191 research outputs found


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    The developments of advanced non-linear control strategies have attracted a considerable research interests over the past decades especially in process control. Rather than an absolute reliance on mathematical models of process plants which often brings discrepancies especially owing to design errors and equipment degradation, non-linear models are however required because they provide improved prediction capabilities but they are very difficult to derive. In addition, the derivation of the global optimal solution gets more difficult especially when multivariable and non-linear systems are involved. Hence, this research investigates soft computing techniques for the implementation of a novel real time constrained non-linear model predictive controller (NMPC). The time-frequency localisation characteristics of wavelet neural network (WNN) were utilised for the non-linear models design using system identification approach from experimental data and improve upon the conventional artificial neural network (ANN) which is prone to low convergence rate and the difficulties in locating the global minimum point during training process. Salient features of particle swarm optimisation and a genetic algorithm (GA) were combined to optimise the network weights. Real time optimisation occurring at every sampling instant is achieved using a GA to deliver results both in simulations and real time implementation on coupled tank systems with further extension to a complex quadruple tank process in simulations. The results show the superiority of the novel WNN-NMPC approach in terms of the average controller energy and mean squared error over the conventional ANN-NMPC strategies and PID control strategy for both SISO and MIMO systemsPetroleum Training Development Fun

    Closed-loop control of anesthesia : survey on actual trends, challenges and perspectives

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    Automation empowers self-sustainable adaptive processes and personalized services in many industries. The implementation of the integrated healthcare paradigm built on Health 4.0 is expected to transform any area in medicine due to the lightning-speed advances in control, robotics, artificial intelligence, sensors etc. The two objectives of this article, as addressed to different entities, are: i) to raise awareness throughout the anesthesiologists about the usefulness of integrating automation and data exchange in their clinical practice for providing increased attention to alarming situations, ii) to provide the actualized insights of drug-delivery research in order to create an opening horizon towards precision medicine with significantly improved human outcomes. This article presents a concise overview on the recent evolution of closed-loop anesthesia delivery control systems by means of control strategies, depth of anesthesia monitors, patient modelling, safety systems, and validation in clinical trials. For decades, anesthesia control has been in the midst of transformative changes, going from simple controllers to integrative strategies of two or more components, but not achieving yet the breakthrough of an integrated system. However, the scientific advances that happen at high speed need a modern review to identify the current technological gaps, societal implications, and implementation barriers. This article provides a good basis for control research in clinical anesthesia to endorse new challenges for intelligent systems towards individualized patient care. At this connection point of clinical and engineering frameworks through (semi-) automation, the following can be granted: patient safety, economical efficiency, and clinicians' efficacy

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 1999

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    New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

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    The book New Approaches in Automation and Robotics offers in 22 chapters a collection of recent developments in automation, robotics as well as control theory. It is dedicated to researchers in science and industry, students, and practicing engineers, who wish to update and enhance their knowledge on modern methods and innovative applications. The authors and editor of this book wish to motivate people, especially under-graduate students, to get involved with the interesting field of robotics and mechatronics. We hope that the ideas and concepts presented in this book are useful for your own work and could contribute to problem solving in similar applications as well. It is clear, however, that the wide area of automation and robotics can only be highlighted at several spots but not completely covered by a single book

    A low computational cost, prioritized, multi-objective optimization procedure for predictive control towards cyber physical systems

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    Cyber physical systems consist of heterogeneous elements with multiple dynamic features. Consequently, multiple objectives in the optimality of the overall system may be relevant at various times or during certain context conditions. Low cost, efficient implementations of such multi-objective optimization procedures are necessary when dealing with complex systems with interactions. This work proposes a sequential implementation of a multi-objective optimization procedure suitable for industrial settings and cyber physical systems with strong interaction dynamics. The methodology is used in the context of an Extended Prediction self-adaptive Control (EPSAC) strategy with prioritized objectives. The analysis indicates that the proposed algorithm is significantly lighter in terms of computational time. The combination with an input-output formulation for predictive control makes these algorithms suitable for implementation with standardized process control units. Three simulation examples from different application fields indicate the relevance and feasibility of the proposed algorithm

    Metaheuristic-Based Algorithms for Optimizing Fractional-Order Controllers—A Recent, Systematic, and Comprehensive Review

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    Metaheuristic optimization algorithms (MHA) play a significant role in obtaining the best (optimal) values of the system’s parameters to improve its performance. This role is significantly apparent when dealing with systems where the classical analytical methods fail. Fractional-order (FO) systems have not yet shown an easy procedure to deal with the determination of their optimal parameters through traditional methods. In this paper, a recent, systematic. And comprehensive review is presented to highlight the role of MHA in obtaining the best set of gains and orders for FO controllers. The systematic review starts by exploring the most relevant publications related to the MHA and the FO controllers. The study is focused on the most popular controllers such as the FO-PI, FO-PID, FO Type-1 fuzzy-PID, and FO Type-2 fuzzy-PID. The time domain is restricted in the articles published through the last decade (2014:2023) in the most reputed databases such as Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The identified number of papers, from the entire databases, has reached 850 articles. A Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology was applied to the initial set of articles to be screened and filtered to end up with a final list that contains 82 articles. Then, a thorough and comprehensive study was applied to the final list. The results showed that Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is the most attractive optimizer to the researchers to be used in the optimal parameters identification of the FO controllers as it attains about 25% of the published papers. In addition, the papers that used PSO as an optimizer have gained a high citation number despite the fact that the Chaotic Atom Search Optimization (ChASO) is the highest one, but it is used only once. Furthermore, the Integral of the Time-Weighted Absolute Error (ITAE) is the best nominated cost function. Based on our comprehensive literature review, this appears to be the first review paper that systematically and comprehensively addresses the optimization of the parameters of the fractional-order PI, PID, Type-1, and Type-2 fuzzy controllers with the use of MHAs. Therefore, the work in this paper can be used as a guide for researchers who are interested in working in this field

