution. For quasi-static channels, the complexity of the proposed schemes is cubic in the system dimension and is only linear in the size of the QAM modulation used. However, the computational complexity of lattice reduction algorithms imposes a large burden on the proposed detectors for large MIMO systems or fast fading channels. In Chapter 3, we propose detectors for large MIMO systems based on the combination of minimum mean square error decision feedback equalization (MMSE-DFE) and subspace detection tailored to an appropriate channel ordering. Although the achieved diversity order of the proposed detectors does not necessarily equal the full receive diversity for some MIMO systems, the coding gain allows for close to ML error performance at practical values of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the cost of a small computational complexity increase over the classical MMSE- DFE detection. The receive diversity deficiency is addressed by proposing another algorithm in which a partial lattice reduction (PLR) technique is deployed to improve the diversity order. Massive multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) is another technology where the BS is equipped with hundreds of antennas and serves tens of single-antenna user terminals (UTs). For the uplink of massive MIMO systems, linear detectors, such as zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE), approach the error performances of sophisticated nonlinear detectors. However, the exact solutions of ZF and MMSE involve matrix-matrix multiplication and matrix inversion operations which are expensive for massive MIMO systems. In Chapter 4, we propose efficient truncated polynomial expansion (TPE)-based detectors that achieve the error performance of the exact solutions with a computational complexity proportional to the system dimensions. The millimeter wave (mmWave) massive MIMO is another key technology for 5G cellular networks. By using hybrid beamforming techniques in which a few numbers of radio frequency (RF) chains are deployed at the BSs and the UTs, the fully-digital precoder (combiner) is approximated as a product of analog and digital precoders (combiners). In Chapter 5, we consider a signal detection scheme using the equivalent channel consisting of the precoder, mmWave channel, and combiner. The available structure in the equivalent channel enables us to achieve the BER of the optimal ML solution with a significant reduction in the computational complexity

    A Lattice version of the Multichannel Fast QRD Algorithm Based on a posteriori backward errors

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    Abstract. Fast QR decomposition (QRD) RLS algorithms based on backward prediction errors are well known for their good numerical behavior and their low complexity when compared to similar algorithms with forward error update. Although the basic matrix expressions are similar, their application to multiple channel input signals generate more complex equations. This paper presents a lattice version of the multichannel fast QRD algorithm based on a posteriori backward errors updating. This new algorithm comprises scalar operations only; its modularity and pipelinability favors its systolic array implementation.

