8 research outputs found

    Integration of optical communications in an underwater docking station

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    As problems within underwater communication arise, there is a need to transfer data at high rates. For this reason, optical communication is deployed for underwater systems.This thesis proposes an optical communication protocol between an underwater station and an AUV, designed to ensure reliable communication while maintaining high speeds of transmission


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    Underwater wireless sensors networks find many applications in today's life. However underwater sensors are still relatively expensive. They suffer from short lifetime which is limited by batteries lifetime as it is difficult to recharge or even replace batteries in harsh aquatic medium. When the battery is depleted the sensor is of no use anymore. So designing energy efficient communication protocols is an important issue for underwater sensors networks. Underwater is characterized by variable channel conditions, whereas underwater sensors are mobile due to water currents leading to variable distances between sensors. This variability in channel conditions and distances between sensors leads to inefficiency in energy consumptions when using fixed type of error correction technique. In this thesis, a mathematical energy efficiency derivations for the two main error correction techniques (Automatic Repeat request (ARQ) and Forward Error Correction (FEC)) in underwater environment has been done. The results from those derivations show that one technique is more energy efficient than the other below specific distance, where as the other is more energy efficient after this distance. This specific distance is found to be unfixed and varies with the variation in channel conditions and packet size. So using fixed error correction technique for specific distance is not accurate. Simulation has been done which validate the mathematical derivations. Based on the above derivation results Adaptive Hybrid Error Correction (AHEC) technique which adaptively changes the error correction technique to the technique that gives the highest energy efficiency for the current channel conditions and distances has been proposed. The technique uses an adaptation algorithm which depends on a pre-calculated packet acceptance rate (PAR) ranges look-up table, current PAR, packet length and current error correction technique used. AHEC viii technique has been found to have better energy saving compared with the techniques that depend on pure ARQ or FEC only. This saving ranges from 10 to 70 % in energy saving in ARQ case , and 7 to 10 % in energy saving in FEC case depending on current channel conditions and distance .It has also been compared with the technique that uses variable power supply in adaptation (Adaptive Variable Power Supply (AVPS)) and it achieves between 20 to 60 % in energy saving depending on current channel conditions and distance. It has also been compared with Adaptive Redundancy Reliable Transport Protocol (ARRTP), and it achieves between 10 to 80 % in energy saving depending on the current channel conditions and distance. The adaptation algorithm which depends on PAR has also been applied in adaptation to the ARRTP which originally depends only on inter-node distance in adaptation. PAR take both of distance and channel conditions into consideration. This technique is called PAR-based ARRTP, and the results shows better adaptation than the basic ARRTP in variable channel conditions cases. AHEC technique has also been applied with the bounded distance routing protocol to minimize the effects of variable channel conditions. Bounded distance routing protocol design depends on choosing specific number of relays between sender and receiver that minimize the total energy consumptions. This specific number of relays varies with the variation in channel conditions. The results show a deviation in number of relays from 6 when fixed error correction technique is used to only 2 when AHEC technique is used with it

    Energy Efficiency in Communications and Networks

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    The topic of "Energy Efficiency in Communications and Networks" attracts growing attention due to economical and environmental reasons. The amount of power consumed by information and communication technologies (ICT) is rapidly increasing, as well as the energy bill of service providers. According to a number of studies, ICT alone is responsible for a percentage which varies from 2% to 10% of the world power consumption. Thus, driving rising cost and sustainability concerns about the energy footprint of the IT infrastructure. Energy-efficiency is an aspect that until recently was only considered for battery driven devices. Today we see energy-efficiency becoming a pervasive issue that will need to be considered in all technology areas from device technology to systems management. This book is seeking to provide a compilation of novel research contributions on hardware design, architectures, protocols and algorithms that will improve the energy efficiency of communication devices and networks and lead to a more energy proportional technology infrastructure

