141 research outputs found

    On Information-centric Resiliency and System-level Security in Constrained, Wireless Communication

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) interconnects many heterogeneous embedded devices either locally between each other, or globally with the Internet. These things are resource-constrained, e.g., powered by battery, and typically communicate via low-power and lossy wireless links. Communication needs to be secured and relies on crypto-operations that are often resource-intensive and in conflict with the device constraints. These challenging operational conditions on the cheapest hardware possible, the unreliable wireless transmission, and the need for protection against common threats of the inter-network, impose severe challenges to IoT networks. In this thesis, we advance the current state of the art in two dimensions. Part I assesses Information-centric networking (ICN) for the IoT, a network paradigm that promises enhanced reliability for data retrieval in constrained edge networks. ICN lacks a lower layer definition, which, however, is the key to enable device sleep cycles and exclusive wireless media access. This part of the thesis designs and evaluates an effective media access strategy for ICN to reduce the energy consumption and wireless interference on constrained IoT nodes. Part II examines the performance of hardware and software crypto-operations, executed on off-the-shelf IoT platforms. A novel system design enables the accessibility and auto-configuration of crypto-hardware through an operating system. One main focus is the generation of random numbers in the IoT. This part of the thesis further designs and evaluates Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) to provide novel randomness sources that generate highly unpredictable secrets, on low-cost devices that lack hardware-based security features. This thesis takes a practical view on the constrained IoT and is accompanied by real-world implementations and measurements. We contribute open source software, automation tools, a simulator, and reproducible measurement results from real IoT deployments using off-the-shelf hardware. The large-scale experiments in an open access testbed provide a direct starting point for future research

    Scalable and Secure Dynamic Key Management and Channel Aware Routing in Mobile Adhoc Networks

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    A MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) is an infrastructure-less self configuring wireless networks of routers. Key management is at the center of providing network security via cryptographic mechanisms with a high-availability feature. Dynamic key is the efficient assistance for network scalability. Routing protocol used here is a form of reactive routing called CA-AOMDV and compared with Table driven routing called DSDV. Channel aware routing protocol quality of the channel which can be measured in terms of suitable metrics. This paper leads to an emphasis on Black hole attack and to develop a dynamic key framework using RSA algorithm

    Review of Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This article presents a study of the state of the art of sensor networks wireless systems, which continue to develop and present a wide variety of Applications. These networks constitute a current and emerging field of study where combines the development of computers, wireless communications and devices mobile phones and integration with other disciplines such as agriculture, biology, medicine, etc. I know presents the main concept, components, topologies, standards, applications, problems and challenges, then delves into security solutions and concludes with basic simulation tools

    Study of environmentally sustainable security in wireless sensor networks

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    The popular technology Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are used in many fields of the application such as the medical, the military, the industry, the agricultural, etc.. In this paper, explains the security issues in the WSNs. Firstly explain the challenges of Wireless Sensor Networks, the security requirements such as Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity, Data Freshness, and Availability and the attacks in the WSNs, the security issues are accomplished via these classes: [the encryption algorithms (symmetric, asymmetric, hybrid) , the security protocols such as (Tinysec, SPINS, LEDS, Minisec, LEAP, MASA, Lightweight LCG, MiniSec, VEBEK of WSN), the secure data aggregation, and the key management,etc.]. Also, this paper concentrates on the study researches that fulfill the high level of the security in the WSNs

    A Guideline on Pseudorandom Number Generation (PRNG) in the IoT

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    Random numbers are an essential input to many functions on the Internet of Things (IoT). Common use cases of randomness range from low-level packet transmission to advanced algorithms of artificial intelligence as well as security and trust, which heavily rely on unpredictable random sources. In the constrained IoT, though, unpredictable random sources are a challenging desire due to limited resources, deterministic real-time operations, and frequent lack of a user interface. In this paper, we revisit the generation of randomness from the perspective of an IoT operating system (OS) that needs to support general purpose or crypto-secure random numbers. We analyse the potential attack surface, derive common requirements, and discuss the potentials and shortcomings of current IoT OSs. A systematic evaluation of current IoT hardware components and popular software generators based on well-established test suits and on experiments for measuring performance give rise to a set of clear recommendations on how to build such a random subsystem and which generators to use.Comment: 43 pages, 11 figures, 11 table

    Physiological Signal Based Biometrics for Securing Body Sensor Network

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    The design and implementation of a smartphone and Bluetooth-based criminal tracking system

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    This thesis describes the design and implementation of a real-time criminal tracking system. A criminal under tracking is asked to wear a low energy Bluetooth device and carry a smartphone. The Bluetooth device is secure on his body (e.g., hand or foot) and communicates with the smartphone, which communicates with a central server through cellular networks. The smartphone monitors the status of the Bluetooth device and reports to the server in real time when the status changes (e.g., connection lost or device being taken off). Moreover, it monitors the criminal\u27s movement and reports to the server whenever the criminal moves into an alert zone, a geographic region where the law enforcement wants the criminal\u27s movement to be tracked. Compared to the existing tracking approaches, our system has the following desired features. 1) Scalable. Instead of having a criminal to report its location all the time, the system allows one to configure where and when the criminal needs to be tracked, thus minimizing both mobile communication cost and server processing cost. 2) Low-cost. The system uses only off-shelf components (e.g., Bluetooth device and smartphone) which communicate through regular wireless networks. 3) Secure. The communication between a Bluetooth device and the corresponding smartphone is authenticated through One Time Password

    Survey on the state of the art of wireless sensor networks

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio del estado del arte de las redes de sensores inalámbricas, las cuales siguen un desarrollo creciente y presentan una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Estas redes constituyen un campo actual y emergente de estudio donde se combina el desarrollo de computadores, comunicaciones inalámbricas y dispositivos móviles e integración con otras disciplinas como agricultura, biología, medicina, etc. Se presenta el concepto principal, los componentes, topologías, estándares, aplicaciones, problemas y desafíos, luego se profundiza en soluciones de seguridad y se concluye con herramientas básicas de simulación.This article presents a survey of the state of the art of wireless sensor networks, which follows a growing development and a wide variety of applications. These networks provide a current and emerging field of study where combines the development of computers, wireless communications and mobile devices and integration with other disciplines such as agriculture, biology, medicine, etc. Presents the main concept, components, topologies, standards,  applications,  problems  and  challenges,  deepens  security  solutions  and conclude with basic tools of simulation

    Evaluation of Image Cryptography by Using Secret Session Key and SF Algorithm

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    In the unreliable domain of data communication, safeguarding information from unauthorized access is imperative. Given the widespread application of images across various fields, ensuring the confidentiality of image data holds paramount importance. This study centers on the session keys concept, addressing the challenge of key exchange between communicating parties through the development of a random-number generator based on the Linear Feedback Shift Register. Both encryption and decryption hinge on the Secure Force algorithm, supported by a generator. The proposed system outlined in this paper focuses on three key aspects. First, it addresses the generation of secure and randomly generated symmetric encryption keys. Second, it involves the ciphering of the secret image using the SF algorithm. Last, it deals with the extraction of the image by deciphering its encrypted version. The system’s performance is evaluated using image quality metrics, including histograms, peak signal-to-noise ratio, mean square error, normalized correlation, and normalized absolute error (NAE). These metrics provide insights into both encrypted and decrypted images, analyzing the extent to which the system preserves image quality. This assessment underscores the system’s capability to safeguard and maintain the confidentiality of images during data transmission