    Mehrdimensionale Kanalschätzung für MIMO-OFDM

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    DIGITAL wireless communication started in the 1990s with the wide-spread deployment of GSM. Since then, wireless systems evolved dramatically. Current wireless standards approach the goal of an omnipresent communication system, which fulfils the wish to communicate with anyone, anywhere at anytime. Nowadays, the acceptance of smartphones and/or tablets is huge and the mobile internet is the core application. Given the current growth, the estimated data traffic in wireless networks in 2020 might be 1000 times higher than that of 2010, exceeding 127 exabyte. Unfortunately, the available radio spectrum is scarce and hence, needs to be utilized efficiently. Key technologies, such as multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) as well as various MIMO precoding techniques increase the theoretically achievable channel capacity considerably and are used in the majority of wireless standards. On the one hand, MIMO-OFDM promises substantial diversity and/or capacity gains. On the other hand, the complexity of optimum maximum-likelihood detection grows exponentially and is thus, not sustainable. Additionally, the required signaling overhead increases with the number of antennas and thereby reduces the bandwidth efficiency. Iterative receivers which jointly carry out channel estimation and data detection are a potential enabler to reduce the pilot overhead and approach optimum capacity at often reduced complexity. In this thesis, a graph-based receiver is developed, which iteratively performs joint data detection and channel estimation. The proposed multi-dimensional factor graph introduces transfer nodes that exploit correlation of adjacent channel coefficients in an arbitrary number of dimensions (e.g. time, frequency, and space). This establishes a simple and flexible receiver structure that facilitates soft channel estimation and data detection in multi-dimensional dispersive channels, and supports arbitrary modulation and channel coding schemes. However, the factor graph exhibits suboptimal cycles. In order to reach the maximum performance, the message exchange schedule, the process of combining messages, and the initialization are adapted. Unlike conventional approaches, which merge nodes of the factor graph to avoid cycles, the proposed message combining methods mitigate the impairing effects of short cycles and retain a low computational complexity. Furthermore, a novel detection algorithm is presented, which combines tree-based MIMO detection with a Gaussian detector. The resulting detector, termed Gaussian tree search detection, integrates well within the factor graph framework and reduces further the overall complexity of the receiver. Additionally, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is investigated for the purpose of initial channel estimation. The bio-inspired algorithm is particularly interesting because of its fast convergence to a reasonable MSE and its versatile adaptation to a variety of optimization problems. It is especially suited for initialization since no a priori information is required. A cooperative approach to PSO is proposed for large-scale antenna implementations as well as a multi-objective PSO for time-varying frequency-selective channels. The performance of the multi-dimensional graph-based soft iterative receiver is evaluated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The achieved results are compared to the performance of an iterative state-of-the-art receiver. It is shown that a similar or better performance is achieved at a lower complexity. An appealing feature of iterative semi-blind channel estimation is that the supported pilot spacings may exceed the limits given the by Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem. In this thesis, a relation between pilot spacing and channel code is formulated. Depending on the chosen channel code and code rate, the maximum spacing approaches the proposed “coded sampling bound”.Die digitale drahtlose Kommunikation begann in den 1990er Jahren mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung von GSM. Seitdem haben sich Mobilfunksysteme drastisch weiterentwickelt. Aktuelle Mobilfunkstandards nähern sich dem Ziel eines omnipräsenten Kommunikationssystems an und erfüllen damit den Wunsch mit jedem Menschen zu jeder Zeit an jedem Ort kommunizieren zu können. Heutzutage ist die Akzeptanz von Smartphones und Tablets immens und das mobile Internet ist die zentrale Anwendung. Ausgehend von dem momentanen Wachstum wird das Datenaufkommen in Mobilfunk-Netzwerken im Jahr 2020, im Vergleich zum Jahr 2010, um den Faktor 1000 gestiegen sein und 100 Exabyte überschreiten. Unglücklicherweise ist die verfügbare Bandbreite beschränkt und muss daher effizient genutzt werden. Schlüsseltechnologien, wie z.B. Mehrantennensysteme (multiple-input multiple-output, MIMO), orthogonale Frequenzmultiplexverfahren (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, OFDM) sowie weitere MIMO Codierverfahren, vergrößern die theoretisch erreichbare Kanalkapazität und kommen bereits in der Mehrheit der Mobil-funkstandards zum Einsatz. Auf der einen Seite verspricht MIMO-OFDM erhebliche Diversitäts- und/oder Kapazitätsgewinne. Auf der anderen Seite steigt die Komplexität der optimalen Maximum-Likelihood Detektion exponientiell und ist infolgedessen nicht haltbar. Zusätzlich wächst der benötigte Mehraufwand für die Kanalschätzung mit der Anzahl der verwendeten Antennen und reduziert dadurch die Bandbreiteneffizienz. Iterative Empfänger, die Datendetektion und Kanalschätzung im Verbund ausführen, sind potentielle Wegbereiter um den Mehraufwand des Trainings zu reduzieren und sich gleichzeitig der maximalen Kapazität mit geringerem Aufwand anzunähern. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird ein graphenbasierter Empfänger für iterative Datendetektion und Kanalschätzung entwickelt. Der vorgeschlagene multidimensionale Faktor Graph führt sogenannte Transferknoten ein, die die Korrelation benachbarter Kanalkoeffizienten in beliebigen Dimensionen, z.B. Zeit, Frequenz und Raum, ausnutzen. Hierdurch wird eine einfache und flexible Empfängerstruktur realisiert mit deren Hilfe weiche Kanalschätzung und Datendetektion in mehrdimensionalen, dispersiven Kanälen mit beliebiger Modulation und Codierung durchgeführt werden kann. Allerdings weist der Faktorgraph suboptimale Schleifen auf. Um die maximale Performance zu erreichen, wurde neben dem Ablauf des Nachrichtenaustausches und des Vorgangs zur Kombination von Nachrichten auch die Initialisierung speziell angepasst. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Methoden, bei denen mehrere Knoten zur Vermeidung von Schleifen zusammengefasst werden, verringern die vorgeschlagenen Methoden die leistungsmindernde Effekte von Schleifen, erhalten aber zugleich die geringe Komplexität des Empfängers. Zusätzlich wird ein neuartiger Detektionsalgorithmus vorgestellt, der baumbasierte Detektionsalgorithmen mit dem sogenannten Gauss-Detektor verknüpft. Der resultierende baumbasierte Gauss-Detektor (Gaussian tree search detector) lässt sich ideal in das graphenbasierte Framework einbinden und verringert weiter die Gesamtkomplexität des Empfängers. Zusätzlich wird Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) zum Zweck der initialen Kanalschätzung untersucht. Der biologisch inspirierte Algorithmus ist insbesonders wegen seiner schnellen Konvergenz zu einem akzeptablen MSE und seiner vielseitigen Abstimmungsmöglichkeiten auf eine Vielzahl von Optimierungsproblemen interessant. Da PSO keine a priori Informationen benötigt, ist er speziell für die Initialisierung geeignet. Sowohl ein kooperativer Ansatz für PSO für Antennensysteme mit extrem vielen Antennen als auch ein multi-objective PSO für Kanäle, die in Zeit und Frequenz dispersiv sind, werden evaluiert. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des multidimensionalen graphenbasierten iterativen Empfängers wird mit Hilfe von Monte Carlo Simulationen untersucht. Die Simulationsergebnisse werden mit denen eines dem Stand der Technik entsprechenden Empfängers verglichen. Es wird gezeigt, dass ähnliche oder bessere Ergebnisse mit geringerem Aufwand erreicht werden. Eine weitere ansprechende Eigenschaft von iterativen semi-blinden Kanalschätzern ist, dass der mögliche Abstand von Trainingssymbolen die Grenzen des Nyquist-Shannon Abtasttheorem überschreiten kann. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine Beziehung zwischen dem Trainingsabstand und dem Kanalcode formuliert. In Abhängigkeit des gewählten Kanalcodes und der Coderate folgt der maximale Trainingsabstand der vorgeschlagenen “coded sampling bound”

