651 research outputs found

    A Tabu Search Based Approach for Graph Layout

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    This paper describes an automated tabu search based method for drawing general graph layouts with straight lines. To our knowledge, this is the first time tabu methods have been applied to graph drawing. We formulated the task as a multi-criteria optimization problem with a number of metrics which are used in a weighted fitness function to measure the aesthetic quality of the graph layout. The main goal of this work is to speed up the graph layout process without sacrificing layout quality. To achieve this, we use a tabu search based method that goes through a predefined number of iterations to minimize the value of the fitness function. Tabu search always chooses the best solution in the neighbourhood. This may lead to cycling, so a tabu list is used to store moves that are not permitted, meaning that the algorithm does not choose previous solutions for a set period of time. We evaluate the method according to the time spent to draw a graph and the quality of the drawn graphs. We give experimental results applied on random graphs and we provide statistical evidence that our method outperforms a fast search-based drawing method (hill climbing) in execution time while it produces comparably good graph layouts.We also demonstrate the method on real world graph datasets to show that we can reproduce similar results in a real world setting

    Finding Optimal Cayley Map Embeddings Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Genetic algorithms are a commonly used metaheuristic search method aimed at solving complex optimization problems in a variety of fields. These types of algorithms lend themselves to problems that can incorporate stochastic elements, which allows for a wider search across a search space. However, the nature of the genetic algorithm can often cause challenges regarding time-consumption. Although the genetic algorithm may be widely applicable to various domains, it is not guaranteed that the algorithm will outperform other traditional search methods in solving problems specific to particular domains. In this paper, we test the feasibility of genetic algorithms in solving a common optimization problem in topological graph theory. In the study of Cayley maps, one problem that arises is how one can optimally embed a Cayley map of a complete graph onto an orientable surface with the least amount of holes on the surface as possible. One useful application of this optimization problem is in the design of circuit boards since such a process involves minimizing the number of layers that are required to build the circuit while still ensuring that none of the wires will cross. In this paper, we study complete graphs of the form K_12m + 7 for positive integers m and we work on mappings with the finite cyclic group Z_n. We develop several baseline search algorithms to first gain an understanding of the search space and its complexity. Then, we employ two different approaches to building the genetic algorithm and compare their performances in finding optimal Cayley map embeddings

