48 research outputs found

    The World-Wide Web past present and future, and its application to medicine

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    The World-Wide Web was first developed as a tool for collaboration in the high energy physics community. From there it spread rapidly to other fields, and grew to its present impressive size. As an easy way to access information, it has been a great success, and a huge number of medical applications have taken advantage of it. But there is another side to the Web, its potential as a tool for collaboration between people. Medical examples include telemedicine and teaching. New technical developments offer still greater potential in medical and other fields. This paper gives some background to the early development of the World-Wide Web, a brief overview of its present state with some examples relevant to medicine, and a look at the future

    Unwarranted variations modelling and analysis of healthcare services based on heterogeneous service data

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    There is a growing demand worldwide to increase the quality and productivity of healthcare services thereby increasing the value of the healthcare services delivered. To deal with these demands, increasingly importance is being placed on analysing and reducing unwarranted variations in healthcare services to achieve significant savings in healthcare expenditure. Unwarranted variations are defined as the variations in the utilisation of healthcare services that cannot be explained by variation in patient illness or patient preferences. Current modelling and simulation approaches for healthcare service efficiency and effectiveness improvements in hospitals do not utilise multiple types of heterogeneous service data such as qualitative information about hospital services and quantitative data such as historic system data, electronic patient records (EPR), and real time tracking data for analysing unwarranted variations in hospital. Consequently, due to the presence of large amount of unwarranted variations in the service delivery systems, service improvement efforts are often inadequate or ineffective. Therefore, there is urgent need to: (i) accurately and efficiently model complex care delivery services provided in hospital; (ii) develop integrated simulation model to analyse unwarranted variations on a care pathway of a hospitals; and, (iii) develop analytical and simulation models to analyse unwarranted variations from a care pathway. Current process modelling methods to represent healthcare services rely on simplified flowchart of patient flow obtained based on on-site observations and clinician workshops. However, gathering and documenting qualitative data from workshops is challenging. Furthermore, resulting models are insufficient in modelling important service interactions and hence the resulting models are often inaccurate. Therefore, a detailed and accurate process modelling methodology is proposed together with a systematic knowledge acquisition approach based on staff interviews. Traditional simulation models utilised simplified flow diagrams as an input together with the historic system data for analysing unwarranted variations on a care pathway. The resulting simulation models are often incomplete leading to oversimplified outputs from the conducted simulations. Therefore, an integrated simulation modelling approach is presented together with the capability to systematically use heterogeneous data to analyse unwarranted variations on service delivery process of a hospital. Maintaining and using care services pathway within hospitals to provide complex care to patients have challenges related to unwarranted variations from a care pathway. These variations from care pathway predominantly occur due ineffective decision making processes, unclear process steps, their interactions, conflicting performance measures for speciality units, and availability of resources. These variations from care pathway are largely unnecessary and lead to longer waiting times, delays, and lower productivity of care pathways. Therefore, methodologies for analysing unwarranted variations from a care pathway such as: (i) system variations (decision makers (roles) and decision making process); (ii) patient variations (patient diversion from care pathway); are discussed in this thesis. A system variations modelling methodology to model system variations in radiology based on real time tracking data is proposed. The methodology employs generalised concepts from graph theory to identify and represent system variations. In particular, edge coloured directed multi-graphs (ECDMs) are used to model system variations which are reflected in paths adopted by staff, i.e., sequence of rooms/areas traversed while delivering services. A pathway variations analysis (PVA) methodology is proposed which simulates patient diversions from the care pathway by modelling hospital operational parameters, assessing the accuracy of clinical decisions, and performance measures of speciality units involved in care pathway to suggest set-based solutions for reducing variations from care pathway. PVA employs the detailed service model of care pathway together with the electronic patient records (EPRs) and historic data. The main steps of the methodology are: (i) generate sample of patients for analysis; (ii) simulate patient diversions from care pathway; and, (iii) simulation analysis to suggest set-based solutions. The aforementioned unwarranted variations analysis approaches have been applied to Magnetic Resonance (MR) scanning process of radiology and stroke care pathway of a large UK hospital as a case study. Proposed improvement options contributed to achieve the performance target of stroke services

    Bodies of Seeing: A video ethnography of academic x-ray image interpretation training and professional vision in undergraduate radiology and radiography education