    MIMO Systems

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    In recent years, it was realized that the MIMO communication systems seems to be inevitable in accelerated evolution of high data rates applications due to their potential to dramatically increase the spectral efficiency and simultaneously sending individual information to the corresponding users in wireless systems. This book, intends to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of MIMO system, to offer a snapshot of the recent advances and major issues faced today by the researchers in the MIMO related areas. The book is written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world to cover the fundamental principles and main advanced topics on high data rates wireless communications systems over MIMO channels. Moreover, the book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Spatial diversity in MIMO communication systems with distributed or co-located antennas

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    The use of multiple antennas in wireless communication systems has gained much attention during the last decade. It was shown that such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems offer huge advantages over single-antenna systems. Typically, quite restrictive assumptions are made concerning the spacing of the individual antenna elements. On the one hand, it is typically assumed that the antenna elements at transmitter and receiver are co-located, i.e., they belong to some sort of antenna array. On the other hand, it is often assumed that the antenna spacings are sufficiently large, so as to justify the assumption of independent fading. In this thesis, the above assumptions are relaxed. In the first part, it is shown that MIMO systems with distributed antennas and MIMO systems with co-located antennas can be treated in a single, unifying framework. In the second part this fact is utilized, in order to develop appropriate transmit power allocation strategies for co-located and distributed MIMO systems. Finally, the third part focuses on specific synchronization problems that are of interest for distributed MIMO systems