    Examination timetabling automation using hybrid meta-heuristics

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    Trabalho de projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de ComputadoresNos últimos anos, o tema da geração automática de horários tem sido alvo de muito estudo. Em muitas instituições, a elaboração de horários ainda é feita manualmente, constituindo-se uma tarefa demorada e penosa para instâncias de grande dimensão. Outro problema recorrente na abordagem manual é a existência de falhas dada a dificuldade do processo de verificação, e também a qualidade final do horário produzido. Se este fosse criado por computador, o horário seria válido e seriam de esperar horários com qualidade superior dada a capacidade do computador para pesquisar o espaço de soluções. A elaboração de horários não é uma tarefa fácil, mesmo para uma máquina. Por exemplo, horários escolares necessitam de seguir certas regras para que seja possível a criação de um horário válido. Mas como o espaço de estados (soluções) válidas é tão vasto, é impraticável criar um algoritmo que faça a enumeração completa de soluções a fim de escolher a melhor solução possível. Por outro lado, a utilização de algoritmos que realizam a enumeração implícita de soluções (por exemplo, branch and bound), não é viável para problemas de grande dimensão. A utilização de heurísticas que percorrem de uma forma guiada o espaço de estados, conseguindo assim uma solução razoável em tempo útil, constituem uma abordagem adequada para este tipo de problemas. Um dos objetivos do projeto consiste na criação duma abordagem que siga as regras do International Timetabling Competition (ITC) 2007 incidindo na criação de horários de exames em universidades (Examination timetabling track). Este projeto utiliza uma abordagem de heurísticas híbridas. Isto significa que utiliza múltiplas heurísticas para obter a melhor solução possível. Utiliza uma variação da heurística de Graph Coloring para obter uma solução válida e as meta-heurísticas Simulated Annealing e Hill Climbing para melhorar a solução obtida. Os resultados finais são satisfatórios, pois em algumas instâncias os resultados são melhores do que alguns dos cinco finalistas do concurso ITC 2007.Abstract: In the last few years the automatic creation of timetables is being a well-studied subject. In many institutions, the elaboration of timetables is still manual, thus being a time-consuming and difficulty task for large instances. Another current problem in the manual approach is the existence of failures given the difficulty in the process verification, and so the quality of the produced timetable. If this timetable had been created by a computer, the timetable would be valid and timetables with better quality should be obtained, given the computer’s capacity to search the solution space. It is not easy to elaborate timetables, even for a machine. For example, scholar/university timetables need to follow certain type of constraints or rules for them to be considered valid. But since the solution space is so vast, it is highly unlikely to create an algorithm that completely enumerates the solutions in order to choose the best solution possible, considering the problem structure. The use of algorithms that perform implicit enumeration solutions (for example, an branch bound), is not feasible for large problems. Hence the use of heuristics which navigate through the solution space in a guided way, obtaining then a reasonable solution in acceptable time. One main objective of this project consists in creating an approach that follows the International Timetabling Competition (ITC) 2007 rules, focusing on creating examination timetables. This project will use a hybrid approach. This means it will use an approach that includes multiple heuristics in order to find the best possible solution. This approach uses a variant of the Graph Coloring heuristic to find an initial valid solution, and the metaheuristics Simulated Annealing and Hill Climbing to improve that solution. The final results are satisfactory, as in some instances the obtained results beat the results of some of the five finalists from ITC 2007

    Scheduling Problems

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    Scheduling is defined as the process of assigning operations to resources over time to optimize a criterion. Problems with scheduling comprise both a set of resources and a set of a consumers. As such, managing scheduling problems involves managing the use of resources by several consumers. This book presents some new applications and trends related to task and data scheduling. In particular, chapters focus on data science, big data, high-performance computing, and Cloud computing environments. In addition, this book presents novel algorithms and literature reviews that will guide current and new researchers who work with load balancing, scheduling, and allocation problems

    An adaptive hybrid genetic-annealing approach for solving the map problem on belief networks

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    Genetic algorithms (GAs) and simulated annealing (SA) are two important search methods that have been used successfully in solving difficult problems such as combinatorial optimization problems. Genetic algorithms are capable of wide exploration of the search space, while simulated annealing is capable of fine tuning a good solution. Combining both techniques may result in achieving the benefits of both and improving the quality of the solutions obtained. Several attempts have been made to hybridize GAs and SA. One such attempt was to augment a standard GA with simulated annealing as a genetic operator. SA in that case acted as a directed or intelligent mutation operator as opposed to the random, undirected mutation operator of GAs. Although using this technique showed some advantages over GA used alone, one problem was to find fixed global annealing parameters that work for all solutions and all stages in the search process. Failing to find optimum annealing parameters affects the quality of the solution obtained and may degrade performance. In this research, we try to overcome this weakness by introducing an adaptive hybrid GA - SA algorithm, in which simulated annealing acts as a special case of mutation. However, the annealing operator used in this technique is adaptive in the sense that the annealing parameters are evolved and optimized according to the requirements of the search process. Adaptation is expected to help guide the search towards optimum solutions with minimum effort of parameter optimization. The algorithm is tested in solving an important NP-hard problem, which is the MAP (Maximum a-Posteriori) assignment problem on BBNs (Bayesian Belief Networks). The algorithm is also augmented with some problem specific information used to design a new GA crossover operator. The results obtained from testing the algorithm on several BBN graphs with large numbers of nodes and different network structures indicate that the adaptive hybrid algorithm provides an improvement of solution quality over that obtained by GA used alone and GA augmented with standard non-adaptive simulated annealing. Its effect, however, is more profound for problems with large numbers of nodes, which are difficult for GA alone to solve