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    This thesis reports on a UK-based video ethnography of academic x-ray image interpretation training across two undergraduate courses in radiology and radiography. By studying the teaching and learning practices of the classroom, I initially explore the professional vision of x-ray image interpretation and how its relation to normal radiographic anatomy founds the practice of being ‘critical’. This criticality accomplishes a faculty of perceptual norms that is coded and organised and also, therefore, of a specific radiological vision. Professionals’ commitment to the cognitivist rhetoric of ‘looking at’/‘pattern recognition’ builds this critical perception, a perception that deepens in organisation when professionals endorse a ‘systematic approach’ that mediates matter-of-fact thoroughness and offers a helpful critical commentary towards the image. In what follows, I explore how x-ray image interpretation is constituted in case presentations. During training, x-ray images are treated with suspicion and as misleading and are aligned with a commitment to discursive contexts of ‘missed abnormality’, ‘interpretive risk’, and ‘technical error’. The image is subsequently constructed as ambiguous and that what is shown cannot be taken at face value. This interconnects with reenacting ideals around ‘seeing clearly’ that are explained through the teaching practices and material world of the academic setting and how, if misinterpretation is established, the ambiguity of the image is reduced by embodied gestures and technoscientific knowledge. By making this correction, the ambiguous image is reenacted and the misinterpretation of image content is explained. To conclude, I highlight how the professional vision of academic x-ray image interpretation prepares students for the workplace, shapes the classificatory interpretation of ab(normal) anatomy, manages ambiguity through embodied expectations and bodily norms, and cultivates body-machine relations

    The Design and Implementation of Online Radiology Modules Using the ADDIE Process and Rapid Prototyping

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    Medical schools in the United States have begun the process of changing the teaching methodologies used in the classroom. The traditional, teacher-centered environment is shifting toward a more student-centered, active learning environment. Part of this shift is the integration of online learning to deliver a continuously expanding medical curriculum by moving content learning outside the classroom and creating active learning activities for the classroom. As more medical schools adopt online learning as a supplemental teaching tool, medical education faculty are taking on the role of instructional designers without having any theoretical knowledge on adult learning theory or online learning practices. Schools are developing online learning materials without relying on an instructional design framework to guide the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the online curriculum. This can result in developing online materials that do not meet the intended objectives, are designed poorly, or do not incorporate learning principles specific to the way humans use computers to learn. At the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, the third year radiology clerkship is a requirement of the curriculum; however, the rotation only lasts two weeks, versus the four to seven weeks provided the other six rotations. Student group sessions led by the radiology clerkship director are limited to four hours in the afternoon, Monday through Friday. This limited time has driven the need to explore alternative solutions for the delivery of the learning material to students. This study seeks to apply an instructional design process, ADDIE, to the development of four e-learning modules for a third year, required, radiology clerkship course using the ADDIE process as a framework and incorporating a rapid prototyping approach. The purpose is to identify how to effectively implement an instructional design methodology, ADDIE, using rapid prototyping when developing supplemental online learning materials for a radiology clerkship course

    Data infrastructures and digital labour : the case of teleradiology

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    In this thesis, I investigate the effects of digitalisation in teleradiology, the practice of outsourcing radiology diagnosis, through an analysis of the role of infrastructures that enable the transfer, storage, and processing of digital medical data. Consisting of standards, code, protocols and hardware, these infrastructures contribute to the making of complex supply chains that intervene into existing labour processes and produce interdependent relations among radiologists, patients, data engineers, and auxiliary workers. My analysis focuses on three key infrastructures that facilitate teleradiology: Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), the Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) standard, and the Health Level 7 (HL7) standard. PACS is a system of four interconnected components: imaging hardware, a secure network, viewing stations for reading images, and data storage facilities. All of these components use DICOM, which specifies data formats and network protocols for the transfer of data within PACS. HL7 is a standard that defines data structures for the purposes of transfer between medical information systems. My research draws on fieldwork in teleradiology companies in Sydney, Australia, and Bangalore, India, which specialise in international outsourcing of medical imaging diagnostics and provide services for hospitals in Europe, USA, and Singapore, among others. I argue that PACS, DICOM, and HL7 establish a technopolitical context that erodes boundaries between social institutions of labour management and material infrastructures of data control. This intertwining of bureaucratic and infrastructural modes of regulation gives rise to a variety of strategies deployed by companies for maximising productivity, as well as counter-strategies of workers in leveraging mobility and qualifications to their advantage

    Design of a prototype human computer interface for serial neurological examination in patients with spinal injuries

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    Patients admitted with spinal injuries following trauma require careful serial examinations to detect any neurological deficit that may develop. Thorough documentation of the findings is of paramount importance. Enforced working practice within the NHS means that these patients are often assessed by different members of staff with varying levels of experience, thus inconsistent documentation can be a cause for concern.The project aim was to design a Human Computer Interface to standardise the performance and documentation of serial neurological examinations in patients with spinal injury, allowing the user to accurately detect any neurological deterioration.A prototype system was developed for ward based PC’s incorporating the essential requirements of the neurological examination. Usability testing was performed on the prototype by recruiting fifteen users who would be expected to routinely perform the neurological examination on spinal injury patients. Usability was defined by a number of well defined goals (impression, efficiency, learnability, memorability, safety and effectiveness) and methods used in the evaluation included direct observation during completion of tasks, a questionnaire and unstructured interview.Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. This data was subsequently analysed using descriptive and inferential methods. The results of the analysis showed that the users responded favourably to the prototype in respects to the all usability goals except efficiency. This lack of efficiency was expected due to the rigid nature of computer based systems compared to paper based methods of recording data but this disadvantage was more than compensated for by the increased patient safety that the system would provide.It can be concluded from the usability testing that the prototype achieves the aims of the project but further work is required in developing the prototype into a final interface design before beta testing in a clinical environment can be considered