    Network coding for computer networking

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    Conventional communication networks route data packets in a store-and-forward mode. A router buffers received packets and forwards them intact towards their intended destination. Network Coding (NC), however, generalises this method by allowing the router to perform algebraic operations on the packets before forwarding them. The purpose of NC is to improve the network performance to achieve its maximum capacity also known as max-flow min-cut bound. NC has become very well established in the field of information theory, however, practical implementations in real-world networks is yet to be explored. In this thesis, new implementations of NC are brought forward. The effect of NC on flow error control protocols and queuing over computer networks is investigated by establishing and designing a mathematical and simulation framework. One goal of such investigation is to understand how NC technique can reduce the number of packets required to acknowledge the reception of those sent over the network while error-control schemes are employed. Another goal is to control the network queuing stability by reducing the number of packets required to convey a set of information. A custom-built simulator based on SimEvents® has been developed in order to model several scenarios within this approach. The work in this thesis is divided into two key parts. The objective of the first part is to study the performance of communication networks employing error control protocols when NC is adopted. In particular, two main Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) schemes are invoked, namely the Stop-and-Wait (SW) and Selective Repeat (SR) ARQ. Results show that in unicast point-to point communication, the proposed NC scheme offers an increase in the throughput over traditional SW ARQ between 2.5% and 50.5% at each link, with negligible decoding delay. Additionally, in a Butterfly network, SR ARQ employing NC achieves a throughput gain between 22% and 44% over traditional SR ARQ when the number of incoming links to the intermediate node varies between 2 and 5. Moreover, in an extended Butterfly network, NC offered a throughput increase of up to 48% under an error-free scenario and 50% in the presence of errors. Despite the extensive research on synchronous NC performance in various fields, little has been said about its queuing behaviour. One assumption is that packets are served following a Poisson distribution. The packets from different streams are coded prior to being served and then exit through only one stream. This study determines the arrival distribution that coded packets follow at the serving node. In general this leads to study general queuing systems of type G/M/1. Hence, the objective of the second part of this study is twofold. The study aims to determine the distribution of the coded packets and estimate the waiting time faced by coded packets before their complete serving process. Results show that NC brings a new solution for queuing stability as evidenced by the small waiting time the coded packets spend in the intermediate node queue before serving. This work is further enhanced by studying the server utilization in traditional routing and NC scenarios. NC-based M/M/1 with finite capacity K is also analysed to investigate packet loss probability for both scenarios. Based on the results achieved, the utilization of NC in error-prone and long propagation delay networks is recommended. Additionally, since the work provides an insightful prediction of particular networks queuing behaviour, employing synchronous NC can bring a solution for systems’ stability with packet-controlled sources and limited input buffers

    Network Science for IoT

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    The research work presented in this thesis is based on the concept and defintion of network that can spread in several and different real world contexts. Indeed, we can refer to a network in a telecommunications sense considering a collection of transmitters, receivers, and communication channels that send or are used to send information to one another. However, as a matter of fact, in nature there are other several examples of networks: the human brain is one of them. The relationship between the actors in Hollywood can be studied in terms of network as well, a generic social community can be compared to a network, eco-systems are networks of species. The recent Network Science aims at studying all these systems using a set of common mathematical methods. In the following of the thesis, we will focus on some of well known telecommunications networks issues using standard telecommunications procedures to address them, with relevant reference to video flow transmissions and management of electric vehicles networks. At the same time, different models aiming at reach the same goals in contexts that may differ from a telecommunications setup can be used. In more details, we will evaluate queueing systems, jamming problems, groups recognition in networks, and mobile computing using game theoretic approaches. It is worth noting that this aspect can be also seen in a reverse order. Indeed, we will discuss how standard telecommunications analysis can be used to investigate on problems not directly related to a telecommunications background. In particular, one of our future purposes is to investigate on the brain connectivity that is raising significant interest in the recent scientific society

    Error control in bacterial quorum communications

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    Quorum sensing (QS) is used to describe the communication between bacterial cells, whereby a coordinated population response is controlled through the synthesis, accumulation and subsequent sensing of specific diffusible chemical signals called autoinducers, enabling a cluster of bacteria to regulate gene expression and behavior collectively and synchronously, and assess their own population. As a promising method of molecular communication (MC), bacterial populations can be programmed as bio-transceivers to establish information transmission using molecules. In this work, to investigate the key features for MC, a bacterial QS system is introduced, which contains two clusters of bacteria, specifically Vibrio fischeri, as the transmitter node and receiver node, and the diffusive channel. The transmitted information is represented by the concentration of autoinducers with on-off keying (OOK) modulation. In addition, to achieve better reliability and energy efficiency, different error control techniques, including forward error correction (FEC) and Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) are taken into consideration. For FEC, this work presents a comparison of the performance of traditional Hamming codes, Minimum Energy Codes (MEC) and Luby Transform (LT) codes over the channel. In addition, it applied several ARQ protocols, namely Stop-N-Wait (SW-ARQ), Go-Back-N (GBN-ARQ), and Selective-Repeat (SR-ARQ) combined with error detection codes to achieve better reliability. Results show that both the FEC and ARQ techniques can enhance the channel reliability, and that ARQ can resolve the issue of out-of-sequence and duplicate packet delivery. Moreover, this work further addresses the question of optimal frame size for data communication in this channel capacity and energy constrained bacterial quorum communication system. A novel energy model which is constructed using the experimental validated synthetic logic gates has been proposed to help with the optimization process. The optimal fixed frame length is determined for a set of channel parameters by maximizing the throughput and energy efficiency matrix

    D13.1 Fundamental issues on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.1 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the current status in the research area of energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking and highlights the fundamental issues still open for further investigation. Furthermore, the report presents the Joint Research Activities (JRAs) which will be performed within WP1.3. For each activity there is the description, the identification of the adherence with the identified fundamental open issues, a presentation of the initial results, and a roadmap for the planned joint research work in each topic.Preprin