    Solving Challenging Real-World Scheduling Problems

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    This work contains a series of studies on the optimization of three real-world scheduling problems, school timetabling, sports scheduling and staff scheduling. These challenging problems are solved to customer satisfaction using the proposed PEAST algorithm. The customer satisfaction refers to the fact that implementations of the algorithm are in industry use. The PEAST algorithm is a product of long-term research and development. The first version of it was introduced in 1998. This thesis is a result of a five-year development of the algorithm. One of the most valuable characteristics of the algorithm has proven to be the ability to solve a wide range of scheduling problems. It is likely that it can be tuned to tackle also a range of other combinatorial problems. The algorithm uses features from numerous different metaheuristics which is the main reason for its success. In addition, the implementation of the algorithm is fast enough for real-world use.Siirretty Doriast

    Analysis of combinatorial search spaces for a class of NP-hard problems, An

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    2011 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Given a finite but very large set of states X and a real-valued objective function ƒ defined on X, combinatorial optimization refers to the problem of finding elements of X that maximize (or minimize) ƒ. Many combinatorial search algorithms employ some perturbation operator to hill-climb in the search space. Such perturbative local search algorithms are state of the art for many classes of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems such as maximum k-satisfiability, scheduling, and problems of graph theory. In this thesis we analyze combinatorial search spaces by expanding the objective function into a (sparse) series of basis functions. While most analyses of the distribution of function values in the search space must rely on empirical sampling, the basis function expansion allows us to directly study the distribution of function values across regions of states for combinatorial problems without the need for sampling. We concentrate on objective functions that can be expressed as bounded pseudo-Boolean functions which are NP-hard to solve in general. We use the basis expansion to construct a polynomial-time algorithm for exactly computing constant-degree moments of the objective function ƒ over arbitrarily large regions of the search space. On functions with restricted codomains, these moments are related to the true distribution by a system of linear equations. Given low moments supplied by our algorithm, we construct bounds of the true distribution of ƒ over regions of the space using a linear programming approach. A straightforward relaxation allows us to efficiently approximate the distribution and hence quickly estimate the count of states in a given region that have certain values under the objective function. The analysis is also useful for characterizing properties of specific combinatorial problems. For instance, by connecting search space analysis to the theory of inapproximability, we prove that the bound specified by Grover's maximum principle for the Max-Ek-Lin-2 problem is sharp. Moreover, we use the framework to prove certain configurations are forbidden in regions of the Max-3-Sat search space, supplying the first theoretical confirmation of empirical results by others. Finally, we show that theoretical results can be used to drive the design of algorithms in a principled manner by using the search space analysis developed in this thesis in algorithmic applications. First, information obtained from our moment retrieving algorithm can be used to direct a hill-climbing search across plateaus in the Max-k-Sat search space. Second, the analysis can be used to control the mutation rate on a (1+1) evolutionary algorithm on bounded pseudo-Boolean functions so that the offspring of each search point is maximized in expectation. For these applications, knowledge of the search space structure supplied by the analysis translates to significant gains in the performance of search

    Clustering Arabic Tweets for Sentiment Analysis

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    The focus of this study is to evaluate the impact of linguistic preprocessing and similarity functions for clustering Arabic Twitter tweets. The experiments apply an optimized version of the standard K-Means algorithm to assign tweets into positive and negative categories. The results show that root-based stemming has a significant advantage over light stemming in all settings. The Averaged Kullback-Leibler Divergence similarity function clearly outperforms the Cosine, Pearson Correlation, Jaccard Coefficient and Euclidean functions. The combination of the Averaged Kullback-Leibler Divergence and root-based stemming achieved the highest purity of 0.764 while the second-best purity was 0.719. These results are of importance as it is contrary to normal-sized documents where, in many information retrieval applications, light stemming performs better than root-based stemming and the Cosine function is commonly used