    Clinical foundations and information architecture for the implementation of a federated health record service

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    Clinical care increasingly requires healthcare professionals to access patient record information that may be distributed across multiple sites, held in a variety of paper and electronic formats, and represented as mixtures of narrative, structured, coded and multi-media entries. A longitudinal person-centred electronic health record (EHR) is a much-anticipated solution to this problem, but its realisation is proving to be a long and complex journey. This Thesis explores the history and evolution of clinical information systems, and establishes a set of clinical and ethico-legal requirements for a generic EHR server. A federation approach (FHR) to harmonising distributed heterogeneous electronic clinical databases is advocated as the basis for meeting these requirements. A set of information models and middleware services, needed to implement a Federated Health Record server, are then described, thereby supporting access by clinical applications to a distributed set of feeder systems holding patient record information. The overall information architecture thus defined provides a generic means of combining such feeder system data to create a virtual electronic health record. Active collaboration in a wide range of clinical contexts, across the whole of Europe, has been central to the evolution of the approach taken. A federated health record server based on this architecture has been implemented by the author and colleagues and deployed in a live clinical environment in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Whittington Hospital in North London. This implementation experience has fed back into the conceptual development of the approach and has provided "proof-of-concept" verification of its completeness and practical utility. This research has benefited from collaboration with a wide range of healthcare sites, informatics organisations and industry across Europe though several EU Health Telematics projects: GEHR, Synapses, EHCR-SupA, SynEx, Medicate and 6WINIT. The information models published here have been placed in the public domain and have substantially contributed to two generations of CEN health informatics standards, including CEN TC/251 ENV 13606

    Visualisation of multi-dimensional medical images with application to brain electrical impedance tomography

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    Medical imaging plays an important role in modem medicine. With the increasing complexity and information presented by medical images, visualisation is vital for medical research and clinical applications to interpret the information presented in these images. The aim of this research is to investigate improvements to medical image visualisation, particularly for multi-dimensional medical image datasets. A recently developed medical imaging technique known as Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is presented as a demonstration. To fulfil the aim, three main efforts are included in this work. First, a novel scheme for the processmg of brain EIT data with SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping) to detect ROI (Regions of Interest) in the data is proposed based on a theoretical analysis. To evaluate the feasibility of this scheme, two types of experiments are carried out: one is implemented with simulated EIT data, and the other is performed with human brain EIT data under visual stimulation. The experimental results demonstrate that: SPM is able to localise the expected ROI in EIT data correctly; and it is reasonable to use the balloon hemodynamic change model to simulate the impedance change during brain function activity. Secondly, to deal with the absence of human morphology information in EIT visualisation, an innovative landmark-based registration scheme is developed to register brain EIT image with a standard anatomical brain atlas. Finally, a new task typology model is derived for task exploration in medical image visualisation, and a task-based system development methodology is proposed for the visualisation of multi-dimensional medical images. As a case study, a prototype visualisation system, named EIT5DVis, has been developed, following this methodology. to visualise five-dimensional brain EIT data. The EIT5DVis system is able to accept visualisation tasks through a graphical user interface; apply appropriate methods to analyse tasks, which include the ROI detection approach and registration scheme mentioned in the preceding paragraphs; and produce various visualisations

    An online belief rule-based group clinical decision support system

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    Around ten percent of patients admitted to National Health Service (NHS) hospitals have experienced a patient safety incident, and an important reason for the high rate of patient safety incidents is medical errors. Research shows that appropriate increase in the use of clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) could help to reduce medical errors and result in substantial improvement in patient safety. However several barriers continue to impede the effective implementation of CDSSs in clinical settings, among which representation of and reasoning about medical knowledge particularly under uncertainty are areas that require refined methodologies and techniques. Particularly, the knowledge base in a CDSS needs to be updated automatically based on accumulated clinical cases to provide evidence-based clinical decision support. In the research, we employed the recently developed belief Rule-base Inference Methodology using the Evidential Reasoning approach (RIMER) for design and development of an online belief rule-based group CDSS prototype. In the system, belief rule base (BRB) was used to model uncertain clinical domain knowledge, the evidential reasoning (ER) approach was employed to build inference engine, a BRB training module was developed for learning the BRB through accumulated clinical cases, and an online discussion forum together with an ER-based group preferences aggregation tool were developed for providing online clinical group decision support.We used a set of simulated patients in cardiac chest pain provided by our research collaborators in Manchester Royal Infirmary to validate the developed online belief rule-based CDSS prototype. The results show that the prototype can provide reliable diagnosis recommendations and the diagnostic performance of the system can be improved significantly after training BRB using accumulated clinical cases.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceManchester Business SchoolGBUnited Kingdo