    Advances in PID Control

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    Since the foundation and up to the current state-of-the-art in control engineering, the problems of PID control steadily attract great attention of numerous researchers and remain inexhaustible source of new ideas for process of control system design and industrial applications. PID control effectiveness is usually caused by the nature of dynamical processes, conditioned that the majority of the industrial dynamical processes are well described by simple dynamic model of the first or second order. The efficacy of PID controllers vastly falls in case of complicated dynamics, nonlinearities, and varying parameters of the plant. This gives a pulse to further researches in the field of PID control. Consequently, the problems of advanced PID control system design methodologies, rules of adaptive PID control, self-tuning procedures, and particularly robustness and transient performance for nonlinear systems, still remain as the areas of the lively interests for many scientists and researchers at the present time. The recent research results presented in this book provide new ideas for improved performance of PID control applications

    Development of Self-Learning Type-2 Fuzzy Systems for System Identification and Control of Autonomous Systems

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    Modelling and control of dynamic systems are faced by multiple technical challenges, mainly due to the nature of uncertain complex, nonlinear, and time-varying systems. Traditional modelling techniques require a complete understanding of system dynamics and obtaining comprehensive mathematical models is not always achievable due to limited knowledge of the systems as well as the presence of multiple uncertainties in the environment. As universal approximators, fuzzy logic systems (FLSs), neural networks (NNs) and neuro-fuzzy systems have proved to be successful computational tools for representing the behaviour of complex dynamical systems. Moreover, FLSs, NNs and learning-based techniques have been gaining popularity for controlling complex, ill-defined, nonlinear, and time-varying systems in the face of uncertainties. However, fuzzy rules derived by experts can be too ad-hoc, and the performance is less than optimum. In other words, generating fuzzy rules and membership functions in fuzzy systems is a potential challenge especially for systems with many variables. Moreover, under the umbrella of FLSs, although type-1 fuzzy logic control systems (T1-FLCs) have been applied to control various complex nonlinear systems, they have limited capability to handle uncertainties. Aiming to accommodate uncertainties, type-2 fuzzy logic control systems (T2-FLCs) were established. This thesis aims to address the shortcomings of existing fuzzy techniques by utilisation of type-2 FLCs with novel adaptive capabilities. The first contribution of this thesis is a novel online system identification technique by means of a recursive interval type-2 Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy C-means clustering technique (IT2-TS-FC) to accommodate the footprint-of-uncertainties (FoUs). This development is meant to specifically address the shortcomings of type-1 fuzzy systems in capturing the footprint-of-uncertainties such as mechanical wear, rotor damage, battery drain and sensor and actuator faults. Unlike previous type-2 TS fuzzy models, the proposed method constructs two fuzzifiers (upper and lower) and two regression coefficients in the consequent part to handle uncertainties. The weighted least square method is employed to compute the regression coefficients. The proposed method is validated using two benchmarks, namely, real flight test data of a quadcopter drone and Mackey-Glass time series data. The algorithm has the capability to model uncertainties (e.g., noisy dataset). The second contribution of this thesis is the development of a novel self-adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy controller named the SAF2C for controlling multi-input multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems. The adaptation law is derived using sliding mode control (SMC) theory to reduce the computation time so that the learning process can be expedited by 80% compared to separate single-input single-output (SISO) controllers. The system employs the `Enhanced Iterative Algorithm with Stop Condition' (EIASC) type-reduction method, which is more computationally efficient than the `Karnik-Mendel' type-reduction algorithm. The stability of the SAF2C is proven using the Lyapunov technique. To ensure the applicability of the proposed control scheme, SAF2C is implemented to control several dynamical systems, including a simulated MIMO hexacopter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the face of external disturbance and parameter variations. The ability of SAF2C to filter the measurement noise is demonstrated, where significant improvement is obtained using the proposed controller in the face of measurement noise. Also, the proposed closed-loop control system is applied to control other benchmark dynamic systems (e.g., a simulated autonomous underwater vehicle and inverted pendulum on a cart system) demonstrating high accuracy and robustness to variations in system parameters and external disturbance. Another contribution of this thesis is a novel stand-alone enhanced self-adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy controller named the ESAF2C algorithm, whose type-2 fuzzy parameters are tuned online using the SMC theory. This way, we expect to design a computationally efficient adaptive Type-2 fuzzy system, suitable for real-time applications by introducing the EIASC type-reducer. The proposed technique is applied on a quadcopter UAV (QUAV), where extensive simulations and real-time flight tests for a hovering QUAV under wind disturbances are also conducted to validate the efficacy of the ESAF2C. Specifically, the control performance is investigated in the face of external wind gust disturbances, generated using an industrial fan. Stability analysis of the ESAF2C control system is investigated using the Lyapunov theory. Yet another contribution of this thesis is the development of a type-2 evolving fuzzy control system (T2-EFCS) to facilitate self-learning (either from scratch or from a certain predefined rule). T2-EFCS has two phases, namely, the structure learning and the parameters learning. The structure of T2-EFCS does not require previous information about the fuzzy structure, and it can start the construction of its rules from scratch with only one rule. The rules are then added and pruned in an online fashion to achieve the desired set-point. The proposed technique is applied to control an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) in the presence of multiple external disturbances demonstrating the robustness of the proposed control systems. The proposed approach turns out to be computationally efficient as the system employs fewer fuzzy parameters while maintaining superior control performance
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