Data infrastructures and digital labour : the case of teleradiology


In this thesis, I investigate the effects of digitalisation in teleradiology, the practice of outsourcing radiology diagnosis, through an analysis of the role of infrastructures that enable the transfer, storage, and processing of digital medical data. Consisting of standards, code, protocols and hardware, these infrastructures contribute to the making of complex supply chains that intervene into existing labour processes and produce interdependent relations among radiologists, patients, data engineers, and auxiliary workers. My analysis focuses on three key infrastructures that facilitate teleradiology: Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), the Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) standard, and the Health Level 7 (HL7) standard. PACS is a system of four interconnected components: imaging hardware, a secure network, viewing stations for reading images, and data storage facilities. All of these components use DICOM, which specifies data formats and network protocols for the transfer of data within PACS. HL7 is a standard that defines data structures for the purposes of transfer between medical information systems. My research draws on fieldwork in teleradiology companies in Sydney, Australia, and Bangalore, India, which specialise in international outsourcing of medical imaging diagnostics and provide services for hospitals in Europe, USA, and Singapore, among others. I argue that PACS, DICOM, and HL7 establish a technopolitical context that erodes boundaries between social institutions of labour management and material infrastructures of data control. This intertwining of bureaucratic and infrastructural modes of regulation gives rise to a variety of strategies deployed by companies for maximising productivity, as well as counter-strategies of workers in leveraging mobility and qualifications to their advantage

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